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Futuristic Deathworlder(s)


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Planetary Classification System
This is just something I found on a fandom site. Earth is classified as a Type 12 deathworld. Apparently, conventional wisdom states that it is impossible for sapient life to evolve on a Type 10+ world.


Set in a timeline similar to that of the Star Trek movie: First Contact. Only this isn’t the galaxy described by Gene Roddenberry. No Vulcans, no Klingons, etc. Not even the development of warp drive - though we might have been close which could have been the spark that turned the aliens on us.

Mankind had come damned close to destroying itself. We eradicated 600,000 species of animals and plants, and 30% of Earth’s population. But out of that time we rebuilt, a little wiser.

When aliens discovered us we were just starting to rebuild. Their first instinct was to finish what we started. We were a dangerous species that could not be allowed to leave our world. Yet questionably saner minds wanted to see if we could rebuild.

They might have been right - if we hadn’t been the subject of curiosity of some aliens who got too close to our gravity well and discovered the dangers of our thick and humid atmosphere. They arrived in a hurricane season amplified by global warming. Our military early warning systems detected their distress call and responded.

The aliens proved to be teenagers. They found our gravity unbearable, twice what they were accustomed to.

For the human race it was the answer to a question long asked: Were we alone in the universe? It also gave us a chance for peace. Children. Alien children, but children nonetheless. We found a reason to unite - to help these children get home.

Their distress call hadn’t been strong enough to reach help beyond our world’s thick, humid and turbulent atmosphere. So we cobbled the communication system of the alien ship together with the VLA located on the Plains of San Agustin, 50 miles west of Socorro, New Mexico. We actually moved the ship there.


Twenty years later Earth was on the mend. Aliens were amazed, and a little frightened, at the tenacity of humans. The races of the galaxy were divided into two major groups, carnivores and herbivores. Most thought humans were carnivores. We had to be given our violent nature. We had evolved in what they referred to as a deathworld. High gravity, teeming with dangerous apex type predators, extreme weather, an unstable crust, a myriad of pathogens. Everything in our world seemed designed to kill.

We primitive humans were something the Galactics couldn’t comprehend. We defied reason. We ate and drank - not THRIVED on substances considered toxic. Alcohol? Poison! Caffeine? Something that could kill some of the hardier species … was just something we imbibed to stay awake. And we expelled poison gases when our digestive system was upset. We called it … farting.

A typical human only needed a third of Earth’s rotational cycle for sleep. And if needed we could push ourselves to impossible limits. We produced drugs in our bodies that could create huge bursts in strength for limited periods. We had to wear weighted clothing when in “low” gravity just to maintain health.

Oh … and the most dangerous word a human could utter was … OOPS. Humans were hairless apes that had an insatiable level of curiosity. We tinkered with EVERYTHING. And to humans EVERYTHING was a weapon. We used violence for games, using fellow humans as targets.

One more word of caution about humans. They reach unbelievable levels of insanity when children are threatened. Human children, alien children, it doesn’t matter.


This RP is about a human living among humans. We COULD even do a pair of humans if you wish. That is up to you. If we only do one, then I will let YOU decide which of us plays the human role. This is up for discussion.

I am leaving this pretty open for discussion. Trust me, I can come up with LOTS of ideas. But a lot will depend on what types of characters we come up with. If the human is a soldier, then he could go into security. An engineer would be used in other ways. A medic in yet other roles. And a xeno biologist in yet a completely different role. And if we both create human characters, then they need to be compatible.

Overall, the idea is for the human(s) to find work either on an alien ship or on an alien world. I’d suggest a freighter of some sort.

3rd Person Past Tense
Decent literacy
PM Threads (One for OOC; one for IC)
I typically manage about a page per post.

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