Death Weapon Meister Academy(Soul Eater) RP


A Ghost of RpN's Past
(Link to the Signups: )



I had heard of a school, a "special school" that had been formed. It's purpose, well, was to have us magical weapons be used to our full potential, and even become the very weapon of the immortal Headmaster, Lord Shinigami-san, Death. I had arrived there, on the first day, and received my tag, "Weapon." I had it on my chest, above my literal black heart. Not to say I'm pure evil or anything, but my blood is black. Sharp instruments do no harm to me, and the same with a gun shot. Now, if you where to punch me int he face, that's a different story. I was sitting there, waiting for someone to choose the "Chain Boy" as their weapon. And I just sat there.
Sol walked through the crowded halls of Shibusen looking for his brother. His brother wouldn't be hard to find. Even if he were trying to hide Sol could always feel his brothers soul close by, and here in Shibusen Jet was DEFINITELY not trying to hide. Some heated shouts and boasting could be heard right around the corner, and sure enough, there he was. Jet, along with a bunch of other rowdy weapons, trying to show off in front of a group of females. It was not going well for either party.

"Hey! Jet!" Sol shouted about the roar of the crowd. "What do you think you're doing back there?"

Jet looked up from his mischief, a silly grin plastered across his face. The tag that read "WEAPON" hung crookedly across the front of his shirt. Sol crossed his arms and shook his head.

"Been making friends, have we?" Sol asked.


"Have you found a Meister yet?"

"Uh... not really?"

"Come with me then. I think I've found someone that might do... and straighten that tag out. you're going to make us look bad"
Ivan walked up the enormous set of stairs leading into the DWMA's front doors with ease,his father in tow. His first day in the school of Weapons and Meisters...It'll be interesting. An experiment. And his father wasn't oblivious to the implications of giving youngsters great power and little oversight. "This is most auspicious my boy,oh yes. The young Brackman,a Meister. Defender of humanity against the agents of insanity. Oh yes,my boy,you will go far." Gustav wore his customary lab coat,with the same emblem on it as the one on Ivan's vest,and he wore khakis alongside loafers and a black button-up shirt and red tie. His hair was short,receeding,and white as snow. His face was wrinkled with age and stress,adorned by an equally white toothbrush moustache. His beady grey eyes observed the bizzare architecture of the Academy itself. "You didn't have to follow me to school,father. I hear that Lord Death is quite the recluse." "And that's why I'm here,my boy. Surely he would see a man of science. Maybe we could orchestrate an experimen,oh yes..." "Father,this is a school,not one of your labs." Gustav simply shrugged. "Social experiments are best performed in the natural environment,my boy." With a resigned sigh,Ivan replied, "Of course,father. Even a grad student knows that." Entering the school,making sure he had his "MEISTER" tag on,he split off from his father,who went off looking for members of staff to direct him to Lord Death's office.

Ivan's designation tag was on the right side of his chest,as to nod cover up the insignia of his father's research firm,Cybran Technologies. He had a certain loyalty to the firm,as they were responsible for his existance. He saw a young man observing him,but before he could greet him,he left. He shrugged.
I guess my outfit can be imposing...
Sol left the busy greeting hall with Jet lagging a few paces behind.

Sol: "You know, you're not going to actually meet a Meister unless you actually put in the effort of meeting one instead of dicking around all initiation week. See, look. This guy looks like a new Meister"

They pulled up to the front stairs where the beautiful view of the entire Death City could be seen from the entrance of the school and there a Meister, or at least that's what the tag on his shirt read, was almost to the top of the steps with what looked to be a very odd man in following close behind. Well, compared to Death City standards, that man was almost normal.

Sol: "See there's one. Try asking him"

"Hmm?" Jet asked, "What was that?" his mouth half crammed with a freshly opened chocolate bar. He has obviously not been paying attention to his brother's speech "Hey look! it's a new kid! That's not his weapon following behind him, is it? He looks far too old to be in our class"
Seeing the young man from before return,this time with what appeared to be a twin sibling,they began to talk amongst themselves,while one was scoffing down a chocolate bar that he miraculously kept from melting in the hellish Nevada heat. Approaching,Ivan noticed their designation tags,and said with a nod of greeting, "Hello. I'm Ivan Brackman,pleasure to meet you." He held his right hand out to the young men for shaking. At this distance,the difference in muscle bulk was easily seen between his arms,with the left one being thicker. "How goes it? I just moved in from Ontario a few weeks ago." Sweat from the desert's heat was already visible on his brow. No amount of physical training could have prepared him for the insane heat. He once boiled water by leaving the pot out in the sun.
Sol shook Ivan's hand firmly.

