Deadman Wonderland: Vegas ( CS Signup and OOC Thread )


RPN's Most Hated
In Character Thread <--- link to the IC Thread, duh. 3

Ok... who here has seen Deadman Wonderland? Probably a decent amount of people now that it's on Toonami. Anyways. For those of you that haven't...


Interested now? If you're still reading, my guess is yes. Cool.

The setting is Las Vegas. The Red Hole disaster that ruined old Tokyo was not the only occurance of the unusual gravitational anomaly. Large cities all over the world were getting hit by similar events. Dallas, LA, NYC, London, Paris, Rome, St. Petersburg, New Dheli, Cairo, Hong Kong, Jakarta, and others were all devastated by the same type of disaster.

Other wealthy men had seen the success of the Tokyo Deadman facility, and raised privately owned prisonparks of their own. The second was completed in the rebuilt city of London. The third was built in Las Vegas. That is where you, the player, comes in.

What'd you do to earn your death sentence? How did your "Branch of Sin" manifest? Are you here by mistake, or were your crimes premeditated? How do you behave in this new setting that is so different from normal prison?

Do you spend your hard earned 'scales' on luxuries? Or on the antidote for your death collar... 'gummies'?

It won't be all about the fights, either... don't you worry. Plenty of intrigue is in store down the road.

(( Note... "Scales" are your "Cast Points" and "Gummies" are the new "Candy" antidotes. ))

So... will you be my Deadmen?


Nickname: ( Use any animals name, Bird, Lizards, etc... )





Class: (Freedom Fighter, Neutral, or Work for Undertakers)

Appearance: (Photo preferred, Anime or Real)






History: (Detailed, Why are you at DW? Reaction to Carnival of Corpses? Loose anything to Penalty games? ect...)

Branch of Sin Name:

Branch of Sin Description:

Branch of Sin Abilities: 3 Max -Range 25-100ft for distance attacks (100 ft reserved really for ranged BoS users)

Name: (The name of the ability)

Rank: (What Rank is the Ability? D,C,B,A,S

Description: (What is the ability? What does it do?)

If a couple of people show interest, I'll get the ball rolling and get a CS Thread up and an OOC/IC as well.

PM me your sheets, and express interest here.

To show what I'm expecting... I will show everyone the character I will be using. And no... your history needn't be quite so large. Carlos is just... well... I like him :3

Name: Carlos Ortiz Zamora

Nickname: Shrike Thrush

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 181lbs

Class: Freedom Fighter


I prefer to use real people for DMWL CS's... but nothing I could find really fit for Carlos.

Likes: Sex, Tasteful Violence, Drugs, Greek Food

Dislikes: Racists, Judgemental People, American BBQ

Strengths: Incredibly quick on his feet, Quick Witted, Very Physically Fit

Weaknesses: Not Terribly Tough, Quick to Anger

Hobbies: Wood-Carving, Cooking

History: Carlos was a poor child, living in NYC. As with most hispanic children growing up on the streets of the metropolis... Carlos was approached by the gang known as the Latin Kings. And like many kids, he readily accepted their offer. Initially, he was relegated to things like delivering messages or small amounts of drugs and contraband to other area gang members... but on his 16th Birthday, one of the bigger names in the local 'chapter' of the Latin Kings gave Carlos a tattoo on his wrist, a weapon, and then told him it was time to pull his weight for real. By this point, of course... Carlos was ready and eager to do just that, and gladly accepted the task of strong-arm robbery.

A few years later, Carlos was a big name in the NYC Latin Kings. And when some punk who had murdered his family and fled to America was brought to him, Carlos told the kid the following. "Your tough, and not afraid to kill. I can see that much, my friend. But that alone doesn't get you my respect. You got to earn my respect, guy. Until then, you're just another face to me." Despite Carlos' standing on Nero and his recent and bloody history, many of the LKs had a fair amount of respect for the new face. Something Carlos expected. People who were proven hard-asses often garnered respect regardless of their deeds in a gang. It wasn't long before Carlos had nothing but respect for the young man, though...

One Year Later... Carlos and a few of the other big-name Kings planned a meeting to discuss one of their larger drug operations. Unbeknownst to the rest... one of those in attendance was a police informant. The meeting went very badly very fast, and guns were soon sounding off in an unmistakable staccato of rat-tat-tats that anyone and everyone associated with a firefight. Nero had been driving Carlos' getaway car, and even managed to hold his position despite two police cruisers posting up nearby and peppering the young man's vehicle with gunfire. Carlos himself came out and dove into the back seat, bleeding from several gunshot wounds. Nero fired off an entire clip from his pistol, climbed into the driver's seat, and took off. Several hours later, Carlos awoke in a safe-house with Nero standing guard near the door despite having several bleeding wounds himself. It was then that the young man had earned Carlos' unwaivering respect.

A few years passed and Nero fled the city. Carlos refused to pursue him despite the normal course of action being to kill gang members that left. He had saved Carlos' life... and Carlos thought it fitting to spare his now. Little did he know that doing so would cause several of his underlings to turn on him. Carlos was in the middle of being transported to prison, when an incident similar to the "Red Hole" that had occurred in Tokyo... exploded into existence over the Bronx in NYC. This caused the gang member to be exposed to the Nameless Worm, though he did not know it until later. Charges went through without a hitch... 21 counts of Armed Robbery, 13 counts of extortion, 12 counts of Murder ( of 1st and 2nd degrees ), 6 counts of Drug Trafficking, and 1 count of Possession with Intent to Distribute. The Death Penalty was almost instantly layed down on the man. But due to the intervention of an as-of-yet unknown party... Carlos was transferred to the Deadman Wonderland Facility in Las Vegas, Nevada... where he met up once again with Nero, oddly enough.

The two were happy to see one another, of course... and were soon making schemes to get out of the place and start anew on the outside. To make things easier... the two often conversed in Spanish, much to the disdain of those around them.

Branch of Sin Name: Exquisite Toxin

Branch of Sin Description: Carlos' namesake of Shrike-Thrush was given to him for a very specific reason. His Branch of Sin contains a potent batrachotoxin, and is nothing to be trifled with. His foes should proceed with caution.

Branch of Sin Abilities:

Name: Shrike Bomb

Rank: A-Rank

Description: Carlos forms a small ( one to five inch diameter ) ball of blood, and hurls it at his foe. Due to his manner of throwing, by flicking his wrist at the end of the throw... this attack is rather fast. The ball explodes on impact, dealing damage out to a range of about five feet per inch of diameter of the ball.

Name: Shrike Talons

Rank: B-Rank

Description: Carlos forms a small ( same as above ) ball of blood and throws it at his foe. The ball does not explode or splatter, but rather thins and extends outward in a ten-foot spike ( 1 spike per inch of diameter ) in a direction according to Carlos' will. He may throw several of these without expanding them, in order to create a trap for his enemy.

