[Death's Hotel] Death's Hotel: The Entrance.


A Ghost of RpN's Past
The house-warming party was going well at the new Fujimoto residence, for the family had recently moved from the city limits of Merryweather, Ohio, to the local countryside, but not close enough to another city or town for Akio and Naomi to have to change schools. There were family friends, and friends of Akio and Naomi, such as Aleks, Albert, and Sara, and family friends such as Ladan, who's parents were friends to the family. There were festivities inside, and outside of the house on the cool summer day, as it was nearing sunset.

There was volleyball, and other activities such as cornhole. Most of the adults were inside the house, talking about the decorations and the like, whilest the younger of the partygoers were outside, either enjoying the bonfire, playing cornhole, or some other activity. Most were idly chatting, taking the occasional drink of the punch that was outside, or munching upon the snacks and food laid out upon the tables. Other than that, things were going as usual. Akio was near Dani, Marcus was recording the party, and Naomi and Sara were playing around with Raven, Naomi's little black kitten who Dani and Akio had gotten her for her birthday, which was a few weeks ago.

Marcus, scanning the area, peared off into the distance, and squinted, then zoomed in with his camera. Off in the distance was an old, abandoned mansion that just screamed to be investigated, however, he wasn't the kind to wonder off on his own at someone else's party. So, he called out to the rest of the group.

"Hey guys, look over there!" Marcus shouted, waiting until he held everyone's attention, "You see that place over there? The old mansion? We should go check it out, it'd be neat to show the community some history, huh?"

"I don't think our parents would want us to go wondering off just before sunset, Marcus," Akio replied, glancing over at Dani, "What do you think, saiai no?"

Meanwhile, Naomi gave Raven a treat, then looked towards the mansion. For some reason, she spoke out.

"I dunno' nii-san, I think it would be fun," She said in her soft voice.

"See? She thinks it'll be fun, so why not?" Marcus questioned the group again, looking around for everyone to hopefully agree to it.
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Hana just looked at the people in front of her, quietly standing there as she listened to them talk about the old abandoned mansion. She couldnt help but speak out "I heard that place was haunted." Hana stated, still looking as calm as she always looked. "Then again, people just say that just to stay away from it and not get involved." Most people hate going to creepy places such as that. I have no idea why Naomi would think something like this was Fun. I mean, the only people who would think this was fun was people who liked ghosts and haunted places. She thought to herself.

What more could she do? Most likely she'd be out numbered by the teens around her. She wasnt the one to just jump on board like a bandwagon. But who knew, maybe an adventure would be good for her. "Alright, I guess I'll go too." she added, only to keep talking "A little adventure couldnt hurt. It's been a while since I actually did something adventerous."

As a child, she would always climb trees and go through the small woods in her yard and acted like she'd find treasure. Her father would play along too. This is one way to feel like a child once again. Now, i'm quite excited!
Albert shuffled through the deck, throwing cards on the table face-down at what seemed like random, until he flipped a card over to be face-up. He looked at the card, then up to Darzi questioningly.

"I don't have to ask the obvious, do I? I know that has to be your card," he said with a smirk. He then glanced quickly to Fedlmid, as to say "don't give the trick away, now," as Fed knew almost all of his tricks.

Albert heard Marcus say something about a mansion, but didn't really divert his attention from the trick.

Sara was playing with Naomi and her cat Raven when Marcus spoke about the mansion. She looked over at the eerie structure, but didn't say anything. She looked around at everyone, and as she did so Naomi gave her cat a treat and spoke to her brother, as if trying to convince him to go to the mansion. While secretly, Sara didn't like the idea, she was swayed by her friend wanting to go.

"Yeah, Al! Let's go!" she said to her older brother.

