DeathLord: The Architect of the Posion Demense

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The imprisoned Eclipse, Shine on the water's path, was nailed to the wall in of a dark room smelling of blood and smoke. Months before, his circle was ambushed by servents of the damned. At first, the battle was easy, nothing they hadn't come up against before. Then, horrible constructs of the dead began to bolster the ranks of the damned before them. These strange beings were part soulsteel, part rotting flesh, and had powerful artifacts embeded into their bodies. These abominations were led by abyssals equally terrifying, some possesing mechanical arms and insectsile carapaces instead of legs. These beings proved too much, and one by one his brothers fell, untill he was remaining. One of the larger abyssals, whose armour seemed to be grafted onto his body, hit him with an outstretched arm. A powerful jolt of essence went through his body and he fell unconscious.

Days later, he was brought into this prison. His captors dragged him through what he later called "the assembly pit." What looked like corpses covered in arms floated magicaly around, prodding corpses and imprisioned ghosts with odd, soulsteel tools. Some brought large machines made of soulsteel and implanted them onto the subjects, the ghosts screamed in pain as Abyssals gaurding the room laughed. At this stage, he has had numerous visits from the odd constructors. Sometimes they came and mearly poked and prodded him, other times sampls of his flesh were removed.

However, today things were to change. The door to his cell opened, and in walked a large, imposing figure. His armour, like some of the stronger Abyssals he fought in the battle, was grafted onto his flesh, but his looked more powerful and radiated a feeling of utter dread. At first, Shine on the water's path thought that this figure was wearing an oddly shaped helm. But as he approached, it was clear that this was not so. His eyes had a metallic sheen, with soulsteel sockets; his mouth was covered by an odd assortment of pipes that made his breathing highly audible. Small viles of Green liquid were set into the back of his neck, which glowed and bubbled oddly. The monster was bald, but numerous soulsteel and Jade wires, the likes of which he had seen in first age artifacts before, exited his head and connected to other protrusions down his back. The little flesh he could see was a deep grey, tinged with flecks of black soulsteel.

As the being approached, a metallic series of clicks could be heard, and a dozen smaller arms covered in Soulsteel grew from his back, These were topped with odd needles and drills like he had seen on the workers in the assembly pit. The figure grabbed his face, while the needles poked and prodded. "Hmmmmm, this one will do" the figure announced to his aides in the darkness behind him, "Leave us" His voice was dark and metallic, like an automaton, but tinged with hatred and death. Shine on the Water's Path began to notice a yellow glow in the room. His caste mark was glowing, of it's own accord!

"Welcome to my House" the figure said, "I have been contained elsewhere, I apologise for the delay." Shine on the water's path was too weak to speak, but he still managed a curse at his host. The figure laughed, it was an odd sound and it took Shine a while for him to realise it. "You are an eclipse, yes? It is said that a horrible fate awaits those who break your oaths" the figure said in a conversational tone, "I'd like to make an oath with you." He paused, the only sound in the room was the ghostly screams mixed with the mechanical clanks of the assembly rooms, and the the loud rasping of the figure's breath.

"I want you to to swear that you will not let me leave this room." The figure replied after a few minutes. His face, if it could be called that, looked impassive, but Shine suspected that the figure was planning something. "Say, "I will not let you leave this room," and I will show you mercy." Shine remained quiet. The monster walked closer, and savagely grabbed his prisoner's face. He gazed deep into his eyes and repeated the order. Shine felt the figure's dark essence enter his mind, and could not fight it. "I swear, I will not let you leave this room." The room began to glow brightly now, and the Eclipse felt a feeling he had felt many times before. His anima sanctified the oath, but under the command of another. "Good, now you shall break your oath, and I shall learn from it." The creature turned and left the room. Shine had broken his oath to keep him from leaving, and he knew very well what happend to the breakers of Eclipse oaths.


The Architect of the Poison Demense, otherwise known as the Tinkerer; Machinist; or the Builder; was one of the greatest engineers of the first age. Back then, he was known as "Rightous and bright engineer," from architecture to powerful weapons, he devised most, if not all, of the time's legendary artifacts. His one goal, was to become the student of Autochton itself, but despite his creations and skill, the Primordial always refused.

At first, he believed his failure to entice the great maker was his own fault, despite his skill, he was nowhere near worthy enough. However, as the years passed and he created wonder after wonder, his opinion changed. In is pride, he believed that Autochton wouldn't teach him because the great primordial feared and envied his skill. When Autochton left, the Builder reckoned it left because it felt dispair at his skill. When the Solars fell, he believed that it was Autochton who planned it, to be rid of his better.

As his soul rotted in the Jade prison, The Architect of the Poison Demense's hatred of Autochton grew. Without the ability to build and create wonders, his existance was meaningless. When the malfeans came with their request for servents, he jumped at the chance.

In his current state, The Architect of the Poison Demense sees machines as perfection. This is not surprising, as his machine's are generaly perfect in most respects. When he heard tales of the First and Foresaken lion's punishment of being forever incased in armour, The Architect went immediately to his malfean lords, asking them to repeat the process on him. Where the Lion screamed in agony, the Architect screamed in Joy. Not only this, he observed the process as best he could, in the hopes of repeating it in his dread labs. Although, not as powerful as the malfean carapace, the Architect has designed his own version, which he grafts onto his most powerful dreadknights.