Name: Great Shrike's Wrath

Rank: S-Rank

Description: Carlos can only use this technique if he is at least moderately injured and/or bleeding from several places. This attack causes several "Shrike's Talons" spheres to form and then conform around his body. Should the foe initiate close-combat against him while this technique is active, he skewers them with several of the poison-laced spikes. The drawback of this tech is that is slows Carlos down quite a bit, and he is no longer able to zip around the arena as he normally would.

1. Don't be an asshole. A bit of argueing is alright, as is friendly debate. But if things start getting heated, take it to PMs.

2. Don't argue with GMs too much. If you disagree with a ruling, say so and say why. I will re-evaluate my opinion and may reconsider my stance. If I say something is final, however... do not continue to debate it.

3. This is not a single-para RP. Minimum 2-paras per post please. An occasional single paragraph will be acceptable if something is particularly tough to respond to... but let people know in the OOC if something needs more for you to reply to. Perhaps edits could be made.

4. Please try to remain active. Give notice if you'll be gone for more than two days. If you are gone for four or more days, your character will be puppeted. If you are gone for more than 8, they will likely be killed.

5. Collabs are encouraged. They're fun. :3

6. Have fun. Don't spam GIFs. No Lemon Party. Thor is best Avenger.

(( Violation of the rules will result in a warning. Further violations will likely result in a ban. ))
Name: Viiera Lynn ; Reaver Lynn
Nickname: Garou
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 107
Class: Neutral
Likes: The thrill of Fighting, Adrenalin rushes (from fighting), Testing her indomitably (through fighting), Sweets, Plushies, Tea, Old things
Dislikes: Losing, Bitter things, Sour things, When fights are over, The talent-less.
Strengths: Incredibly quick in both body and mind, Very indomitable
Weaknesses: No distance abilities at all, Mood changes on a dime
Hobbies Martial Arts, Sketching, Making rock candy


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Viiera Lynn was born into a small happy family as an only child. On the day of her seventh birthday her parents through for her a large party in their backyard, inviting most of the people in her neighborhood. This party was crashed by a murderous couple who then preceded kill each and every one of the adults at the party.

Unable to have children of their own, the couple had come in search of one for whom they could steal away. They strolled back and forth through the kids, who they forced into a bouncy house, examining them carefully. Finally deciding that Viiera was "just right", they 'adapted' her as their own and killed off the rest. The shock of the grisly scene, as well as other's that cropped up throughout the rest of her life forced her to develop a second protective personality names Reaver who she believes is her sister.

At the age of thirteen, during a particularly gruesome bank robbery meant to fund the purchase of an old collectible for their 'daughter', the couple was apprehended by the police and Viiera was placed into a foster home. Life went on for her rather normally from there until her third day of school.

The children had been gathered to play a massive game of dodge-ball in the schools gym. After the repeated 'attacks', Reaver Lynn manifested herself for the first time... brutally slaughtering every man, women and child in the room and dismembering their remains. Confident that Viiera was no longer in danger, Reaver returned to her world "beyond the mirror" as Viiera would always call it, leaving Viiera to her own devices.

It was hours later before she was discovered playing serenely with the dodgeballs and dismembered body parts left behind. Not long afterwards, she had been removed from the school and brought to the amusement part like facility where she has played ever since.

It is unknown exactly when her Branch of Sin manifested itself.

Branch of Sin Name: Kokoro Oni (Demon Soul *very roughly translated*)

Branch of Sin Description: While there is nothing to stop Viiera from using Kokoro Oni, It is almost always Reaver that is "awake" when it is in use, giving it it's name. Generally, it attempts to improve it's user, though the hardness of it's defensive abilities makes them excellent short range weapons as well.

Name: Kokoro Rebuke

Rank: S

Description: A thin shell of blood coats nearly her entire body, absorbing impacts from all directions at once while simultaneously increasing speed and strength. Using Total Rebuke, she literally drags her body along as a puppeteer would work their puppets.

Though she is nearly impervious to almost all forms of external attacks while using Kokoro Rebuke, the shell is too stuff for her to actually move in and so she controls her body through her ability, allowing her to move much faster and hit much harder than a normal body could manage. Pushing a body like this is dangerous however and can often deal out plenty of harm to her by itself.

Name: Oni Blade

Rank: A

Description: Thin tear shaped blades of blood float about her form to both protect her from harm and to be used as weaponry. They never extend more than a foot free of her and seem to move on their own to absorb blows, they are moderately fast and often require attacks from multiple directions to defeat their defensive capabilities. Each blade can absorb any single attack (she can control only three at any given time), though no blade being used as a weapon can serve as a shield.

When used as a weapon, the blades simply follow the movements of whichever limb she mentally assigns them to, acting somewhat like rather large kataras

Name: Oni Form

Rank: B

Description: Blood still inside the body is manipulated to improve speed, agility, and resilience.
Name: Yuno Kin Hishimori

Nickname: Red-winged





Class:Freedom Fighter


Likes: Food, Blood, Fighting,Weed, Sleeping,Anything dealing with athletics

Dislikes: Judgmental people, Fake people, Snitches, Racists, Disgusting food

Strengths: Very quick with her feet, Can be extremley silent when she wants to be (like a hobbit) Very physical, She jumps high (ike the hulk )

Weakness: Hot headed, Spiders,Seeing a friend die

Hobbies: Cooking, Climbing, watching the Red-winged bird, Singing

History: Yuno was an Orphen in Georgia. She was one of the few that was accepted by the Silencers. She was young when she was first approached by them back near the upper district stabbing a man with a stick while holdig a bird that was black and had red patches on its two wings. They saw what she could do and with out hesitation made her join. She was aginst it for a few weeks living in the sewers watching over the hide out. The boss told her all the good things she could do, She can save as many of those birds as she wanted and how she would help the others. She realized at that moment that he was her Robin Hood, someone that took from the rich and gave to the poor, someone that helped anything and anyone. After hearing his words she decided to help. She started out with just giving their targets warnning , marking their territory and on her free time giving the Red-winged birds a home. Then after a few months she was able to begin killing their targets. Because she like the bird she found so much she made little daggers that looked like a bird with a pointed beak.

A few months later she took her place among the boss best men.She stood to his right while the others stood to his left. A timid girl walked in with a pack and smiled as she walked up to the boss. She pointed to me and put down her back. " I challenge you to a kill and you kill 20 people , whoever wins will be the boss right hand man." She walked past the boss while the others backed away. She was known for haveing a quick temper ,off and on the field. She was disgusted on how the female walked in to challage her. "Challange have guts but those guts are going to get you killed." The litte girl only laughed and sat for the boss approval. The boss nodded his head yes as the girl looked back up at her. " You have 2 hours to get ready."

