Story Dear Mortality


Falling Into The Sky
Roleplay Type(s)
#FAC51C - Life
#EB6B56 - Death
#3D8EB9 - Anonymous (will be named later)
#FBA026 - Life and Death (in union)
#A38F84 (Bold) - Lord Father
#E25041 (Bold) - Lord Satan

In some ways, Life and Death can be seen as both partners, opposites 'and' colleagues. They count on each other to maintain a balance in the world, nature, and make sure there is any semblance of both at any time - for without one, there cannot be the other one. However, what happens when you complain about life, and you assume nobody hears your pleas - be it desperately sobbing and begging for the end, or wishing for something more pleasant to befall you in your most dire times?

This is what happens - in an alternate reality in another dimension - no, above the clouds - but in the medium of light and dark. This is the 'Dear Mortality Support Centre' - or the DMSC, where Life and Death regulate complaints and desires from those who plea and would either choose to hand them out - or outright deny them. However, they would both need to agree on what they receive, which is normally in letter form. The DMSC is ran by Life and Death - the respective highest operators of both Heaven and Hell, with Life being an angel and Death being a demon - on the lords of their respective realms, The Father and Satan respectively.

Life and Death work together in this business - however, they sometimes conflict and their work turns into conversations about what 'they' are actually meant to do for the human race. The two would get through the last letter they received one day when Life rises from her throne of crystals and white feathers, seeming worried about something. One day, the exchange started like this. "Why do they love me but they hate you, Death?" She said plainly to him, to which Death looked up from his desk and atop his throne of a dark grey, with purple horns raising from every conceivable end of it. He put his hands together before him and chuckled. "Because you are the beautiful lie, and I am the painful truth." Death said coldly to the angel, rising up and looking at her with a deathly look as he trudged towards her.

"Like it or not, we are the sole reasons the planet Earth can be so full and so empty of life. It's a part of our business contract, Life." He added, looking away with a a sinister smile. Life shook her head. "Then what happens if we are not here to do our 'business contract'? Do you know what happens then?" She would ask Death, to which the demon ceased his sinister smile before turning back to her. "If you do not exist, we have no life on this barren world at all, meaning nothing will ever happen to it outside of what is natural. We need more like than that. And if I do not exist, then the world will become far too populated, and the worst will very well be possible. We both exist in tandem to make a balance of the living and the dead." Death explained to her.

Life seemed outraged. "I don't understand! I create all of this life for this job and this world! Why do you take it all away after it is all done?" She countered sharply. Death stood back in surprise but sighed. "I believe you do not know who you are talking to. I am Death, the destroyer of worlds. I take what the world does not need, and I require you to keep the life numbers rising so I can decrease them less than what you have raised them. You give man lemons, and I will take what you do not give them instead." He said to her calmly, seeming unnaturally calm about this whole explanation. Life sighed. "Is 'anything' safe from your ways?" She asked. Death cracked up into a maniacal laughter, his face lighting up with a malicious smile before he stopped laughing to speak.

"Woman, child, man, monster, and everything in the world belongs to me. I control when it all ends, therefore I have the majority of our combined power. But I would not have this power if you did not create them all in the first place. Furthermore, your own power and abilities limit my own should you do nothing, Life." Death said calmly, his laughter ceased and with no signs of amusement on his face. Life would try to counter Death when a buzzer went off in the DMSC building, in the main room - where both Life and Death were. It buzzed off three times, signalling the end of the work day, and Death would head straight for the door. Life would begin to follow. Death stops her, turning her excited face to shock and disappointment. "...Death, let me through. I have every single right as you to leave - you will let me through this door right now, demon!" She roared, to which the demon just turned to her with a malicious smile once again.

"Dear Life, shouldn't you be granting people's wishes?" He mocked, as Life knew he would take them away. Life stifled her anger, growing a flustered red as Death laughs and walks away. "When it exists, I own it - and everything in their possession. Family, pets, loved ones, plants... All of it bows to me." He boasted before he left the door. After Death left the building, Life sighs and walks the other way to the main room, slumping down on one of the desks. "When life gives you lemons - don't make lemonade, make life take the lemons back!" She said aloud to herself in a stressed tone. She would look down and see a black little kitten under the desk. This was one of Death's kittens - one of the several dozen, actually. Life picked it up and it let out a fearful purr. Life smiled, having gotten an idea. "Although... What if I no longer give out anything... Strictly nice...?" She said in a somewhat sinister tone. The kitten looked at her with a malicious smile. It liked her way of thinking very much.

