Days of the Dragons


Lady, running down to the riptide
Dragons: 8

Humans: 6

(Count may be off 1 or 2)

Red font is for DRAGONS only. Blue is for HUMANS only.




Preference: (M/F/Both)










Overall size:



(I may add more. Make sure you check this occasionally in case I added something and you missed it.)
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Name: Mist

Gender: Female

Age: 180 (Young adult)

Preference: Males

Race: Dragon

Crush: None

Spouse: None

Children: None

Powers: (Some are just strengths or special things)

+Able to shift into a shadow -Eyes are always visible

+Acid in fire

+Small pointed teeth can extend to a longer length (Like Toothless)

+Hooked claws extend as well

+Very flexible, stealthy, and agile

Personality: Cheerful and friendly. She often gets lonely without someone to talk to, but is very cautious around humans. Probably too curious and stubborn for her own good.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ASD.jpg.efb38308f0a670264ed9b2332a9ccdd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ASD.jpg.efb38308f0a670264ed9b2332a9ccdd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 8 feet

Overall size: Nearly 20 feet long, counting tail. Small for a dragon.

Bio: Mist's parents were killed in one of the hunts, and her younger sister was taken when just a hatchling. Mist now lives in the forest on her own, rarely going into hiding. She has killed plenty of threatening humans, so isn't too scared of them like some dragons.



Name: Aliza

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Preference: Males

Race: Human

Crush: None

Spouse: None

Children: None

Weapons: A katana sheathed on back, and a dagger sheathed at side.

Personality: Slightly flirtatious, though a bit antisocial and shy. She is quite the eavesdropper, and is pretty good at sneaking around and going out into the forest on her own. She doesn't obey rules as some people do, making her a troublemaker at times.



Height: 5'5

Bio: Mother died in an accident involving dragons 4 years ago. Aliza is an only child living with her father who is always out, either at the pub or out on some quest involving dragons.




Name: Ajay

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years (Very young, like a baby or toddler)

Preference: Females, but he is WAY too young for any of that

Race: Dragon

Crush: Nope

Spouse: Nope

Children: Nope


Can emit a gas that makes anyone in it drowsy and eventually pass out, if they breathe in enough.

Electricity manipulation.

(Still developing as he grows)

Personality: Very sweet and playful. Too curious for his good and similar to a cat, except he is much more outgoing and bigger. Cuddly, and a big baby, although he likes to act tougher than he really is. Very dependent on mother/owner.



Height: A foot and a half tall

Overall size: 4 feet long roughly.

Bio: Father was killed in a hunt. While mother was hunting Ajay was stolen for the 'Egg snatching' holiday.

Other: Will be up for adoption in Craith



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Name: Aliki (AH-LEE-KEE)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Preference: Male

Race: Human

Weapons: A long bow with deadly sharp arrows, Hunting daggers and a Rapier dagger

Personality: Aliki is a cunning girl with a brilliant mind and Lethal grace. She is a Loyal to death kind of gal which sometimes causes her to be stubborn. She is easy to teach and she never forgets what she learns. Aliki is incredibly persuasive and knows how to get what she wants, when she wants it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/c8ba76b2a0e2881fb7cd9b6cdb3bd7d8.jpg.b1b55afa55693c4b900f13e3174aa147.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/c8ba76b2a0e2881fb7cd9b6cdb3bd7d8.jpg.b1b55afa55693c4b900f13e3174aa147.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'8

Bio: Aliki was a brilliant girl. Her eyes a blue rimmed with gold and her heart was true and bold, but after a unfortunate run in with a dragon, her Mother was killed trying to defend her and her father ended up killing the beast. The cries she loosed where ear shattering and her father ended up dragging her away from her dead Mother as Aliki clawed at his back to try and break free of his iron grip. Her Father raised her alone from then on teaching her to hunt and how to defend herself but also turning her quiet and kind nature to a sarcastic and strong one. Once she turned 16 -when the rp starts- she recieved a dragon of her very own, her name StarStriker.

Other: Aliki is a major book worm and has no idea how to talk to a boy.