2 hours have passed and she was already killing off her targets..The match was almost done and of course she was in the lead while the girl was far behind. She was about to wrap up this peity match when she heard a bomb go off. She quickly clmibed the highes biulding as she looked to down only to see the hideout go up in flames. ."..That was easy for you" She gritted her teeth then ran to jump off the biulding. She stuck her hand into the glass windown and slid down trying to make it to the hideout. As she was about to land the ground blew up blowig her back up into the air. Trying to do something she felt a qucik stab into her heart and then a man moving out of the way. The side of the biulding blew up pushing her away after that she blacked out.

A week later she finds herself on a prision bus looking at the news on the small tv they had up."
In geoirgia downtown by the sewers there was a massive explosion. North of where this location was , there was a high building holding illegal equipment. We found evidence of a female standing in the middle of the fire.. A swat team was called in to handle this job but only one survived..and here he is." "H..hey". "Tell us about what happend." She strained her ears to hear what he was going to say while the others looked away not careing. " a female was standing in the middle of the fire so we tried to call her over but when she sutrend her head she looked as if she was crying. So we moved in but as soon as we steppe toward her these bird like things attacked us. The birds came out of nowhere just killing off the men. ..It was a bloody masacre..I was barley able to escape with my life if she hadn't fallen. "Thank you and now over to the court for their say." Her eyes were wide. She didn't know what to think. The tv flicked on and off while the court was talking so she didn't get to hear much but the last thing that stuck in her head before the tv turned off was when they said " untill we find the other memeber to this problem her death sentece will wait." She put her head down thinking about what happend and how did she end up in all of this.

Branch of Sin Abilite

Name: Red's Wings

Rank: Rank A

Description: Reds Wings allows her to create small birds that can fly freely toward the enemy. When in range the birds

beak becomes a sharp spear as the pierce your body.

Name: Red's Wind

Rank: Rank B

Description: The birds she created will move around her rappidly creating a barrier that allows nothing to get past it. If someone ran straight into it they will be blown back losing the limb they touched it wtih

Name: Fury

Rank: Rank S

Description: If she is servierl wounded then the blood from her wound will creat a big red winged bird and engulf her and her fellow team mates. This move was not meant for attacking but defending. While her and her team mates are inside of the birds mouth the enemies attack wont get thorugh so it gives them an easy escape.

Name: Alexander Malor

Nickname: "Lion"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 160

Class: Neutral

Appearance: (Photo preferred, Anime or Real)

Likes: Any kind of metal and rap music, relaxing, dreaming at night.

Dislikes: Certain people, authority abusers, and boredom.

Strengths: Thoughts and wit.

Weaknesses: Not very social, it seems. Secrets are hidden.

Hobbies: Writing poems/stories, and skateboarding.

History: Born in Florida , Alex was used to the warm weather

and palm trees that lined the beach, visiting it everyday after

school, to escape from reality. His father was an honored CSI

agent,but secretly involved in the drug cartel. His mother was

a stay at home mom. Both were of Caucasian descent.

Growing up, he opened himself upto people. But after

dramatic incidents, hetries not to show any emotion

unless he can truly trust the person.

One day, while walking

the 8 mile boardwalk that stretched along the coast,

he was caught up in a gang shootout. Apparently,

members of the Bloods and the Crips were in a

cross-streetwar. One of the Blood members had grabbed

him by the collar, and told him that his dad owes the

group a drug deal. Alex ducked down behind a car as bullets

mowed down the bullet-shielded cars. Only some members

of the blue-clad gangsters remained, the others piled on the

road. Sticking up for his father's traders in business,he grabbed

a handgun laying in the street. Grazing the clip into the hearts of the

Crips left, he bolted after red and blue lights filled the street and

sirens could be heard.

After being handcuffed and thrown in the backseat

of a car, he was convicted of murderand many other

charges he didn't commit. This was because he was

in the shootout and considered him a gang member,

and asuspect in a mass murder. The case took him

around the world and he ends up down at Deadman Wonderland.

He's new at Deadman Wonderland. Things seem odd with him though...

Branch of Sin Name:
Dead Inferno

Branch of Sin Description: Many of those before him who have died whoused their blood as a flame, strengthen the fighting style everytime a soul passes.

Branch of Sin Abilities: Deadmen

Name: Gore Blades

Rank: B

Description: Blood that forms in his hands as a two light daggers. Cannot be broken by other's blood, as it is blood. If disarmed, it can retract to his veins, at any time. A pint is used to to summon both of them. Both blades will be retracted to use another ability, unless desperation isneeded to summon "Flame Blade Infusion".

Name: Condor Candle

Rank: A

Description: Blood can be emitted from his arms,flying out into midair, and able to control it with ease. This can be wrapped around the enemy's limbs, weapons, or the floor, and set on fire at will, at any time, with lethal 12 inch flames. A half pint of blood is emitted each time this is used.

** can be fused into "Flame Blade Infusion" (Gore Blades x Condor Candle)

Description: Coated in wildfire, the Gore Blades are flame daggers. These catch fire easily, and do not affect himself.The flames are endless, only until they are retracted. Some blood (half pint) is lost from the flames. A pint and a half are summoned for this ability.

Name: Bleeding Skeleton

Rank : ​B

Description: Blood comes from little parts of his body and coats him a bit. This acts as a minor shield that dries after 10 posts. This also allows him to run on walls, and gives athletic and acrobatic abilites. This only blocks blunt attacks, like punches and kicks. Half a pint is used to cover himself.View attachment 10099
Name: Eryn Mitchell Flinn

Nickname: Octopus

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Height: Five foot seven inches

Weight: Approximately one-hundred and twenty-one pounds

Class: Freedom Fighter


She is of slim build and her skin is a light toffee color. She is free of any blemishes or scars. Her hair is a reddish orange color with blonde dip dyed at the bottom. Usually, it is curled and pulled onto one shoulder. Her eyes are a honey color and her ears balance out her button nose and plump lips. You can find her wearing simple rocker type clothes, studded denim jackets, punk shirt, and tight jeans or shorts.

Example - Another

Painting, Mechanical stuff, Technology, Sushi, Combat

Dislikes: Rude people, Pears, Indian food, Paper

Flexibility, Hand-to-Hand combat, Whistling, Level headed, Isn't antagonized easily, Very speedy.

Can become distracted easily, Bad attitude towards authority, Very loyal to friends/acquaintances/people she likes, Has bad luck at times.

Hobbies: Painting, Tinkering with mechanical devices (guns, clocks, cars, etc.)

