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Fandom DayZ: The beginning of the end


Within the Depths of a Dream



Insert Name Here

(Insert here)


(Insert here)


(Insert here, 17+ Please)


(Please make it realistic. None of that underwater astronaut shiz)


(Loner, faction/group, traveling with family or friends?)
Please insert picture here


(Insert here)


(God this is getting repetitive)

Written Appearance

(Please include eye and hair color, build, mars in general, etc)


(Self explanatory, 2+ paragraphs please)


(Please make it correspond with your occupation. If they... work on cars for a living they cant be a tech whiz. Vise Versa)


(Any brothers, sisters, parents, spouses? Where are they? What is their status?)

Traveling companion

(Any friends or family with them? Do they have a dog?)

(2+ paragraphs please. BE ORIGINAL. If I see any stereotypes, on the way out ill personally slam the door on your ass. Some to avoid are the dreaded "watched parents get devoured" or the ever occurring "complete bad ass with no imperfections" and even the "emotional wreck yet they've easily survived this far")

Writing Sample

(This is to see if you fit the bill. Write where they were at the time of the outbreak, what they did, initial thoughts, etc. 2+ Paragraphs)


(Anything else the rest failed to cover?)


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Dysis Torren








Freshman Computer Science Major








135 lbs

Written Appearance

Having a lean yet muscular build, Dysis also has pale blue eyes, dark hair, slightly angular features and a prosthetic right hand. She normally favors hoodies and jeans over anything else.


Dysis has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Dysis have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Dysis isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Dysis is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Dysis can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Dysis to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.


Dysis only knows bits and pieces about combat due to her father taking her shooting when she was younger. She also works quite well with technology though that may be deemed useless on a failing power grid.



Max Torren (Brother-Deceased)

Margret Torren (Mother-Unknown)

David Torren (Father-Unknown)

Traveling companion

No one at the moment


Dysis, at a younger age was just like any other child. Happy, go lucky with not a single problem in the world. Well, that was soon to change. At the age of 16 she had been driving her younger brother, Max, home from practice. They had been arguing as sibling do, but it got heated. And just as she turned and took her focus off the road to scream at him some more, she had failed to notice the truck that had gotten into their lane somehow slam into them head on.

Dysis had woke up in the hospital to a few heart wrenching discoveries. First and for most, her brother had been killed. And if that wasn't enough, her right hand had to be amputated. This was just about too much for her to handle at the time. Falling into a slight depression, Dysis really was at a low time in life. Some of her family blamed her for Max's death, others tried to go on with life as if nothing had ever happened. This sent her into somewhat of a depression seeing as it seemed as no one really cared. Now, this isn't a sob story so perk up a bit. (
Glares at Jeff "HEY! I SAW THAT TEAR!") Instead of going as most who are in this condition do, she decided to...distract herself. Focusing upon school and other such things it brings us to where we are today.

Writing Sample

Dysis was sitting an abandoned classroom. Checking the time, she still had a few more minutes till her class began, enough time to finish a few more lines of the project she was working on. Continuing to type away, quite fast for someone with only one hand, there was a piercing screech coming from the hall that was cut off with a strangled, wet snap. Frowning, Dysis slowly stood. Setting her laptop on the floor, things were eerily silent. The hushed hum from the lights above breaking the deafening silence. Slowly walking over to the door, she opened the ancient hunk of oak with a sharp creak. What she saw was straight out of a horror film. Corpses, some prehistoric, others just now rising to join the undead horde. Shutting the door, trying to not shit herself in doing so, Dysis backed away. Her mind racing, she tried to think of a way out of this without going insane, if she wasn't already. Pausing for a moment, she remembered there being a fire extinguisher in the hall. Yet it was swarming with zeds. Moving to the door once more, she opened the door and peered out. The amount of zombies seemed to grow by the minute, the hallway seeming quite cramped. Looking to where her weapon of choice was stationed, it was open. There was a clear path but not for long. Dysis would know better than to run straight out there, Cautiously exiting the room, making as little noise as possible, she made her was towards the brightly colored object. Reaching it, she undid the safety mechanisms. Finally getting all of them off, Dysis turned and realized that she'd been noticed. Raising her makeshift weapon, praying that it would work, she sprayed the carbon dioxide unto the hellspawns. It stunning them, she ran. Dysis ran to the stairwell. The now pissed zeds screamed and ran after her, glancing back, she thought she recognized some among them. Focusing her gaze ahead once more, she pushed it to the back of her mind.