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Adopive Hatchling

Statuse:Has not hatch


  1. Invisibility=Cham is well know for his ability to turn Compleatly invisible to the naked eye using electrical waves inside his Body that would make him Purely invisible but this is abble to be inactivated if his Horn is Cut off and would no longer will be abble to be invisible till it grows back.

  2. Mist Gas=Cham is abble to Produce and Creat a Very thick Fog,he is abble to breath out white mist that would Cover a large area,this is mostly used to escape and hide or to confuse prey and prepare a ambush but aswell its used to make his invisibility ability more effective

  3. Poison Gas and Sludge=Cham is abble to spray from his mouth similer to his mist gas,Poison Gas aswell,its more effective agains Humans fragile Bodies and would slowli Kill there,it can be cured with Multiple healing herbs and antidotes,to Dragons this is not deadly till large amounts have been breath,But aside from that he is abble to insted Produse ticky Purple sludge that is Much more Consetrated than the gas poison and much more deadly.


Mysterius as thick fog,Playfull as a Puppy and a Thief,theas are the words that describe Cham....Cham-Chamy is peacfull,Docille and energetic in nature and hell would even make Friends with his enemies but he has not been seen much and making him a rare sighting and a Mistery to unfold,Dragons who has seen Cham has told him being a Atomatic Friend,Talking of his adventures and speaking interesting topics and being playfull,To humans who has seen him sayd him to be Oddly Peacefull and Friendly ,but has shown to be Very hostiel wen Provoke or seen a Human with a wepon.....But Cham is well known to be a Thief stealing swords,bows,and other Objects from Humans and dragons alike and Hide them...if you have somthing on ya...Cham might take it.



Cha-Chamy,s body is covered by a purple and white hide, and its head ends with a protruding horn at the tip of its nose. Its eyes are similar to a real life chameleon's; large and orb-like, with the ability to control eye movement individually. The long and elastic tongue can extend to grasp and steal items or food from a distance. Its wings are a purple color with a grayish white membrane, and are used for flight and controlling the direction of its poison fog. Chameleos's large tail is reminiscent of a leaf and has a curled, spiraling tip.Aswell he is well known for its stop motion like Movement like a real life Chameleon.Aswell he has a smiel on his face...a permenante smiel.


9.4 FT

Overall size

27 Feet and with tail 32 Feet


Cham-Chamy like Other Dragons lived with his Kinde in peace.Cham has been playfull and has enjoyd living with his Kin,till one day the Humans started there Hunt...Cham,s speacie as spark an interest to the Humans for there glossy Gide and so they were Hunted down one by one but that was the first hunt and they were nearly extinct because of the Hunt,The chameleon speacie known as "Chameleos" scaterd and Hide from the Humans knowing they were only little left.Cham was seperated from his parents because of the scater as they flew away to more safer lands and forgot there child,Cham was left with a small community of Chameleos and wen the next hunt was too late...all were Hunted down or have Left to more safer lands....Cham the only one that survive of those left in the land...he was a Youngh adult at the time and he was he only left those who staid...but not all,as Cham came out of his Hiding spot he saw one single chameleos egg hiden inside a Tree..and he knew the rest have left and he was the only one left of his speacie.

Cham as he grew he made his lair Hiden away in the Forrest underground,were he would take care of the egg hat have survived like him,he dint know who were the parents but he was gona do whatever it takes to Protect it...there were other Chameleos out there...but in theas lands there was only one and one egg.the reson Cham steals things is because they are shiny or interesting...somtimes he think i
t might help him.


Cham-Chamy is very well known to the Humans for being such Unique Dragon and aswell "The Mist Tresure" Cham-Chamy has been stealing and Collecting Objects for 57 years and has been Hiding them somwere Very deep in the Forrest inside his lair and in total what he has stolen there might be speculations of gold,gem stones,wepons,metals,jewlery,Chairs,Tables,Window Frames,and other Stupied things mixed with Rare and Valuable relics.....Cham-Chamy is known to steal anything he sees interest in and hide it in his Hoard....whatever is in there it must be valuable...and wierd.But aswell there is were a Chameleos egg is located...the only one.


