Death (Reality & Theytookmyname)


Senior Member
Lucia was in the hospital once more. She couldn't find her inhaler, and one of her lungs collapsed. She was rushed to an emergency room quickly, and her mind was in a haze. She wanted to scream, to panic, but she had gotten used to her condition and the fact that she was lousy with her inhaler. It would be the death of her. The doctors joked with her saying that, "You cheat death to much, he's probably very mad." She agreed in a sense, she had gotten way to close to death, closer than she was comfortable.

Lucia stared out the window, and watched people come in and out of the hospital. Most of them were people she had never seen before. She was tired of fighting the asthma, and the panic attacks were getting worse and worse. Almost anything was triggering them, and her doctor was worried about the stress it was putting on her.
"Damn right im mad.." Jay muttered under his breath as he floated behind the girl. He was invisible so no one could really see him. Jay was sincerely tired of this, he has been around this girl for some time now, popping up every now and then when she had an asthma or panic attack she was like a cliff hanger that never ends. Everytime he would think she was about to die she would pop right back up again and go to the emergency room which equaled no soul for him which would lead him to wanting to flip over a table this girl was also annoyingly kind which sort of wanted to make him vomit, how could someone be that nice? Honestly he has never seen this girl do one thing bad, the only thing she did bad was loose her inhaler..many, many times.

Jay sat down on a counter near the girl who was looking out the window, thus had to be some type of punishment. Just waiting for this girl to die wanted to make him shoot himself in the head though he would just cime back to life..probably. He has never been killed before while he was the geimm reaper, probably because no one wants to kill the grimm reaper. Jay looked over to the girl and sighed, he couldnt help but be attracted by this girl, it was just something about her that made him want to stay by her..maybe he was sick.
Lucia looked worriedly at the entrance, she was allowed to leave in a two days. They had given her a new inhaler, and she had it next to her. She wanted to move around and talk to someone, she was so lonely. Maybe she could go visit the west wing and see how the children were doing. She was hurting kind of, but it was nothing too bad. It definitely wasn't one of the worse attacks she had, it was just she couldn't find her inhaler and her weak lungs. One partially collapsed, and thankfully a passing by person recognized her struggles and called the ambulance.

She went to stand, but she was wobbly on her feet and she fell to the ground with a painful thump.Thankfully, her IV stayed in her arm, and she wasn't too worse for wear. She managed to somehow pulls herself up, and then noticed a walker next to her bed. She almost face palmed herself, and she leaned on it cautiously, and then buzzed a nurse. Explaining what she wanted to do, she was denied and forced to sit back down.
"What is this woman doing...?" Jay thought to himself as he watched the girl struggle to get to stand correctly only to fall the floor painfully, he placed his face into the palm of his hand, she just had an asthma attack and she is trying to stand? The worst part was that there was a walker next to this girl and she was just now noticing it. Jay watched in silence as she buzzed in a nurse and explained what she wanted-- or was trying to do. Really all that for children, he would have just stayed in bed and took a nap but then again this girl was different from other people.

When the nurse had denied her to get up Jay scoffed a bit, wow all that just to be put back into the bed... that must suck. Jay sighed as he placed his scythe from his lap and against the wall, he would probably collect this girls soul soon because it was pretty obvious that her condition was getting more and more worse, then he wondered if he showed himself would she have a panic attack and die.... Jay looked beside him only to see a glass of water sitting next to him, he took his index finger and knocked over the cup curious to see her reaction.
Hearing sudden sounds, Lucia flinched visibly. She saw a glass of water knocked over and her head tilted to the side in confusions. She spoke aloud, quite confused, "How did that happen? Was it a earthquake? If so, I would have felt it..." She looked at the puddle it made and frowned. She wanted to clean it up, but the nurses said she should rest. Lucia didn't feel like resting. Her sides and chest hurt, despite the pain medication they gave her. Maybe she had gotten used to it by now.

