DC: Help Wanted


Four Thousand Club
DippyDash submitted a new role play. @DippyDash, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Characters needed/accepted that aren't completely original

Message me if you'd like to play:

New Batgirl

New robin(male or female)

New Green Lantern

Catwoman (ask for details)

Hero name:



Where you're from:


Powers (don't be OP, or godmod):


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Casper Blare

Hero name:

Mistress Shade





Where you're from:

New York


She doesn't remember most of her past below the age of 16. She woke up stranded on a roof top of an old, abandoned building. Unable to remember her name or family(If she had any) she had no where to go. Finding her way back to the busy streets of New York she took the time to come up with a name for herself and searched for a place to stay. Her memory was gone but social standards and speech remained.

It was shear luck when a woman plucked her off the streets and took her into her house. She was in her 50's and lived alone. Her husband died from cancer years ago. She was fed, and cleaned up, cared for and loved, she was satisfied. But a month later she began to feel strange, in the night she would have nightmares of herself turning into this monster, being about to do things no human should be able to do. Only days later when she was corners by a few men looking to have some fun she realized... her dreams were not dreams at all. She left the alley leaving the men battered and bruised, and she ran away, and at the age of 18, she was living alone, had a job, and used this "gift" of hers for the good of others.


Casper considers herself emotionally divorced from the rest of humanity; in her narration, she often refers to humans as if she is not one of them. She makes frequent references to an internal feeling of emptiness; leading to many youthful attempts to "feel alive." She claims to have feelings or conscience and that all her emotional responses are part of a well-rehearsed act to conceal her true nature. She has no interest in romance, and considers her relationship with other people to be part of her "disguise." She tends to lay low and often slips into the crowed in attempt to be unnoticed, as any clever person--if looking hard enough and for the right clues--could faintly sense the darkness. She truly believes that she cares little for the people around her, but can get easily emotionally confused which only angers her, perhaps even frighten her .

She carries a sense of duty, yet she can be very hostile and prickly; with little patience for un-genuine people. Her respect is difficult to earn--having taught Herself that when it comes down to it, you'll be the one left in the flames of the burning building--but worth the effort.

Having a natural sixth sense instinct and a powerful urge that sends your system haywire if not satisfied could be labelled as both a curse and gift--perhaps her keen senses, but most defiantly not the urge. Casper is a skilled fighter, tactical, intelligent and rarely looses; her expertise in battle strong and clear. Not only does she posses natural strength and speed, but also the powerful from the darkness that thrives on anger and often attempts to over-power Casper; giving her yet again undeniable skill and determination.

Perhaps the most important aspect of Casper is something which she called the dark light, which is a psychological manifestation of her inner-thinking and what represents her urge to concur. Something inside of Casper changed...she needs to fight and if she doesn't fight for a duration of time, her life becomes unstable, the rest of her personality representing what could be similar to withdrawal syndrome.

The urge itself is strong and needs to be satisfied frequently to prevent her system from failing. Somewhat like an immense hunger, Casper craves the hunt: searching for worthy prey to wipe clean from the earth, and everything is needed to truly satisfy the righteous judgement. Her personality often allows her to flow freely with those she can truly be honest with: often smiling and laughing when explaining why she does what she does. It's unknown what made Casper the way she is, but whatever it was left a...hollow place inside. People fake a lot of human interactions, but Casper feels like she faked them all, and she does it well. And that's her burden, I guess.


Mistress Shade controls a powerful mysterious energy, granting her the ability to fire powerful beams from her eyes. She can also create energized weapons of various shapes from her hands. The energy field can wrap itself around her, making her hard to detect, providing protection and also allowing her to slip through walls and solids.


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Name: Edward Allen

Hero name: Saito (Sairento Tod, Sairento meaning Silent in Japanese and Tod meaning Death in German, Silent Death)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Where you're from: Chernobyl, Russia. Moved to Tokyo, Japan. Then Moved to New York, New York, where he is currently at.

Origin: Edward, not to his knowledge, was a genetically modified child from an orphanage in Chernobyl, Russia. He was tested on at age 3 and had no memories of such things, being adopted by the scientist and owner of Esprit Co. Dr. Terry Whitman. Dr. Terry Whitman brought Edward across the world, making him believe he was his actual child and that his mother had died when he was born. Edward eventually realized he was different from others on mental levels as his kinetic powers were way above an average human's. Edward, after his father had died, took advantage of his powers to rid the world of criminals as his father was assassinated and the company's money was stolen by a group of co-workers. Later Edward killed them and took the money back to the company. He gave the company to his friend Joseph Ellen who would aid him in creating his gadgets and training his mental abilities.

