Ends of Eternity
A golf-ball-sized dice with 100 flattened sides with runes and hieroglyphs. Picking up the gold Zocchihedron was the biggest and the dumbest mistake you ever ever ever made. Whyyyy would you pick up such a creepy cursed thing? Too late now. It doesn't matter what genre you are, where you are, when you are, or who you are. There are countless gold Zocchihedrons buried all over the universe for all time. Picking it up, you sense a shift in the air. You turn around and see me. And my faces.
My name is Yinyang. To everyone, I appear
in different shapes and forms.
I am the conflicted immortal of Life and Death split down the middle. Lunging for you, side-stepping from you, I stumble. My left face is lower, serious, intense, and violent. My right face is lighter, silly, optimistic, and peaceful. One eye wants to kill you. But the other eye wants you to escape.
Startled, you drop the gold Zocchihedron.
It clacks, spinning for as long as a minute, rolling 100 numbers. You and I are rooted to the spot for eternity until it ends, hypnotized and compelled to watch. Spinning. Spiraling. Death wants you to know that the number it lands on means how much hours until Life gives up and lets me harvest your soul. An appointment I won't miss for the world.
Life wants you to know that it is also at that appointment you have the chance to roll again. If you miss it, you will suffer a random traumatizing death.
The catch is: you can't roll the same gold Zocchihedron. One's trash is another's treasure. If the dice thuds on a 1, you have an hour to find another. If it thuds on a 100, you have 4 days and 4 hours to find another. The second catch is: you must stay away from me to be guaranteed safety.
We watch as the gold Zocchihedron still spins. You realize this game of life and death can go on forever until you figure out some loophole. My mouth shuts, struggling to tell you the answer. The dice stops spinning and thuds. . . We gaze down at a number. . . I lunge for you, but side-step.
My name is Yinyang. To everyone, I appear
in different shapes and forms.
I am the conflicted immortal of Life and Death split down the middle. Lunging for you, side-stepping from you, I stumble. My left face is lower, serious, intense, and violent. My right face is lighter, silly, optimistic, and peaceful. One eye wants to kill you. But the other eye wants you to escape.
Startled, you drop the gold Zocchihedron.
It clacks, spinning for as long as a minute, rolling 100 numbers. You and I are rooted to the spot for eternity until it ends, hypnotized and compelled to watch. Spinning. Spiraling. Death wants you to know that the number it lands on means how much hours until Life gives up and lets me harvest your soul. An appointment I won't miss for the world.
Life wants you to know that it is also at that appointment you have the chance to roll again. If you miss it, you will suffer a random traumatizing death.
The catch is: you can't roll the same gold Zocchihedron. One's trash is another's treasure. If the dice thuds on a 1, you have an hour to find another. If it thuds on a 100, you have 4 days and 4 hours to find another. The second catch is: you must stay away from me to be guaranteed safety.
We watch as the gold Zocchihedron still spins. You realize this game of life and death can go on forever until you figure out some loophole. My mouth shuts, struggling to tell you the answer. The dice stops spinning and thuds. . . We gaze down at a number. . . I lunge for you, but side-step.
Most of the Roleplay will be done on Discord.
Click me to build and play your character!
The rolling (and most intense roleplaying imo) is the IC thread here.
Type: 1x1 vs me, 1x1x1 with partner vs me, or 1x? with group vs me.
Genre: Fantasy, Realistic/Modern, or Futuristic.
Tone: Comedy, Romance, or Horror.
Faceclaim: Image (real or anime).
Name: Full name.
Gender: Male, Female, or Non-binary.
Sexuality: Straight, L, G, B, T, Q, P, or A.
Age: 18+
How you found your first gold Zocchihedron: The premise.
Persona: Likes, dislikes, survival skills, and fatal flaws.
History: What was life and death like for you before you met Yinyang?
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