History: Growing up in England was easy for Eryn although she had lived in the "ghetto" part and her family couldn't survive. One day a German man had come too visit the country and the two had run into each other. Eryn was sixteen at the time, buying groceries for her mother and younger brother, when some douche had come and stolen her purse. She was always a tough girl so she went after the guy herself. When she caught up she had punched him square in the nose and suddenly she found herself filled with adrenaline. I guess her inner animal was unleashed and after thirty minutes the German man had crossed the alley where Eryn had bludgeoned the man to death with a board, a rusty hammer, and her own cell phone. He was suspiciously calm towards the scene and Eryn would learn the next day that he was the leader of a large gang that struck fear into those that challenged them. Coming to her home he had offered her a slot in his gang and Eryn, hoping she could get enough money to sustain her family, accepted with a smile. They traveled back to the states and over the next few months the young teen became a skilled killer, mechanic, painter, guns man, swords man, drug trafficker, and she had found a family she could sustain. Usually, she would stay at the hideout and work on the vehicles they used in combat or the guns. She was one of the few members who was calm during a fight and shows respect towards her opponent. Nobody messed with her, she sort of had the bad girl look along with enough mechanical skills to set a bomb underneath your car seat, also since the boss (the German man) had declared her his number one she was invincible. Not one person wanted to tick the boss off either.

On a robbery heist Eryn had been selected too maneuver the vault open so they didn't set any alarms off. There was exactly six men involved in the heist, but not including Eryn and a new girl. They girl had joined not a week ago and that night was her first real training session. What the group didn't know was that she really new more than she was letting on... During the heist Eryn had managed too open the vault without a single alarm blaring and her fellow teammates were able too clear it out. Walking into the empty vault she was searching for a special loot the boss needed her too pick up. It was his luchadore mask from years back and the city had taken it from him and locked it in their most secure bank, which was the one they were robbing actually. As she found it, hidden in the back in a smaller vault, she turned to hear muffles and a loud snap. The new girl had single handled killed her six teammates without making a sound.

Later on, Eryn would figure out that the new girl was a spy from a competing gang and she had wormed her way in somehow, but at that moment Eryn mentally slapped herself for her own boss' stupidity. The girl locked the vault with Eryn inside and had placed explosives around the whole building. She set the alarms off for the cops too come and right as they got close the whole place blew. Thankfully the vault was lined with ten inch thick steel and Eryn was in one piece, but she had been knocked out completely until she awoke, getting filed in court the next day. She had been committed of twenty-two counts of Murder (1st and 2nd degree which included her men, a few SWAT members, and most of the sheriffs department), ten counts of Armed Robbery (looks like the new girl had planned other spying gigs as well), and five counts of Drug Trafficking. The Death Penalty was dropped on her like a weight, but oddly enough she was sent to the Deadman Wonderland Facility in Vegas, of all places.

Branch of Sin Name:
Mo-Chanical Interference

Branch of Sin Description: They are number one in creating technological or mechanical interferences in a ton of stuff. They are modified to top notch qualities. Eryn is skilled in killing people without even being near you. Caution will be advised beforehand.

Branch of Sin Abilities:

Name: Tinkering

Rank: A Rank

Description: Eryn creates a wire of blood and shoots it, up too fifty feet, towards some sort of weaponry where it will travel inside the weapon and combust it from the inside out. This also works with other mechanical/technological things or just as an attack to annoy her opponent since it doesn't combust living things.

Bullet Shooter

Rank: B Rank

Description: She aims towards a target with her fingers in a gun shape, index and middle together with the thumb pointed up and the rest of the fingers back, and shoots bullets made of blood. These bullets will shoot at fast speeds and when they come in contact with an enemy they burst into a small blue explosion (sort of like a small firecracker), at her will, dealing enough damage to dizzy someone or hurt them on contact with the little explosion. She can shoot multiple bullets creating a trap for her victim.

Octo Oil

Rank: S Rank

Description: As a last battle technic she will morph her blood into eight metallic (when blood becomes dry it sort of has that darker shade of red and metallic smell - not actually metallic) blood arms, like an octopus, and attack anyone that comes near. They range from three to six feet long depending on the amount of blood that she decided to use. Usually, they are thick and pack a good punch too anyone who comes close. The blood has a sort of oil texture, very thick and gooey, but it seemingly makes her weak so she only uses it as a last resort.
To all the new applicants...

No to your nicknames. Pick animal nicknames, such as birds or lizards or something. While this is not DMWL Canon, I do like many of the Canon elements, such as the nicknames.

To Goddess.

1.) Hacking is something I'm going to have to limit. You can't just hack anything... so just limit that a bit.

2.) You Branch of Sin sounds like it would consume a LOT of blood. Think about that. I'll still allow it, but if you're making sizeable wings AND a trident... you'll be on the verge of passing out, resulting in an auto-loss. The characters don't have infinite blood, after all.

3.) That final ability, where you turn into Dizzy (from Guilty Gear)... there isn't that much blood in the human body, so I'll have to say no to it.

4.) The typos... I think my soul is bleeding.

To Squall.

1.) Name your branch of sin, bro.

2.) Crow Claws? As in the Canon DMWL Technique? Gonna have to say no. I want to see your creativity. I know you can do it. :3

3.) Condor Candle sounds good so far, but needs a couple sentences more for detail. Simply saying you have blood that catches on fire at will leaves a lot of vagueness that can be brutally exploited.

4.) Seems good otherwise.

To Doctor Who.

1.) Love the backstory, just wanted to say it.

2.) Bullet Shooter. Like the ability as a whole, but my problem is this. Super-fast speeds AND flames on impact? A little much. I'd say pick one of the other. Unless it's just a small blast akin to a small explosion (instead of steadily burning flames)

3.) Metallic blood arms? That needs a bit of explaining. Like... coated in metal? If so, that won't fly.

4.) Your first ability is neat. But people aren't allowed weapons inside the Deadman Wonderland. Only guards and Undertakers have any form of actual weaponry. Just letting you know in case you planned on using it against another player.


Here is my Undertaker. He's... well... the law in the DMWL Vegas Facility. I know "The Fist" is not an Animal name, but Undertakers are not technically Deadmen... they're enforcers of the Promoter/Warden. And should someone wish to be a minion of Fist, they must still use an animal Nickname.

Also note, Deadmen would likely just call him Mr. Fujimura or Kazuhiko. The nickname of "The Fist" would likely be something made up after they got to know him, or by Deadmen who had been at the facility for a while already.

Name: Kazuhiko Fujimura

Nickname: The Fist

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Height: 6'7" or 2m

Weight: 303lbs or 137.75kg

Class: Undertaker


Never wears a shirt so as to access his dangerous abilities more efficiently. Usually wears jeans or khaki pants with heavy combat-style boots.

Likes: Fantasy Novels, Arm Wrestling, Cheesesteaks

Dislikes: Sitting Around, Romance Novels, Sweets

Strengths: Massive Strength, Quicker than most would think, Karate Black Belt

Weaknesses: His temper often causes him to be reckless and his past still haunts him despite being brainwashed.

Hobbies: Power-Lifting, Cardio Training.

Crime and Sentence: Twelve counts of First Degree Murder, Sixteen counts of Assault with intent to kill.

Personality: Kazuhiko is INCREDIBLY easy to offend, as he was tormented as a child due to his massive size. He gets violent rarely, but lets others know that if he did, they wouldn't survive the experience.

