David : Zombieland I think to myself as I walk down the street to my contacts house I hope this is worth it I arrive at a old slum 101, 102 ah here we are 103 I think I knock three times a signal that i'm a friend of the Resistance well maybe not a friend but a business partner I shiver damn Yankee weather I couldn't give a damn about the resistance movement I mean it's a noble cause and all but when those idiots down in Washington decided to make the cure law Old Dixie made it's decision and made a bolt for it thirteen states Virginia, North Carolina (home ) South Carolina , Georgia, Florida , Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah and Hawaii split and Formed the Federation of Capitalist and Loving States or Old Dixie to my people to me they could all be cured were free to love and the damn Zombies tried to take us back already 2 million dead regulators and still more turning up in some secluded swamp somewhere and if they would be fools to try it again as i'm reflecting the door opens "I was told you could use some .... things" I tell the shadowy figure who answers
OCC: By the way my character is 12 he is short , muscular with a ruddy complexion and blue eyes he wears a simple teal shirt and cargo pants he wears a hat that is popular back home but doesn't quite fit in Zombie land by the way sorry for all the exposition just had to explain a few things by the way most zombies don't know that those 13 states ever broke off they think that there still apart of the US but your guy would know because he's in the Resistance and this takes place in Maine