Edward is known globally as Saito, or Silent Death. Many religious groups and people in general however dislike Saito because he kills criminals without remorse, without a trial or a second chance. Saito also hacks into many government websites and is an enemy of government itself. Saito has fought other heroes and other villains before and is considered a neutral character however fights for Justice all together, meaning he will kill any hero who dares harm a civilian, even on accident.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): Edward can use dark kinetic powers to summon dark matter and convert it into visible matter yet the energy it produces is off the charts. He can focus this power to power something for a minute or two, use it to teleport himself, the amount of mental energy he uses determines how far Edward teleports. Edward can also shift and transform into shadows for a few seconds, where he claims he enters another dimension where dark matter is the only thing and he walks on only a blur where the floor was. Edward can mind control someone to do as he says if they are a normal being, he can possess people if he must.

Edward can advance his physical abilities with his kinetics by increasing his adrenaline and administering the dark matter into liquid through his blood. Edward has a decent amount of energy emotionless but if you manage to get him emotional on any level his energy will increase so he may use his powers more. Anger is the greatest trigger for the most energy but he will go out of control if you make him angry.

Edwards armor simply protects Edward and contains the waste that comes from using his power, bursts of dark energy outwards that at first would harm the scientists around him as a child, but now will not. Edward also uses weapons to be more effective out in the field and different kinds of gadgets.

He usually takes a band of his only friends, a few more people dressed similarly to him that people call Iustitians. The order being Iustitia, meaning justice in latin.

Edward also has many rare abilities such as controlling fire if he uses enough mental energy. He may also change the state of matter an object is in if he focuses hard enough, such as turning iron to liquid in the matter of seconds if he puts enough energy and thought into it.

Edward can read peoples thoughts if he tries hard enough, apart of his basic mental strength as all human's minds are connected like an ants, a sort of shared thought network. Almost like the Internet.

Edward however has a weakness he tries to hide, if you get him to emotional he will not think about his actions causing him to make stupid moves and if you manage to break through his armor he will stop fighting in fear he will hurt the ones he cares about around him as dark energy leaks from his suit and body. He has many other weaknesses such as he has many fears, has trouble eating, and if you manage to remove his suit the body underneath is completely defenseless, which the suit is only held together by a few pipes and straps, easy to cut through if you manage to pin him down. He also feels pain if he's not hurt as his mind is powerful enough to link to the network and feel other's nerves if he is around them a lot, meaning if he protects his friends he protects himself as well. However this also means that if you capture someone and torture them that he has close he will not only feel anger and fear but pain, which is a major determent to his mental abilities and also a good boost, making him unstable and this has nearly made him destroy himself a number of times.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/panda_ninja_samurai_ww2_veteran_assassin_cyborg_by_davespineapple-d6ltst8.png.5111270d98cc3c0844e90b9ba70229d5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/panda_ninja_samurai_ww2_veteran_assassin_cyborg_by_davespineapple-d6ltst8.png.5111270d98cc3c0844e90b9ba70229d5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(No one knows what he looks like out of his suit because he never takes it off, only Joseph knows what Edward looks like under all that armor)



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Hero name: Peter Cullens

Hero name: Exhaust

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Where you're from: Toronto, Canada

Origin: Peter lived a average life. He is a only child. He went to school, had dates, and was in a fight club team. These fight clubs went county to county to fight each other for money and respect. Peter was the team best fighter. His team was pretty decent but, one year they did so good they went to a underground tournament. The team didn't think they were ready for this so, one of them got a new type of performance enhancer and talked the team into using them. The enhancer had odd effect on them but Most of them got a new found disease that killed them on the spot. Peter and two others got powers. They all used these power to steal but were caught on the seventh robbery. Hours later they broke out too wreak havoc. Peter did this just show stronger than the authorities but his friend went too far and began killing people. Peter wasn't going to do that so, his friends betrayed him, but Peter was stronger. Peter defeated them right as the authorities showed up. Thinking he would be blamed for the deaths, he went to Gotham where they would never find him. He tries to do acts of kindness to pay for his crimes.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): Smoke Manipulation and Smoke mimicry

Personality: Confident and arrogant but has a sweet side. He has his serious moment especially in dangerous situation.


