Delicious drumsticks within!


New Member
Now that I have your attention, I will cruelly hold on to my promised perfectly roasted drumsticks until I am properly introduced to you all.

I am Fowlishness, and was born at the start of the last decade of the twentieth century somewhere in Quebec, Canada. I like to roleplay a lot, and am constantly coming up with plots and ideas, most of which unfortunately never see the light of day. I like both original roleplays and messing with the few fandoms I know and am quite chatty between posts.

While English was not my first language I have been writing it for over a decade, so I think I'll be all right on that front, but feel free to correct me if you find grammatical or non typo spelling errors! :)

As for genres I like, anything not furry (anthro) or smutty I can get interested in, given the proper cravings and plots.

Now,that wasn't that hard, was it? Here, have those drumsticks for your time.

*Hands over deliciously prepared chicken-y goodness.*
Oh yeeaaah!! I stuck it out and got chicken drumsticks!! Thanks so much *inhales the food* Welcome to RPN bringer of the foods and speaker of the words!!! All drumsticks aside, please take a gander at the rules here if you haven't already. Make yourself at home and the staff are here to assist in whatever capacity they are able to. Of course make yourself at home and feel free to stop by the Shoutbox (No corners allowed) and say hi to the peeps there. *Shuffles off to finish his chicken drumsticks"

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