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Realistic or Modern Delinquent School (Anime Only)








Sexual Orientation



Reason you're In Delinquent High



(And If you want to be THE Teacher Just ask)​
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"I'm Suzuki Sonoko."

Suzuki Sonoko


"My Nickname is Kidd."



Suzuki, has blondish brown hair, with brown eyes, she's fairly short, and pretty skinny...That's all you really need to know...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4d3e0da3_Funnyanimegif1.gif.90c2fd3c951db3f2b3651b3122eeae8a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4d3e0da3_Funnyanimegif1.gif.90c2fd3c951db3f2b3651b3122eeae8a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"I'm 10,000 years old, HAHAHA."



"What did you just say, asshole?"



"I should Kick your ass Baka!"



"What does it look like Baka?"


Sexual Orientation

"You flirting!?"



Easily Angered, Goofy, Athletic, Very little sportsmanship, loud, smart, and hard to impress.


"Okay, now you're definitely flirting."


Reason(s) you're In Delinquent High

Beat up a teacher,


Put the Vice Principal in the Hospital,




Suzuki's parents were divorced, and she lived with her Mother, the other kids didn't like her very much, and made fun of her for height, so she settled it her own way..."Violence," She grew to be hated by the other kids, as she hated them, The teachers didn't like her either, So it's not suprising she got bad grades although she was a very smart kid, she was actually a very nice girl, but other people didn't see her that way, but she grew with her violence and that's how she ended up in Delinquent High.



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Hanae Kuro



"Kick Girl"








*Haha bonds with Suzuki about shortness*


73lb (roughly)



Sexual Orientation



Pretty quiet, often just reading a book. Can easily ignore people when reading. Very unsocial. Sometimes cold, but inside is very sweet. Doesn't share her thoughts much with people.



Reason You're In Delinquent High

Kicked many students in the chests and stomachs after they insulted her many times about being shy, unsocial and a bookworm. Also broke many people who insulted her books, as well as family.


Books, which she can hit someone pretty damn hard with, otherwise her legs and hands.


Her family of two parents had devoted themselves to their life work, a bookstore, and they were both authors as well, so obviously Hanae became quite a reader. But she became very unsociable, often too busy reading to go play with her friends. She earned titles like 'bookworm' and 'shy girl', much to her secret disliking. Her father left her and her mother later, so she never went outdoors much and was home schooled. One day she was enrolled by her mother in a school, so she went, not wanting to disappoint her loving mother. But she was bullied and insulted so much about reading and shyness that she kicked many of the students with her father's taught martial arts moves, and was afterwards moved to Delinquent High.

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((Might as well make a guy seems how its mostly girls right now))

May O'brien

Age: 17

Height: 6'1

weight: 176

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/animew1.jpg.0280118d27736a9a58aaf630203ee9cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/animew1.jpg.0280118d27736a9a58aaf630203ee9cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


i don't know you find out yourself. whats the point in telling you what i'm like if your not willing to get to know me.


can i not tell you, cause i'm not. To depressing. Not that i'll cry or anything, but you might


Because i was the one caught at a party. The only one out of 500 some people. But i was the one caught. Also i may or may not have been doing drugs and vandalizing and other shit that i do. notice how i said do and not did, don't think i'll change because of this school. cause i wont. i will always be that unloved damned girl who has fallen apart and shattered to the little pieces she is now.



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Jasper Suzuki













Sexual Orientation



He is a bubbly, outgoing person, though he is out going he is actually quite shy, he has major trust issues.


Single.... ._.

Reason you're In Delinquent High

Fatally injured father




Jasper was actually a nice kid, normal in most sorts. Except... he secretly loved watching things suffer. He got all A's in school until he was 15. When he was 15 his father raped him, and abused him and his mother. So, when he was 16 he had had enough..
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"My name...well its only polite that you give yours first..."

Ryouichi Kurosawa


"You may call me dragon"




"Age is but numbers put there simply so people know how long they have lived."



"I may be small but I'll still never lose to the likes of you."


(The short squad!)


"Those who stand in my way will be made to bow no matter who they are"


"Have you ever noticed that the top three things people judge you by are all numbers?"

79 lbs


"Think hard and long about this asshole, who knows a wrong answer may cost you something."



Sexual Orientation

"Why does this matter you won't ever get near me anyway."

Heterosexual (straight)


"Gain my trust, Gain my friendship or don't look me in the eyes"

Ryu is extremely intimidating, he has a condescending personality and has a strong winners-mentality. He also has a extreme hubris and does not tolerate those that belittles him or defies him, stating that those who serve him or earns his respect can look him in the eye. Finally he despises cheaters and often does extreme things to people he finds are cheating.



"Once again does this even matter?"


