Deep in the dungeon...


New Member
Inside one of the cold cells of the big dungeon. A young girl began to wake up. She couldn't remember how she had gotten there and guessed they had got her in her sleep, no worried, it couldn't be to hard to escape. As she sat up her head ached, she had been hit on the head hard, she wondered how long she had been unconscious.

Her big red eyes adapted to the light, the cell was small, she could see other cells though the bars, as she looked down she saw her long red wavy hair falling on her arms covering up the chains that held her hands together. Her pail skin was in places, covered in bruises, in other it was simply dirty. She wanted to scream with frustration as she tried to stand up and couldn't with the weight of the chains.

It was not the first time she had been inside a dungeon, and probably wouldn't be the last, but it also made her feel frustrated, always scared her deep inside. Like maybe this time she wouldn't escape...

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