

Unlucky Member
The second (main) supervirus outbreak started 20 years prior, and took three years to spread to America.

Note: A gas-mask is highly suggested. There are plenty of toxic (and flammable) gasses in the air, particularly around cities. The vents from bunkers also spew a toxic gas that looks like steam.




Race (humans only):

Lived in a bunker or on surface:

Appearance: (Picture preferred, but not necessary. Include scars, ect.)

Weight/Height (Preferred but not entirely necessary):


Past: (It's fine if its brief but a longer one is better)


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Levi Rose





Race (humans only):


Nationality Unknown

Lived in a bunker or on surface:

On Surface



Weight/Height (Preferred but not entirely necessary):

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 168 lbs


Levi is rather thoughtful very closed off and conservative of his own personality and body being raised this way. He isn't one to understand the norm and often times falls into his own unusual thoughts perhaps sharing them if someone where to ask.

He is a curious soul and has much interest in their new society, confused as to how everyone else was living and what they where doing now.

Levi will often times only input something in a conversation if he feels the need to, though he actually loves speaking with others his childhood lacking a lot of interaction with those of his age.

Due to that he can be a bit odd not understanding terms or some jokes sometimes needing them to be explained to him.

Levi loves helping others and is always fascinated by people and the body, he isn't one to leave others stranded. And is rarely seen angry, any emotion is difficult to see if you are only staring at a mask. But he's often smiling. He always attempts to smile his unseen smile.


Levi was raised by a rather paranoid mother, whose fear of losing her son drove her to make him constantly where a gas mask. In one of the scattered epidemics he had lost his father to the disease making his mother over protective of him. He'd very rarely be allowed to go outside and when he was he was accompanied by his as well gas masked mother.

He was always inspired by the outside world the colors, and technology making him wish to stay outside but knew it'd only upset his mother.

But one day he had snuck out like he told himself never to do each day, it was cloudy the rain falling from the black puffs of water but it still was the best morning but the worst evening. That was the day the real strike of infection had spread a cross the land. On his way home he was halted by gruesome creatures he couldn't describe, he had knocked them away with the use of his umbrella which he had gotten for his past birthday.

Without thought he had turned and ran from the scene passing pleas of both young and old citizens unable to slow down until he left the towns area. With his heart pounding he began his travel from there, learning more about their new world then what he knew about their past world.

Never removing his mask, as if to apologize to his mother for leaving her more then wanting to keep the toxic fumes out.


Levi's umbrella is a very unpopular weapon which if closed and shut firmly a sharp sword like tip will protrude from the tip. It is only around 2 inches long but very effective.
Good, but did you read the rules? 
Name: Meli (Melissa, no surname)

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race (humans only):

Brazilian descent

Lived in a bunker or on surface: Surface

Appearance: (Picture preferred, but not necessary. Include scars, ect.)


Copper skin tone, russet eyes, and dark brown, almost reddish, hair. Multiple scars from scratches, particularly around her chest and jawline. Usually wears gas mask, hence the scars only being around her jaw where the gas mask doesn't cover. Wears a fitted leather jacket with duct tape wrapped around her forearms to protect from bites. She also wears thick black jeans with duct tape around her legs as well. The duct tape is fully hidden by her clothing.

She has major scarring on her forearms, mostly in the way of claw marks.

Weight/Height: 134 lbs/5'6

Personality: Meli has a fairly hostile personality towards strangers, but while she is quick to threaten, she is not as quick to actually kill. She has been known to severely injure others and leave them for dead, and seems not to like ending it herself. She often ignores or doesn't seem to notice other people's symptoms of emotional or physical pain, despite being very perceptive during battle. She often misses social cues as well and prefers not to speak much, and when she does she is often blunt and to the point.

While she may seem harsh and stoic even to friends, she does show subtle signs of deep platonic affection towards them.

Past: Her parents left her and her brother at home when they fled to a bunker after the supervirus spread to America. Her brother was nine, while she was five. Her brother ran away, and although he urged her to come with him, she wanted to stay to wait for her parents. Soon after, two homeless people who had been unable to make it into a bunker raided her house and took her in. For several years she roamed her home city and the area surrounding it before leaving at the age of seventeen. She travels from place to place and only visits the small villages scattered around the wastelands for mercenary work and supplies.

Ect: She has a knack for electronics/machinery and carries a customized sniper rifle. When fully charged, it has the ability to fire special electricity imbued bullets. She also carries two scimitar, but only uses them one at a time. She travels mainly across the Nevada/northwestern wastelands.

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