Guilt of failed dreams compelled by felled conceit, abrupt leaves for months in veiled company, condemned to solitude in junctions of cells, a tale to dysfunction. Never owing rebuttal, just silent eruptions internally from promises never furthering. Rusted links to trust of those, lose touch because of loss in self, causing words that follow to fall short of hope and over lap in failed approach. Spells composed to shell remorse is yet another fallen ale amongst the lot of hollow virtues, shallow pertinence, drowning the thoughts of certainty, flooding doubt swallows courage mercilessly. Doubt in worth received, doubt is buried deep, doubt allowed worry breach, Doubt, no matter how infuriating, is profound at the roots of a leafless tree sprouted from just a seed, bound to be re-crowned in spring. Evening of doubt, Midnight of malice grieving upon unknown fallacies, knowing only what's desired, but not the challenge becomes a pallet, where peace rests with what's left of faith in trial.
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