[Deathwatch] Mission 01


Senior Member
OOC notes-

First, when you post to this thread your most recent requisition post in the briefing section is locked in and cannot be changed.

Second, Belial, please select which of the 2 valid oaths you will be leading your squad in before you post here, and put the oath in the briefing thread.

Third, this mission will seem very easy. This is because I want to make sure that things run smoothly before we get to the harder missions. I want to check that everything runs well with the forum, with combat, and especially with my communication to the players, since I will be verbally illustrating the scene, and will provide rough maps of the region. Expect future missions to ramp up the difficulty.

Fourth, please end your post with any action that requires a roll. For example, you want to use perception to check the auger array, make your roll and end your post. Same goes for opening doors, combat, etc. This will cause things to move a little slowly, and by and large my responses will be made away from my rule book since I will be at work. If I miss something let me know. If combat bogs down too much I will allow the players to identify the results of their shots, but I would like to wait and see how the slower version goes first.

Apologies for the long OOC. And please pardon my terrible map.


The drop pod launch was daring in the extreme. Typically conducted from orbit, this drop pod was being launched from nearly 3,000 kilometers away, to keep the Deathwatch cruiser safely away from the orbital batteries. The risks of the drop were extreme, to say the least. A fraction of a degree off course and even the machine spirit modulating the pods thrusters wouldn't be able to compensate for the error in trajectory. The kill-team would be careening through space until the pods retro-thruster kicked in and they could be recovered from the void with valuable time lost.

Still the 8 marine team boarded the pod and secured themselves into the harnesses. The door sealed and the pod launched, firing thrusters and accelerating rapidly to 12000 kilometers per hour. The trip to Vanir took all of 15 minutes.

The gravity force exerted on the marines would have been enough to turn a normal man into jelly; it was only thanks to their super-enhanced bodies and power armor protection that prevented them from being smeared across the inside of their pod.

Finally, 14 minutes and 30 seconds into the trip things began to change. The once stable voyage encountered atmospheric resistance and the pod began to shake violently as it descended through the atmosphere of unsuspecting Vanir.

Orbital defense batteries targeted the pod, bow glowing as the heat of friction illuminated its ceramite hull in glowing white, like a falling star. The big guns fired, missing constantly, unable to track the pod plummeting so violently towards the planet. With barely seconds to register, only a few men on the world below figured out what was happening.

There, in the sky above Vanir was a falling star. A star that fell as if hurled from the hand of a god. And riding that star were gods themselves - gods of war and angels of death, riding a burning star of vengeance, mere seconds from exacting that vengeance with bloody blade and bolt.

The machine spirit flew true, firing retro thrusters and the last possible spit second before crashing into the landing pad with terrific, thunderous speed. The hatches blew open at impact and the pods deathwind launcher burped into life simultaneously, spraying fire and shrapnel around the immediate area, giving the marines time to step from the pod and lay their enemies low.

Physical description of the landing platform:

You are on an octagonal platform that is approximately 100 meters across. It is cluttered with cargo crates and canisters that will provide partial cover without restricting movement. In the center of the platform, about 30 meters to your north is a solidly built bunker with massive antennae and communications equipment on its roof. This bunker houses the orbital defense controls.

Opposite the bunker (about 20 meters past the bunker) and to either side about 30 meters are a pair of fortified barracks, one to each side. Between them is a wide roadway that presumably leads into the city. This is the choke point you will need to hold until the Guard reinforcements arrive. Between the road and either bunker is a large tower, and you can make out the muzzles of multiple heavy bolters on each one, protected by a crenelated top that is otherwise open to the air.

Edit: shamefully, I neglected to indicatethat the command bunker is 20m to a side and does not have firing slits, only 1 entrance visible fom your location. It is closed.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/map1.jpg.75a04536deca1e31bd04f6366d946535.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24574" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/map1.jpg.75a04536deca1e31bd04f6366d946535.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Im assuming the bunker isnt some kind of grand building but like a reinforced set of 4 walls with a top. and some equipment.

Assemble to combat formation brothers and find cover. Praid ordered as He made his way towards some wear he could set up his bolter and take stalk of the situation.

Priad is also looking to make a perception Check to figure out his surroundings.

Out of 90 (base of 50 +10 for helmets auto sences, +10 for space marine implants, +20 for Prey sences.

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"Copy that"

Hyrion seeks cover behind one of the crates, and use an half action to activate his Augury to scan the surrounding, searching for enemies.

Tech Use test, Int 51


Nice first roll of the game :D

Also he's ready to use his techmarine ability to improve cover, should a firefight begin.
[solo Mode]

Sevolt emerged tall and erect from the drop pod in a display of fearlessness. A fine haze of upcast yet now settling dirt surrounded the crash site. He was tempted to curse, as his last second course adjustments had not taken them exactly where he wanted them to be; but now they had to deal with the situation and there was no time for self-castigation. Stepping out of the haze and assessing the situation, Sevolt heard Priad's orders. He obviously wanted to dig-in and slowly advance under covering fire. But this was no time for hesitation, soon the mortal's defense teams would be able to launch a coordinated counter-attack. Someone had to seize the initiative and emperor-be-damned if it wasn't him. "Combat formation assembled, Brother-Leader, proceeding now to find cover," Sevolt replied with a harsh undertone. He would show the others how real men waged war. The way his Mark VI got its marks of honour; the Black Templars way. Without a further word, Sevolt rushed towards the air control bunker like a dark lightning through the night. The honour of going there first would belong to him.

