Demi-Fiend/Naoki Kashima


Shin Megami Tensei fan girl

Name (Who are they?):

Naoki Kashima

Nickname (What do people call them?)(If applicable):


Age (How many years have they been alive?):


Gender (Boy, Girl, Etc):


Sexuality (What gender do they like?)(Why do people always put this here?... Eh... I'm gonna be a conformist):


Species (What type of person they are (Human, Mermaid, Etc)):


Powers (What special abilities do they have?)(If Applicable):

He can use "magic" of the electric, fire, wind (force), Death, Light, ice, healing and fog variety. 

Fandom (What they're from):

Shin Megami Tensei

Personality (What do they act like?):

Demi-Fiend is naive and quick to trust others. He his more of a quiet person. He tends to keep to himself and won't really talk to anybody. He is however, open to introducing himself to others and even ask them if they would like to join him, but after that, he won't talk much unless spoken to. even though he is quiet, he is confident. He always thinks the best of his abilities especially when it comes to his strength.  He is also hard-headed. Once he sets his goal, he will stop at no cost to achieve said goal. He cares about is friends and team, and he would do anything for them.

Biography (What was life like before the RP?):

Demi-Fiend was a normal high school student, one day, he and his friends were told to meet his teacher at the hospital. While there, he looked around the place while he waited for his teacher. He entered a room and there was a man standing in there. He told Demi-Fiend how the world would soon end and that he was going to kill Demi-Fiend. Then his teacher came in and stopped the man. She told Demi-fiend to meet her on the roof. Once there, she began to tell him about how she and the man were part of a cult and planned to bring an end to the world and create a new one run by demons. This plan was called the conception. She said it was too late to stop and that they all were going to die. In the middle of her speech, a bright light appeared in the sky and a dome was formed around Tokyo. He passed out. He awoke to see an old woman and a young child. In short, the child was Lucifer and had taken an interest in Demi-Fiend. He was turned into a demon (this is how he lived the conception) and awoke (for real this time) to a destroyed Tokyo with his friends nowhere in sight.  (This is the first 30mins of the game. Sorry if it's not accurate. I haven't seen the beginning of the game in while.)

After that, he found himself having the defend himself from many of different threats. Someone of which was his former friends. All in order to find a purpose for him to believe in. 

Other (Anything Else?)(If Applicable):

When he is weak, his "tattoos" glow red.

Another picture


Name (Who are they?):

Naoki Kashima

Nickname (What do people call them?)(If applicable):


Age (How many years have they been alive?):


Gender (Boy, Girl, Etc):


Sexuality (What gender do they like?)(Why do people always put this here?... Eh... I'm gonna be a conformist):


Species (What type of person they are (Human, Mermaid, Etc)):


Powers (What special abilities do they have?)(If Applicable):

He can use "magic" of the electric, fire, wind (force), Death, Light, ice, healing and fog variety. 

Fandom (What they're from):

Shin Megami Tensei

Personality (What do they act like?):

Demi-Fiend is naive and quick to trust others. He his more of a quiet person. He tends to keep to himself and won't really talk to anybody. He is however, open to introducing himself to others and even ask them if they would like to join him, but after that, he won't talk much unless spoken to. even though he is quiet, he is confident. He always thinks the best of his abilities especially when it comes to his strength.  He is also hard-headed. Once he sets his goal, he will stop at no cost to achieve said goal. He cares about is friends and team, and he would do anything for them.

Biography (What was life like before the RP?):

Demi-Fiend was a normal high school student, one day, he and his friends were told to meet his teacher at the hospital. While there, he looked around the place while he waited for his teacher. He entered a room and there was a man standing in there. He told Demi-Fiend how the world would soon end and that he was going to kill Demi-Fiend. Then his teacher came in and stopped the man. She told Demi-fiend to meet her on the roof. Once there, she began to tell him about how she and the man were part of a cult and planned to bring an end to the world and create a new one run by demons. This plan was called the conception. She said it was too late to stop and that they all were going to die. In the middle of her speech, a bright light appeared in the sky and a dome was formed around Tokyo. He passed out. He awoke to see an old woman and a young child. In short, the child was Lucifer and had taken an interest in Demi-Fiend. He was turned into a demon (this is how he lived the conception) and awoke (for real this time) to a destroyed Tokyo with his friends nowhere in sight.  (This is the first 30mins of the game. Sorry if it's not accurate. I haven't seen the beginning of the game in while.)

After that, he found himself having the defend himself from many of different threats. Someone of which was his former friends. All in order to find a purpose for him to believe in. 

Other (Anything Else?)(If Applicable):

When he is weak, his "tattoos" glow red.

Another picture


Thanks for posting him here. You are free to join the RP whenever.