Backstory: Kazuhiko was born in Tsuru, Japan. He lived a happy life as a normal child up until he was in high school. As puberty hit him, he exploded in size compared to the other boys around him. At fifteen, he was already 6'1" and 205lbs. This led to massive teasing from other students despite his massive frame and athleticism. Giant, Freak, Monster, Frankenstein... the kids were relentless. After a while, he couldn't tolerate it any longer, and slammed another boy into the lockers during gym class. This led to a fight that had all but a few of the boys ganging up on him. He was strong, but no match for nearly twenty other students.

His father was disappointed in him when he came home, and gave Kazuhiko a look that would forever stay with the boy. It was at that moment that his family chose to pack up and move to the United States. They knew it would be different, but they would manage. The family settled in Toledo, Ohio. A busy little port city right on Lake Erie. Kazuhiko resumed his schooling and graduated with a good GPA of 3.6 out of 4. His father was rather pleased that he had stopped being a hellion and straightened up, and gave the boy a year to do as he pleased before starting college.

Kazuhiko started going to a gym to bulk himself up. Ever since the incident in Tsuru, he had wanted to be a mixed martial arts fighter. He knew he had the build and endurance for it... so why not? It was good money if you could get sponsered. And so he began training his body with brutal weightlifting and heavy cardio. He supplimented his workouts with classes in Shorin-Ryu Karate and Juijutsu, both of which could make good use of the young man's great strength and size.

Ten years later...

Kazuhiko was now a successful MMA Fighter and business owner. His Gyms and Dojos in Toledo were doing well, and he had even purchased a building in Detroit, Michigan as he had the resources to expand. Unfortunately, his Detroit facility would not stand for long... as one day while he was there teaching... the Detroit Red Hole Incident occured. Kazuhiko attempted to save some of his students as the building started to come down, but could not save more than a few of them... he was only one man. He was buried under debris... listening to the screams of his students as they were crushed one by one by the collapsing structure.

The pained man struggled to find some sort of way to stand... but could not. The debris was too heavy for even one as strong as him to move. More screaming... then silence. Kazuhiko saw a dark fluid on the floor near where he was buried. It was the blood of one of his students. An unremarkable boy named Jonathan. But despite lack of skill, the kid kept trying. Just like he did when he was training. Kazuhiko reached out to him... but he was dead. Impaled through the abdomen by a broken length of copper pipe.

That was the last straw... he HAD to get up. He HAD to save any surviving students. Unbeknownst to Kazuhiko... Jonathan's blood suddenly seeped into Kazuhiko's cuts and scrapes, giving the man even greater strength. Suddenly, as if from a massive adrenaline rush, Kazuhiko burst forth from the rubble he was trapped under. As quickly as he broke free, he cried out to his students. Several more called out to him. He immediately went to work freeing them, and ended up saving a total of twelve children that day.

Three Years Later...

This was the biggest match of Kazuhiko's life. He was fighting for the Heavyweight Title on National Television. His foe was somewhat smaller than him, but still an imposing 6'3" and 264lbs. The fight was going off without a hitch until a punch thrown by Kazuhiko split the man's eyebrow open. Normally not a problem, the smaller man immediately started grappling with the larger... smearing his blood onto Kazuhiko's chest. ... he absorbed it... and became just a bit stronger. This trend continued until the match was decided. Kazuhiko won by a landslide.

In the locker room, his opponent came up and insulted him. "Hey Freak. I know you're ******* juicing. Just come clean now before I have to **** your giant ass up." Already tense from the fight, the insults caused the man to snap. A large hand grasped the face of the smaller man and drove the back of his head into the concrete wall. "Don't..." another slam... "... you..." another... "... ever... talk shit... to me... again!" Each pause was accompanied by another slam of the man's skull against the wall... each slam loosing more of the man's blood... all that blood increasing Kazuhiko's strength.

What happened after was a blur... flashes of the moments after still occur in the man's memory at random. But what he clearly remembered next, was waking up in shackles. Apparently he had went on a rampage... killing twelve men, six of them other fighters, and injuring sixteen of the attending crowd. He was sentenced to death at the newly built Deadman Wonderland facility in Las Vegas. ... and the Warden Administrator had special plans for this one. He was tortured and had his mind toyed with... he was now... An Undertaker...

Branch of Sin/Augmented Undertaker Abilities: Kazuhiko is a strange case. He is an Undertaker... but has no Worm Eater. It was determined that his Branch of Sin was more than enough to warrant a posting among the Elite Undertakers.

Branch of Sin Name: Consumption

Ability Name: Consumption

Rank: A-Rank

Description: This Branch of Sin is a passive one... but deadly nonetheless. Kazuhiko doesn't wear a shirt for one reason... he absorbs any blood that touches him, and his Branch of Sin converts the blood, regardless of form... into sheer muscle power, increasing his already impressive strength.

Theme Song: Die Motherf***er Die by Dope
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] I fixed the form up to your requirements, hopefully it works better now, if not I'll edit again. No biggie! :3
The big problem I'm having with people's powers is that one... yours for example... don't follow the theme of your character's nickname. Your character's nickname is Hyena... yet you have an Octopus-theme ability. It's not really fitting with the character. Two... everyone ( save myself and Pristine ) is having incredibly flashy powers that would use up far mmore blood than the human body contains.

Again... if people want super-massive attacks, they can have them. But it'll be like "RAWR I'MMA NUKE YA!" then "I'm cold..." then *passes out* then loss of a match... then YAY! PENALTY GAME!

So... yeah. And what's worse... everyone's big attacks can somehow only be used when they're "severely injured". Severely injured... in Deadman Wonderland... means you've already lost a fair amount of blood. Therefore meaning you have even less blood to use those huge moves.

I'm sorry if I seem nitpicky... but I'm actually trying to preserve everyone's characters from suffering instant penalty games.
Name: Unknown. All records were destroyed before capture. He even seems to not know his own name.

Alias: Foster the Tigershark. Prefers the title "Foster the Grim"

Age: 27

Height: Six foot five

Mass: I'm using mass here. It's simpler. 500 kilograms.

Class: Neutral. Violent,but neutral.

The man known as Foster is a very lean man,despite his half-tonne weight. His attire consists of a single,deep purple waistcoat and a pair of matching trousers. The waistcoat is worn over a white,button up shirt with the sleeves rolled and clipped up above the elbows. His shoes are a simple pair of loafers,however,he's had the foresight to modify them so he can keep them on his feet if he decides to throw some mean kicks...Which he more than likely will. His skin is fair,and his hair is brown,as are his eyes. In fact,aside from his clothing,you would call him utterly unremarkable on a glance.

Likes: Bloodshed,murder,slaughter,absolute freedom.

Dislikes: Restraints,orders,survivors,shrinks.

Hobbies: See likes.

Strengths: Batshit crazy,rendering him impossible to predict. Utterly ruthless...Unless he cooked up a plan. On that note,he's intelligent,to boot. Knows how to fight hand-to-hand.

