Dead ED. 101

Maddox Rainer

One must see the humor in the darkside
Maddox Rainer submitted a new role play. @Maddox Rainer, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Skeleton:






Haunter Apperance:



Best friend:

Crush(I guess since that's always included.):



Character quote: "I used to be really, really careful...that got me killed so now I don't give a shit."

Name: Lyric Rylus

Age: 17

Height: 6'6

Sexuality: Bi-sexual


Haunter Apperance: His haunter appearance is inspired by the first thing he was ever afraid of: an anitque plague doctors mask his father kept in his study when Lyric was young.


Death: Scared to death by friends

Bio: Lyric was once a very shy boy with a bad heart and no desire to explore the world surrounding him. He was content staying home and keeping to himself. He only had a small handful of friends and the relationship between his only parent, his father, and himself was very strained by Lyric's shy and careful nature.

However, upon a request from his father, he agreed to go out with friends the night before his 17th birthday. His friends treated him to a night out that ended with them playing a stupid game. The game led to Lyric being dared to enter the old abandoned asylum at the edge of his home town alone just an hour before he officially turned 17. All was going well until strange noises and whispers made Lyric panic and search for an exit.

Though he didn't know it his friends were playing a prank on him and when they gave him his final scare, locking him in a room with a 'ghost' his poor heart stuttered and gave up on him. He died scared and alone at 1:13 A.M the exact time he was born 17 years earlier.

Since his death and reawakening in Limbo Lyric has become the opposite of who he was, loud, outgoing. He has developed a rather morbid sense of humor he is never afraid to share with others. Upon his death he was reunited with his Mother.

Best friend: His cat, Mooly, whom he was reunited with upon his death.

Crush(I guess since that's always included.): None yet

Hobbies: Drawing, Hanging around the town he died in, napping on graves, singing

Likes: Apples, cats, girls, boys, graveyards, movies, making new friends

Dislikes: Bright light, the living, dogs, chocolate
Name: Maya Nadia Lancaster

Age: 16 1/2

Height: 5' 11"

Sexuality: Bisexual



Hair colour: Blonde.

Eye colour: Blue.

Haunter Appearance: Inspired purely by a mix of horror films and games. Her hair will turn darker, she'll become covered in blood and her eyes will go red. Oh, and she has a very psychotic laugh.

Death: House fire.

Bio: Born. Lived. Died. That's really are there is.

Best friend: No.

Crush(I guess since that's always included.): No.

Hobbies: Going to other people's funerals, hanging around graveyards, scaring people.

Likes: Graveyards, vampires, ghost, the occult, funerals.

Dislikes: Pink, sunshine, cotton candy.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]Name: Maya Nadia Lancaster
Age: 16 1/2

Height: 5' 11"

Sexuality: Bisexual



Hair colour: Blonde.

Eye colour: Blue.

Haunter Appearance: Inspired purely by a mix of horror films and games. Her hair will turn darker, she'll become covered in blood and her eyes will go red. Oh, and she has a very psychotic laugh.

Death: House fire.

Bio: Born. Lived. Died. That's really are there is.

Best friend: No.

Crush(I guess since that's always included.): No.

Hobbies: Going to other people's funerals, hanging around graveyards, scaring people.

Likes: Graveyards, vampires, ghost, the occult, funerals.

Dislikes: Pink, sunshine, cotton candy.

Accepted. Nice job on the death.
[QUOTE="Maddox Rainer]Accepted. Nice job on the death.

Thank you, I put so much effort in xD
Name: Annabeth L. Morrtigan

Age: 15

Height: 5'10

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual


Haunter Apperance:


Death: Commited suicide after being diagnosed as a schizophrenic

Bio: Since she was litttle Annabeth has been passed from foster home to foster home, none of them lasting long.

When she was 15 she finally came to a home that made true attempts to help her she blossomed into a quirky young woman who loved to play the cello and had true talent for it. She was adopted shortly after her 16th birthday and all was well until one night she had a night terror so horrible she screamed for hours and attacked her younger foster brother.

She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was deemed a danger to have around others. Aginst their wishes her foster family was made to keep her in the asylum she would now call home.

Six months later, she stood before a bathroom mirror, and smashed the mirror. She knelt on the floor and ate the glass around her. She bled out quickly and died smiling.

Best friend: ?

Crush: ?

Hobbies: Cello, day dreaming, writing, dancing in the rain

Likes: Sweets, medical science, rain, clouds, stars, books, kids, scaring

Dislikes: Most people, her self, the sun, being sick
Rhode130 said:
Name: Annabeth L. Morrtigan
Age: 15

Height: 5'10

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual


Haunter Apperance:


Death: Commited suicide after being diagnosed as a schizophrenic

Bio: Since she was litttle Annabeth has been passed from foster home to foster home, none of them lasting long.