Hero name: Cole Kyles

Hero name: Robin

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Where you're from: Gotham

Origin: Cole lives with his mother , Step father , and step sister. He spends his time practicing boxing and hacking computers. Sometimes he would hack people computers and phones so, they can get free stuff. He is bored of his life though. It is a cycle of repressiveness. Cole wanted to find a activity that would cure this cycle. He got his wish a few days later when Killer Croc robbed a bank near his neighborhood. Batman drove down the street and rammed Killer Croc. Cole looked in awe. "I can do that. I have skills."he thought as continued to watched. Batman defeats Croc and leaves without a trace. After that day ,Cole has been looking for Batman so he can become the new Robin.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): No power, just skilled in many fighting styles and strategics methods

Personality: Serious, Cool-headed, and Alert. He try to measure himself up to batman and the other robins.

Name: Vivian (Viv) Alvarez

Hero name: Batgirl

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Where you're from: Gotham

Origin: Growing up in Gotham impacted Viv the same way growing up in Gotham impacted a lot of kids - that being, she did a shitload of drugs and got mixed up with the wrong kinds of people at a young age. She was handy with a computer and would use it to steal people's credit card numbers for some extra cash when money was tight or when "the bad people" (the term she gave the crime lords and their lackeys when she was five) came knocking on her family's door. You see, her father had quite the substantial debt, and it wasn't long before he "went missing" like so many others and turned up weeks later having "drowned himself" in one of Gotham's rivers. Viv was about fifteen at that time, her mom kicked her out soon after as she began running with some of Gotham's gangs, there were a lot of kids like her in them, she found a place in them and squatted in some abandoned apartment. But it wasn't enough. Around 17, she began using her position to gain intel on Gotham's underground and at night would gain access to some of Gotham's notorious crime bosses' encrypted files and forward them to the GCPD so they had enough dirt on them to convict them. All of her messages were signed "Sincerely, -V" at the end which is where she supposed the name Vega derived from. Viv was a skilled street fighter after years of running with Gotham's gangs, but more than that she was resourceful and clever. By the age of 19 there was nothing she couldn't hack into and she had managed to gain intel and leverage on just about every crook in Gotham.

Powers: Her skills with a computer are second to none, she's about as good as Oracle herself. She's good at fighting, great even, but since she never learned how to properly fight, never learned from anyone other than being pit against someone twice her size, she lacks finesse or grace, but really just sort of pommel's peoples faces in with her fists or whatever weapon she has in her hands. She always carries a gun on her, even sleeps with it under her pillow, but will never initiate an altercation with the weapon. She's not the Bat, she has nothing against the the things.

Personality: Viv has a sharp tongue, she likes to banter with people and is highly competitive and also incredibly intelligent. She tries to be nonchalant about everything, but her "devil may care" attitude can get frustrating at times when people are trying to connect with her emotionally or on a personal level. Actually, Viv doesn't really do "personal", she's perfectly content as she is, thanks. She sometimes appears rude or insensitive, and her mind is a mystery to many. It's hard to tell where you stand with her. People tend to question her loyalty often, her past is murky and as an expert hacker has access to some incredibly sensitive information and secret identities. She's more likely to tell you to "fuck off" than to say "thanks" and her morals can sometimes be questionable. Despite that, anyone who looks closely enough can tell that Viv won't be the type of person to veer off the path of good anytime soon, she is fiercely loyal - you couldn't torture the information she doesn't want to share out of her if you tried.


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I'm thinking we can get this show on the road, people who haven't yet joined can still join and all, and we'll always be taking new members.

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Name: Calliope Hale

Hero name: Mindfang

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Where you're from: Skaia

Origin: Calliope Hale was born on a distant planet named Skaia, home to a proud race of trolls. When she had reached 5 solar sweeps she was sent to earth along with a small group of other trolls to make a home there for the fact that they had been exiled from Skaia. She had reached earth by the time she was 7 solar sweeps old, but by then she learned the ways of earth. Solar sweeps werent called solar sweeps anymore, they were called years. During this time she had developed two distinct abilities, Mind manipulation and Clairsentience. She learned how to control her powers and took on a human appearance, even though she still has her troll appearance and normal green blood.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): Mind manipulation, Clairsentience

Personality:Calliope can be rash and bold at certain times but she has a calm cool head. In a way, she can be bossy with out meaning it yet she means well for everyone. When first meeting Calliope, she can seem to come off as cold hearted and distant. When you have gotten to know her better she is kinder and will forever be loyal.