Reaching the stairwell, Dysis flew down the steps talking two at a time. She felt something grasp her arm, turning Dysis smacked the creature with the butt of the fire extinguisher. Blood spraying, spattering her clothing and the surrounding area. Picking her pace back up once more, she continued to run, heading towards the edge of town. The only thing on her mind: Run. The desperate cry's for help that filled the city were dimmed by the roar of blood in her ears. Now being conscious of her location, Dysis slowed a bit. She was standing in the entrance to the collage campus. Those dead and not-so-Undead littered the collage grounds as well as the streets. Frowning, she turned and continued her trek, pushing all emotion in the back of her mind. Now wasn't the time to spontaneously combust into millions of mixed emotions and feelings, though she was pretty much to stricken with shock and fear to do anything but the most important.



Dysis' claw looks like this, it ends at her wrist and is cleaner than the one in the picture. It can rotate 360 degrees along with opening and closing as needed.

Dysis is immune though she has yet to realize this yet.

(I'll post more on immunity once I get other tabs up)

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Mark Pachmand












<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/guyimage.jpg.541280e2f4fdf877a7f245b828c32119.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/guyimage.jpg.541280e2f4fdf877a7f245b828c32119.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


5' 9"


173 pounds

Written Appearance

Blue eyes, brown hair. Muscles are not very visible, but he's not too skinny either.


Mark is a selfish, greedy person, with some exceptions. He will steal from almost anyone with no trouble to his morality, except orphans. They are safe from Mark's wrath. He is laid back and charming, which he uses to his advantage. Mark will not do anything to hurt people who have befriended him, but basically anyone else is fine to steal from, according to him.

Mark has a soft spot for dogs, which is why he considers eating dog meat, even for survival, is a horrible misdeed. He will often hunt down people who have harmed dogs and kill them at the full moon, earning him the nickname "Werewolf". Many believe him to be insane, which to be honest, is probably true.


Being a thief, Mark had become fairly good at pickpocketing and staying hidden.



Albert Pachmand (Father, Deceased)

Traveling companion

Mark has two dogs, a brown pit bull-boxer mix named Bella, and a black lab named Max.


Mark grew up as a single child. His father taught him how to steal, which was the only useful thing he ever did to mark, because in his father's words: "You are a godamn mistake Mark." When the Apocalypse came, his father abandoned him immedeately and drove away. Mark later learned that he had been killed when he tried to steal from a gang leader. Alone and powerless, Mark went to the city.

Mark eventually holed himself up in an old pet shop, where he found Bella and Max, starving next to a pile of other rotting animals. He saved them and kept them alive, and they have been his best friends ever since. After seeing all those dead dogs and other animals, Mark vowed to protect those creatures with his life. He has kept that vow ever since.

Writing Sample

OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. Mark ran from the three zombies coming towards him. He noticed a door that still looked fairly sturdy and ran inside. He immediately turned around and closed the door and started to barricade it. The zombies pounded on the door, moaning and trying as hard as they could to smash the door. This went on for three agonizing minutes. Finally, they noticed something else and left, pursuing whatever new prey they had noticed. Mark finally started to relax, until he noticed the smell.

It was the smell of rot. He'd gotten all too used to it over the past couple days, but this was worse. He looked around and saw it all. Dead cats, dead dogs, animals in cages, just rotting away. Then he looked back. Those two weren't dead. They were pretty damn close, but they weren't dead. He walked towards them and gave them food and water from his pack. They began eating it like there was no tomorrow, which might have been true for them. He inspected them both. A black lab, and what looked like a pit bull. He looked around him, then back at the dogs. "I will never let this happen again." He said aloud. The dogs just kept eating.





  • guyimage.jpg
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[QUOTE="Fishman Lord]

Mark Pachmand













5' 9"


173 pounds

Written Appearance

Blue eyes, brown hair. Muscles are not very visible, but he's not too skinny either.


Mark is a selfish, greedy person, with some exceptions. He will steal from almost anyone with no trouble to his morality, except orphans. They are safe from Mark's wrath. He is laid back and charming, which he uses to his advantage. Mark will not do anything to hurt people who have befriended him, but basically anyone else is fine to steal from, according to him.

Mark has a soft spot for dogs, which is why he considers eating dog meat, even for survival, is a horrible misdeed. He will often hunt down people who have harmed dogs and kill them at the full moon, earning him the nickname "Werewolf". Many believe him to be insane, which to be honest, is probably true.


Being a thief, Mark had become fairly good at pickpocketing and staying hidden.



Albert Pachmand (Father, Deceased)

Traveling companion

Mark has two dogs, a brown pit bull-boxer mix named Bella, and a black lab named Max.