Name (Who are they?):

Naoki Kashima

Nickname (What do people call them?)(If applicable):


Age (How many years have they been alive?):


Gender (Boy, Girl, Etc):


Sexuality (What gender do they like?)(Why do people always put this here?... Eh... I'm gonna be a conformist):


Species (What type of person they are (Human, Mermaid, Etc)):


Powers (What special abilities do they have?)(If Applicable):

He can use "magic" of the electric, fire, wind (force), Death, Light, ice, healing and fog variety. 

Fandom (What they're from):

Shin Megami Tensei

Personality (What do they act like?):

Demi-Fiend is naive and quick to trust others. He his more of a quiet person. He tends to keep to himself and won't really talk to anybody. He is however, open to introducing himself to others and even ask them if they would like to join him, but after that, he won't talk much unless spoken to. even though he is quiet, he is confident. He always thinks the best of his abilities especially when it comes to his strength.  He is also hard-headed. Once he sets his goal, he will stop at no cost to achieve said goal. He cares about is friends and team, and he would do anything for them.

Biography (What was life like before the RP?):

Demi-Fiend was a normal high school student, one day, he and his friends were told to meet his teacher at the hospital. While there, he looked around the place while he waited for his teacher. He entered a room and there was a man standing in there. He told Demi-Fiend how the world would soon end and that he was going to kill Demi-Fiend. Then his teacher came in and stopped the man. She told Demi-fiend to meet her on the roof. Once there, she began to tell him about how she and the man were part of a cult and planned to bring an end to the world and create a new one run by demons. This plan was called the conception. She said it was too late to stop and that they all were going to die. In the middle of her speech, a bright light appeared in the sky and a dome was formed around Tokyo. He passed out. He awoke to see an old woman and a young child. In short, the child was Lucifer and had taken an interest in Demi-Fiend. He was turned into a demon (this is how he lived the conception) and awoke (for real this time) to a destroyed Tokyo with his friends nowhere in sight.  (This is the first 30mins of the game. Sorry if it's not accurate. I haven't seen the beginning of the game in while.)

After that, he found himself having the defend himself from many of different threats. Someone of which was his former friends. All in order to find a purpose for him to believe in. 

Other (Anything Else?)(If Applicable):

When he is weak, his "tattoos" glow red.

Another picture


oh will you rp with my character casper?

Name (Who are they?):

Naoki Kashima

Nickname (What do people call them?)(If applicable):


Age (How many years have they been alive?):


Gender (Boy, Girl, Etc):


Sexuality (What gender do they like?)(Why do people always put this here?... Eh... I'm gonna be a conformist):


Species (What type of person they are (Human, Mermaid, Etc)):


Powers (What special abilities do they have?)(If Applicable):

He can use "magic" of the electric, fire, wind (force), Death, Light, ice, healing and fog variety. 

Fandom (What they're from):

Shin Megami Tensei

Personality (What do they act like?):

Demi-Fiend is naive and quick to trust others. He his more of a quiet person. He tends to keep to himself and won't really talk to anybody. He is however, open to introducing himself to others and even ask them if they would like to join him, but after that, he won't talk much unless spoken to. even though he is quiet, he is confident. He always thinks the best of his abilities especially when it comes to his strength.  He is also hard-headed. Once he sets his goal, he will stop at no cost to achieve said goal. He cares about is friends and team, and he would do anything for them.

Biography (What was life like before the RP?):

Demi-Fiend was a normal high school student, one day, he and his friends were told to meet his teacher at the hospital. While there, he looked around the place while he waited for his teacher. He entered a room and there was a man standing in there. He told Demi-Fiend how the world would soon end and that he was going to kill Demi-Fiend. Then his teacher came in and stopped the man. She told Demi-fiend to meet her on the roof. Once there, she began to tell him about how she and the man were part of a cult and planned to bring an end to the world and create a new one run by demons. This plan was called the conception. She said it was too late to stop and that they all were going to die. In the middle of her speech, a bright light appeared in the sky and a dome was formed around Tokyo. He passed out. He awoke to see an old woman and a young child. In short, the child was Lucifer and had taken an interest in Demi-Fiend. He was turned into a demon (this is how he lived the conception) and awoke (for real this time) to a destroyed Tokyo with his friends nowhere in sight.  (This is the first 30mins of the game. Sorry if it's not accurate. I haven't seen the beginning of the game in while.)

After that, he found himself having the defend himself from many of different threats. Someone of which was his former friends. All in order to find a purpose for him to believe in. 

Other (Anything Else?)(If Applicable):

When he is weak, his "tattoos" glow red.

Another picture


Hardest boss in RPG history. Prepare yourselves. 

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