Death Weapon Meister Academy


The Dark Poetry Mistress
PunkKat1 submitted a new role play. @PunkKat1, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Sheet




Appearance: ((I'd prefer this to be on the top of your character sheet thank you.))



Other: ((Anything I've missed or you wanna add.))



Name: Isabella Costello

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Isabella is confident, strong-minded and a bit bossy when she wants to be. She is also bubbly, happy and a good friend once you get to know her. In fights, she is only merciful when people who she feels is worthy of her mercy. She's also very determined and intelligent so it's best to be on her good side.

Bio: Isabella was born into a family who fought Kishin for a living. Her family managed to stay out of the eyes of the DWMA and Lord Death. Growing up, her parents knew she was special and they couldn't teach her everything. But they taught her all they could and that helped her out. In a normal school, she was a bit of a rebel and a tough girl. She got into a couple fights but people quickly learned that messing with Isabella had consequences. Eventually Lord Death found out about her when she killed a kishin in front of Spirit and Dr. Stein.

Other: She is a demon weapon. She transforms into a sword, which looks like this.

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: Vallen Estersin is a guy of about 16 years old, he is about 5'10 and built like an ox. Vallen has mid-length hair down to his shoulders. He has a deep scar right across his eyes from his childhood, he doesn't tell anyone of how he got it. His eyes are a bright and peculiar purple mix with green , barely able to be seen through the hair flowing down on his forehead. Vallen's skin tone is a milky brown with a few freckles on his leg shaped like a star, his parents used to say that he has had it since birth.

Name: Vallen Estersin

Age: 16 years old

Personality: Vallen Estersin has the personality of a skateboarder, with a few differences. He is a very quiet yet intelligent person. In school he never really tries to do any of his homework or classwork, he is always sleeping in class. Still he passes all the tests with flying colors, getting higher scores than most of the "geniuses" at the school.

Vallen is very laid back and lazy never really doing anything unless he wants to, the only way his parents get him to do his chores is if they say someone is asking for him at the door saying they need his help. He is a very valiant and courageous person who can't say no to someone in need of assistance.

Bio: Growing up in the rugged part of Death City, there was a boy and his two parents just barely making it by. The boy and his two parents lived in a small apartment meant for one person. This boys name is Vallen Estersin he got his name from a mix of his ancestors names. His mom was a famous weapon meister and his dad her demon weapon, he was a battle ax that shot compressed air at such a velocity that it would bring down a skyscraper. the two of them were known among all of Death City until one day a coven of witches ended up being too powerful for them and killed them both. When Vallen ended up finding out he swore that one day he would wipe out all the witches from existence.

If possible Hailey Williams can be my demon:cool: 
sweet thank you very much for accepting me into your rp. this is my first rp ever that i will be in and i believe it will be amazing since i have seen every single episode of Soul Eater and i feel that you are good at this. When are we going to start? 

[QUOTE="Hailey Williams]Do I need to make a meister and a demon?
Or can I just make a demon?

My character could be somebodies demon??

that okay?

you could be my demon if you want to be, PunkKat1 said it's up to you if you want to be my weapon or not.
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Could I make someone like Blair? 

Name: Cyrus Lupine

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Cyrus is usually a playful and friendly person that is loyal to the few people that accept him. But don't judge him by his smiling face, he is a wolf after all regardless of which form. He is short-tempered and does have the instincts of his wolf kin which may cause him to be possessive and territorial with some people.

Bio: Cyrus was born from a normal pair of wolves that were the alphas of their pack. At first Cyrus was an average pup but there was a day when he first experienced his first change into his human form. The pack still accepted him but news of a 'demon wolf' spread through the nearby city. A few meisters were called in to eradicate all the wolves to make sure that the demon wolf was killed. A little 3 year old Cyrus was found in his human form with little wolf ears and tail down in fear. The female meister that found him brought to Lord Death to see what to do Lord Death decided to raise Cyrus himself to keep an eye on him and that's how he ended up being enrolled into the academy this year.

Other: Has 2 other forms, His normal wolf form and a small pup form. His magic consists of using wind.


Name: Ito Arachnima

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Ito is extremely paranoid, and he usually accuses people of ridiculous things and blowing things out of proportion. If you offer to do anything for him, or even make a random movement, then he'll instantly start accusing you of something you probably didn't and wouldn't every do. Despite his paranoia, he is extremely gullible and trusts people easily once they get past the stage in which he accuses you and attacks you suddenly. Because of his paranoia, he hardly ever allows himself to rest in any way unless there was someone he trusted to watch over him while he rested. Getting him angry is extremely easily, and when angry he grows dangerously violent and impulsive, and his paranoia causes him to get angry even more than he would usually.

Bio: Ito was adopted when he was 6 years old, having been abandoned at a church sent to the orphanage by the priests. His foster parents were always extremely kind to him, but he always felt that something wasn't right with them. He would constantly be placed in strange and dangerous situations, with things falling near him and the sudden movement of a chair he would be standing on whenever they were around. Eventually, he discovered their secret attempts to harm him when they attempted to harm him directly, and retaliated by transforming partially, marking this moment the first time he discovered his status as a Weapon. The actions of his former guardians caused the massive amount of paranoia that he suffers from to this day, though he always had his bad temper. He later arrived at the Academy after an invitation from the Shinigami when he had been continously jumping from family to family, none wanting to accept him completely.

Other: When he partially transforms, wires and strings come out from his back. His strings are extremely tough, and can attach to things with relative ease. Can cut things depending on the size of the wire, the thinner it is, the easier it cuts. Wire can also string together to make wire shields or clothing, weave structures out of it.

Weapon Form:
Hullo! I would love to join! ^-^

Like Riko, but with light purple hair and dark purple eyes. She's pretty short for her age, only about 5 feet tall.

She transforms into a weapon like this


Name: Chiho Arande

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Chiho is very shy and timid. She usually tries to avoid people, and prefers being alone. Although she may seem nice and timid at first, once she gets comfortable with somebody she get's very rowdy and a little aggressive. She usually always has her nose stuck in a book, mostly romance or adventure. She doesn't really feel comfortable with her weapon side of her since she is usually gentle, but once she has a cause or get's angry, she uses it very well.

Bio: Chiho lived with a big family, with 4 brothers. She always secluded herself from everyone, though, and never got much affection from her parents. Her brothers would always harass her, hence her aggressive side. Once her parents found out she was a demon weapon, they sent her to the Academy without a word or second thought. Chiho was extremely afraid to go, but hoped that maybe she would meet her Meister there, and perhaps some friends, since she never really had any before.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/scythe.jpg.0a44e39c3891a95c858fca993feaaa23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/scythe.jpg.0a44e39c3891a95c858fca993feaaa23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/demon.jpg.791d4e076aec38b2cd07c46d27114956.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/demon.jpg.791d4e076aec38b2cd07c46d27114956.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: cobata


gender: male

personality: Cobata is a kind and joking person with a thrive for the greater good he is always hyper and friendly until someone angers him then he becomes an evil terrible person

bio: nothing is really known about him besides the fact of him being an orphan. He has a long scar across his face from his left eye to the bottom right side of his chin. He tries to help everyone and everything that he can and tries to stay calm and in good spirits. he was orphaned by strangers after they broke into his home slaughtered his family and slashed his face and he has been on a hunt for them ever since then

(is that good)



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