Story Dear Diary


Lord of the Underworld
So this is something I had an idea for, basically you create a character and recount the events of the end of the world as them in their diary. Once you've posted you can post again but with a different character if you want but this is just for people to type some stuffs, read some stuffs and have a good time. Here is mine so you get a better idea of what this is. Also Y'all can use images If you want to :).

Dear Diary

It's been almost a week since everyone died. I've been hiding in the school, there aren't many bodies here and it's nice and quiet. I've been living off the canned food from the shops. It's hard to enter the food isles, the bodies and rotting food make it smell terrible but how else will I eat. I'm scared to go home, I'm still holding onto some sort of hope that my family is okay but… I know deep down they're gone.

Dear Diary

Something happened today, I'm scared and I don’t know what to do. I was walking home when everyone just died, except me. I don't now why or how I survived but everyone just died. I ran back to school, I'm afraid and I don't want to go home. What if my parent's…

Dear Diary

I went home today. I don't know why, maybe just to confirm for myself they were dead. Daddy and Jean were in the kitchen. Da was making the bed. I vomited in the trash can and ran to my room. I saw a photo of all of us. And then I looked into the closet, I found a hat the Jean had given me a year ago, she was 3 at the time. I then scavenged some supplies and brought it back to my hideout at the school. I packed a bag of the essential's and left for one quick stop at the shops. I grabbed the last canned food and know I'm on the road.

Dear Diary

I found a small town today, I stopped by the store to restock and decided to look around. It's a small country town, the fire's from the untended factories wiped out most buildings and the wildlife around here but some things remain. I found a house, a little baby lay in the cradle. I found some water so overall a plus. I'm sleeping here tonight.

Dear Diary

It's getting warmer, I've shedded some of the clothing but it will be cold again so I have to drag all of this stuff around. I found the remnants of a forest. It's nothing but charcoal now, I wonder how long if ever it will take for this to grow back. I found a tiny plant sticky from the ground. Maybe all hope isn't lost.

Dear Diary

I'm running out of food, I haven't seen a town in a week or two. I might die out here, gotta save my energy on walking not writing.

Dear Diary

Found a city, apart from my own it's the first one I've found. I immediately stopped by the shop for some food. Some of it was gone which is a little confusing, often canned food doesn't sell that well. Then I found a map of the city and managed to make my way to the school.

Dear Diary

I've found the basement level of the school, It's a giant library underground, the sunroof as let plants grow down and into the giant library. All of the books are ineligible by now but it's still a beautiful place. I might sleep here tonight.

Dear Diary

I heard some noises today, footsteps above me. It was probably an animal but it kinda freaked me out. I think I might stay down here today, I have enough food so I should be fine.

Dear Diary

Well I heard more footsteps today so I went to investigate, I found a family of squirrels running through the halls so It's fine. I'm going to restock on foods and then maybe head of tomorrow. I'm getting bored of this place.

Dear Diary

I found the squirrels again, their hearts had been taken out of their bodies. What is in this school? I'm defiantly moving.

Dear Diary

It's getting even more louder now, I'm going to go investigate, if you find this and It's my last journal entry then, good luck out there. I love my family, and my friends, and this food for keeping me sane and alive. Goodnight, if I don't come back.

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