Weaknesses: Batshit crazy,which may cause him to make some pretty stupid moves,despite his intelligence. For the most part,he's an average human in combat.

Background: The man known as Foster is a Canadian citizen,born and bred. At least,according to him. All records to his past seem to have been erased utterly,and the only account available is his testimony,and the court case convicting him of mass murder,terrorism,and property damage. He was tried in a Quebec court,and sentenced to three hundred consecutive life sentences. However,during transport,he was instead shipped into the United States. Canada lacks the death penalty. The worst the judicial system can do is guarantee that you rot in a cell until you die. Someone decided that he should be killed,and so had him carted off to a Nevada prison,with his file forwarded to the relevant authorities. However,instead of a conventional death penalty,Foster was sentenced to the Vegas branch of the Deadman Wonderland,with a collar slapped to his neck that kills him every seventy-two hours unless he consumes an antidote. Foster isn't angry. He's constantly smiling,always cordial. It's almost as if he doesn't mind being here,and he seems confident,somehow. His unique abilities are a mystery in origin and exact operation.

Branch of Sin Name: Shark Bait.

Branch of Sin Description: Foster's Branch of Sin is quite simple. His blood,which attracts sharks in a literal and metaphorical sense,can detonate what it's spattered upon at will. Opponents should not engage if he's been in the area for any period of time greater than you.

Ability Alpha: Pyrogenetic Blood

Description Alpha: The name is a sight misnomer. His blood will,whenever it's spattered on something,turn the spattered object into a remote explosive on the chemical level. The object appears unchanged,and the changes remain even after the blood is washed off. The only way to detonate are if Foster wills it to be so,or if he dies,all marked objects explode. The explosive force is equivalent to the object's mass in semtex. The range is as far as he can get his blood. Only the initially spattered object(s) is(are) effected. It cannot operate on animals or humans,and the more mass he's converting demands more blood to be spent. The radius for detonation is three hundred centimeters. If a desired "bomb" is outside of that range,Foster must get the desired bomb within three hundred centimeters of his person.

Rank Alpha: S
Fall. I figure this much. If you want to play a creepy vampire cannibal dude, go for it. This is Deadman Wonderland, not Fufu's happy rainbow town. Be freaky. It's all good. But I would prefer you to use an actual animal as a character nickname and a History Section that is at least a full para or two. Your Blood-Armor thing is pretty basic, and you should really add another ability or two.

Riddle. 500kg? A bit... gigantic, no? It's an Anime-Themed RP, though... so it's all good. But as for his "Abilities", you needn't list super-strangth. If he's that big, it's only natural that he's very strong. His "secondary" ability, the semtex-y thing... I would be fine with that if it only worked on inanimate objects. Blowing up a person seems... well... Overpowered. Especially in an RP where there is likely to be some PvP combat. Also, I would like something in there saying that the larger an object, the more blood it takes to explode.

Now that I've said my peace, I await edits. Then approval will be given. Then I'll drop the IC thread into existance and notify approved players.


Fall. It has come to my attention that Pristine Dark is contesting your Branch of Sin ability. Upon further reading, I have concluded that yours is indeed very similar, and therefore needs to either be heavily edited to where it is different enough, or be replaced by something else.

I apologize for this inconvenience, but I'd like to have a good variety of abilities in the PCs so that we aren't all running around like tanks.

Ok... sorry for forgetting this part...

Every player starts with up to 50k "Scales", two outfits of their choice, seven "Gummies", and a dorm room.

Gummies cost 100k Scales a piece. Scales are this RP's version of Cast Points.

Scales exchange for a rate of about $1 per 100 Scales, I.E. a $10 meal would be 1000 Scales. Spend them as you see fit.

Also... a player may buy their way out of a penalty game... but it costs 500k Scales to do so.
Beta said:
The big problem I'm having with people's powers is that one... yours for example... don't follow the theme of your character's nickname. Your character's nickname is Hyena... yet you have an Octopus-theme ability. It's not really fitting with the character.
^ see the above...
Name: Thane Adroa

Nickname: Crescent Fox

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 185

Class: Neutral


View attachment 10168

Likes: Free time, sleeping, listening to rock, pop and rap music, skateboarding, motorcycling, drinking, pranks

Dislikes: Being told what to do, people saying he's not good enough, fighting girls, focusing, organized crime/gangs

Strengths: fighting, skateboarding, leading(he is suprisenly a good leader), planing out things like attacks or pranks.

Weaknesses: fighting girls(he won't hit a girl), listening to orders, hearing the person named "Red Eye" mentioned

Hobbies: collecting skateboards,


He grew up in Detroit, Michigan and was orphaned at the age of seven. He had a nice happy successful family until mother died in a car jacking and then for the next few years his father fell into depression, gambling, and heaving drinking. When he was seven his dad was killed by mobsters from a gang called the Rojo Toro over a few drinking and gambling debts. He had an older brother who was three years older than him and they went into foster care together.

Him and his brother always looked out for each other and were very close. No foster home ever wanted them partly because they were two boys and another part was because the two of them were often trouble makers. So they were sent to a boys home in Detroit. Him and his brother at when he was 12 started a little gang with their friends to try and protect and help their neighbor hood. They never did anything to serious besides lay around all day but would protect their neighbor hood from gangs and criminals who would come into it. They were rather good at it and called themselves the Black Foxes because of how cunning and clever they were. His brother was the leader and he was the cleverness being able to work out pranks and ways to beat guys up like dropping bricks and having things crash on rival gang members at just the right time.

As the years went on the gang became more popular and became almost like the neighbor hood heroes. One day a couple of members from the Rojo Toro group came into their neighbor hood and were harassing a few girls. The Black Foxes had seen enough and beat the guys up using their smarts to their advantage. The kicked the mob members asses and tossed them out of the neighbor laughing about it later. Then a week went buy and as Thane was out picking up some food for the gang on his skate board when a man wearing a suit and trench coat with a scruffy five O'clock shadow, swiftly and skillfully kicked him off his skateboard. He landed on his back with the wind knocked out him hazily looking up at the scruffy man who had kicked him. "You have potential kid" the man said to him. "You can call me the Red Eye and find me some day when your anger is so strong your blood truly does boil" Then mans right eye then glowed and a ruby red pebble like thing shot out of the mans eyes in like a ray and embedded into Thane's chest knocking the air out of his chest again and making him pass out.

When he came to it was night and he grabbed his skate board and quickly hurried to his hideout to tell his friends what had just happened to him. When he got to his hide out he saw a bloody mess of his friends mangled bodies with bullet holes. He was just in time to watch the same man from before stand over his brothers body that was resting against the wall. His brother was already shot in the stomach and badly bleeding. The mans right eye glowed then a laser like ray shot into his brothers head immediately killing his brother. The man in the trench coat looked at Thane who was just standing in the doorway paralyzed with shock and terror. The man simply nodded and whispered so that Thane barely heard him "Rojo Toro" and quickly slipped out the back.