Name: Zelion "Zel"

Gender: male

Age: 16

Preference: Male and Female

Race: Human

Crush: n/a

Spouse: n/a

Children: n/a

Weapons: A Long Shielded Bow, with a variety of arrows, including but not limited to: Sharp edged, Hooked arrow and a net arrow. In addition to his grandfather's daggers and a spear.

A bag with a various potions and alchemical recipes

Personality: Zel is very self centered and awkward, usually isolates himself from the company of people, which allows him to focus on studying and learning about dragons and the pseudoscience , alchemy , he possess an inhuman intelligence which is hidden behind his stubbornness and the thick skull of his



Height: 5'6

Bio:deserted by their parents at a young age, the brothers had to move to another city where the rest of the family resides, and on their way to the city of asmodan, they were ambushed by dragons, both brothers were separated and since then, Zel took an oath to find his brother and to hunt down every dragon that he encounters.

Zel winded up in a cave with a banished scientist convicted with studying and teaching the dark arts of alchemy, Being the knowledge seeking dog he is, Zel have begged the old man to teach him alchemy, and in no time , he had a grasp on how to create potions and how to heal wounds.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/NqCK--I-_400x400.jpeg.95e7bbfc8a1b89bec399b2ae21d49e65.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/NqCK--I-_400x400.jpeg.95e7bbfc8a1b89bec399b2ae21d49e65.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: shade Vargas

Age: 17

Gender: male

Preference: female

Race: human/demon

Crush: none yet

Spouse: none yet

Children: none

Weapon: will be put in the picture, and small word when out of armor, bow, and daggers.

Personality: is care free, can be cold but is sweet when you get to know him, and is a genuine warrior not showing any emotion when killing.

Appearance and weapons without armor:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.565ebf2edf1fc10f7107963b34717883.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.565ebf2edf1fc10f7107963b34717883.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.161b74008ad61b1ff9b7c6b6c213c1e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.161b74008ad61b1ff9b7c6b6c213c1e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.b671f12afb1663aede4be273331146f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.b671f12afb1663aede4be273331146f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

With armor:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c8f2b0f317e341064d96db69b5f4b203.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c8f2b0f317e341064d96db69b5f4b203.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.6414500df78dbc25bf62a8f924706a6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.6414500df78dbc25bf62a8f924706a6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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What to be... who to be?

i was going to be Kyridian but im already using him in one RP so damn... I will think on the matter and get back to you all, do not count me out however!
YAY nother player!

Cham:Cham-Cham see...friend!....Friend with..Cham Cham!
*Nods* yep Yep! Dragons have been mostly all my life xD and + Loving reptiels is a 1+ xD
*nods in agreement* I love dragons as well but i prefer regular plain old humans to rp as. Those who's skills and abilities can progress and improve. Mainly old soldiers, veterans and the like. Magic i try to avoid. It gets to complicated and though while its powerfull in its own right, same as a dragons fire breath.

Stabbing a man in the throat is almost as effective.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]*nods in agreement* I love dragons as well but i prefer regular plain old humans to rp as. Those who's skills and abilities can progress and improve. Mainly old soldiers, veterans and the like. Magic i try to avoid. It gets to complicated and though while its powerfull in its own right, same as a dragons fire breath.
Stabbing a man in the throat is almost as effective.

Yep I agree with throat stabbing all the way. xD
xD i ahree...i like to be some kinde of creture most of the time but if im human would love to be soport in anyway! can be by magick or by long range attack but aslong im a soport im happy..and yes...Throat stabbing xD
It is effective and quiet simple. Perhaps getting close enough to stab someone may not be, but the action itself required not much effort. I prefer skills and techniques to overwhelming firepower... *ponders for a moment* I honestly only have three dragon characters and around 40 humans... one wolf dude, hence my picture.