Albert's sister's voice broke his focus for a second, but we replied quickly with "Hold on Sara, we'll talk about it after this trick," and went right back into focus mode.
|Darzi__________:. Condensation dripped off the cold, rich glass of punch that rested in her hand,

skin nipped with cold. It felt as if minuscule ice needles were being delicately poked into her pale skin, creating the occasional shiver to run down her flesh. Growing tired of the possibly forming frost on her digits, she set it down and diligently watched Albert and his card trick. His fingers selected a card and flipped it over. "I don't have to ask the obvious, do I? I know that has to be your card." His gaze was questioning and she quirked an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Glancing over the card one more time - a three of hearts - to make sure it was, indeed, her card, then nodded. "That would be it." The teen turned over to look at Fedlmid, a justified, "Don't give the trick away, now." After a quiet chuckle, her ears caught some sort of conversation about going to the mansion off in the distance. Of course, she wasn't skittish of an old abandoned house; simply curious as to why it would pass through the other's heads as a good idea. Still observing Albert, she partially listened to the others continue and made quick notes in her mind. Albert's sister was obviously up for the adventure, but he wasn't quite so willing to go just as of yet.
Fedlimid was very much enjoying this party,

He didn't go to parties much, and when he did, he was usually dragged along by Albert and was used as an accessory for his card tricks, or worse, ended up doing something terribly wrong in his oh-so incompetent way and having to leave with whatever injuries he'd earned from falling over a table, Having a door fall on him, or the other calamites that seemed to follow him with his curse of incompetence.

Not that this party was any different, as far as the first part was concerned. As he had been pulled along to a house warming party of Alberts friends.

Although, as Fed had realized during this time at the party, that he had probably spent enough time around this group of people to call them his friends slightly too. And as he sat and ate a snack, and Albert glanced at him in the way he did when he was doing on of his tricks, and Fed nodded in his understanding of this, as it was true that he'd been shown, and almost taught, how to do most of his.

And then, well, someone had an idea to go to an extremely frightening house that frankly almost made Fedlimid want to run home and never leave just by looking at it. That said, he was proably going to get roped into going with him

And everyone seemed to be agreeing to it...He glanced over at Al, who seemed to be more focused on the card game than leaving to go to a house...And if Al declined, then Fed wouldn't go, as he wouldn't exactly have a reason to.

This, was of course, not going to be the case.
That night had passed with relative calmness much to Danis surprise. She had been worried about the party because of the number of people and the new location but staying by Akio's side helped to ease the bit of social anxiety she felt when at large parties. If she wasn't by Akio's side she was talking to Darzi, another one of her close friends. The party was nice and it was fun hanging out with her friends, plus she didn't get any odd feelings from the house, a side from a harmless lost spirit or two that had wandered by. In such an isolated open area it was common so see them. Despite the house being fairly normal there was a presents gnawing in the back of her mind. It wasn't anything in the immediate area but rather off in the distance.

The older teen leaned slightly on Aki listening to the conversation going on while contently sipping from her glass of punch, every so often her gaze would wander off into the distance where a lone silhouette of a house lingered in the distance No doubt the source of the ominous feelings. She looked over to Marcus as he spoke up about the house. She mentally cursed the brunet for pointing it out and bringing it to the attention of everyone else. The other's interest in the place only put her more into an Awkward position. She looked up as Akio asked her opinion on the matter and Dani shook her head with a slight frown. "I don't think it's a good idea..." She replied
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"Oh yeeeaaaah," there came a rather teeth-gritting drawl from one side of the conversation, it's mock cheeriness choking with sarcasm, "because going to an abandoned house a distance away from civilisation never killed anyone." Those who would turn to locate the owner of the remark would find themselves looking at a young man in a pink top with floral prints, his hair tied behind him in a lazy pony-tail, a hairpin shaped like a key stuck through it. His sense of fashion, however, did not mirror his gaiety at the prospect of visiting old mansions that no one in the town had thought to do up until now. In fact, not many can remember any time when or where he was actually gay about anything at all. To him, this whole housewarming business was nothing but...well, business for his father. A new family meant new potential events where a clumsy member of the family would misplace a key, or accidentally lock the door from inside, with the key inside the room. It has happened more than once. So while Madao Minamimoto solicited, his son, Kouhaku Minamimoto, stood at one side, gnashing candy between his teeth, making as much unpleasant noise as possible until he felt his teeth hurt. He then fell into unsettling silence while watching the other teenagers and young adults mingle, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes watched each and every one of them with an expression that almost spoke of murder.