[Free Actions: Speak, Taking a brief look around, Expending 1 Fate Point for +1 Rank to Solo Mode, now effective Rank 3 (with Tabard). Triggering No Respite, No Forgiveness Solo Mode ability, HtC, page 15.

Full Action: Run towards air control bunker. Running towards entry point or to nearest side, trying ensure clear firing lanes. Ideally ending up at the bunker away from a slit and using its walls as cover from the HBs. -20 ranged but +20 melee. Can add -10 as per Solo Mode ability.]
Roll results: Unfortunately Hyrion has momentarily forgotten how to use the auspex built into his head...

Through the settling dust Sevolt does not see anything yet either, but he covers half of the ground towards the control bunker, dodging crates and scattered detritus with ease.

Priad gets the low-down on the enemy. As a note, preysense is a night/darkness effect, but I will rule that it is partially effective, given the dust settling from the landing still. Your roll succeeds by 7 degrees. You identify the following:

On each of the heavy bolter towers there are 2 heavy bolters, with gun crew. You estimate 6-8 men per tower. The bunkers are also occupied, as you can see through firing slits the men inside scrambling to get ready. It is difficult to count how many are there, though, given that you don't have x-ray vision. There are no firing slits in the control bunker and no way to identify any occupants.
The pod slams into the ground with the force of a god's fist; the doors drop open, missiles volleying across the small expanse, throwing up a cloud of dirt and smoke as they explode. As Kyrios watches, the magnetic locks holding him and his brothers in place disengage; their Kill-Sergeant, clearly trained as a Devastator with his heavy bolter immediately rushes forward to set up a firing line. Impressive, leading the charge like that, the Librarian thinks. The squad Techmarine follows suit, moving to cover, while the Templar charges across the open field. No reason to let him have all the glory...

With an impulse through his carapace link, Kyrios brings his jump pack online. Twin jet intakes greedily suck in air, whining as the interior turbines accelerate to prepare the thrust. "Kyrios, moving out!" he announces over their vox-channel. With a roar, the Librarian jumps from the pod on a pair of smoky wings, leaping toward the bunker in a controlled arc designed to land him near a point of cover far beyond Sevolt and near the bunkers and towers, that he might purge the enemy with Warp-called fire. His black armor seems caked in places with old ichor and scratches, the places where alien foes tried to breach it and were slain, their blood and guts remaining on the armor to show the folly of challenging the Blood Drinkers. It emanates a sound like screaming wails of pained beasts, reliquary inlays and gilded scriptures promising damnation of the foe catching light and flashing ominously even with the dust.

As he moves, he tries to discern enemy positions and force. "I think I have a visual on the enemy...will confirm when possible."

Action: Run. With my Jump Pack, I can Run up to 72 meters. Enemies targeting me with ranged weapons take a -20 to hit. I'm not sure the scale of the map so I'm unsure just how far 72m of movement can get me, please clarify.

FYI: Kyrios currently has a Fear Rating of 2 from his Armour histories.

I also try an Awareness check as Priad did, from the apex of my flight arc. 5 DoS unless there are negative modifiers in play that I don't know:

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Priad Grunted. Hyrion, go with brothers Kyrios and Sevolt, and Secure the Command Bunker. Every one else we are securing this court yard. Keraunos See if you can Tak care of the heavy bolter on the right tower with your Jump pack. he said as he pushed his heavy bolter on to one of the boxes and began Unleashing a storm of bullets towards the left tower.

Firing the Heavy bolter on full auto, after setting it on a crate.

total of a 38. out of 85. (55 base, 10 for being solo and braced against something, 20 for full auto.)

All hits are going to the left tower


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"Leave it to me brother leader" Hyrion turned off his Auger, which had to have some odd malfunction, and moved between cover towards the bunker. There was no need to be as bold as his two brothers; actions no carefully planned like that ones indeed brings you glory, but were too much high risks-little rewards for his standards. A injuried Space Marine is of no use to the mission. To be fair, the whole situation was too much high risks-little rewards for him. No preventive scanning of the defenses, no risk assessment, just a blind drop pod. "I'm not in my Chapter anymore. We do things differently here in the Deathwatch." He took a mental note to press more on the preparation for the next mission while he was pushing forward through the crates.

"Coming towards you brothers"

Full Action : tactical advance. Hyrion moves 8 metres per round staying in cover. If there is no cover left in the path to the bunker, he runs instead (24 metres/round)
Emerging from his pod, Fidelis take stock of the situation before finding cover and scanning the area he attempt to take stock of the environment and the enemies disposition, based on his experience. All the while he keeps his bolter at the ready for a response to the opening fore coming from his brothers. With that, he follows close behind Priad, years of training as a Apothecary influence him to stay close to the command element, so that he may be directed as needed.