The next few days, Life would arrive late to work, often with varying excuses, but Death seemed just as impatient as he always did upon her arrival. The most recent time she arrived, her excuse was 'wardrobe malfunction', to which Death rolled his eyes at. "Life, we do not have wardrobes in the spiritual realm..." He said coldly, shaking his head. Life blushed upon realising this and her latest excuse was pretty much just shot down like that. "W-Well, we can still work, right?" She asked. Death chuckled. "Of course we can. Come with me, the wings that light the future. We have much to do before I darken those wings for humanity at a later time." He said in an evil tone, that same kitten from before - no, it's not, it's 'multiple' identical kittens, all watching without Death noticing. Upon Death's leave at the end of the job, Life would look down to the kittens. "Hello there, you lot... I'm glad you're with me on this plan, you adorable little fluffy balls... Now, if only-"

"LIFE! Emergency!" Death boomed, running back into the room and seeing her with the kittens - though he paid it no mind. "We have an intruder! Someone managed to get to us!" He said frantically. Life seemed amazed and surprised - nobody had done this before, but she assumed it was someone from Earth. Life, Death and the numerous kittens would go and find the source - it seemed to be stuck in some kind of cube. Death pointed at the cube and with a snap of his fingers, that cube was no more, and the contents of the cube were revealed. It looked like a human girl, barely old enough to be in teen years - presently unconscious. She then woke up and looked up to the two, in both fear and amazement.

"W-Woow! A real angel! And a real demon! Is this what fantasy looks like?!" She said ecstatically. Life had a cringing look on her face. "What do we do about her..." She said silently to Death. Death gulped. "I... don't know... We will have to consult the lords." He responded to Life before looking at this girl. "Stand, child, and follow us. We have a conversation to make with you and our superiors. You can introduce yourself later - this is the first someone in your case has made it to this realm apart from those delegated to it. You will listen to our rule, or else." Death threatened. The girl stood up and saluted. "Sir yes sir! Whatever you say!" She said innocently, following Death and Life as the duo would lead them to a giant door with a golden and red crest on it. Life and Death would knock on it together. "Lord Satan! Lord Father! Open your doors!" They both announced together, and the doors would slowly open to reveal both of the lords sitting on their own thrones - they were exactly like the thrones of Life and Death's, only far bigger and more elderly in their old looks - a grouchy old human man, and an evil demon lord.

"Dear disciples. Come in, and state your case." Lord Father said sternly to the two, with enough peace in his tone to make Life shake in her boots. Lord Satan cackled. "Yes, yes! Enter! We are waiting to listen..." He added, sounding even more serious than Death - to which even he cringed in fear at. The girl just looked at the two and squealed. "Oh... my... Gods...! Yes, yes, yes! THIS IS AMAZING!" She said innocently while the quartet - the two gods and the disciples looking down on her. She then looked to them all. "...Where am I and who are you?" She then said. Death groaned. "Introductions later, now silence. The grown ups are talking." He ordered her. Life looked to the gods. "Apologies for the intrusion, Lords - but... we have... her... a problem..." She said, looking down and sighing as the girl in question seemed to not know where she is, who the surrounding figures are apart from 2 gods, an angel and a devil - and that's all she seems to know now. The two gods shake their heads in disappointment.

"It is time we consult the law books of both Heaven and Hell." Lord Father said simply. Lord Satan cackled again. "Yeees, it is time to read and find out this child's fate... Let us see if we have anything..." He said as the two gods summoned their respective law books and began flicking through page by page before the entire chamber would fall deathly silent. "...We have a job for you two. A new one." Lord Satan said. Lord Father nodded. "Raise that girl as your own - as you would do a human. You two were once humans yourself until you reached Heaven and Hell. Now, raise her together - no exceptions." He ordered. Life and Death looked to each other, seeming confused. It seems the gods had nothing on this - their faces of bewilderment matched up from the cheeks to the eyes.

"Wait, what?!"