He had remained silent right until this moment, where it was his time to shine, where pouring a little acid and roping everyone and nailing the rope to the earth was needed. He unfolded his arms and indicated the Daniela girl. "She gets it. That's not a really good idea at all. In fact, I think it's not even a borderline stupid idea. It's downright outrageous. Ridiculous. How about we make do with the peaceful ("-and boring," he added under his breath) atmosphere of this housewarming business and not go to anywhere that might compromise our health?"
Aleksander looked at the eerie house, unsure of which way to go. His mother would tell him to respect such an ancestral place and leave it alone. His father, however, would have told him to take the risk. He glared at the building, his hand going to the knife at his waist for reassurance. Something about that place didn't seem right, but there were more people for going to the mansion than there were against. He relaxed a bit, though his hand didn't leave the hilt of his knife. He looked to Akio and Dani, who seemed rather against it, and then at young Naomi, who seemed all for it. He sighed and nodded, "Why not. With all of us together, nothing could really hurt us."
Nidelia had been quietly listening not saying anything until Kouhaku spoke and in which case she maneuvered behind him an chuckled. "We have a rather large group, if someone gets hurt they can get help," she points out looking at everyone with a smile. She was a very cheerful person and had been bubbly socializing all evening. She played with her necklace in one hand and in the other played with the dangling of her hair.

Ladan was chilling in a chair while he listened to some music, but one ear was uncovered by the headphones so he could hear what was being said. "Pfft, haunted? Really? I highly doubt that, ghosts and that crap don't exist," he says nonchalantly as he nods his head to the music, eying everyone from his spot in the chair. His hair swayed with his head and his leg was keeping beat.
Albert picked the card up swiftly, pushing it into a seemingly random spot in the middle of the deck, but he picked this spot out with his thumb while he was talking. He then shuffled the deck and cut it, all meanwhile mentally noting what he was doing with the value card. Once finished with shuffling, he flicked the wrist with the deck of cards in it, holding onto 51 of the cards and letting one fly out. This was the same card that was selected earlier, the three of hearts. The corners of his mouth curling into a slight grin, he nodded. The final trick wasn't a hard one to do, an amateur could learn it in minutes, but it was always one best suited for closing tricks off. Also, it looked cool. Closing his eyes for a brief second, he turned his head to his sister.

He had let tiny whispers into his consciousness doing the trick, just enough to get the vague idea of what the others were plotting.

You actually want to go to that desolate manor?" he asked, quickly commenting "That's unlike you," to finish up his thought. "There's no saying how long it's been since that place has gotten any attention, stepping into it could cause the entire building to collapse. I think it'd be a better idea to go skydiving straight into snow-skiing..." After a moment of silence from him, he continued. "I'm also adding that to my bucket list," a long list with many a things Albert would never actually get around to doing. "I'm against going, mostly because by the time we got there, we would already want to go back," he said disdainfully, thinking up a plethora of reasons for him not to go or let his sister go.

Okay, Al. I get it..." Sara croaked, obviously disheartened by her brother's blunt denial. After Albert had a chance to take a break, the realization he wouldn't have to do anything else to convince his younger sister to be absent from this activity relaxing him, Sara finished her open ended sentence.

You're scared~" she whispered with a wide grin
The bonfire, how warm it had felt sitting near it. The feeling was soothing, really. Almost enough to help you forget about the day's troubles. Not that Vladimir had any problems today, though. He just felt a really tired from working out at the ass-crack of dawn. Not that he was complaining, at least.

