Deep in the Woods (Cat/Wolf/Fox RP)


Forever Sleepy
Arabelle padded through the forest, her soft, fluffy bluish grey paws making no sound on the leaf mold of the forest floor. Sunlight filtered through the foliage of beautiful bushy trees, dappling her soft grey fur and illuminating her light leaf green eyes. She finally comes out of the forest, into a meadow with soft, tall green grass waving in the slight breeze and many different types of flowers, including Marigolds, Poppies, and Bluebells. In the middle of the meadow stands a single tree blooming with beautiful pink blossoms. Surrounding it is a small moat with crystal clear water and filled with fish. "Ah, what a beautiful day." She murmurs as she leaps across the moat and settles in the shade of the tree. Suddenly her ears perk up and she sits up. Sniffing the air, an unfamiliar scent hits her. Something's coming this way...


Character Sheet









My Chara


Name: Arabelle

Age: 24 moons/ 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Type: Long haired Russian Blue

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Personality: Calm and quiet, a deceiver of sorts. Her opposite personality is fierce and strong.

History: Can't remember anything except that her parents and siblings were murdered by wolves.

Name: Shadow

Age: 12 moons/ 1 year

Gender: Male

Species: Wolf

Type: Artic Wolf


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Personality: Playful, gentle, protective and loyal. He doesn't trust anyone and has a short temper.

History: He was abandoned as young pup because he was born with pitch black fur while his parents were snowy white like most Artic Wolves. The rest of the pack were also white and his father being the alpha male had to decide what was best for the pack. Then he was found by humans that dropped him off in a warmer climate to give him a chance to survive.

Shadow was trotting at leisure pace while sniffing the gentle breeze in search of prey. He stopped in tracks when he heard a small yelp and rushed towards the source. The fur along his spine rose up as he witnessed the parting of a vixen and her kits. When he took a step forward the mother returned with a rabbit in its mouth for the kits. "...How many times have I imagined this happening to me," he mumbled. He turned around with an empty feeling as he began to run blindly through the dense forest. He smelled an unknown scent straight ahead when realized that he wouldn't be able to stop from colliding. "Watch out," he yelled as he saw the grey figure looked in his direction.
Arabelle quickly leaped up into the air not a moment too soon. A-A wolf! She narrowed her eyes, not knowing if it were friendly or not. If it were like "them", the ones that murdered her parents and siblings. Arabelle scaled the cherry blossom tree and perched on the lowest branch thick enough to hold her weight. She quickly shook scattered petals out of her fur and stared at the wolf. "Who are you?" She asked, her voice steady and calm, trying not to shake in fear. She was terrified of wolves, though she would never admit it. She flicked her tail back and forth, keeping her ears flat against her head. Hopefully it's not like them....
I'm glad she mo-Crap! Even though Shadow didn't hit her he still couldn't stop in time before he hit the tree head first. "Ow...I gotta learn how to stop," he growled as he shook his head. Shadow looked around to find the voice that spoke to him. After looking around he saw the little gray puffball. "Ah, sorry about that. I'm Shadow, who are you and are you okay?"
Arabelle dug her claws into the soft bark to steady herself. "I'm Arabelle, and I'm fine..." She meowed, looking down at the wolf. Her eyes were still narrowed, weary and curious as to know if this wolf had ties to "them". She hopped down and circled the wolf. "First time I've seen you here. Are you new to the forest?" Arabelle asked, curiosity lacing her quiet voice.
Shade sat on his haunches as he felt Arabelle's gaze on him. "Well sorta. I've been here for 3 months or so." He cocks his head to side. Has it been only 3 months...why do I feel like I've been here for years? "Um, is there a reason why you've been looking at me like I'm a feral animal?" Shadow looks at her with curious blue eyes.
"I don't trust wolves..." Arabelle murmured, though loud enough to hear, as she tried not to growl. 3 months... How come I haven't seen this wolf, Shadow, until now... "Wolves murdered my parents and siblings in cold blood... I'll never trust a wolf, not even if my life depended on it." She said, though more to herself than to Shadow.
Shadow's ears twitched when Arabelle was talking and he huffed. "Hey not all wolves are bad just like how all cats aren't good. Don't blame my whole species for something some bad wolves did." He laid down so that they were at eye level. "Please don't judge me for something that wasn't my fault, I don't think that I could live through that again", he whined with his ears flattened against his head.
Name: Luna

Age:Approximately 4 years old

Gender: F

Species: Wolf

Type:Eurasian Wolf


Personality: Quiet, defensive,

History: Her family was killed by another pack of wolves when she was a pup. She's lived on her own since.

Character Sheet

Name: Timber

Age: about 3 years old

Gender: F

Species: wolf

Type: Grey/Timber

Looks: View attachment 10585

Personality: Loyal, can be territorial. she would defend her friend to her last breath.

History: she was the alpha of a pack but after an injury another lower ranking wolf challenged her. she lost. the injury has longs since gone but the new alpha banished her from the pack.