"I am Death, the destroyer of worlds." -Reference to the famous quote said by J. Robert Oppenheimer after testing the first atomic bomb ("I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.")
"You give man lemons" -When life gives you lemons trope.
"When life gives you lemons - don't make lemonade, make life take the lemons back!" -A direct quote said by Cave Johnson in Portal 2.
"She would look down and see a black little kitten under the desk. This was one of Death's kittens - one of the several dozen, actually." -Kittens and cats usually bring dead things to their owners. I found it oddly fitting and too good to pass up to have the embodiment of Death own several of them given this fact alone.
"Although... What if I no longer give out anything... Strictly nice...?" -A reference to the fact that some people in Life are born with life altering mental conditions, permanent damage, birth defects, so on and so forth. They can be either a blessing or a curse, but in this case Life is on about the more negative side.
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#FAC51C - Life
#EB6B56 - Death
#3D8EB9 - Maneru
#FBA026 - Life and Death (in union)
#A38F84 (Bold) - Lord Father
#E25041 (Bold) - Lord Satan

LAST TIME... (Key parts/short summary)
"Why do they love me but they hate you, Death?"
"Because you are the beautiful lie, and I am the painful truth."
"Woman, child, man, monster, and everything in the world belongs to me. I control when it all ends, therefore I have the majority of our combined power."

"When life gives you lemons - don't make lemonade, make life take the lemons back!"
"Hello there, you lot... I'm glad you're with me on this plan, you adorable little fluffy balls... Now, if only-"

"LIFE! Emergency!"
"We have an intruder! Someone managed to get to us!"

Life, Death and the numerous kittens would go and find the source - it seemed to be stuck in some kind of cube. Death pointed at the cube and with a snap of his fingers, that cube was no more, and the contents of the cube were revealed. It looked like a human girl, barely old enough to be in teen years - presently unconscious. She then woke up and looked up to the two, in both fear and amazement.
"W-Woow! A real angel! And a real demon! Is this what fantasy looks like?!"
"What do we do about her..."
"I... don't know... We will have to consult the lords."
"...We have a job for you two. A new one."
"Raise that girl as your own - as you would do a human. You two were once humans yourself until you reached Heaven and Hell. Now, raise her together - no exceptions."
"Wait, what?!"

Life and Death would still be in alarm and surprise to the words of both of the Lords - raise this girl themselves, together? It was true, before they were where they were now, they were formerly human - and upon entering Heaven or Hell determined by the life you had, you'd turn into an angel or a demon respectively. But they were still confused, glancing to the girl they had found who just looked right back at them plainly, seeming innocent and clueless. Life sighs and looked away to the Lords. "And if we were... to decline?" Life asked plainly. "I'm afraid I must insist! No exceptions!" Lord Father boomed, his voice filling the chamber. "That is an order! Life, Death! You will raise that girl as your own - henceforth! Dismissed!"

Life and Death would leave the chamber with the girl in tow, looking to each other like 'what do we do with her now'. Death sighs and approached the girl. "Listen to my words, girl. We have been placed in a mission to raise you and keep you safe. But. First of all. Do you have a name?" He asked plainly. "Before you got here, what were you known as?" He added sternly. The girl stopped in her tracks to think, but shrugged. "I don't know, but people kept calling me a mimic!" She said proudly and instantaneously. Death winced and Life stepped forward. "Well, 'are' you a mimic?" She asked. The girl giggled. "Maybe, maybe not! But I guess if I need a name, I'll settle on Maneru!" She said. Maneru was this girl's name, or so she has claimed. But her claim of a mimic roused Death greatly, and he let out a heart laugh. "I would like to test this 'mimic' claim of yours. Come." He ordered, with Maneru following him - and Life soon after, who seemed curious and eager to find out where this will be heading.

Death had led Maneru and Life to what appeared to be some form of training grounds inside the DMSC, to which Maneru was on one side and Death was on the other. Life smiled. "So, if you are a mimic, you should be able to take the form of him, objects, and copy what they do, right?" Life asked Maneru aloud. Maneru sighed. "Mimics usually 'are' objects that look like fakes and spring to life. I'm more of a 'copy cat' than a mimic. People keep calling me a mimic since I copy them! More accurately, I copy their looks and abilities!" She said proudly. Death seemed intrigued. "OK, Maneru. Do you see that tree over there?" He asked, pointing to a fully grown elder tree. "If you can truly copy my abilities, do so and kill that-" By the time Death had finished speaking, Maneru had transformed into Death and the tree had already withered incredibly well, rendering him speechless. "...Tree."