Hero appearance:
( Pretend the green blood isnt there.)
Name: Joseline Brianne Smith, AKA JB

Hero name: Robins >Nightwing



Where you're from:Gotham

Origin: Joseline is of african-american decent,born in the already treacherous Gotham city.Not many african americans were at the top of the food chain,and that includes Joseline's family.She would always watch famous acters and actresses pass through her troubled neighbor in wonder.Joseline was especially taken with the black singers,actors/actresses,even cartoons.She wanted to be like them,but she knew she couldn't get there at this rate,so her grades in improved drastically,but she still had a few diffiulties.The gangs in her neighbor were out constantly,so she would get caught up in a few brawls from time to time,so her street fighting skills became second to none.Her mother was dead and her father was always at work,so her elder brother took the strength will she was buried in books.On a rare occasion her father was home and he has some big news,but he would only tell them together so he took the out to dinner.He had gotten a promotion and they were moving uptown for safety.

A month had gone by and they were settled in,but they had gotten a few threats,and each time her brother,Aron would leave and come back the next day tired and a bit of blood on him.At the age of 14 JB's father died in a car accident,leaving her and Aron to fend for themselves.They had no relatives that were decent enough for Joseline,and they wouldn't accept Aron because they were all part of different gangs.Aron left Joseline alone one day,without as much as a word,but he dropped his phone.Worried she quickly went through,finding out that he was gonna get into a huge brawl by himself with the Joker's thugs.Rushing to stop him,she got caught and was used as an hostage.When her brother finally showed up they released to him,but they were held at knife point,but Joseline had been taken a few martial arts classes,so she disarmed the man just as her brother knocked him out.Together they fought off a few,but ultimately they were gonna die slow and painfully,with no joke to send them off.Batman came in just in time to save them,but her brother was still shot in the head.The thugs had run away if they weren't knocked out,but her brother was dying,and all she could do was cry over him.Holding his body his,a light appeared and Aron's heartbeat came back to full life,but his body was still limp.

Joseline's brother was in a coma and now she was with Batman.Since she has been living with Bruce Wayne people say she is another one child of one of his mistresses.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod):Joseline can heal people,but she can't completely control it.She healed her brother from the brink of death but he is still in a coma,and the only reason she could that was because of her emotional attachment to him.What Joseline doesn't know is that she actually has her brother's spirit connected to her,that is why she gets little danger alerts when something is about to happen.She can not speak to him,but he does communicate through her dreams.

Personality:Joseline is calm and collected,but very out-going.She loves to have fun at times and she loves teasing Cole.Joeseline is straight to the point just like Batman,but like him she has her alter-ego.When she is Batgirl she likes to flirt with the villains while she kicks their butts.This Batgirl isn't worried about how everybody views her or the others of the Batfamily,but she stills cares deeply for those that do without like she did growing up.


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One second! I forgot, we have a batgirl, I'm sorry! We could always use another Robin (female version)

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It's not too late, and message me for a summary. We would love to have you.

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Name: Catherine Ianni

Hero name: Chione

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Where you're from: Chicago, Illinois (Has moved around a lot since she became Chione)

Origin: Since she was young Catherine had been raised by a single mother who worked as a cryogenecist. A few years ago, Catherine volunteered to work as an assistant at her research lab. While she was there, she was the last one to be left cleaning up after their experiment with cryogenics. However once she was finished up, the door to the room was jammed. She went to find the keys to the door but when she did, she knocked over a shelf of the prototypes they had created and it fell onto her exposed skin. The liquid streamed into her and caused her skin to feel an extremely cold temperature. Her veins became frost like and her body became subzero as well. Her hair turned white and her veins were noticeable. Her panic in the aftermath caused her to have an emotional reaction in the skin which froze her surroundings uncontrollably. Since then she has learned the ability to freeze objects with the touch of her skin. She keeps her skin hidden from others by wearing clothes to cover up everything.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): Ice manipulation: allows her to freeze water, control ice, and weaponize it. Some emotions cause dangerous reactions to her body so controlling them when necessary is important.