The party he was currently at was nice. A lot of old faces, maybe some new ones. He's just glad he didn't have to go out of his way and introduce himself to any new folk. He had always thought that that is the awkward part of building a friendship with new people. He knew it was silly to think about it that way, though. At least the food here was pretty darn awesome. At least, he believed it was. Vlad looked around and examined everyone at the party. Some were playing cards, others were playing different kinds of sports, and so on and so forth. The day seemed very peaceful, really. Almost too peaceful.

Then out of nowhere, Marcus; who had been recording the party, just told everyone to look off into the direction he designated. There was an old, abandoned looking mansion off into the distance, could probably be far enough for them to get there on foot, too. Marcus then gave out a genius idea to further add some fun into everyone's day. He asked them all if they wanted to go and investigate the mansion for the sake of history. Vlad chuckled.

"I'll tag along, Marcus. But wouldn't that be breaking and entering?" Marcus asked, slightly worried to end up seeing yellow "no trespassing" tapes along the house when they get there. Considering the fact that he's wanting to get into the Police Academy, he wasn't feeling very good about breaking any laws.
Akio stood there for a moment, listening to each and everyone of his friends. Hana saying she heard the place was haunted, which Dani could confirm, Naomi and Sara both wished to go. Telling Naomi no wouldn't go over well for some time, but saying yes could result in injury for any of them. Albert was likely right about how the building could collapse on them. There was Kris with his sarcastic remark, Fed who said nothing, Aleks who said they'd be fine with all of them, Ladan who didn't believe in ghosts(although they did exist), and then Dani, who didn't think it was a good idea.

Then there was Vlad, who agreed, but thought it would be breaking an entering. Fujimoto soon became conflicted. Either say yes, and probably get Dani mad at him, or say no and have his sister(whom no matter what he'd always have to deal with) think of him as a coward. Leaning against the wall, he put his hand over his head and began to rub, hard decisions always gave him a head-ache. No matter what he were to say, he'd have people mad at him.

And then Naomi walked over to him, and looked at him in the way she always had to get him to go her way. "Bambi eyes", as Marcus called them. When Akio moved his hand, it was over.

"Fine, but we stay really close together, and make damned sure that there isn't any yellow tape around the place, I don't want to break any laws," He spoke to everyone, then whispered to Dani, "I'm sorry, I can't say no when she does those eyes."

"Alright, well, let's not stand around all day, come on!" Marcus yelled out, grabbing Nidelia by the hand(at the moment he had no idea as to why, he just did it.) and started on his way over.

"Yeah, come on big bro!" Naomi yelled out, holding onto Raven and grabbing ahold of Sara, "Come on, let's go! Adventures await to be written down and told to future generations!"
|Darzi__________:. I continued to observe as the others talked.

I was completely game for going, but I realized just how risky it would be. None of us could be completely sure just what state the house was in, and even if we could, who the hell knew what kind of possibly rabid, flea infested creatures had made their home there. Whilst I was comprehending just what kind of situation we were about to get into, I noticed Albert had finished his trick. I had been absentmindedly watching, so I had seen his trick; I pasted a smile on my face, bigger than what I would normally give, but nonetheless genuine. "Impressive," I remarked, picking up the card and inspecting it. I couldn't find anything odd about the card. No ridged edges, no curls, nothing. "I'll have to get you to teach me that someday." I took another sip of my drink, savoring the strong taste on my tongue. Albert's sister had gotten a bit sassy, in a playful sense of course. Siblings often taunted each other and this was no different. I chuckled, then directed my divided attention onto the others who were chatting, and enjoying, the pleasant, mild weather. Before she knew it, many people were hyped up and ready to get going. She glanced at Dani, attempting to read some sort of emotion on her.
Hana watched as everyone began walking. Sure enough, some people agreed and some disagreed. Who would know what dangers were inside? No one really..But one person was right about it possibly collapsing. Al was it? Well best I better get a move on too. she thought to herself. As her feet began to move her, she was in silence and quite calm as some chattered on the way there "Most likely there would be papers of no tresspassing like in the woods" she stated, looking right at the building as they made their way there.