Thane stood there for probably half an hour before running out of there. He didn't know what to do so he stole some whiskey and drank it by the river. His chest was still hurting and he swore it was even glowing red but he thought it was just the alcohol getting to him. Then his anger swelled up so much inside of him he went to go find the Rojo Toro's leaders. He had already had hatred against them for his father but know it was for his brother and for all his friends they killed...and that man called Red Eye... he clenched his fist so hard around the bottle of whiskey it shattered cutting his thumb. He cursed and stood up and went to the bar that everyone knew the Rojo Toro stayed at.

He burst through the front door and walked up to the Rojo Toro's leader and punched him in the jaw. The leader stood up and wiped the blood from his lip and punched Thane back. The two got into a fight but Thane was still just a kid and was no match. Thane was knocked to the ground with several bruises, a black eye and a bleeding lip. Then the other gang members swarmed around him and continued to kick him and some even stabbed him. He thought they were going to kick him to death but then he heard a voice that no one else seemed to hear it was the voice of the man called Red Eye and the man said to him "Is that really all you your hatred that weak I am Rojo Toro...are you that weak, stand up and fight and use your power of blood!" Thane yelled out and stood up amid all the people kicking and stabbing him. The blood from all his wounds swelled together and made millions of discs that ran circles around him cutting into everyone as they screamed he smiled and punched back. Then all the disc came together above him and formed his Kessho Discus and it completely tore everyone there to pieces.

The last thing Thane remembered was waking up the next morning covered in all the others blood with the Red Eye man standing over him "You did well kid" The man said before walking off. Thane hasn't seen him since. The police had no idea what had happened and it was taking them a very long time to build a case against him when an uknown party took the opertunity and stacked everything up against him even forging things like tapes saying that he not only killed the Rojo Toro but his own gang and his own brother! He didn't know that it was the

When he first got to the deadman facility he was disgusted at how they pitted people against each other but he soon got used to it. He does not support the freedom fighters because he thinks they are stupid and that it's pointless but he still likes to try and help some people out when he can. He hasn't been at deadman wonderland for to long and doesn't really know anyone there and is yet to have his first match. He has only seen a a few matches and can still be surprised at other peoples abilities and doesn't quite have a firm grasp of his own but he promises that one day he will track down the "Red Eye" and make him pay for what he has done.

Branch of Sin Name: Disuku Akuma(Disc devil in japanese)

Branch of Sin Description: A branch of sin focuses around the manipulation of blood into razor sharp discs.

Branch of Sin Abilities: 3 Max -Range 25-100ft for distance attacks (100 ft reserved really for ranged BoS users)

Name: Crimson Discus

Rank: A-B

Description: He can turn his blood into discs varying in size and use them as either a shield or as a projectile to launch at enemies. When he launches them at enemies he will often make them about the size of a DVD and has limited control but still control on how they fly. He can also make them bounce off of surfaces if he focuses and changes the edge of the disc. He can turn the disc and making it larger using it as a shield. He can also pile up smaller versions of them to turn them into a kind of chain mail wall. The discs are hard but not unbreakable. The discs can reach to about 75 feet before losing to much speed and him losing any control over them.

Name: Crimson Needle Shatter

Rank: A

Description: His discs explode into many needles showering enemies from the side and above or can be used like land mines shooting upwards.

Name: Kessho Discus

Rank: S

Description: When he has a very large amount of blood he can gather that up into one large and wider disc that stands normally about 10 feet tall. The disc spins and even vibrates at a blinding speed making it seem to glow and can light up the area it is in. Nothing can get within even 10 feet of it from any direction without being torn to shreds by its insane spinning and vibrating, serving as either a great shield or as a great missile to be launched at enemies. When the disc stops moving either because he stopped it or passed out it explodes said large spikes up to 45 feet in all directions and a blast radius of 30 feet. He rarely ever uses it and has never not passed out shortly after use of it and will often feel sick a for a few days after using it.

Name: Vanessa Cho

Nickname: Boa Constrictor

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 119

Class: Freedom Fighter


View attachment 10173

Likes: Eating, exercising, strong men, flowers, poems.

Dislikes: Whining, complaining, weaklings, feeling weak, losing, humiliation, sweets, dreams, being lied to.

Strengths: Very agile and flexible, great control over her emotions.

Weaknesses: Sometimes overly confident. Very stubborn. Doesn't really have a sense of conscience. Can be rather lazy.

Hobbies: Growing flowers, gymnastics, laying down for extended periods of time without doing anything, reading.

History: Vanessa had spent her childhood in Italy, living a happy life with her Korean father and Italian mother. She was a very bright child who seemed to have everything, thanks to her family's financial status. They weren't filthy rich, but they were not poor either. She lived in Italy until the day she turned 12, when a phenomenon similar to the Red Hole of Tokyo occurred in Rome. That was when she had been exposed to the Nameless Worm, but of course, no one knew that. Her parents decided that it would be best if she were to live somewhere far away from where the tragedy had occurred, and moved to America.

Life in America for Vanessa was difficult. She was a quick learner, and being exposed to two languages ever since she was a child, she had no trouble mastering the English language, but she had a hard time fitting in with her peers, and she was often depressed and refused to eat. Her parents insisted that she see a therapist so that she could properly cope with the incident which had killed so many of her friends and family, and through those sessions, she learned to lock away the horrible memories and live life happily as if it had never happened. Her father decided that it would be best for her to not remember, and her mother reluctantly agreed.

Vanessa graduated from high school as Valedictorian, with her boyfriend Mark ranking as Saluditorian. She decided to pursue a career in Hotel Management, and moved to Las Vegas with her boyfriend and family to earn her degrees. After five years of dating, Mark proposed to Vanessa, and they were happily engaged. During the ceremony, however, a minor earthquake occurred, which triggered Vanessa's memories of the incident in Italy. She had a mental breakdown, and the ceremony was canceled. She was alone in the apartment she shared with Mark when a burglar broke in. When he found her trying to call the cops, he reacted violently and pulled a knife on her. Something snapped in Vanessa and she kicked the weapon from his hand, taking it from him. Most people would have stopped and bound the burglar to call the cops, but Vanessa went the extra mile. She killed the man in cold blood, not even blinking when she had to repeatedly stab him in order to make sure he was dead.

She was washing the blood off when Mark came back home, and freaked out at the sight of a large black trash bag in the middle of a pool of blood in the living room. Vanessa simply sighed and killed him as well. She could not have witnesses. Killing Mark upset her as much as killing an ant would, but it was a bigger bother to clean up. She had planned to put him in a trash bag as well, and dump both of them into the river nearby, but she had completely forgotten about the security cameras Mark had installed in their home "for fun", so she was found out, and sentenced to death. She was however transferred to the Deadman Wonderland facility right in the city.