*Shivers* One of those Dragon characters scares me in IRL. Id hate to be the male to fight her, no matter what species. *shivers again and goes to crawl in a small hole in the desert and hope nothing happens because that evil b-i-t-c-h (pardon the language) can blow up mountains.*
well...i did creat a Pink dragon that Collects throphy,s and keeps them alive, so in short one female dragon of mine has a collection of Humans xD
Name: Azalea Abernathy

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Preference: Male

Race: Human

Crush: none/open

Spouse: none

Children: none

Weapons: Long and large black scythe with red blade. She also has a double sided axe given to her by her father.

Personality: Azalea is a nice girl. She is very rambunctious and loud mouthed. She speaks her mind and often speaks without thinking. She loves being outside and is the head of the household. She is always up for hanging with the guys and do whatever the guys do.


Height: 5ft 6

Bio: Azalea is no run of the mill girl. She loves to be outside and rough housing with the boys. She has three brothers and two sister. She was raised in a household that hates dragons. Azalea however, does not. She loves dragons. She loves everything about them. She considers herself a protector of dragons. She uses her weapons to protect the dragons instead of hurting them. She feels this way because of her partner dragon, Maki. She tries very hard to keep her secret relationship with Maki from her parents. Azalea can be easily persuaded and clumsy at times, needing to be looked after.

Name: Maki

Gender: Male

Age: 150 (Still young)

Preference: Female

Race: Dragon

Crush: none/open


Children: none

Powers: Super speed/Telepathy/Ice

Personality: Maki is an arrogant young dragon. He is full of himself and acts like any other teenaged young adult dragon. He's actually very kind with a heart of gold. You know how it goes. He loves to race almost anyone and anything.

Appearance: View media item 569

Overall size: He is not yet fully grown, but he is about 10 ft tall.

Bio: Maki usually never put anyone before himself. Unless it's Azalea. She is the most important thing to him. It's not like he is in love with the human. That's strictly forbidden. But he has deep respect and feels the need to protect her. He was out in the field one day, sleeping in the tall grass. It was peaceful and a beautiful day. That is, until a human came barreling out of the forrest. She was bloody and obnoxiously loud. He lifted his head up to see why she was screaming. He saw a pack of wolves running after her, barking and growling. Maki watched as the girl ran, looking back to see how far the wolves were. She was hurt pretty badly. He felt bad for her, not bad enough to help her though. It was none of his business and he intended to keep it that way. Why should he care about a human? They only tried to kill him. He heard her screams get closer and the sound of the wolves follow. Ignore it and it'll go away. He thought. Wrong. The noise only came closer. He lifted his head to see the girl only a few feet away from him. He grunted and stood up, looking down at the lower life forms below him. When the girl saw him, she stopped in her tracks. She looked horrified. He looked past the girl and at the wolves. He glared at them and swung his tail around, knocking the wolves away. The girl watched in amazement. He snorted and looked at the girl. She was bleeding pretty badly. The look on her face was complete defeat and fear. She only quivered and fell to his feet. Maki looked around and picked the girl up, carrying her back close enough to her people. The next day, she found him at his home by the lake. She watched him and he watched her. He didn't think much of her until she came back every day. He began to grow attached to her. She hasn't left his side since.

Sorry this is sloppy, I'm being lazy at the moment but I'll have an appearance later.))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Cute-Short-Bob-Hairstyle.jpg.822e5b4348aafdf0604fb35656565bcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Cute-Short-Bob-Hairstyle.jpg.822e5b4348aafdf0604fb35656565bcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Azazel

Gender: Male

Age: 2,103 years

Preference: Male and female

Race: Dragon

Crush: N/A

Spouse: Deceased

Children: Boy and girl deceased.


Shapeshifting- Can change into a mildly humanoid dragon.

Enhanced intelligence- After living for so long he learned a lot of information.

Arcane arts- Adept at casting various spells.

Personality: Sarcastic and friendly in nature, he outlived most of his kin so now he acts as a wise advisor to the humans on the hunt. While in the dragon's land he will aide the hunters in finding other dragons, namely those he dislikes, in exchange they keep him alive and share knowledge with him.



30 feet tall, 8 in humanoid.

Overall size: 200 feet long.