Reason you're In Delinquent High

"I hate cheats...but I hate people who tell me what to do more"

He stabbed a fellow student in the hand with a pair of scissors after finding out he was cheating at a game


he put his teacher in hospital almost killing her.


"I kept it as a souvenir you don't know how hard it was to get these back"




Ryouichi was born from a rich family that possesses its own business. Being the only heir in their family, he was obligated to succeed in all areas by his strict father. His only support at that time was his kind mother whom he spends his free time with. However during his 5th year in elementary school, his mother died because of an illness and his father became even more strict to the point that the more skills he mastered, the more he will be given to master. These made him grow unhappy. As the years went on his unhappiness grew and the only thing he enjoyed in life was to win, no matter how small of a victory no matter what game a win was a win, it was the only thing that kept him living the fact that he could win. However the unhappiness grew until he became slightly violent, soon after that slightly violent grew once again until he became very violent going as fair as to stab a student who just cheated at cards and to nearly a kill a teacher who tried to tell him to get off the scissors.



Matsumoto Satoshi


"I go by many names, but you can call me Master."





"Old enough to know how to not get caught"



"I'm better than average, but most importantly, I'm better than you."



"Perfect body, I know right?"

120 lbs


"What does it look like, idiot?"



Sexual Orientation

"What does it matter? You'll soon be running back to me anyways. They always do."




"Why am I wasting my time here with the likes of you?"

Sato is extremely selective with the people he hangs out with. He is very prideful, especially when it comes down to his appearance. He believes that he is on the top of the world and that everyone should listen to him. He is very disrespectful towards his elders and a bit of a showoff. Sato flirts with all the girls (and boys) around him and thinks of everyone below him. Sato is a very confident and intelligent individual. Lastly, he hates those who contribute nothing to society and believe they should be punished. He is very obsessive and will do anything to get what he wants in the end.


"Don't look at anyone else. You belong to me."

None at the moment


Reason you're In Delinquent High

"I take all that I want and all that I see. Without me, you'd be worthless. You'd all be better off dead."

He kidnapped a few students that had caught his eye and locked them up in his house. He also gouged the eyes out of a girl who said he was nothing special to look at.


"I won't let you get away next time, dearie."

Small knife, otherwise his hands


Sato's parents abandoned him when he was young, leaving him in an orphanage. He always felt like he had to be better than everyone else around him if he was ever going to escape that place. He began to abuse the children around him so that no one would want to look at them. He was soon adopted by a rich couple looking to adopt only for their image. Being placed in a household built on no love, he began seeking other ways to obtain love. He manipulated the house's servants to get what he wanted and no one ever stopped him as his family was never home. He adopted these methods into his school life as well, using others mentally and physically to get his desires.




Namika Yoshida.


Her first name is Namika, but she only lets people that she is extremely close to call her that. Everyone else has to call her Shida,

or else she will get very mad at them.


Shida is a tiny bit below average height, standing at 5'1". She has a slim body with a tiny hint of an hourglass shape, but it is only noticable when she's in a swimming suit. She has very pale skin matched with pale blonde hair, and pale blue eyes. She mostly wears oversized sweaters with a white flannel underneath, peter pan dresses, cropped sweaters,

skirts, sneakers, slip-ons, etc.


Shida is sixteen years old, and her birthday is July 4th. Her zodiac sign is Cancer, and she has a late birthday.


Shida is 5'1", being a little bit under average height for a female of her age.


Shida weighs 85 pounds.


Shida is a cisgender female, meaning she was born as a biological female, and also identifies as a female.

Sexual Orientation

Heterosexual, meaning she is only attracted

to the opposite sex.


Shida is a very sweet, naive girl. Se would do nearly anything for anyone, including risk her own health to keep them safe. Shida is an amazing listener, and very good at

giving advice. She can be flaky at times, take a long time to understand something, or misunderstand people. Shida hates being called stupid because of this.

In reality, she is anything but stupid. She makes extremely good grades, but she is very naive and a pushover. It is easy to manipulate Shida

because she would listen to anybody. If she befriends someone or likes someone, she will be super clingy to them. She'll

do her best to protect them and make them laugh. If someone Shida deeply cares about was

to hurt her feelings, she would probably break down or become very depressed.

Shida is very emotional, so be careful with your phrasing.


None. She's single, and has never dated a boy before. She also doesn't have any friends at school yet. PM?


The reason Shida is because she stole. A lot. Shida didn't just steal from anyone, though. Since she

knew she was too small
and fragile to stand up for herself

or for her peers against the bullies in her school, she would pull funny pranks on them and steal their stuff to the point where it drove them

completely crazy. They would get up to go to the bathroom, and all their belongings would vanish. Nobody else noticed

who took them either. She was confronted by her principal when they went through a locker search and her

locker burst open with items that other students reported as missing,

as well as all the supplies
she used to prank people.