It doesnt look too bad.. I mean sure, it has the growth of some bushes on it and having vines run up the sides make it look creepy...Maybe it's stable enough for all of us. At least I hope so. Who knew what lied inside the house? probably dead rats and wild animals that could possibly have rabies and attack someone like a speedy squirrel who found aa face to bite up.
Dani felt a little comforted by the fact that there were other reasonable people with in the group, even if they were out numbered by the oblivious and excitable. She knew all of the mixed replies conflicted Aki, and she wasn't making his decision any better but she knew there was something wrong with the house. She didn't know what exactly, nor did she want to get close enough to find out. When she saw Naomi pull off her usual big sad eyes routine on Aki she knew things were going to go bad. Before she could really say anything Aki spoke up crushing the hopes of getting the group not to go.

Dani pulled back from the other teen and sighed inwardly while shaking her head. Even with Akio's apology she couldn't help but glare over to him. "This is a mistake. That place has danger written all over it, and I don't mean the normal kind." She hissed under her breath "Going there is going to end horribly." She warned, something not to be taken lightly. Dani just crossed her arms watching as the others jumped up and started for the house but she remained seated torn between listening to her instincts and staying away from the house or going along with the group to make sure none of them did anything stupid.

Most would probably consider her a coward for not wanting to go, but honestly she didn't care. No one else could feel what she did about the silhouette of a building. The thought of going already twisted up her stomach, not with nerves of anxiety but with dread of what was hidden behind the rickety walls.
Vladimir was, in all honesty, glad to hear that someone in the group didn't feel right about breaking any laws, too. That is, if there were any yellow trespassing tape around there. Vlad simply nodded at Akio in agreement, and followed as Marcus lead the way. As they began their way to the mansion, Vlad heard one of the girls of the group; Hana, to be exact, say that there will most likely be no trespassing tapes there like what the local woods have. Vlad agreed.

"That's what I'm worried about, Hana. I'm going to be a cop sooner or later, for crying out loud..." Vlad said as he trailed off, his view going back to the abandoned mansion. Some of the members of this group had disagreed with wanting to go because the abandoned mansion might be dangerous. This made Vlad feel a bit unsettled, but then figured that the only thing that would be dangerous about that mansion is any rabid creatures that had taken that place up as their home. Dani thought otherwise, however.

"I think it would be better if you could explain yourself then, Dani. What do you mean about it not being the 'normal kind' of danger?" Vladimir asked as he stopped and looked back at the girl, then back at the mansion off into the distance. "If it really is going to turn out that way when we get there, then I'll have something else to worry about than breaking the laws, which I will certainly not do."
Sara was half-walking and half being dragged along by Naomi. She, however, would have went with her close friend anyways. She looked back a few times at her older brother while they were walking, as he seemed content with not going.

Albert just sat there for a second, then he cursed under his breath and joined them. If his sister was going to go in there, he wanted to be there to protect her should anything go wrong. After a few steps, he stopped and looked at Fedlmid.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to," he said, aware that usually when Al went somewhere Fed felt compelled to go, in a way.

Disappointed that his sister would do something foolish as this, Al kept quiet for a little bit. When Vladimir, one of Al's acquaintances, and friends nonetheless, began to question Akio's girlfriend's choice of words. "She's just worried, is all, man. She shouldn't have to explain herself if she doesn't want to go, she just doesn't," he quickly jumped in. He knew he should have kept quiet, as Akio or Dani herself would have answered the question. He knew Vlad wasn't meaning it in a forceful way, but now that they were all on their way, there was no point in putting any more doubt in those that didn't want to go in the first place.
Fedlimid, taking the last bite out of the pastry snack he was enjoying to much, shook his head.

"No. I'll go! I just was thinking isn't there a lot to do here? Going into a house just seems boring..."

