Death comes to all.


Rules :

1. Minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per post, would prefer 3 but 2 is fine.( A paragraph is 5-7 lines)

2. No bunnying other peoples character unless you have been given permission by the owner of that character.

3. There isn't a limit on how many characters you can have, just don't go overboard.

4. No godmodding, that includes avoiding death, hits that would blatantly hit you and auto hitting others(Hitting them in your post and saying it hits).

5. If fighting another person's character you're only allowed two actions in that post to avoid auto hitting and the post must leave those actions to the other person to decide whether they are hit.

6. Be realistic when fighting zombies, They can and will hit you and can and will hit you. Characters will die, including mine but you're always open to come back and write up more characters.

7. You can't kill off another person's character unless they give you direct permission.

8. Please use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. The occasional mistake is understandable but I don't want a constant flow of incorrect sentences spelt entirely wrong.

9. If you read this far, at the bottom of your player application write, Man do I love rules

10. My word is final, If you argue with the rules and break them, expect a horde at your doorstep. Although Im strict I am open to suggestions, if you don't agree with a rule take it up with me in a pm and we can discuss your concerns.

11. If I see any OOC arguing, I wont be happy. Keep the likes to pm if you have an issue with someone elses roleplaying abilities or something along those lines.

12. I would like atleast 1 post per 2 weeks. That is a bare minimum unless you have a reason for being inactive longer than two weeks and you notify me of this reason.

13. Be realistic about what you can carry, no one can carry 5 guns and a load of food and bottles of water.

14. If you're quitting or getting bored of the roleplay please notify me instead of disappearing into thin air.

The map of the city. The locations aren't going to locations in the roleplay, this is merely just an outline, Indicating the city is split across a river, Although the map shows the left half being Arad in the roleplay it will be a large business area clustered with skyscrapers and office buildings and a few high priced apartments and housing areas. The name is also not Springfield but instead is Slaton City,Entirely fictional unless I just came up with a name that is already a city.

The east is working class and poorer areas of the city, has most of the cities factories and large shopping centres. Housing is more tightly spaced and the roads are wider with tiny alley ways going off to the sides of most roads, people say this can be the most dangerous place in the city, where as others disagree as the mazes of skyscrapers across the river make for just as much a dangerous environment.

The North of the East of the river is mainly the poorer area, housing even more compact than down south. Small alley ways even smaller the roads as thin as sticks. Every wall coated in a thick layer of spray painted graffiti the paint oozing down, like rain drops. The south being only partly better, most houses having two floors and much wider, roads normally sized and less alley ways, The south is also where most small businesses are and large shopping centres.

The west of the rivers skyscrapers were thought to have been safe places, people thought the infected would never be smart enough to realise there were people upstairs, the people never accounted for their great sense of smell and the fact some were already up their lying in wait for someone to fall into their carefully laid trap.


Week 1:

Some say this was the craziest part of the outbreak, some saw the outbreak as a reason to start rioting and looting, they were the first ones to go. The emergency services were a shambles, completely unorganised and lost, like sheep without a shepherd. It were the lucky ones who survived, no not because they didn't get the disease, it wasn't transmitted, nobody really knows what it is but you can't catch it unless they manage to bite you. Some say it is genetic others say some kind of injection the hospital had been giving out but all we know for sure is that nobody knows what caused it.

The power was still running for the first 4 days, then it went out, most of the shops had been raided no gun shop had been left untouched, some people already forming their own groups whereas some prefered to stay alone, guessed it would be easier on their own, less mouths to feed and could always keep on the move.

Week 2: Some people have started to notice more types of these "Infected" Some have even said to encounter invisible variations,it would seem they are mutating, and rapidly. Some have said that they have encountered those equipped with tentacles, although very few have survived an encounter with this type, some have lived to warn others that they are mainly found on the west side of the river, in and around enclosed areas.

Week 3 : Its not a surprise there would be groups of bandits, already they have gone around slaughtering others whether it was for the fun of it or to steal their supplies, already armed to the teeth not many people can stop them, but it won't be long before the hordes get them will the path of death the leave in their wake it won't be long before a horde smells all the meat, hunts them down and feeds on them.


There are no safe areas, groups are always on the move else they will be found and killed. Some have decided to go out on their own terms, whereas others died fighting. It seems no one can survive because whatever caused this outbreak, happened all over the world. We will all die, but how do we want to go out I guess that is the only question we can ask ourselves now, will you die protecting a loved one or will you leave that loved one to die to ensure your own safety?

Some say it is survival of the fittest, but intelligence comes into a play just as much, You can't survive purely on your fighting capabilities every group needs their quick thinkers and tacticians to survive, someone to keep a tab on what food and supplies they have.

Current Zombie types:(More will be added as the roleplay progresses)


Your average zombie, wanders aimlessly on its own until it finds fresh meat or a horde to tag along with. Are normally in groups of 3 or more.


Pretty self explanatory, The ratio for runners and walks is for every 5 walkers you'll have a runner, runner are about the average human speed when running so hit them in the legs whilst they're running at you then take them out.


These guys aren't to be messed with, long tentacles reaching up to lengths of 12 feet, the tips as sharp as a spear. They can easily capture those who are unaware of their surroundings by simply stabbing their tentacles into the human and pulling them in because sinking their teeth into the humans neck.


Referred to as ghosts as they're invisible, which yes isn't very much like a ghost. Easily heard as they make plenty of noise when running towards you and their grunting is very apparent and although not fully invisible they are not to be messed with, If you think you're near one start running like hell and shooting behind you.


The newest mutation, (None of your characters will have encountered this and will thus be ensure what do when they do encounter one during the roleplay) They stand completely still when they know a human is nearby, when the human is close enough the Sentinel will lunge out and attempt to grab they and sink their teeth into the humans neck.

Character Skeleton :


Age: (Be sensible, no 5 year olds running about and no 80 year olds.)


Appearance : (Anime,a detailed description or a real picture any is good)


Biography : (What did you do before the outbreak and what did you do in the first three weeks of it)

Weapons : (Be realistic, you wouldn't have more than 2 guns and a baseball bat.)

Supplies : (If in a backpack please state and be realistic about this, you wouldn't be able to carry dozen upon dozens of food, bandages, water and etc)

Other : (Anything else we need to know put here)

Will be writing my character tomorrow, Im too exhausted right now.

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