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Fandom death, yet the force ✧ˊˎ- | star wars interest check


the magistrate.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

' ' there is no death, there is the force. ' '

hello! i've recently returned to my star wars fixation after years, and i've been craving an rp within the setting. i'm most accustomed to creating and writing ocs, but i've also been curious about a few canon characters, so i'd love to experiment a little bit with something new!

a little bit about me - i'm 20 years old and living in the (est) timezone, and while i can get a little bit shy sometimes, i love making new friends and chatting ooc about our characters! i've been rping for just shy of ten years now, and i like to think that i'm alright enough, but i'll include a writing sample further down just for clarity's sake. i don't have many rules regarding my rp partner, i only ask that you be respectful and open to communicate with me whenever you find the time.

most of my rps involve a romantic element to them, but i also love non-romantic plotlines as well - some of my favorite rps have been 'found family' or 'platonic' plotlines, as rare as those tend to be nowadays. i'm lgbtq+ friendly, and i love writing any and all types of romantic pairings (including polygamy and non-binary or transgender characters), and i love doubling up with a partner and playing large casts of characters. i'm an artist as well and i love both drawn and realistic faceclaims, though many of mine will be drawn, and i adore worldbuilding and designing different species - any alien species (including anthros!) is fine by me!

also, i prefer rping either in pms or on discord, and the same goes for ooc chat. i get stagefright in regards to rps taking place in public threads ;;

here's a little list of my current cravings - bolded is the role i'd prefer to play, and a (⋆) indicates my interest:
oc x oc
oc x obi-wan (doubling-friendly!)
⋆ jedi master & padawan (platonic - i can play either role!)
⋆ jedi padawan x sith acolyte (i can play either role!)
- jedi x civilian
- sith x bounty hunter
- jedi x bounty hunter
- bounty hunter x civilian
- jedi x republic senator

as of right now, here are the canon characters i'd be comfortable with playing:
⋆ anakin skywalker (pre-vader)
- padmé amidala
⋆ obi-wan kenobi
- riyo chuchi (clone wars era)
- asajj ventress (clone wars era)
- ahsoka tano (clone wars era)
- luke skywalker (rebellion era)

and my favorite eras to write in:
⋆ clone wars
- old republic
- age of rebellion

i haven't watched the bad batch yet, so no spoilers please! here's a little writing sample of mine, taken from a short story i'm currently writing:

Hyperspace streaked azure and cobalt above the console. Anakin sat unceremoniously leant backwards in his chair, idly studying the miniscule scuffs along his lightsaber, having long since left control of the ship to autopilot as they made the long jump from the Outer Rim territories towards the Core.

Catching his master’s gaze, Anakin glanced upwards and offered a slight smirk, before returning to his twiddling. “We should arrive at Coruscant in about an hour and a half, Master. Then, we can finally get some sleep.”

“Not before we’ve reported to the Council.” Obi-Wan resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose and rub his eyes. Sleep was a sweet calling, sweeter now that he found himself sitting in what would likely become complete silence for such an extended period. Still, he remained vigilant. How Anakin kept his wits about him after such a long day, Obi-Wan hadn’t a clue. Youth, most likely, or sheer stubbornness in the face of his own circadian rhythm. Neither of those were techniques that Obi-Wan could hope to mimic, and so he was left cursed to the realm of sheer exhaustion for the foreseeable future. With a heavy inhale and a heavier sigh, the Knight stood and stretched, before turning to watch the door to the bridge in contemplation. “I ought to go check on them.”

“The medical droid already applied a salve.” Anakin was expectedly hasty to predict his master’s train of thought, and yet this time, he’d predicted incorrectly.

“It isn’t their physical health that troubles me. Can you feel them?” Obi-Wan held Anakin’s gaze for a prolonged moment, and it was only then that Anakin caught his drift. Skywalker set his lightsaber aside and straightened himself in his seat, eyes half-lidded as he, too, reached out with the Force. His upper eyelids quivered ever-so-slightly with each emotional signal he received. Obi-Wan had remained trained on the youngling through the Force ever since they’d been brought onto the ship, and yet it seemed as if this was Anakin’s first time truly acknowledging them.

The padawan blinked his eyes open and furrowed his brows, perplexed. “I can sense that they have the Force, master, but I can’t glean anything more…”

“Yes,” Obi-Wan pressed a switch on the door’s side panel, sliding the door open to a short and narrow hallway. “It seems they’re putting a substantial effort in trying to hide themselves from our perception.”

thank you for reading this far! please pm me if you'd be interested in an rp!

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