The last part was stretched, and he and everyone else would know that he wasn't really arguing, just putting up an excuse for his apprehension.

He looked around at the group that was gathered to now go into a rather creepy looking house, which frankly was in fact the Fourth to last thing Fed wanted to do currently.

Some of the others seemed reluctant but agreeing as well, which he supposed made him feel a little better, there was plenty of them, nothing would happen to such a large group...

Now, I will note that Fedlimid isn't what you'd call a coward, but you wouldn't call him brave either. But going into an abandoned house at night seemed to cross the boundaries of his anxiousness.
Kris searched his pockets for another sweet to crush between his teeth, but came up empty. His annoyance was peaking the charts, and he needed something to calm himself down. Deprived of the one thing that can somewhat cool his head enough so he didn't try and lash out at every ounce of error he saw, Kris was beginning to feel very oppressed at his and Daniella's warnings being generally ignored. They all believed nothing would happen to them if they were in a large group, he could see it in their faces, and at least one of them had pointed that out, Nidelia, or whatever her name was. At the absence of a sweet, Kris gnashed his teeth, gritted them and took out his phone, flipping it out, typing something out upon it.

Kris knew, from experience, that the group was hardly easily swayed from their original plan. Even if Daniela gave the excuse that she felt the presence of a serial killer within the walls, there was bound to be one or two that said "I don't believe" and their collective, stupid optimism will shine through his dark clouds of cynical pessimism, and they'll still end up a bloody mess no matter what, if the horror movies were of any indication of what happens to trespassers. He pressed Send on his phone, snapped it shut, hiding the message from prying eyes and jammed it into his pocket. He leveled his eyes on the procession, and sighed, tugging at his scarf, another hand's thumb hooked on the edge of his pocket. He was only just able to restrain himself from making a snarky remark at everyone's responses, as he eyed Daniela.
Dani looked up as Vlad addressed her regretting having said anything. How could she really explain herself to a group that mostly would think shes just superstitious or, in the worst case, crazy. Thankful Albert tried to diffuse the question but it didn't work completely. She gnawed on her bottom lip looking towards the house from where she sat watching as the others started to close the distance between them and it. "I just... don't get a good vibe from that place." She replied. "If its abandoned is for a reason. No ones been over there so it hasn't been maintained the building collapsing is a possibility. It could be infested with termites or any number of vermin. Hell who knows if there some mentally unstable bum in there. I just don't see the point of putting anyone at risk just for the sake of curiosity. Big group or not there's still a chance someone can get hurt."
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Aleksander nodded at Dani's statement, he trusted her intuition. She was usually right with this kind of thing. Unfortunately, this group was not exactly big on backing down, especially Marcus and Naomi. Wherever Naomi went, Akio followed, even if Dani was against it. And wherever Akio went, Dani and Aleksander followed, because they both knew he could do some dumb things. So he gave Dani an apologetic look and whispered, "We've got to go with him, protect him." Aleksander went to stand by the others and followed them.
Nidelia managed to get herself free from Marcus, and then turned and walked away. She would have no part of this. And neither would Ladan, who just raised his hands up in the air, turned and headed for his car.

With that, Akio simply became more stressed. He loved his sister, and he loved Dani. In a situation like this, he could not please them both, so, he chose to just keep on going towards the mansion, stopping, and casting a glance back at Dani. He knew she didn't want to go, he knew that she thought the place was evil, and could feel it. He could tell by how she was acting all night, as people notice when someone standing right next to them is more tense than usual.

He also knew that she'd be too worried about him and his sister, he knew that she'd go. The only way she wouldn't is if he had managed to turn everyone against going, but Naomi had already settled it, and as had Marcus, as he was halfway there. Akio knew that once Marcus sets his mind to something, he'd go through with it. The man was a determinator, except he didn't terminate things, but instead wouldn't stop until what he wanted to do was done. That man would go in there alone if he wanted. And it was all because he liked to record and let other people know the history of the world.