Mark grew up as a single child. His father taught him how to steal, which was the only useful thing he ever did to mark, because in his father's words: "You are a godamn mistake Mark." When the Apocalypse came, his father abandoned him immedeately and drove away. Mark later learned that he had been killed when he tried to steal from a gang leader. Alone and powerless, Mark went to the city.

Mark eventually holed himself up in an old pet shop, where he found Bella and Max, starving next to a pile of other rotting animals. He saved them and kept them alive, and they have been his best friends ever since. After seeing all those dead dogs and other animals, Mark vowed to protect those creatures with his life. He has kept that vow ever since.

Writing Sample

OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. Mark ran from the three zombies coming towards him. He noticed a door that still looked fairly sturdy and ran inside. He immediately turned around and closed the door and started to barricade it. The zombies pounded on the door, moaning and trying as hard as they could to smash the door. This went on for three agonizing minutes. Finally, they noticed something else and left, pursuing whatever new prey they had noticed. Mark finally started to relax, until he noticed the smell.

It was the smell of rot. He'd gotten all too used to it over the past couple days, but this was worse. He looked around and saw it all. Dead cats, dead dogs, animals in cages, just rotting away. Then he looked back. Those two weren't dead. They were pretty damn close, but they weren't dead. He walked towards them and gave them food and water from his pack. They began eating it like there was no tomorrow, which might have been true for them. He inspected them both. A black lab, and what looked like a pit bull. He looked around him, then back at the dogs. "I will never let this happen again." He said aloud. The dogs just kept eating.



Go and read the rules please

Rule Requirements met

Now, your writing leaves a bit to be desired. First off, if you are writing with those length paragraphs, I would like four of them. Second, what are events leading up to him being chased by zombies? Why is he a thief? Besides the initial OH SHIT I'M BEING CHASED BY THE WALKING RUNNING DEAD what else? Third, a bit more on his past please. This tells me almost nothing. Why was his father so stupid to be stealing from a gang? Is the gang coming after him? Wheres his mother? What was his childhood like other than an abusive father? (stereotypes, remember that) Fourth, the personality would be fine except, don't have it be too hypocritical. (The, I'm a greedy asshole that doesn't steal from orphans. Hell, what would an orphan have that he would want? See, no reason to even mention it). Fifth, why would you waste precious food and water when you are said greedy asshole? Just wondering is all...

Tell me when these things are fixed and or you require some assistance.


Oliver Vydatna








Self-Employed Carpenter, and part time Space Cowboy. (Umad)








198 lbs

Written Appearance

Oliver has dark brown eyes, and curly dark brown hair. His mustache is almost always in good shape, even if the rest of his hair isn't. He's pretty tall, yet lean and muscular.


A cheerful guy, Oliver takes most situations as seriously as he can. Though he when he gets angry, he'll stay mad at you for a long time. When angry, you'll often find him sitting alone so he doesn't vent his anger on anyone else. If you make him happy, he'll try to make you feel happy as well! He's always encouraging his allies to survive, whether he likes them or not.

Oliver is one of those guys who's always cranky in the morning. Especially if his sleep is interrupted. Overall, Oliver is a nice guy to be around. Even through all the mayhem, he does his best to be a cheerful man. Sometimes he finds it harder to maintain it than others though...


Oliver has steady hands, and a careful eye. Though terrible with technology, he's strong. With enough time and tools, he could set up a better than slightly average make-shift fortification. There aren't too many tools that work anymore, so he can't do much. Besides, power tools make a bunch of noise.



Wife: Dead

Sister: Dead

Brother: Living

Traveling companion

Oliver journeys with his brother, Marck.


When the whole Outbreak really got started, Oliver didn't think much of it. He continued on with his life as he normally would for another two days. He had been making more money than he usually did, and he and his wife were very happy at the time. Though one night when he was watching the news, he saw the Outbreak for what it really was. Without warning his Wife, he locked the doors and windows. He made sure to close the shades as well. Luckily, he had recently gone to the grocery store, so they had quite a bit of food for awhile. He informed his wife of the reasoning behind his actions. His wife nodded in agreement, obviously afraid.

He called his brother, who lived closer to where the Outbreak had begun. Turns out he was already on his way over to Oliver's home. His brother Marck arrived within minutes, likely not following speed limits. Marck pulled up in a jeep, and was knocking on the door frantically, yelling and calling out for his brother. Not wanting all the racket, Oliver quickly let him in. It was too late though, one of those tings had already spotted Marck and was sprinting in his direction. Oliver pulled Marck in and slammed the door. "We ain't getting killed, alright?"

Writing Sample

"Don't you hear them? They already made it through." His wife whispered to him softly.


He is Immune. He was fired from his Space Cowboy Job last Week...


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