His work on his servents does not end there. Many of his deathknights, those he does not send into creation to do his bidding, are horrific meldings of machine and man. Some have extra arms extending from their spines and insectisile bodies, others have soulsteel armour grafted onto their bodies. Some of his most veteren knights look more like first age automatons than humans. The Architect's army have horrible machines grafted onto their bodies, limbs replaced with large bludgeons or tubes that can fire cursed essence. His armies are also armed with crossbows similiar to those built by the mountain folk. He has done much research into the exalted, and has the ability to inflare any Exalted's anima at will, activating their anima power.

The Architect's mind works like a machine, this is both one of his greatest strengths and weaknesses. His agents are scatered all over creation, most of them involved in seemingly useless tasks. But, each circle is a gear in a vast machine and when put together, the results can be devestating. It would take several cells worth of prisoners and interrogations before anyone can even comprehend their plot. This, is also a weakness, for like a machine, if a vital cog is removed, the entire machine breaks down. His pride in his work means that such imprefections are usually overlooked. If lucky enough, an entire plot to shatter creation could be inadvertently stopped by a well placed circle, who may never know of the plot they have foiled.

Like The First and Foresaken Lion, The Architect of the Poison Demense does not posess a shadowlands near his base of Operations. The Architect's dreadlabs are located in the southeast, near where grey river enters the southern jungles. His industry of death is a grim mirrior of the vibrant life in this part of creation. One of the premier sections of his research is into a device to tear creation creating a shadowland without need to organise a mass slaughter.

His major objectives, despite his oath to bring oblivion to all, are creating a machine capable of building shadowlands in creation and finding Autochton and getting his revenge. He also spends much time torturing captured Exalts, in an attempt to learn the secret of Exaltation and find ways to remove the power of his greatest foes.


The Architect of the Poison Demense stats are similiar to those printed for the First and Foresaken Lion in the Autochtonia rule book. However, Intelligence and manipulation are more important to The Architect of the Poison Demense than Strength and dexterity. I don't have the rule book with me right now so I can't give proper stats at this time. I'll edit them in later.

This Deathlord has 10 Craft in all types. He has 7 in War and 3 in Authochtionian technology. He has a craft specalisation in Innovation. He uses a Large Sledgehammer in battle, which he wields with remarkable skill.

Like the First and Foresaken lion, he has all the Abyssal Charms and any solar ones without an Abyssal counterpart. He also posses some of the Alchemical charms, he must be given multiple "multilimb frames" and "Omnitools." However, he cannot take alot of the most advanced charms, and those he does take are slightly weaker than listed in the book. he knows a few necromancy spells, but only those which directly aid his crafts.

He has the malfean Carapace like The First and Foresaken Lion, and his Abyssals may be equipped with a weaker version. He can also activate an Exalt's anima power at will by spending 1 mote of essence. The target does not need to spend essence themselves. Finally, any weapon he designed before his corruption recognize their creator. If he was free of taint, the weapons would not harm him, but in his tainted state, the difficulty to hit him is increased by 4.

Any of his Abyssals can take altered versions of the Alchemical charms. Players who wish to play as servents of The Architect may choose the Hybrid Alchemical rules printed in the Autochtonia rulebook. The Storyteller has final say over what alchemical charms they have access to, and can make them weaker to fit the story better.

The Architect of the Poison Demense is armed with the "Sledge of the Ever fallen" a large hammer he uses in both battle and industry. It adds to craft rolls when used in craft and can destroy magical weapons in combat. proper stats will be posted later.


The Architect of the Posion Demense is lucky among the Deathlords, he controls many Deathkinghts. However, the nature of his organisation means that none are favoured above any other. From Poweful dawn caste generals that are more machine than man to Day caste spies hidden in creation working the wheels of his plans. Some of the main nes are listed below.

Shark Finger Tyrant

Shark Finger Tyrant is a powerful Necromancer who acts as a mesenger between the various cults and agents planted in the South East. Due to this location, he is an important part of The Architect's plans. He generaly wears a long, hooded robe that covers his mechanical upgrades.

Sword of Furious Soulsteel

This is one of The Architect's main generals. He has a high grade version carapace grafted over his flesh and has most of the Abyssal Melee charms, as well as a few Alchemical upgrades. He is armed with a powerful sword based on the Daiklaive of Conquest called the Daiklave of Supression. It has identical stats, excpet the former gives are penalties to the enemy and vica-versa.

Servitor of Dark Glory

This being, he can barely be called a man anymore, is The Architect's disicple. A Daybreak caste, he excells in Craft and Engineering. However, not only does his position of Desciple grant him direct access to the Architect's vast knowledge, but he is often the first to get any new modifications that his leader comes up with. He has the most Alchemical charms and modifications out of all The Architect's servents, and despite his seemingly fragile appearence, his modifications make him quite powerful in battle.


The Dreadlabs

Anyone roaming around the southeastern part of the Underworld, could pass by a seemingly average manse and think nothing of it. However, this manse is more than average. This is by far the largest and most important of his Citadels. It is here that most of the most dreadful designs are made into reality. It is here, surrounded by death and pain, that The Deathlord sits in his lab, finding new ways to make his army more powerful. Most of the structure is underground, with entrances that look like average manses dotted around the area. It's walls made of dark bloodsplattered blocks and with undescribable horrors roaming his halls. Some parts of his labs are locked, in these places, failed experiments roam. A party who stumbles into these areas can expect to face powerful horrors.

The dreadlord also owns similiar structures throughout the Underworld, but none can even compare with the dreadlabs.
Technical note: Only the shards of the slain Solars were trapped in the Jade Prison, not their ghosts. The Malfeans rose the Deathlords up from the ranks of Solar ghosts who inhabited the Underworld.


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