Life was horrified and quickly restored the tree to life, only for Maneru to keep killing it off, and Life resurrecting it, and over and over. "CEASE!" Death ordered. Maneru froze, turned to her normal look and the tree finally stayed alive. Life sighed. "This... Is a lot to take in. She doesn't seem 'human', actually. How else would she be able to transform into you and copy your power?" She asked Death. He shrugged. "...That, I do not know. I may need to consult the residents of Hell to see if there is anyone similar or any species with similar quirks. There should hopefully be something like her." He said calmly, motioning for Maneru to go with Life. Life would pick the girl up and into her arms. "Maneru, was it...? How would you like to help me clear this place up?" She asked. Maneru smiled and laughed. "Sure thing! I'll even get extra arms!" Maneru joked, as another pair of arms sprouted from her back - which did not seem to hurt her at all - like this was all natural to her or she has adapted to it. Life froze on the spot and laughed with a hint of fear in her tone. "...You are weird, girl... But... A nice weird..."

Life and Maneru would shortly be inside and tidying the DMSC until a few of Death's numerous kittens came into the room. Maneru saw them and froze. "W-What the heck are those... things...? They look like they're staring into my soul!" Maneru remarked in fear. She wasn't wrong, those yellow eyes with black pupils are quite the hair raiser. Life went over to her and patted her back. "Don't be shy, Maneru. These are some of Death's pets - his kittens. There's more than this normally, but I feel like you'd be able to spend your time with them - with you being new here." She said honestly. Maneru nodded. "OK... Then..." She transformed into a kitten that looked just like the others and went off with the kittens, Life chuckling. "This girl works in mysterious ways..." She said, taking care of the rest of the clean up work in the DMSC.

Death, in the mean time, was down in Hell - and knocked on the gate which led to the Great Archives of Hell, a museum of species, events, people, and everything in and involving Hell itself. The gate would swing open, an arm would grab Death and drag him through the open gate before the gates would slam shut. Death then snapped his fingers and the arm would let go of him as he began making his way through the archives of species. Imps. devils, demons - all shapes and sizes, among others, were most common. Mimics were apparent, but Maneru is taking the form of a 'person', not an 'object', which would lead her to be a doppelganger. However, unknown to Death, this is also false, as she can transform into whatever she wanted. Death sighed. "Is there 'anything' in this entire archive that has a being that can alter their genetics at will to transform or mutate?" He boomed. A light would shine over one particular section in the archive and he approached it before beginning to read. It read 'human with powers'. "...What. Human? Powers? Who in the right mind thinks they can trick me with this?!" He roared, before suddenly silencing and beginning to leave to head to the DMSC.

Death's walk back to the DMSC would be one where suspicion was among his mind and around his ears. People were confused to see Death back in Hell after what they say has been a long, long time, and that he had previously left Hell to work in the DMSC. He clapped his hands twice, seeming impatient and intolerant of this. "Silence, inhabitants of Hell. It is indeed I, Death, but I am not here to stay. I am still on work - and have a grave task to undergo. We seem to have... an anomaly..." He announced. The voice of Lord Satan would echo through Hell shortly. "An anomaly, yes! A human has entered the spiritual world!" He said powerfully and instantly, giving away what Death was doing - he was in Hell to read the archives to actually find out what they 'were'. Death sighed. "It is not a mere human. It is a human with 'powers' apparently, my Lord." He said in irritation, which riled up some more crowded conversation among Hell. Lord Satan's laugh would be heard among Hell in response.

"Now isn't that rich, everyone! A human with powers, entering this realm! What are the odds of that?!" He mocked after his laughter, with Death getting more laughs from the inhabitants. "Silence, you fools! Do not mock me - I am not here to trifle with you - I am Death, and I 'will' kill anyone who gets in my way for the second time, for the first is when that mockingbird died!" He boomed, yet some inhabitants still got in his way. Little did he know, his pack of kittens would shore up to him and surround him. "Right on schedule, boys and girls..." He said, snapping his fingers. All cats but one would combine into a bigger cat, with Death looking down at the last one. "...Do it." He ordered. The kitten instead let out a human laugh and turned into Maneru. "Surprise~!"

