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Realistic or Modern Dead to Me


Unlucky Member

Tiny pale hands fought not to shake as she pulled her shoulder-length raven hair into a ponytail. It was too humid out, and she could already see the sweat stains forming on the armpits of her navy shirt. She dragged her feet as she walked, really too tired to go any faster. Erin held her position at the rear of the group, gripping the hilt of her knife tightly in case an Eater, as she called them, decided to show.

There wasn't much of them left anymore. The Eaters had been the cause of that. They were in Georgia at the moment, heading towards Florida. Maybe they could find a boat? She doubted it. They'd all probably been scavenged by now. Her dad had gone to Florida for work, and when she found the group and heard that they, too, were going to Florida, she was overjoyed. She had left home a few months after the apocalypse started to find him. Her car had run out of gas, and she felt better just ditching it rather than trying to find more. People were heartless nowadays, a fact that made Erin appreciate her small group even more.

Her sapphire gaze flitted to and fro, scanning the trees for life... or unlife? She shook her head, hair bobbing slightly, trying to will away her exhaustion. They'd been traveling for about three days non-stop now, and she'd been appointed the look-out. The others had gotten little sleep, but she hadn't gotten any. She tripped, almost falling flat on her face if it hadn't been for the tan arm that caught her. She looked up, hoping their leader hadn't seen. She wasn't sure what they would say if they caught her, well, slacking. She was the look-out, afterall. Her gaze then drifted to the man who had caught her. His face looked worried, showing what he didn't share aloud. He raised his eyebrows, green eyes slightly widening, silently asking 'are you okay?'. Erin nodded once to him, moving away from his grasp. He nodded also, but kept her in his peripherals. If she fell again, it meant they had to stop. Who knows what walkers would show in that time? They'd lose their look-out. They needed some place safe, and they needed it now.

It wasn't like they couldn't defend themselves. On the contrary, they all could do just fine. However, they usually had an appointed look-out to check for walkers while the others looked for potential safe places. Erin was smart with a knife, but with a handgun? She was one of the worst of the group.


Dark-skinned hands ran through black curls as they moved to tie them up. Dark boots crunched hard against the ground, the woman who wore them not worrying about the noise they were making.

Ava was angry. She was angry at the world. The world had gone to nothing in a matter of about two weeks. The world had ended, leaving all who inhabited it to suffer through what had become almost normal in the past year. Ava still remembered seeing the first thing on the news about an "infection". No one knew what it was, only that it apparently made the infected want to munch on their peers like candy. She had been holed up in her house for quite a while. She never remembered how long. Though, she figured it must've been a long time. She was starving when she had left.

She hadn't known what to expect at first. Her electricity had been shut off about a week after the whole ordeal started. It was terrifying, and sometimes she still got scared. Even if it had been about a year since the apocalypse, Ava never really got used to it all. She was sure no one did. They were everywhere, the infected. It was normal to see them. However, that didn't mean people got used to the idea of always having to carry a weapon.

She wasn't sure how many people were still alive, and that made her angry. Wasn't someone supposed to fix this? Where was everyone who said they were prepared if this kind of thing were to happen? She narrowed her brown eyes, looking to the group she was apart of. At least they were decent... most of them, anyway. For now, they were making the trek through... wherever they were. All Ava could see were trees. They needed someplace safe. It was getting too dark, and most of the time, dark meant zombies.

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