Akio stood there, he and Dani the two farthest behind, when in most situations he was leading the charge. Couldn't the others see how he was hesitating? Couldn't they tell that if he's not all for it, they shouldn't be either? Though they likely thought it was because he was being a gentleman and waiting on Dani, though the worried look on his face should have told them that wasn't the case, and with Nidelia running away from Marcus like that, and Ladan just leaving, shouldn't they know that something's not right?

But unfortunately, it was already too late. Even with Kris' sarcastic remarks of how this reminded him of a horror movie, pretty much everyone was on their way. Naomi was up ahead, writing in her journal and giggling with Sara, and Marcus already had his camera out, likely speaking of how this was some grand adventure.

And all that was left was Akio, standing there, looking worriedly at the love of his life, hoping that she could join him, and at least protect their foolish friends. As he knew he'd try, even if it would cost him his life.
Dani looked up at Alek hoping he would try to side with her and convince the others of the stupidity in their actions but was only met with heart sinking apologetic look. His words made sense, no amount of stubbornness could change that fact. Akio was level headed and logical but not when it came to his sister at times, and both could get in trouble if only because Naomi can be blind to the dangers around her. Dani clenched her fist tightly tempted to tell everyone to go off to their doom and go home where she knew it was safe. If she were the same person she was before getting involved with Aki, she would have. It was times like these where she hated having friends, people who didn't see or understand the world as she did and walked blindly into trouble.

A reluctant and defeated sigh escaped Dani as she got up from her seat her arms still crossed. "Fine, but only because someone has to keep an eye on all these idiots." She grumbled making her way to follow the group and passing Akio still obviously up set and angered by the situation. She knew it was childish but would rather cling to anger than succumb to the deep sense of fear and dread the twisted in her stomach.
After one of the guys in the group jumped in and said that Dani was just worried, and said she doesn't have to explain herself if she didn't want to, the girl went ahead and did so, anyways. Vladimir simply raised his hands up as if he was being arrested by the cops. "Hey dude, I'm worried too, you know." He told the man, who by the looks of it is Albert. Vlad tried to make the guy know that he wasn't mad about him stepping in for Dani. He simply wanted to know why the girl was so miffed about them going to the mansion. It just seemed weird that out of every one else, she was the one that looked... terrified by following them to that place. Vlad wondered if Akio even bothered to rethink his decision with wanting to have her tag along, aside from agreeing with him about not wanting to break the laws.

But to Vladimir's surprise, Dani's explanation sounded rather troublesome. "I didn't want to push it with questioning you, though, Dani. Albert is right with that one." Vlad paused for a moment as he lowered his hands, and scratched the back of his head. "And I won't lie, I do understand your concerns..." Vlad trailed off as he continued with following the rest of the group, with Dani's explanation in mind.

"Sorry about that, though, Dani. If it's really troubling you, why don't you let Akio know and turn tail? I'm sure once these guys even set their foot in front of that place, they'll get spooked and turn back, too." Vladimir said as he turned his head back to Dani. Although he doesn't think that there will be any hobos living in there considering the condition of that mansion, he was still worried about the damned yellow tapes. That is, if there was any. Of course, it's a silly thought.

But one thing was for sure, that place was abandoned for a reason.
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Hana was quiet as everyone spoke and talked among themselves. She was calm and showed no fear. But, seeming as some were scared-especially the boys- actually made her giggle softly. But not loud enough to be heard, seeing as she was a person to have been known as a mute pretty much. In some cases, she wasnt. Such as sighing, sneezing, giggling, and well..falling and saying 'ow'. People normally didnt hear her talk, so they seen her as a mute.

Get close enough to her and you'll be able to hear her cute and soft voice. Who knew a girl like her was so..closed to everyone? Maybe because of the distrust..the backstabbing..everything.. But off about her, looking at the mansion, it looked pretty bad up close. Maybe going in wasnt a good idea. It looked like if you just tapped on it it'll just fall and make it look like a bomb knocked it down

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