When she was 15 she finally came to a home that made true attempts to help her she blossomed into a quirky young woman who loved to play the cello and had true talent for it. She was adopted shortly after her 16th birthday and all was well until one night she had a night terror so horrible she screamed for hours and attacked her younger foster brother.

She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was deemed a danger to have around others. Aginst their wishes her foster family was made to keep her in the asylum she would now call home.

Six months later, she stood before a bathroom mirror, and smashed the mirror. She knelt on the floor and ate the glass around her. She bled out quickly and died smiling.

Best friend: ?

Crush: ?

Hobbies: Cello, day dreaming, writing, dancing in the rain

Likes: Sweets, medical science, rain, clouds, stars, books, kids, scaring

Dislikes: Most people, her self, the sun, being sick
Accepted. Eating a mirror? You are so twisted my friend.
Rhode130 said:
Name: Annabeth L. Morrtigan
Age: 15

Height: 5'10

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual


Haunter Apperance:


Death: Commited suicide after being diagnosed as a schizophrenic

Bio: Since she was litttle Annabeth has been passed from foster home to foster home, none of them lasting long.

When she was 15 she finally came to a home that made true attempts to help her she blossomed into a quirky young woman who loved to play the cello and had true talent for it. She was adopted shortly after her 16th birthday and all was well until one night she had a night terror so horrible she screamed for hours and attacked her younger foster brother.

She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was deemed a danger to have around others. Aginst their wishes her foster family was made to keep her in the asylum she would now call home.

Six months later, she stood before a bathroom mirror, and smashed the mirror. She knelt on the floor and ate the glass around her. She bled out quickly and died smiling.

Best friend: ?

Crush: ?

Hobbies: Cello, day dreaming, writing, dancing in the rain

Likes: Sweets, medical science, rain, clouds, stars, books, kids, scaring

Dislikes: Most people, her self, the sun, being sick
So amazingly twisted... Wow...
"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."


Damon Wolfe









Haunter Appearance:


With the exception of the beer can. He also just has normal blood stained clothes on. His 'costume' is inspired by the first real witness he had to death and that would be when he saw his father's body.




Damon was an outgoing and extraordinarily brave kid. He idolized his father who went to Iraq only to return home in a body bag. With his Dad dead, Damon started hanging with the wrong crowd. Much to his mother's disapproval, Damon gave up caring about school or any sort of authority that she tried to hold over him. He became obsessed with his guitar, music, and the unhealthy addiction of narcotics, such as heroin.

By the time he was 16, Damon had been arrested several times due to drug possession and theft. Being a minor and smarter than the cops would give him credit for, he was never pinned on anything and only had to suffer community service at best.

Damon just had the nasty habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For all of his faults, he held a sort of nobleness that eventually got him killed.

A few days after his 17th birthday and simply hours before he was to be shipped off to boot camp, Damon J. Wolfe was found dead in a pool of his own blood face down in an alley a mile away from his own home.

His murder is currently unsolved.

Best friend:

His dog, Yeager, who he reunited with once he too died. Everyone else, TBD.


To Be Determined...


His Father.


Playing the Guitar, Flirting, hanging around grave yards, scaring the living


Music, Playing the Guitar, Jokes/Pranks, Graveyards, Thunder Storms, Dogs


Funerals, Cats, Over needy people, Bright everything, Bad music

Extra: He wears his Dad's dog tags on him at all times and never removes them.

"I'm just a man, I'm not a hero."
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Hell0NHighWater said:
"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."

Damon Wolfe









Haunter Appearance:


With the exception of the beer can. He also just has normal blood stained clothes on. His 'costume' is inspired by the first real witness he had to death and that would be when he saw his father's body.




Damon was an outgoing and extraordinarily brave kid. He idolized his father who went to Iraq only to return home in a body bag. With his Dad dead, Damon started hanging with the wrong crowd. Much to his mother's disapproval, Damon gave up caring about school or any sort of authority that she tried to hold over him. He became obsessed with his guitar, music, and the unhealthy addiction of narcotics, such as heroin.

By the time he was 16, Damon had been arrested several times due to drug possession and theft. Being a minor and smarter than the cops would give him credit for, he was never pinned on anything and only had to suffer community service at best.

Damon just had the nasty habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For all of his faults, he held a sort of nobleness that eventually got him killed.