Timber's ears prick up. she sniffs the air delicatly and quietly walks on until she can see a small cat and a pitch black wolf. Timber sits down still watching them intently. she listens into their conversation.
Luna saw the other wolf ahead of her, and was too tired to approach the wolf, so she sat on her hind-quarters, resting for a moment. She had followed this wolf without being seen for a while now; it wouldn't be long until she would have to adress herself to this lone wolf.
Shadow's ears perked up when he smelled two unfamiliar scents. He jumped up and stood in front of Arabelle as he bared his fangs. Then a menacing growl came from Shadow. "Show yourselves," he barked. All his fur stood on end while he waited for a response.
Arabelle's eyes narrowed at the scent of two unfamialiar wolves. A timber wolf and a eurasian wolf... She was then surprised as Shadow stood in front of her as if... Protecting her. "Tell me unknown wolves." She called out before turning one way towards one of the scent's direction. "Why do you watch and easedrop?" She then turned to the other. "And why do you follow?"

(New chara

Name: Chrissie

Age: 36 moons/ 3 years

Gender: Female

Species: Fox

Type: Feline Fox

Looks: View attachment 10924

Personality:Shy, Naive, Caring, Friendly, Loving, Selfish, Timid

History: Will reveal later)


3 years



Grey/Russian Wolf


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Personality he is mean and doesn't like strangers, he is hard headed and stubborn, he was born into a family of rouge wolves and had to fight to survive, he walks alone with no pack, he is strong with huge sharp teeth, and if threatened wont stop to think about ripping you apart, but if you get past his cold brutal side, he has a kind warm heart.

History his father was a outcast of a pack, so once he was born his mother became exiled, he lived alone with her, when he was a year old he watched his mother get killed by humans, he ran away from there, he has been running for two years, he has fought many wolves, but never took their females when he won or claimed their territory, if they lived they got to live with the sadness of being beaten by a rouge, he finally came here a beautiful forest, but that doesn't make him a nice wolf.


3 years old



Bengal Cat


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Personality he is independent and loyal, he is a wild cat and defends things he loves with his life, he is looking for a mate.

History he was born in a home full of humans, when he was young he ventured outside and past the fence, where he was attacked by wild cats, he has a clipped ear and long scar under his throat to prove it, he ran away from the humans when he was one year old, and has lives alone since.

Name Sleet

3 years



European Fox


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Personality She is quick and agile, with one hell of a bite, she is sweet and loving, but protective and it takes awhile to gain her trust.

History She was born in a litter of four, her mother was a red fox while her father was a black one, she was the only black on of the litter, she was teased and one day, while she was one year old, her brother tried to kill her, she ran away, terrified.

Name Autumn

3 years





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she are loving, loves pup, but doesn't trust others well

History Just like her brother Diesel



looks:small black cat with hazel eyes

personality:shy, very fast, she doesn't like people..period.

history:she was the runt of the litter. her original owners tossed her out thinking she would't survive. she was raised by stray cats and became very weary of people and other animals.
Nichole looked around and jumped onto a branch. she sighed looking down below. she saw a large wolf and a fox. she tilted her head and walked father out onto the branch. she listened in on the conversation.
Diesel walked across a clearing, he could smell other animals, but he was thirsty and hungry, he came to a small pond and started to lap up the crystal blue water, his eyes darting around quickly, his ears erect for any sudden sound, and his muscles tense ready to fight anything that needed it.

Midnight crouched beside Diesel, she was his sister and the only one he truly trusted, she lapped up the water also, but she kept looking around quickly, Both her and her brother were huge wolves, well fed and strong, but never at ease in a new area, especially one that smelt of another wolf or two.

Asher walked across a road quickly, a mouse dangling from his jaws, he crawled under a bush and then heard the talking of others, he peaked out and saw a wolf, a cat or two, and a fox, he licked his mouth that had mouse blood dripping from it slightly, then took a bite of his mouse not caring the other animals to bad.

Sleet crawled across the ground, her body tense, her eyes locked onto a large rabbit, she licked her jaws then sprung into the air, she landed on the rabbit and killed it quickly, she picked up her prey and carried it looking for a safe spot to eat it, she poked her head out from a bush and saw a group of animals, she stared for a minute then slowly stepped back and then dashed away slightly dragging the large rabbit.
Nichole's stomach growled and she saw a bird flying. she aimed and launched at the bird and caught it in her jaws breaking its neck on impact. she put it down and licked her lips. she started eating her snack and looked at the others. she ten left and drank at a spring.
Shadow growled again and crept towards the unknown wolf. "Who are you and why have you been watching us?" His tail began to swish angrily as he waited for an answer.
Diesel looked up and saw a Cat, drinking from the same spring, he licked his jaws, then looked at his sister, She blinked once then bent down again and continued to drink the water, he did the same but still watching the cat.

Asher followed Nichole and then sat down behind her "nice job with the bird." he said gently with a purr, then looked at the wolves, Diesel and Autumn. "Watch out, they may be hungry." he said in a low voice, his tail twitching with a slight nervousness

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