"Are you a left handed Meister? That's quite interesting. My name is Sol and this is my brother Jet"

As if on queue, Jet waved casually, before turning his attention back to his chocolaty snack.

"We just transferred from Shaolin, China" Sol continued "...and are looking for a Meister who can wield duel weapons"
At the mention of dual wielding weapons,Ivan quirked an eyebrow. "My specialty is in zweihanders,but playing on your strengths leads to stagnation. I think shaking things up is the only way to advance." Looking at the brothers,Ivan asked, "So,how do students get paired,anyways? Assigned,or do we simply chose then register? And how did you keep that chocolate from melting in your pocket? It must be at least fifty degrees." Undoing the clasp on his right bracer,Ivan removed it and swiped the sweaty forearm on his pant leg,then went to massaging it. This heat will take plenty of getting used to...
Sol grabbed the currently oblivious Jet by the back of the collar and in an instant, Jet had transformed into a short staff with a broad curving blade protruding from the end.

"It's not exactly a Zweihander, but Jet can become what is known as a horse cutter."

Sol gave Jet a practiced twirl and in an instant Jet was standing in Sol's place holding a three sectioned staff casually draped over his shoulders.

"Oh, we can teach you how to use some new weapons. If you're willing to learn" said Jet, for the first time seriously engaging in the conversation, a dangerous gleam in his eye in his first. "But don't say I didn't warn you. Many of our forms are exceptionally difficult to master"

The sections of the staff snapped expertly in a defensive pattern around Jet creating a dangerously confusing burr of weapon before snapping straight again. Sol transformed, landing in front of Jet and gave a small respectful bow to Ivan.

"My brother speaks the truth. If you wish to properly use us, it will require much training"


Well, I'd say these meisters ignored me, because it takes time to be able to use a chain for a weapon. There's of course many ups and downs to it. Also saying, that I have black blood, isn't that good. I could go insane easily. I stood up, and just started to wonder around, hoping someone would end up choosing me as a weapon, or, at least, trying to be my friend. I couldn't help but shake the feeling that me coming here would result in bad omens for me.
Ivan smirked. "What's progress without hard work? Hollow. Worthless. Regression." Putting his steel bracer back on,Ivan gestured into the building. "Shall we go inside,gentlemen? Maybe we can get ourselves registered and begin sparing right away." Taking the lead,Ivan entered the DWMA proper. "I may even be able to teach you a thing or two about fighting unarmed. Just in case you find yourselves seperated or unable to transform a limb."


Meanwhile,inside,Gustav had found an instructor,a spectaled man. "Hello,sir! It is a pleasure to meet you,oh yes." The elderly doctor offered a hand to shake,and said, "I'm looking to have an audience with Lord Death,you see. I wish to observe the possible sociological effects of socially immature individuals wielding immense power,oh yes." After a moment,Gustav caught himself. "Oh,I nearly forgot myself. I am doctor Gustav Brackman,chief researcher of the Cybran Technologies Research and Development Laboratories,with PhD's in six seperate fields."
Tokino and Seizura walked the halls of the DWMA, bored as ever. Tokino absentmindedly kept stretching her mechanical grigori soul wing, which stayed even when she didn't use the ability, causing her to wince. Seizura rolled her eyes at her meister. She thought it was terribly annoying when her meister tried to stretch it, knowing that it hurt herself in the process.

(Writers block... <(~.~)>)
(I REALLY hate doing this,but I honestly want this RP to go far,so... [MENTION=3418]Kanna Haneoka[/MENTION] [MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] [MENTION=3584]Dante_Abrax[/MENTION] The RP is up! Please constantly check the posting status of RP's you have been accepted for!)
Yukihyou sat on the steps leading up to the DWMA, not wanting to be around the others. She clenched her tag tightly, as if it were life she were clinging to. Looking up into the sky, she watched the birds fly across the sky, they're movements ever so slightly caught by the eye for they were so high. Getting up, she slowly walked towards the doors leading into the DWMA. She hastily put her tag back on, which clearly read "Meister".

(All I could think of.....)


Why am I even here? No one is going to wanna be paired with me. I'm evil in nature, I'd guess. Well, due to that stupid witch. I thought, and looked at the ground. But seriously, why had I even agreed to going there? I should have just let those people kill me. It'd have been a better fate than what's coming for me.