She has spent a considerable amount of time in Deadman Wonderland, and her first loss in the Penalty Game was her hair. She has done everything to grow it back to its formal glorious waist length. Since then, she has only lost one other game, which resulted in the loss of a kidney.

Branch of Sin Name:
Bloody Wire

Branch of Sin Description: Strands of blood that move in whichever way Vanessa commands. Their thickness and length can also be controlled, and they are remarkably fast.

Branch of Sin Abilities:

Name: Boa's Embrace

Rank: S

Description: Creates multiple thin, sharp strands of blood that wrap around the opponent, gradually squeezing them to make a series of lacerations and gashes that can get as deep as the bone. This is mainly designed to drain the opponent's blood to weaken them, but she can use it to cut the flesh right off the bone to weaken their willpower.

Name: Boa's Ire

Rank: A

Description: Like Boa's Embrace, it creates strands of blood, but they are thicker and heavier, though still very sharp. She uses these as whips, and they can sometimes cut off body parts if she so wishes. They cause bigger gashes than Boa's Embrace.

Name: Death Bite

Rank: B

Description: This technique is ideal if Vanessa's blood has been spluttered around, though it doesn't need to be. She creates several darts (6 cm length, .5 cm in diameter) and projects them towards her opponent. Once they puncture the flesh, the darts go back to being liquid and flow out freely from whichever part of the body they pierced, allowing the opponents' blood to flow out as well.
Vanessa is approved without any edits needed. Feel free to post into the IC Thread.

Thane needs a minor edit. In his Branch of Sin description, you did not mention a toxin or relaxant... yet in one of your abilities, you do. Please take that part out. Otherwise, approved.
Alright, You're approved. I'll add you to the list of Approved Players. Feel free to post in the IC.
You're good, then. Feel free to post. I am adding you to the list of approved players.

Seeing the repeated instances of assistance, and either a good knowledge of DMWL... or frequent wikia visits... I am naming Pristine Dark as my assistant GM.

In any instances where I am unavailable, Pristine has authority to act in my stead.
No one is posting in here. This is also an Out Of Character thread. We can discuss the characters and future plot here... as well as crack jokes and make fun of each other. ... I'm a sad Walrus now.
Well... I was going to carefully consider all of the characters and look at them in depth before I set up PvP fights. Initially it will probably be Players vs NPCs. That way I can gauge everyone's relative skill levels as well. Then, based on the powers of the characters and the skills of their players, I'll dish out the PvP matches.
Name: Aaryn Christopher Mitchels

Nickname: Hell hound.

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: 263lbs

Class: Undertaker 2nd Class (Enforcer)

Appearance: Rather muscular build, Short hair that is black. Blue eyes, Has rather large feet, his nails are of average size but are black at the tips due to not being washed. Wears a Blue shirt covered by a black jacket that he always keeps unbuttoned His trouser are a weird Jeans and tracksuit in one and are dark blue. His shoes are black in a color and are rather formal and are rather point at the end. His skin is of pale tone and his arms are covered with hairs and he normally wears a Black tie to go with it all.

Likes: Money, Authority, Order, History and equations.

Dislikes: Lollygagging, Jokers, Idiots, Fruit and Witnesses

Strengths: Has the Worm Eater, Likes to plan things out and so is rather strategic when it comes to a fight and is rather muscly.

Weaknesses: Likes planning things out so if he doesn't have time to plan he wont be as efficient in a fight and isn't very fast.

Hobbies:Working out and writing out plans for possible situations.

History: Aaryn since childhood had always been in it for the money, He just loved money, he believed if you had plenty of money you would be the happiest man on earth. Growing up in California he had plenty of opportunities to make money whilst following the law, but that was slow and way too boring for Aaryn, no he liked Dangerous and fast. From around the age of 20 he'd got into the drug dealing business he'd never personally took the drugs but instead distributed it. He'd made plenty of money and when that money came in boy was he lusting for more, soon he had plenty of Drug labs and plant locations, he had a few people working for him, some to do his dirty work, although he loved to do that himself. Whenever somebody crossed him or didn't pay up, him and a few of his "Employees" would go over the the persons house, smash up all of their stuff and break a bone or to and if they didn't hand over their drug money after that, more than likely he'd kill them but he normally got someone else to do that. More and more people started buying drugs from him, which also brought the authorities eye over to him aswell, Aaryn had started avoiding Police sometimes even taking a few of them "out" if he could, anything to make them lose track of him would been done, so what if he got his hands dirty, if he got caught he'd be going to prison anyway might aswell keep on getting more dirtier especially seeing as that was much more fun than giving in anyway, he wasn't the type to lay over and play dead. But it wasn't long before time caught up with him, he was soon arrested and faced a court trial, he was found guilty of Drug dealing, multiple accounts of murder, Vandalism and plenty cases of assault.

He was soon sentenced to life imprisonment at the prison called Deadman Wonderland. He was now 27, life in the prison was easy for him, he knew how to deal with the normal thugs and ended up getting them as pretty much henchmen, people knew not to mess with him or they would have their skull broken in, if he couldn't rule the outside world he could always rule here. He didn't have the money anymore but he had the power and that was just as good, being able to point a finger at someone and watch as your loyal idiots pummeled the man till he was a mush of broken bones. But there was always that one guy who had to try take if from you, That one guy was Eveir Loikis, He'd been a pain in the ass ever since he'd been sent to the prison,stealing some of the dumber thugs from him, although those thugs would never stay with him long, not after Aaryn's guys were done with them. But one day he pushed it too far, so Aaryn went to Eveir himself, Grabbed him by the collar and threw him into a wall. He'd then started to repeatably punch him into the face, his boys soon joining in, they'd only stopped once they were sure Eveir was dead. Then the guards came and took him and asked him a few questions, the warden himself had even came in and personally explained what was to be done with Aaryn, he explained how he wanted him to be an Enforcer for the G-block of the prison Aaryn had no idea there was even a G-Block and had asked what it was and was explained it was where all the prisoners were sentenced to death and had the ability to manipulate blood apparently they were known as "Deadmen". Aaryn had agreed the offer and was handed a weapon called the Worm Eater which was capable of stopping the G-block inmates from using their powers for a set amount of time. Now he was 28 and still an Enforcer for the Deadman Prison, he'd pretty much got used to it as normal life now , especially with the benefits he got from being an Enforcer.

Branch of Sin Name:N/A

Branch of Sin Description: N/A

Branch of Sin Abilities: None but does carry a Worm Eater, which negates the nameless worm inside of people, thus making all of their special abilities useless for a certain amount of time.

Name: N/A

Rank: N/A

Description: N/A
Dino: Accepted.

I'll be making an actual character roster once I find out who all is still in this. I know it's you, me, and Pristine. Fairly sure Riddle will still be in. Forge, too. SHOULD be enough to keep this moving. I'll try contacting everyone else, but won't keep my hopes up for them to return.

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