Personality: Ever since she was given her powers, Catherine is much more introverted and reserved. She fears her powers will be noticed and her identity revealed so she tends to try to go unnoticed. Her trust in others has also become more difficult and it further keeps her away from people. However, when she has met someone she can truly trust, she is very caring and protective over them and will sacrifice anything for them. Once she is Chione, Catherine is much more confident and willing to fight for what she believes in and take action. She also acts as Chione much more free spirited and outspoken and sticks to her morals.

Appearance: (With darker skin) (Source)


Eye color: (Both images below found through internet search)


Average street clothes:

Real Name: Sai Lucero

Hero name: Green Lantern

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Where you're from: He's been everywhere

Origin: For as long as he can remember he has always been on the road living out of a suitcase. His father was a writer and traveled all over for inspiration and buisness. He thought of it all as one big adventure. He even more loved his father's books and he actually idolized one character in a Superhero novel. When he was around 12 years old, he decided he wanted to be a hero. But around the sametime his father fell ill while it in

Northern Italy. He father died and he had to move in with his mom in Livingston. His mom wanted him to go to school but he never did, instead he started his writing career. But, he seemed to always run in to trouble with some of the other teens, by trouble it was physical fights. He never always won but he never backed down or gave up. When he was 18 that's when he became a Lantern. He met Hal Jordan who bequethed the Ring and Lantern to him. For the first time in his life, he felt alive and natural. He was finally what he wanted, a superhero.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images-3.jpeg.1d093af7957d1b466b6ddf0096a16de3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images-3.jpeg.1d093af7957d1b466b6ddf0096a16de3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): A Power Ring of the Green Lanterns. It's power by his force of will and limited by his imagination. He can cause a variety of effects, but they are always accompained by a pure green aura. Some of his more common techniques are ; constructs, telekinetic skills without constructs, force fields and barriers, light blasts, flight, wormholes, omnilanguism, and shielding from telepathic control. Though he can probably do alot more.

Personality: Fearless, Brave, Couragous, Persistent, and Creative.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images-4.jpeg.f93e01bae9dc57f1f929f27cad996044.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images-4.jpeg.f93e01bae9dc57f1f929f27cad996044.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Edgar Allan Brooks AKA Poe

Hero name: Echo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Where you're from: Finnmark Norway

Origin: Edgar ever since he was born had to keep his mouth shut out of fear that he would hurt yet another. His powers being something he sadly was born with, and as well had no idea how to controle for much of his life. And due to this it had become quite clear that whenever he would try to speak it would just cause others pain. So to not hurt any others that he had grown to care about he left, towards other lands stumbling to Gotham at the end. By the time he made it to Gotham he had become quite used to holding back his powers when he spoke.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod):

Ballistic Scream: A power usen by the users voice, which sends out heavy sound waves strong enough to destroy objects.

Voice Manipulation

Personality: Echo is cautious but curious most of the time, he is a large thinker, making him very quick on his feet. He can easily get lost in thoughts and excited when faced with a new problem or mystery. But he is very caring and kind, warming up to others quickly. Echo loves sweets and animals, becoming slightly childish when he's playful. He's known to giggle when he likes something...a lot or is excited. He is most likely to be one of the most loyal people you may meet once he knows you.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.28cd217d59a4c4caa05b32ded5cda4c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.28cd217d59a4c4caa05b32ded5cda4c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Costume: (Yes it's Zacharie and he has white hair not black)

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Hero name: Aparato (apparate/ appear and also machine en espanol :P )

Age: 20

Gender: male

Where you're from: Mexico city, mexico

Origin:Aparato, or jason, is of mexican and european decent born in the poor part of mexico city.Not many cyborgs were there, but, aparato, or jason, was an orphan, een more peculiar, we would later find out he killed his parents after he got extremly mad about his new prosthetics...he would let scientists look through his troubled and pulled body in wonder.Jason was especially fond with the genetic scientists.he wanted to be like them,but he knew he couldn't get there at this rate,so his theft rates started improving, he was inproving himself, more weapons inside himself, for power so that he could live (large batterys) but he still had a few difficulties.The gangs in his neighborhood were out constantly,so he would get caught up in a few brawls from time to time,so his street fighting skills were dropping, and more, more, improvements were added.His body was always at work, so his min d excelled, he was a wonder for scientists, he even created a secret formula for cold fusion, he used it to make new things out of almost nothing in his chest chamber.On a rare occasion his faculties would shut down. he had to grow up, thats when he met batman.He had gotten a promotion and he was moving to a batcave, booh ya!

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod):he can whip alost anything mechanical up in a second. he can do many things with his robotic parts, he installed an upgrade system with them, so he is always getting better, more, always improving.