"Weapon? No thanks! How 'bout hugs?"

None. Shida hates fights, and anything that has to do with violence. She tries to prevent fights as much as possible.


Shida's illness has affected her since she could remember, Her illness makes her unable to stay energized for a long time, so she must keep

herself moving and running so she won't pass out/faint. She was born to two teenagers who were too young to raise her, so

she was adopted by a gay couple, and now has two dads.



"...Hmph. It's Akita Mikazuki."

Akita Mikazuki


"Only call me Akita or Zuki, nothing else."


Ita (Only close friends can use this nickname.)



"Who cares what I look like? What's important is that I

can be comfortable."

Akita has long dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin is fairly tan, and she likes to wear tank tops, short-sleeved shirts, and shorts, as well as VANS. Akita leaves her hair long on normal days but if she's angry or in the mood to play sports, she would put her hair into a ponytail.



She is 15 years old, her birth date falling on August 9th; she is a Leo.



"Being tall makes me feel like I can overcome any obstacles..."

Akita is pretty tall, having the height of 5'5".


"It doesn't matter how much I weight."

Since she loves to work out and play sports, she is pretty skinny but strong, her weight is 113 pounds.



"Hah? Are you blind?!"

Obviously, Akita is a female, even though she strongly acts like a boy.

Sexual Orientation

"Hn... I'm straight but I don't want to be in a relationship, ever."

She is Heterosexual, or more commonly known as 'Straight'.



"Don't you think it's better if you discover my personality yourself."

Akita is a tomboy, who loves to work out and play rough, challenging sports. She has an incredibly awful temper. She is deaf, so people bully her a lot because she is extraordinary, but she ignores them and controls her temper... Most of the time. Akita prefers to have fewer friends because she has a major trust issue, and she befriends males most of the time. She occasionally smiles and acts kind to her friends but she is very cold and distant to outsiders, as well as her family.


"Romance is such a bother. There is always a person who gets their

heart broken in the end, anyway."

Akita is single and not looking for anyone at this moment.

Reason You're in Delinquent High


"I put a guy into a coma using only my fists."

The reason Akita is coming to Delinquent High is because she had almost murdered a bully at her previous school, putting him into a coma. She had tolerated his constant bullying for almost a year but then she finally snapped. Her previous school had called her parents regarding the incident, and her parents decided Akita going to Delinquent High would be the best choice.


"Hands are important, y'know?"

Akita uses her fists most of the time, since she loves close-ranged combats, but she does use metal darts occassionally to cause injuries to a person in the distance and get away with it easily.



(Note: The picture above was when Akita was 9 years old,

the first time she had gone outside.)

"...I'll tell you about my life if you tell me about yours."

Akita had parents who discriminated all the disabled people, including her. Her parents taught her to lip read and take speech lessons, refusing to let her learn ASL(American Sign Language). After Akita had mastered lip reading and speaking, her parents left her alone, treating her like a stranger inside the house. Because her parents wouldn't take care of her after she turned six, she learned to survive by herself, even though she still lived with her family. Her parents wouldn't cook for her, didn't care if she had gotten any achievements, nor did they allow her to socialize until she was 9. She had the worst birthday in her whole life; her 10th birthday was when her father decided to divorce her mother. Even though her mother and father did not care for her, she still loved them and didn't want see them apart. Four years had passed and Akita had lost her love for her parents and started to cause trouble around her school. She had a big group of friends, who caused chaos with her and would defend her if the teachers interrogated her about the troubles. Until the day she beat up the bully, her friends had betrayed her. Apparently, they were the 'witnesses' of the incident and had told the headmaster about it. Since that time, she never trusted anyone and always gave them the cold shoulder but kept socializing with her teams to play sports. She did not consider her team her 'friends' anymore, though. She was actually glad to switch schools after the year ended, however, became furious once she found out she was being transferred to Delinquent High, but eventually she accepted the fact that she had no choice but to go.

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Yumiko Hinayori




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime-girl-long-hair-pink-eyes-Favim.com-1951588.jpg.819074041820f8744d2287ad95a95914.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime-girl-long-hair-pink-eyes-Favim.com-1951588.jpg.819074041820f8744d2287ad95a95914.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yumiko has red hair, red-orange eyes, fair skin, she likes to wear black sometimes...

"It's my favorite color,red too."


She's 17. Her birth date is July 6.