I stood, and walked outside, looking at the meisters, and the other weapons that weren't paired. I had noticed someone who had taken her tag off, and then put it back on. I walked over to her, trying to look as nice as I could. Heck, I even smiled at her.
In bitter silence, Yush stood on the edge of the sidewalk. Not paying any attention to those around him, he instead focused on the glass flower resting firmly on the palm of his hand. Using his thumb to rub around the edges, a gentle tear fell from his face. He missed his meister more than anything. The only thing that drove him in these painful days was her memory. Through gritted teeth, he pushed out; "I will avenge you." Shoving the pendant back into his pocket, he scanned the area for anything, or anyone that might be a threat to him. Anyone that might have seen his fit of rage. After feeling content that he was alone, he turned to face a large building behind him. Inscribed over the doorway was a simple HG logo. He sighed, taking a gentle step into the store. When doing so, the bell in front of the door range, and a stout old man took a glance towards Yush. With a jolly smile, he chuckled and skirted around the counter.

"Yush! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ag-" His tone of voice immediately changed as he realized how depressed Yush really was. Walking to the door of his store, he flipped the "Open" sign to the now "Closed" side. Turning around, he murmured. "What happened? Where is Cassandra?" Yush could no longer hold back his tears. His hands furiously shaked as he looked up to the man before him. Realizing the fate of Yush's meister, the man embraced Yush with a firm hug. "I... I'm so sorry, Yushy. I'm so sorry..."
Sol followed crisply behind Ivan, while Jet trailed behind, distracting himself with every new sight and sound. Sol let his brother wander. Getting lost would not be a problem, they had always been able to find each other through their connected soul wavelength. "So, Ivan. Might I suggest that as soon as we can get checked out we should grab something to eat, maybe meet our future classmates."

Sol's eyes traced the crowded halls looking for familiar faces and seeing none.

"We're going to be here a while we should well get ourselves some early allies."
His sensei just sat there, meditating in his backyard garden. The only area in which he had felt at peace for once. Kazuhiro had a taste of that peace every once in a while when he would meditate back there, too. Kazu stood by the back door, staring at the old man. The boy was dressed in a dark red buttoned shirt, black pants, and his trench coat.

After watching for a while, Kazu just simply knocked on the already-opened door. ​"Am I interrupting, Koizumi?" He asked, giving the old man welcoming smile. Koizumi opened his eyes and nearly chuckled at the sight of Kazu. "What's so funny, old man?" Kazu joked, seeing that the old man couldn't keep himself from laughing.

"Nothing at all. Come, sit down for a moment." Koizumi said as he patted the empty spot right beside him. Kazu smirked, then moved away from the door and over to the empty spot. He then sat down Indian style, just like Koizumi. The boy then stared up at the sky, and began to wander into his mind. To them, meditating was something they couldn't let go of when they left their home. But Kazu had a few reasons as to why he meditates, too. One obvious reason is that it calms him. It helps him relax, even when he's angry. It helps him to think straight, rather than to be a fool filled with idiotic assumptions. Meditating also helped him to forget. It helped him to get away from the real world, while he walks over into his very own world. But Kazu was pulled away from his thoughts when his sensei began to speak.

"Kazu, do you remember those times back then when you and my grand-daughter would always run around yelling out to everyone that the monsters will never bother anyone again?"
Koizumi jokingly asked, knowing how silly the two children were back then.

Kazu laughed a bit, feeling a bit surprised about the old man's memory. "Well.. I wasn't expecting you to remember any of that.." The boy said, wondering why Koizumi had brought up something like that. Especially since it was from the past.

"Yes, those were indeed precious memories, Kazuhiro. I don't know, it's memories like those that always come back when I think about the girl.." Koizumi said, feeling rather grim about the thought. Kazuhiro knew fully well on what the old man meant. And so the boy looked down, feeling saddened by how much Koizumi misses her. How couldn't he?

"I don't know if I can.."
Kazu trailed off when he looked back up at his sensei. For all this time of training, for the one person the two had lost, Kazu didn't come this far to just turn away from an academy that held so many opportunities for him. Yes, the boy also felt horrible for Hikari's death. But that shouldn't hold him down from reaching his goals.

"You made a promise to my grand-daughter before, Kazuhiro. You shouldn't think about her death. Only know that her soul is still with us. You must keep moving forward. I'm hoping you're ready to walk down the path in which we all would want you to seek. Do this not only for yourself, but for her. For that one promise."
Koizumi said while Kazu stood up and nodded to what he had just told him. He was right. There's no time to look back into those dark times. There's only time to move forward, and that's exactly what Kazuhiro was going to do. After speaking to his sensei, he waved good-bye and headed outside from their house and on over to the academy. But so much was on the boy's mind already. How will his classmates be like? Will he find himself a Weapon anytime soon?

Kazu stopped for a moment in the middle of the street after that one thought.