Target 49 Any information he gets base on his recon/stealth tactics skill of what may lay hidden or in ambush he will relay to the squad.
[solo Mode]

Sevolt opened a private vox channel to Keraunos:

"Vhat's up, kid? Kan't keep up?"

As he said so, he heard Kyrios wooshing by overhead. Accursed scoundrel. Sevolt hoped that the enemy's heavy bolters would take care of that problem.

[Just fluff text, no action.]

[i'm making a perception test at the beginning of my second turn though.

And I will be seeing nothing, I guess.]

Thorvald emerged, bolter in hand, and immediately took cover. As he examined the area, he made note of any wind and possible scents that may be carried on it.

I forgot to mention I am going without a helmet. Taking an action for perception test.

Well, the fates are not with me today I suppose

Keraunos took a moment to examine the surroundings upon the pod first landing. Once the threats had been located, he focused his will and aggression, supplemented by the combat stims provided automatically by his armor, into driving himself into the crimson fury in which he and and his brethren operated. As the Templar attempted to taunt him, he said nothing, only severing the vox-link transmission out from his armor to the others'. It would not do to have outsiders hear the sound of one of his chapter in battle.

As his fury took hold on him, he rushed forward at the bunker, launching himself aloft on a jet of flame, his chainaxe roaring hungrily in anticipation of shedding traitors' blood.

He is using Frenzy. In Solo mode.
The Towering God of War emerged from the Drop pod, clipping at a Steady pace- he waited a few moments, to listen and wait for his comrades to Begin- as he raised his Focus, and extended his less-than-natural senses, worried about Heretic witches.

Even as he does so, he advances with the others. "For the Emperor!"

Psysnience Test and Moving with the Squad.

OOC: Roll Results:

Kyrios, your arc lands you approximately 20 meters away from one of the bunkers. Your perception check while you jump reveals that each tower holds 2 heavy bolters and 8 heretics. There is a ladder on the side opposite you, and there is no top on the towers. Lacking x-ray vision you cannot ascertain the numbers of other traitors in the area.

Priad, given a roll of 38 you hit the body, which is behind the rockcrete cover of the tower. Given your sheer number of degrees of success however, hits are scored. Given that it is a horde of 8, no damage roll is needed because you will hit for a minimum of 13 damage and your penetration exceeds their armor.

Hyrion, tactical advance is good. Only 32 meters left to go.

Fidelis, you are able to stealthily move into position, and your recon experience tells you to expect at least 10 men in each bunker.

Thorvald, I don't have to tell you that all you smell is shit and grease, and no people.

Keraunos, you make it to the control bunker in one jump. The door awaits.

Absortio, your psysnience test detects nothing.

Recap: Keraunos @ control bunker, with Sevolt close by and Hyrion en route. Kyrios is within 20 meters of a bunker and tower. The rest are in tactical positions close by where Priad has set up his firing line and is raining pain on the traitors.

IC: Priad's hail of fire lanced into the top of the left tower, blowing chunks out of the rockcrete and scattering shards of shrapnel through the air. One man, a traitor, made the mistake of standing too close to the edge and exploded when the heavy bolter shell struck him full in the chest. It would have thrown him off the tower entirely, but the explosion that the shell had on impact instead reduced him to a rain of crimson gore and chunks of meat too small to satisfy a dog. Another shot broke off a fist-sized chunk of rock and sent it careening into another traitors face, pulping it and killing, or at least incapacitating the fool.

Roll initiative.
Effectively Agility is 47 due to Mk VI. Total init is therefore 14.

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"I sense nothing in the Warp- they lack Psyker Support!" He says informatively as he advances.

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"Brother Sergeant, expect at least 10 per bunker, may I advise heavy weapons or an application of grenades," Fidelis says calmly.

"Confirmed: two heavy bolters on each tower, approximately eight heretics on each gun." Kyrios grunts appreciatively as Priad's heavy bolter sings, exploding portions of the left tower in a haze of dust and blood mist. "Retraction: fewer heretics remain on the left tower after Brother Priad's volley. I will purge the bunker with flame. There may be dead zones in which the heavy bolters do not have a firing solution. Suggest finding those areas rather than relying on light cover."
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AlphaJester said:
OOC: Roll Results:
Kyrios, your arc lands you approximately 20 meters away from one of the bunkers. Your perception check while you jump reveals that each tower holds 2 heavy bolters and 8 heretics.
Double your count of heavt bolters and heretics in each tower ;)
Standing at the door to the control bunker, Keraunos slammed it open, rushing inside to find heretics to slay. He knew nothing of what happened with the rest of the squad. Now was time to anoint his blade with the blood of the faithless.


Initiative result of 7
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I'll recap the order:

Kshatriya 16

Sevolt 14

Thorvald 12

Fidelis 11

Priad 9

Hyrion 8

Absortio 7

Keraunos 7

Absortio and Keraunos, whoever has the highest Ag goes first

NPC obiously not included
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