Story Death Reimagined

Knight boi

The man stands there walking across the jungle forest, the coo’s from birds and the chirping scream out into the green forest. As the man continues to walk he comes to a stop when he comes across a woman, she had purple skin and look like she was holding a small tropical bird between the tips of her fingers holding it oh so carefully, around her birds of the same species surrounded her as she gave a small smile as she watched the bird, though she eventually looked up to see death in the eyes, she appeared to be crying, though it looked like she was as devastated from what happened. Here, as death look down to see what was causing the woman to cry, the bird. It’s wing was off. It was dying. The woman smiled at death as tears fell down her cheek slowly. Death slowly opened his mouth trying to choose the careful words coming from his mouth.

“Oh, Hello Life, I may ask… you love these birds the most?”

“No death, I love my creations equally.”

“I see.“

“Death, I feel like I’ve failed my creation. It never even had the chance to fly.”

“Do no cry life, it is okay. It will soon be able to fly, along with its other friends.”

The woman let out a sly gasp, escaping from her lips as she carefully started to give the bird too death, her fingers guiding the bird into deaths cold bone like hands.

“Have you ever seen a soul life?”

“No, I imagine it’s a peaceful moment.”

“It is, you should try too see a soul, it will change your perspective.”

The woman shed a tear as death then saw the soul of the bird come from the corpse of the bird, as it chirped at death happily, as it flew off to see its other friends. Death then carefully put the small corpse of the tropical bird into the woman’s hand. The woman still crying, as death used his finger to wipe the tear away.

“Do not be sad, death is a beautiful thing life.”

“I-I’m sorry death, I’ve treated you wrong for a long time…..I was always so confused, why do people hate you Death?”

Death’s soulless eyes stared into the woman’s majestic and beautiful eyes, he took a seat next to her.

“People love you because you, are a beautiful lie. And I am the hateful truth.”

“I see…..”

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