Born long ago in a different time, he was raised as an only child to two loving parents who also started him off in the arcane arts. When the time came for him to find his own life, he was not like most other dragons for he wished to befriend the humans and learn from them. Around 400 years old, Azazel met his wife and they raised two children together happily. Wishing to teach them to be as friendly with humans as he and his wife were, Azazel had them interacting with them at a very young age. While this caused much mockery from the other dragons Azazel cared not, since he had all he needed with his family and the wandering travelers. One hundred years later though a group of dragons murdered his wife and children for being too friendly with a warrior who had killed a dragon. Azazel was out hunting when this happened and immediately went into a deep mourning when he found them. Hiding away in a cave where he could gather treasure and hone his magic skills alone he stayed there for over 1,000 years, until he emerged and found many of his kin being hunted. Wiser than the rest, he remembered the terrible things the dragons had done to his family and decided to aide the humans in their hunt in exchange for his protection.

While he is friendly to most any human he has a weakness when it comes to gaining new knowledge and magic, easily able to be bribed with the promise of power.
Name: Koen Raad

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Weight: 310

Human Appearance:

Koen Raad is a 6ft 3in tall human appearing male with a Medium build and a serious muscle Structure as a blacksmiths son. Long hours pounding away at hot unyielding metal has given this lad a very good form. From top to bottom, Koen Raad has brown shaggy hair with a rather annoying cow lick at the back right hand side of his head that thankfully is not often seen due to the black close cropped beanie with strange symbol on the front that he always wears. His hair pushed down and out by the beanie creates a sort of curtain so that his deep ocean blue eyes, the color of the coldest waters in the arctic, are rarely seen from the layer of hair in front of them. His face is is well defined and has a rugged sort of look about it with a strong chin and a small scar on the left hand side where he cut himself as a wee babe with a axe, an all around good looking young lad. Broad shoulders and chest are covered by a ash gray sleeveless trench coat which instead of buttons has metallic latches and straps with a high collar that hides Koen Raads neck and some of his lower chin and jaw to the extent that the only visible flesh of Koens head is the eyes and the bridge of his nose when coupled with the beanie. A black long sleeved silk shirt lays under the coat and upon which a single silver medallion bounces upon Koen Raads chest, a stark contrast to the material around it.

His pants are standard Russian winter camouflage cargo pants which are made out of the same material as the Trench Coat, a odd looking material that from afar looks like leather but is multi layered and is much thicker. Footwear are good old Hessian knee high boots that one might have seen being worn by a British navy officer in the old british empire. Good heavy black leather boots with thick soles.

Preference: Female... Literally all he cares is that its female and it actually likes him. Race isn't that much of a concern to Koen Raad, he'd rather it be hideous and love him than a gorgeous human who doesn't. Hes matter of fact about it.

Race: good old fashioned human

Crush: noneSpouse: None

Children: None

Weapons: A hefty blacksmiths hammer, A war axe both of fine make and quality inscribed with little wolves in a celtic design on the sides of each. Carries a round wooden shield with metal ridges on the outskirts on his back with a Repeating crossbow slung on top and a brace of quarrels on his waist.

Personality: Koen Raad can be easily described as this, a solid soul. A dependable one but able to adapt and shift for as a blacksmiths son he knows that like the best of steel, it bends yet still maintains its form. Opinionated and very focused as well as driven towards his goals which is as of the present to be the best Damn Blacksmith in his family. Stoic, doesnt talk much preferring action to words. Like the blades he sometimes forges, sharp and to the point but you can count on him in any sort of test or struggle.

Bio: Koen Raad is the second son of a rather famous blacksmithing family known for their slow to craft but quality work. Be it modern day items or a ceremonial dagger, they can forge it. As the second son, not being the Heir, Koen Raads metalworking training is not as extensive as his older brother as he was taught on a more broader scale. He works hard to be counted as an equal to his older brother and be counted as an equal amongst his ForgeFathers and Women.

(Dooooone. Well... not to wait to be accepted and if not what can I haz fix?)


(annnnd if no one picks up your little 3 yr old dragon I bet it wouldn't be to hard to arrange a chance meeting)

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