118 pounds

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/3f7783fd0261677b7d2340d77e4c7220.jpg.71e0ad7e23d71443810aa06aa4165f13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/3f7783fd0261677b7d2340d77e4c7220.jpg.71e0ad7e23d71443810aa06aa4165f13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



"You're pretty blind."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c55d2d435_images(2).jpg.d5675d1696892cad4badd159dae237b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c55d2d435_images(2).jpg.d5675d1696892cad4badd159dae237b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexual orientation:


"I don't care."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/original.jpg.c8f965eac2ad1be985b75f7125f6e4f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82652" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/original.jpg.c8f965eac2ad1be985b75f7125f6e4f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She is the isolated,exclusionary type;friendships don't come to her easily. She is rarely(never)seen smiling and often has an emotionless expression.She is apathetic and somnolent, with little desire to put any effort to anything pointless,meaningless, and useless things, and instead focuses on her studies.


Single. Yumiko isn't interested in the word 'love'.

"'love' is a waste of time."

Reason you're in Delinquent high:

"I put a whole school on fire......"

Her parents sent her here because she set a whole school on fire, which she intended to do....


"I know mixed martial arts."

Her own hands,which she uses for different types of martial arts.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_lbm8eyO1fr1qz5964o1_500.png.79b85f19ad92021c71b0983d34c29225.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_lbm8eyO1fr1qz5964o1_500.png.79b85f19ad92021c71b0983d34c29225.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Back story:

When she was a child, she used to be sweet,kind,charming, and respectful. Until the bullies came in. They didn't bully her, but instead invited her to join. She had no choice but to join, they'd pick on her if she didn't. She ended up burning the whole school down, and sent countless students to the hospital. From that time on, she asked her parents to enroll her to every other martial arts school.

She went from :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/8cab7b7fe1972193031de156343ed8035e3af21d_hq.gif.899544ccb48d502aa65804c2f2656206.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/8cab7b7fe1972193031de156343ed8035e3af21d_hq.gif.899544ccb48d502aa65804c2f2656206.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-a sweet,kind,respectful,carefree girl to:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mkbs2jZxjK1rkx6y0o1_500.gif.344e08158e1506f5a49e82edabd59d6e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mkbs2jZxjK1rkx6y0o1_500.gif.344e08158e1506f5a49e82edabd59d6e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-A merciless,strong,disrespectful,apathetic,isolated,somnolent rude girl.

"I don't freaking care about your opinion."



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"Why do you care, a**hat?"

Zikiita Lea Morrison


"None that you should know."

Ziki (Only close friends can call her that.)





"What, feel like making fun of me? I dare you."



"Excuse me?



"What does it look like?"


Sexual Orientation;;

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?"



"Go away."

Zikiita is rather rude and mean. Her first reaction to being bullied, made fun, or told what to do, is to bite. She hates most people and almost always tells them to f off. She tries to keep to herself and remain quiet. If you can break her shell, she is loving, sweet, and rather friendly. She's not the best of friends, but she's loyal and honest.


"Yeah right."

None. PM if interested.

Reason you're In Delinquent High;;

"Want me to show you?"

Zikiita bit and tore a chunk out of a couple of her fellow classmates for bullying her. This has happened more than once, especially with family and teachers.


"Pfft. What? You gonna take it from me?"

Zikiita uses her teeth as her main weapon, but also hides daggers in her boots.


Zikiita was bullied constantly for being "different." When she was born, her father hated her almost instantly. He wanted a boy. Her mother was the only one who was nice to her. Zikiita was beaten constantly while her mother was at work, often to the point where she was unable to even make sound. Her father hated her so much, and Zikiita could never understand why. Zikiita tried to tell her mother, but her mother didn't believe her. This caused Zikiita's major trust issues that she has to this day. When Zikiita was 9, her mother died in a car accident, leaving her to be stuck with her father. Her father constantly brought home women, women that Zikiita hated. Sometimes, he would let his friends do things to her. Zikiita hated it. After three years of suffering his abuse, she couldn't take it anymore and attacked him. Zikiita waited until he was sleeping, went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Sneaking into his bedroom, she sat next to him on his bed, and bit him, tearing a large chunk of skin out of his neck. This awoke him, but he was already bleeding profusely, leaving him extremely weak. She tore more and more chunks out of his skin, leaving him screaming in pain, before cutting his neck open and leaving him to bleed out. She ran away afterwards, and kept running until she reached a different city where she was found and placed into an adoption agency. After a year in the group home, she was adopted. She was bullied constantly in her new school and she would retaliate by biting her bullies and tearing chunks out of their skin, especially if they laid a hand on her. The final straw was when she attacked a teacher for trying to forcefully remove her from class. Zikiita nearly killed the teacher, sending her to the hospital with a lot of bite wounds. The teacher almost didn't make it. After the incident, Zikiita was sent here in hopes that she would change.​

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