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Total Video Game Nerd
Disclaimer! This is not an exact telling of Deep Rock Galactic. It is heavily inspired by DRG, but I’m taking many liberties and putting my own spin on it.

First, though, some expectations. I appreciate good, coherent grammar. It just makes it so much easier to reply when I can understand what you’re saying. Post length doesn’t matter to me, as long as whatever you write contributes to the story. One line of dialog is sometimes better than two paragraphs of fluff and filler. And I am over 18, since I’ve had many people ask that.

So, my idea is similar to DRG in that the focus is a company that is mining a hostile planet for resources. The planet is uninhabitable on the surface, but within its fractured, ever-shifting depths, the planet supports life, most of which is hostile and dangerous. More importantly, it’s rich in valuable resources. So this company is one of the only ones willing to risk delving into this hell planet to extract those resources. Now, here’s where it’s different. Instead of just dwarves, the company employs all races. So, any race you can think of, go for it. My character will be a kobold. Kobolds are especially valuable to the company because of their natural ability to detect ores through the rock. On that note, the roles are as follows:


Diggers specialize in, of course, digging. Moving dirt, clearing rocks, and blasting a path to get their team to the current goal. Their standard equipment includes a pair of heavy duty hand drills, explosive charges, a flamethrower, and a heavy revolver.


The gunner specializes in combat to deal with the hostile lifeforms on the planet. Their standard equipment includes a heavy minigun, a shotgun, grenades, and a zip line deployment system.


The engineer specializes in the technical work, getting machines working, keeping them working, and providing support with their machines. Standard equipment includes an assault rifle, a grenade launcher, a deployable combat turret, and a platform gun.


The scout’s role is to find the best path and guide their team to the goal, as well as any other valuables along the way. Because scouts are expected to find ore and other resources, only Kobolds are qualified to be scouts. Standard equipment includes a rifle, a pistol, a flare gun, and a grappling hook.

All roles have a replenishable supply of flares, a pickaxe, and a short-range scanner. While each role has its specialty, everyone is expected to contribute to whatever needs doing if needed. In order get this job, they have to have a certain degree of aptitude in mining, fighting, and engineering. If there are hostiles, everyone fights, even if the gunner is best at it. If there’s ore to dig up, everyone digs, even if the digger is best at it. If machines need to be maintained, everyone helps with maintenance, even if the engineer is best at it. The slogan still stands: work together or die alone.

Also, the standard equipment is simply what they start out with and what they’re tested on to get the job. Everyone can be qualified to wield other weapons and tools to suit their preference. For example, my scout dual wields a pair of pistols instead of having just one.

This will be my character: Orianna by Fangs9090
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