Story Death is her savior


ramuda amemura
I wrote this story a few year back on my wattpad account katiscool
There will be spelling and grammar mistakes
But please tell me what you think of this small story
The story starts in
Walking through the woods at 12 pm is not a good idea especially if you get lost and also if you feel like something or someone was following you.

This was not a good idea on callie's end.

She gasped as a light breathless giggle was heard behind her so she ran not looking back at her surroundings and slowly she heard the crashing waves on the rock side of the cliff making her come to a stop.

Softly sighing she stopped and fell to her knees staring at the sky above her.

Looking around she noticed a dark figure stood against the trees watching her, the purple eyes staring into her soul, a sadistic grin on his face and topped with a classic top hat and a black suit.

With a evil smile he slowly walked to her, elegance in his walk and the smell of fresh blood surrounded him.

He stood in front of her before bowing slightly and kneeling to her she was face to face with dead her breathing got much quicker as she stared at him.

Shaking her head se tried to get up to her feet and run but she felt a tail wrap around her waist to only drag her back to him with a light laugh as she screams out in fear but he squeezed making her gasp for air and whimpers lowly staring at him in pure fear.

He let her go as he placed her in front of him, she slowly fell to her knees since they give out when she starts to shake in fear, hearing him talk as his voice was deep, hollow yet soothing to her ears poor weak human scared so easily with a small scowl she looked away as her breathing slowed down yea weak human she mumbles.


He growled and grabs her chin making her look to him, his eyes piecing her soul so very weak and more so pathetic she listens to his cold words making her freeze as the memories hit her likes the waves against the cliff wall, her voice turns cold and distant yes I am always have been always will be with a sigh she slapped his hand away making him growl again while he shifted back to look at his prey.

He simply shrugged at her while raising his sharp tipped tail in front of callie's making her flinch away sending the feeling of power running through his blood giving him the sense of obedience as well towards the girl.

Seeing a shift in his eyes her own go dull making a frown appear on his face you no longer fear it child with a slight huff she looks down to her lap as she plays with a dying flower "yes i fear death always will...but i accept it since everyone says i deserve it" he looked at her in shock, the words hit him as if he was shot.

Callie looked at him with a unsure smile ad gently reached out touching his soft yet cold cheek oddly enjoying the contact he was allowing but at the finger tips he was cold making curiosity twerk her "what are you... Your cold... basically dead" with a groan he looked away "nine of your worthless business" she huffed once more folding her arms.

He looked at the human in amusement before resting his chin in the palm of his hand "my long so you may call me death" she just fell into a laughing spree trying to notice the shiver of fear running through her spine.

He snarled "so your human?" he asked distance and hatred in his voice which was clear as day making her snap into a rage "not all humans are bad, gosh you remind me of why i hate this god forsaken world! Why hate us so damn much?!" her voice raising with every words as tears coat her cheeks making him look to her with a soft glare but sadness in her eyes "hey turned me into a monster callie!!"

she began to smile even if he did glare and snap at her a slight look of frustration is plastered on deaths face "why smile at me when i can take your soul so very easily" she just shrugged at him with a small sad smile "because dying can save me... When it can rid the pain i feel every hour of every day."


With a frown he nodded "so you want to die?" he sees her start to cry and wraps his arms around her into a hug as he listened to the sorrow in her voice and for once... He didn't want to kill "please death take my soul you have no idea what its like living with the fact your best friend died please save me to also live with beating beaten and broken by people who are meant to love you and cherish you" he gulped look down "i don't know if i can do this" he whispered.

Tears fell onto his lap making a small sad sigh come from him.

This was not fair on this girl t live with such grief always remembering the pain of everyday life.

Death didn't wan to take her soul yet he felt like he had to save her but not in the way he wanted to and not in the way she begged for.

He hugged her tightly not wanting to let go of her warmth "it's not your time... you are young callie you still have a life to live" he whispered in her ear but she shook her head and let out a sad plead "please" she sounded weak, cold and broken.

He hugged her tighter then before "okay callie your wish is my command, see you on the other side princess" she giggled slightly making a smile appear on his face, he suddenly placed his hand on the back of her head pulling it forward so she was resting on him.

He held her tighter then ever and he finally gave into her plead for mercy at a new life, not admitting to him wanting to meet her once more in her next life no matter what she is "fine you can have this wish you seek callie" he for the first time cried as he silently wrapped his tail around her waist and then aimed it to her back but he bit his lip as she kissed his cheek hugging him tighter before plunging the sharp tip tail through her heart.

Blood dripped from the wound and from his tail as he pulled it away, she gasped coughing blood up over his suit but at the time he wanted to see off the red head beauty into her new life that's waiting for her.

Holding her around the waist he could feel the blood against his hand, she was on her final breaths as she whispered out to him "thank you death" she fell backwards, her arms falling from his neck to limply down by her side.

Looking to the night sky he began to cry and hug her lifeless body closer to him before laying her on the ground, flowers start to cascade around her as he kisses her forehead "rest now callie... see you soon" soon her body started to turn into sakura petals before fling into the night sky.

One petal brushed his cheek, a tear falls from his eye onto the petal before it flew away with the other.

he then got up, adjusting his top hat and wiped away his tears bowing to the moon but soon walking into the shadows waiting for the maiden to see again.

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