Crap.. I need a Weapon..
The boy thought to himself as he scratched the back of his head. He just shrugged it off after thinking about it for a bit, figuring that he'll find one soon enough when he gets there. The only problem to him was meeting new people. It would be a pain, and knowing that he really isn't the "happy-go-lucky" type of person just doesn't help him out with the situation at all. But that's something his classmates will have to deal with, not like he cared anyways.

And now finally he was here. He stood there, staring up at the stairs he would have to climb in order to reach to the DWMA. He sighed deeply, but went on ahead and walked up the stairs. He couldn't believe it himself. He was actually here, at the DWMA. For so long it felt as if it was only a child's dream. But look at him now. No more is this a child's dream. It is reality.

Quickly, while he was almost there on reaching to the top, he reached his hand over to his trench coat's pocket and moved his hand around inside it, as if he was trying to look for something. And when he felt something in there he immediately pulled it out from his pocket and stared at it. It was his "Meister" tag, in which he put it on the right side of his chest. And after walking up the steps, he could see it. The DWMA doors.

He moved closer to it and saw a girl in front of the doors. At first he was going to greet her, seeing that she was the first person here he had seen already. But something clicked in his mind that made him not do anything like that, and he just walked pass by her and steadily opened the doors instead. And upon opening them, he could already see Meisters and Weapons hanging about. A whole lot of them were just chatting, which looked as if this area he had walked into was the greeting hall. Or at least he thought it was the greeting hall.

He was just glad that he finally made it to the academy, but he really wanted to move through all of these people and to head over to his class. Hopefully the students here wouldn't be too annoying, for his sake. Only time would tell on what will happen to him here.
Sin and Saint both head to the 'special school',they had heard about it a long time ago but never thought of coming.Now the both decided to come and see what it was really all about,they walked into the school and looked around.Sin just sighed since he really didn't care much about any of this,but it was worth trying.Saint on the other hand seemed interested,as he smiled as he looked.

(Hope this works.)
A man, ways away from DWMA, sat there, in his room. Chains hanging from the ceiling everywhere.

"Hey, minion," He said, calling forth one of his minions, "What's this I hear about death creating a school for weapons and such?"

"My ever-so-powerful, and ever-so-wicked master, Shinigami has created such a school, in the new town of Death City, what are you thinking?" The minion, one of his greatest fighters, a swordsman, said.

"You, Harugato, are to go there, as a spy. If they find you out, you are not to report immediately back to me, but at least a month afterwards. This is for them not to find out of my location," The man said.

"Yes, Lord Cadena," Harugato said, and walked off out of the room.

(Introducing the villains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For part 1.)


I'm not used to, well, interacting with people. So, yea. Didn't know what it was all that like at the time.

"Um, I'm Link, nice to meet you," I said, trying to look as kind and nice as a kid with black blood could. It's not easy; I stood there and waited upon her response.

( I have a new rule. You must have four lines per post. People put a lot of work into their posts. I need it to be four, so that people at least have something to work with than nothing. One warning other than this one. One-liners are for the movies, this is a RP, not a movie. )
(Making out to be like the episodes now, so, if you think there's a time where there should be a title to your post, like, a new episode if it where an anime, go right on ahead!)

1: The Meisters and The Weapons, who really goes with who?

Lord Death was in his mirror, room, watching the first students of the DWMA, and wondering if he had made the right choice in making his school above the very first, and only afreet. He'd noticed this, "Gustav" and allowed him to enter his chambers. He now waited patiently.

Link had now walked somewhere else. It was very obvious he was going to be his own meister, as no one wanted him. The chain boy. The evil kid. The kid who was just plain weird. He again, sat down, and wondered about things.

Cadena, Spanish for the word "Chain" sat in his room, and looked at all the chains hanging from the ceiling.

"DWMA, huh, well, Lord Death, we'll see who truly wins round one, first of all, I'll have to let you get your groups together," Cadena said, and sat there. In his throne, slowly drinking some apple juice.
Sin and Saint wandered around the school,not sure where they should be going.So pretty much lost,they walked around as they looked at the school.Sin had started liking it here after he got a look at it,it seemed cool.Saint had begun talking to him about what they should do and how to start,Saint was the one who actually studied the school before coming here and Sin was thankful for that.
I sighed, and sat down. Well, I guess you have to make lemonade with the lemons life deals you, whatever that means. Oh well. I sat back, and closed my eyes. Not asleep, just well, resting my eyes. They needed it. I needed rest. Having been turned into a black-blooded weapon, was, well. Not easy. As far as I knew, I was the only thing that had black blood, and I wanted to keep it that way. My former "meister" and I where a tad bit crazy at times. In fact, I still am. Which, well, I could deal with. What I couldn't deal with was that dream of a room with chains in it. It seemed so, odd.

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