Everyone in Hell seemed freaked out. Death gasped. "You - girl! What are you doing here?! You were supposed to be-!" Death gasped. Now he knows Maneru can turn into all - woman, man, child, monster, object and being - entities. Nothing is off limits. Maneru smiled and just looked innocently to the people of Hell. "...Hi, everyone!" She said. They all collapsed instantaneously out of confusion, amazement, or both. Death however, seemed glad. With Maneru's appearance, he was now no longer spewing nonsense, even Lord Satan was making stifled noises of 'choking on my words'. Death laughed boisterously, amused and impressed how quickly the tides have turned.

"Listen to me, residents of Hell! Anyone who gets between me, Life, and this child shall not be tolerated! This was a mission from the Lords themselves, and what you have just heard and witnessed is the first step of their ignorance! Do not be swayed, demons and devils! This is the voice of the man that will later rule this realm!" He roared and raised an arm up, with Maneru turning into a giant black raven and grabbing Death's hand with her now-raven feet - flying him onto the giant kitten amalgamation, landing behind him and back to normal. Death and Maneru would shortly ride out of Hell on this method of transportation in question. "Did you tell Life?" He asked her, to which Maneru laughed. "You bet I did - about my powers! Not about the leaving, though." She said. Death gasped - this would paint Life as irresponsible. "Oh no..." He said fearfully as the giant kitten ride sped up.

Death and Maneru would arrive at the DMSC and the giant kitten ride would disperse into the many kittens used to form it, the two running in to find Life exhausted and stressed out. "M-Maneru! There you are! I've been worried sick, where were you?!" She said angrily. Maneru whimpered. "I followed the kittens! They sensed their master was in danger, so I went with them!" She said. Death smiled. "So, they knew what was to come, and you copied them... Clever girl... but... You shall be punished for not obeying our rule." He said fiercely. Maneru gulped. "I-I didn't do anything! Please, have mercy! I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm telling you all I 'can' tell you!" She said in a panicked, hurried tone. Death ceased. "...You 'are' but a child... And this is only day one... So to be fair, I don't think we've established rules..." Death said, looking to Life who was now holding the scared Maneru in her arms. Death sighed and heard Life continuously say the following quote over and over again. "Wish we could turn back time..."

By this time, the working hours were over, and Life and Death were having a talk with Maneru. "So, child. We must establish rules for you." Death said coldly to her. "Things you 'can' do and things you 'cannot' do. Am I clear?" He sternly said. Maneru nodded. "Yes, sir!" She said dutifully. Death laughed and looked to Life. "...Enlighten her." He commanded. Life took a deep breath before speaking. "First of all, you must inform us what you will be doing for the day - especially last minute. We will need to know where you are at all times and what you are doing. After our working hours, you will be put to rest 90 minutes later, to conserve your energy and you will note down what you did. And lastly, all of this is reported to the Lords. Do you accept these terms?" Life asked. Maneru would freeze to think about them before finally speaking up.

"I don't know why you're asking me this, I'm stuck here under your care... I have no choice..."


"And if we were... to decline?" Life asked plainly. "I'm afraid I must insist! No exceptions!" Lord Father boomed, his voice filling the chamber. -Yu-Gi-Oh! (Original series) Episode 1. ("And if I were... to decline?" "I'm afraid I must... insist.")
"Mimics usually 'are' objects that look like fakes and spring to life. I'm more of a 'copy cat' than a mimic. People keep calling me a mimic since I copy them! More accurately, I copy their looks and abilities!" - To 'mimic' something, it is more like copying what they do. Maneru's name even means 'mimic' in Japanese. Mimics themselves are a common enemy type in the fantasy setting, which pose as treasure chests and attack those who they lure in - promising loot turning out to be a vicious monster.
"Mimics were apparent, but Maneru is taking the form of a 'person', not an 'object', which would lead her to be a doppelganger. However, unknown to Death, this is also false, as she can transform into whatever she wanted." -The difference between mimics and doppelgangers is that doppelgangers can only change into other people, and mimics are fake objects. However, since Maneru is a shapeshifter, she can be whatever she wants, letting her 'mimic' whatever she wants and whoever she wants, even their abilities (as written before this).
"for the first is when that mockingbird died!" - To Kill a Mockingbird
"Wish we could turn back time..." - Stressed Out (Twenty One Pilots)

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