Pulling a towel off the end of the bed, she tried to wiggle her way off it once more. Honestly, she was surprised they hadn't tied her to the bed because she left it all the time. She looked at the towel, wondering why it was at the edge of the bed anyway. Maybe to clean up puke or other things. She slipped closer to the counter where the grim reaper was sitting, not that she knew. She rubbed the towel against the counter, her sides screaming in pain and stress and she winced, but continued to clean up the mess. She then set the glass up right and let out a sigh of relief when she settled back in her bed.
"Why does wveryone blame the weather?" Jay thought to himself, everytime he did something like that someone would blame the wind or something but know it wasnt the stupid wind or earthquake it was him. He watched as she made her way off of the bed and to a towl that was at the edge of the bed, he was surprised that she hadnt fallen this time. When she had approached the counter he didnt move, there was really no point he was going to reveal himself anyway so he could kill the girl. He could tell that she was in pain because as she wiped the counter she winced every now and then. When she laid back down Jay looked out the window and saw that it was starting to get dark, Jay liked to collect souls at night mostly because most people were asleep at night so they couldnt really hear the victim scream. When it was finally night Jay sighed and went back to the window to grab his scythe. It was almost time for him to kill this girl and collect her pretty little soul but he swore if she cheated him again he will put a pillow over her head.
Lucia felt extremely cold all of the sudden. It was darker in the room now, and her eyes shut as she shivered. She was afraid, the dark reminded her of the dark closet that her mother killed herself in. She recalled her dangling body, and Lucia heard her heart rate pick up on the monitor. She felt like the walls of the hospital room were closing in, and she started to hyperventilate. Her heart rate sped up more, and she felt as though she might have a heart attack. She knew this was unreasonable but it felt so real. Curling up in a ball, trying to get as much air as she could, she choked on her sobs and the air. She looked so pitiful. She felt light headed, her sides hurt, and the sides of her vision was blackening.
Jay looked at the heart monitor that was beeping wildily, was she having a panic attack? Probably but it didnt matter,nshe was dieing and that was all that mattered. Jay walked over to the bed now visible to the human girl who looked like she was suffering, it was actually quite sad to see.. Jay shook his head, no he was suppose to be killing this girl not feeling bad. Jay looked at the girl a sshe choked on the air that she desperately tried to get, he deepily sighed before raising his scythe to cut into the girl to retrieve her soul but then he felt a pound in his chest causing him to drop his scythe, great, now his heart decided to work!? Now Jay just felt this pit in hus stomach which made him feel weird, it was probably guilt. He couldnt let this girl die, he did not know why he just couldnt. He could see the girls soul slowly coming out of her body already, he deepily sighed before he slowly pushed it back in "Geez lady breathe." Jay said a bit frustrated but not at the girl but at himself for reviving the girl
Lucia felt some strength return to her and she smashed a button signalling the nurses. Tears were running down her face, and the nurses rushed in. They jabbed her with a sedative, and it slowed her breathing. She wasn't choking, but the darkness was taking her. She was worried, but she couldn't fight it. And soon everything was black. She was reliving her nightmare about her mother's death. It scarred her, and she was shifting in her sleep, crying out and mumbling.
Jay quickly backed away from the bed when the women banged onto the button that signalled nurses. It was a bit sad to see this girl like this. Jay watched as they jabbed a needle full of sedative into her arm, Jay couldnt stand needles really, when he ws nine he rememnered always running away from the doctors when they would come near him with a needle sometimes he would just smack it out their hands and look at them like they were crzy. Jay shook his head, he didnt like thinking about the past it made him remember the day he was smashed by a collapsing it also made him remember that it hurt like hell. Jay looked at the girl when she started shifting and crrying in her sleep. Nightmare. He assumed.
(I'm time skipping a bit. Sorry.)

Lucia woke, and it was dark in the room because the curtains were shut. She took in a few breaths, trying to stay calm. This was the hospital, not that wretched closet her mother was hung in. She breathed slowly, trying to remain calm, and she forced herself up. She needed the light, needed to convince herself that the past would stay in the past. She leaned on the walker that was next to her and wobbled slowly towards the curtains. She pulled them apart, wincing when light filled the room. It comforted her more than ever to see the light, and it lifted her low spirits. Today she felt better, and she could leave tomorrow. She was going to visit the children today, to kill boredom and lift her spirits more. She didn't care that the nurses disapproved.

She wobbled her way towards the IV and pulled it along with her as she wobbled out of her room. Some nurses advised her to go back to her room, but she shook her head with a stubbornness that made them give up. One nurse helped her there, and she was soon greeted with the warm smiles of dying children who were playing in a play room. They yelled her name in happiness, and she was ambushed with hugs and kisses from happy children. She laughed and giggled with them, hugging each on of them.
Jay was leaning against the wall with his large scythe in the palm of his hands, he didnt sleep at all but lucky him last night while the girl was asleep a patient was dieing so he did get to take a soul, gotta love hospitals. They are the best place to getsould because sometimes everday people start to die. Jay turned his headwhen he had heard the girl eake up frantically with deep breaths, she was probably trying to recover from the nightmare she had had last night, he assumes it was terrifying because last night she was freaking out. He watched as she forced her body up and to the curtains, oh god, this women will not sit still even in her condition. When she had opened the curtains Jay groaned, he hated when the people did that, they would be in dark room then open the curtain letting in bright rays of sun, it nearly blindes him.

Jay followed as the girl walked out of the hospital room with her IV by her side some nurses would try to convine her to go back to the room but her stubborness kicked in and she just denied them all which in the end made them give up, one nurse actually helped her to where she was going. When they reached their destination Jay wanted to slam his hrad against a wall, great children. Jay didnt like being around kids, it brung to many bad memories of the adoption center. Jay assumed that she was popular with the children here because she was attcked with hugs and kissed and they all seemed to know her name.

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