A few days after his 17th birthday and simply hours before he was to be shipped off to boot camp, Damon J. Wolfe was found dead in a pool of his own blood face down in an alley a mile away from his own home.

His murder is currently unsolved.

Best friend:

His dog, Yeager, who he reunited with once he too died. Everyone else, TBD.


To Be Determined...


His Father.


Playing the Guitar, Flirting, hanging around grave yards, scaring the living


Music, Playing the Guitar, Jokes/Pranks, Graveyards, Thunder Storms, Dogs


Funerals, Cats, Over needy people, Bright everything, Bad music

Extra: He wears his Dad's dog tags on him at all times and never removes them.

"I'm just a man, I'm not a hero."
Accepted. That ghost picture is the greatest. xD
[QUOTE="Maddox Rainer]Accepted. That ghost picture is the greatest. xD

Thanks xD It was randomly found in the abyss of the interweb.
I don't mind. I like smaller rps. However I was going to ask if I could make a second character. I got inspired!
Sure, you make as many as you can manage. Actually part of the problem is the rp is hard to find now, the one on the roleplay list doesn't have any of our replies. It is weird.

Damien Paige


17 years old







Haunter Appearance


With gleaming blood-red eyes (no whites, no pupils, no irises), lips that seem to go on until his ears, and a gray-toned skin, the blood-covered numerous limbs won't suggest anything so good either. Inspired by his interest for spiders and past phobia of sharp objects.


Physical inability to handle torture


To be honest, Damien no longer remembers much, except for the fact that his real father died when he was very young, or so his loving and caring mother used to say. Like a normal boy, he was cared for by his one parent, who was a widow. At the age of twelve, his mother came home one night with some man, and it wasn't surprising for him that they would get married. Only, Damien barely heard of it. As he trusted his mother, Damien hoped the new father would be a good one. He believed in his mother and her choices anyway.

However, he regretted his choices in a matter of a few months to years. It did not take him long to learn that his father wasn't as sweet and kind as his mother would always say to him. Damien already suspected his step-father to be mean, or that he only married to get some money (they were quite wealthy that time), but he did not expect him to be a freak who loved experimenting, especially on Damien himself. One night, he would be dragged into a room full off blood and razors and all that horrors, and the next day, we was forced to live as if he didn't have such a sleepless night with the man's stained intentions.

At the night of his seventeenth birthday did his step-father decide to do so again. Before, the man still had control, only poking around or slicing a bit to quench his curiosity. But this time, he had done it out of pure, psychotic, fun. He was drunk then, and, well, the things that happened afterward weren't great, no they weren't.

Best friend

Any stray cats he could find.


None just yet.


scaring people, meeting new people


the dark, felines, sweet and chewy food, knowing new things


bright things, vegetables, his step-father, anyone alive
[QUOTE="Cotton Ball]
Damien Paige


17 years old







Haunter Appearance


With gleaming blood-red eyes (no whites, no pupils, no irises), lips that seem to go on until his ears, and a gray-toned skin, the blood-covered numerous limbs won't suggest anything so good either. Inspired by his interest for spiders and past phobia of sharp objects.


Physical inability to handle torture


To be honest, Damien no longer remembers much, except for the fact that his real father died when he was very young, or so his loving and caring mother used to say. Like a normal boy, he was cared for by his one parent, who was a widow. At the age of twelve, his mother came home one night with some man, and it wasn't surprising for him that they would get married. Only, Damien barely heard of it. As he trusted his mother, Damien hoped the new father would be a good one. He believed in his mother and her choices anyway.

However, he regretted his choices in a matter of a few months to years. It did not take him long to learn that his father wasn't as sweet and kind as his mother would always say to him. Damien already suspected his step-father to be mean, or that he only married to get some money (they were quite wealthy that time), but he did not expect him to be a freak who loved experimenting, especially on Damien himself. One night, he would be dragged into a room full off blood and razors and all that horrors, and the next day, we was forced to live as if he didn't have such a sleepless night with the man's stained intentions.

At the night of his seventeenth birthday did his step-father decide to do so again. Before, the man still had control, only poking around or slicing a bit to quench his curiosity. But this time, he had done it out of pure, psychotic, fun. He was drunk then, and, well, the things that happened afterward weren't great, no they weren't.

Best friend

Any stray cats he could find.


None just yet.


scaring people, meeting new people


the dark, felines, sweet and chewy food, knowing new things


bright things, vegetables, his step-father, anyone alive


Ok, so found out I will going on a trip across state and back tomorrow. I will more than likely work on a starter for the rp before I leave, maybe even tonight, and the role-play will start. I'll reply as soon as I get back, so don't worry about it if I get a bit left behind.

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