Personality: very stoic, he doesn't enjoy human company, he is nice to those he does like though.


but lighter skin and less mass.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.6475ed83e4a13af707f74b60b4c8421f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.6475ed83e4a13af707f74b60b4c8421f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

DippyDash said:
DippyDash submitted a new role play. @DippyDash, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.
Read more about this role play... 

Name: Harleen Quinnzel

Villain name: Harley Quinn

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Where you're from: Gotham City

Origin: Once working at Arkham Asylum, she fell in love with Joker, and developed the persona of Harley Quinn! After numerous years of smiles and laughter, the Joker was captured by Batman and never to be seen again. Enraged, Harley was destined to find her "puddin'" and kill Batman.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod):

Immune to toxins, poisons, etc.

Gymnastic skills

Personality: Bubbly, light-headed, slightly smart.

Appearance: (thumbnail)


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'Hero' name : deathstroke

Age : early 30's , prematurely grey due to the serum used to give him his enhanced abilities.

Gender : male

Where you're from : "for the last time , I am not from anywhere! I've been around too much , kid"

Origin : born slade Wilson , he joined the millitary , only to undergo a secret government procedure using a special serum to enhance his strength , stamina , dexterity etc. he at one point had a wife and two children , but he quickly rid himself of them when he became the mercenary deathstroke.

He has been a strong enemy of the teen titans before , but has since repented and is struggling to gain the trust of the titans and the justice league. He still will kill , but rarely does so , and hasn't since he 'joined' the justice league. Although no one except maybe batman himself knows this , he was contracted by luthor to kill batman. But when lex dissapeared , the reward did as well. Henceforth , he decided that the mercenary 'gig' wasn't paying , repented , and joined the league. More then that he doesn't state. However everyone knows he has a bleak history.

Powers : enhanced speed and strength , but nothing entirely special. Mostly his training is his real power. He is an expert marksman and swordsman. He also has a healing factor that can heal himself relatively quicker then a normal human , but again , his training is the real power in that he can surely avoid getting seriously hurt.

Personality : he can be irritable , and as the titans can attest to , vengeful. However , he's been getting better. He's secretive , to the point that he frustrates anyone trying to ask him about his past. He stays relatively calm , learning that anger leads to things the league sustains against. He is very , incredibly combative , an aspect that makes him the worst possible man for a diplomat. He will commonly show 'enthusiasm' for harsher methods the league will sometimes use against the worst villains. He isn't very sarcastic , and is a realist. Beyond that no one has figured out , as most members of the league dislike to be around him due to his past.

Appearance above , and he is so wanted by various governments for things he doesn't have a need to change his appearance. He does wear different clothes not on duty , mostly just a simple leather jacket and jeans.



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Name: Damien Sky

Hero name: Dark Knight

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Where you're from: Gotham City, East End

Origin: Damien Star, birth name Damien Trex born in east end gotham to small time cat burglars duo Angel and Maximilian Trex. He was kidnapped and beaten then forced to watch them die at the hands of falcone thugs. He was left to die in an alleyway after and was found on the brink of death by a local store owner named Harry Star. The traumatic experience had changed him mentally and caused him to unknowingly unlock a latent power within him but with the power came an unquenchable hatred for criminals. As the years went by from age 15 to 17 he read on and followed batman's accomplishments. He admired batman, but his hatred also made him resent batman's way of justice. He decided he had to make his own correct justice. Towards his 18th birthday he had already started his rise towards his goal. He needed money so he became a model and actor in gothams theatre district. Now 19 his crusade begins.

Powers (don't be OP, or godmod): Pyschokenesis (Rarely uses his powers in combat due to being inspired by batman)

Personality: When he is living an everyday life as a career model and actor, he puts on farse, making him seems easygoing, kind, reckless and dumb. When alone he is cold, easily agitated, and distant to those who know how he really is.

Appearance: When he dawns his mask


His secret identity appearance

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Hero Name:Charlie Quinn Where you're from: Gotham City Origin: He grew up in gotham as a helpless child who really couldn't stop anyone from pushing him around but one day someone crashed into his parents car on the way to a date then from that day he swore revenge and now he is know none other than Charlie Quinn Powers:None but has great speed and agility and is a skilled acrobat Personality:A Harley Quinn wannabe who never saw the joy in being a villian so basicly more heroic Apperance:White m

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