Day of The Ragnarok


Six Thousand Club
If anyone is having trouble making a character, click this link for an awesome site with ALL the mythical creatures from around the world.

Character Sheet




















Marital Status:





Name: Ace

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Lycanthrope (Read more about them here --> )

Nationality: Scotland


Wolf Form:


Human Form:


Flaws: She loves meat, so whenever she smells it she goes out of control.

Gait: Stride.

Voice: Smooth

Habits: When she's content she licks her lips, and when she's bored she rolls her eyes.

Intelligence: She has the intelligence of an actual wolf. She knows little english, but knows Scottish.

Profession: Nona

Possessions: Nona

Wealth: Poor

Family: Nona

Friends: Nona

Colleagues: Nona

Hobbies: She likes to run a lot. She also like to parkour on trees, rocks, and such.

Lifestyle: Rugged.

Marital Status: Single

Wants: Peace.

Hopes: To find a back that will accept a runt.

Fears: To be hunted and killed.

Dreams: She dreams a lot about sheep.

Eats: Meat, Berries.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10523561_10152973554532042_88092503777772181_n.jpg.e5104db979cd683700c504df0dc4594e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10523561_10152973554532042_88092503777772181_n.jpg.e5104db979cd683700c504df0dc4594e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Malevolence

Age: 0. Revived 4 times, around 4000 years old. Only he knows and he hasn't really told anyone.

Gender: Male

Race: Phoenix

Nationality: Spaniard, used to be German in last form.


Phoenix Form:

Human Form Fourth form, now deceased:

Human Form Fifth form, current form:


Flaws: Aggressive, mean, violent, volatile, stubborn, hostile.

Gait: Casual stride

Voice: Smooth but serious, has a a Latin flow with his voice

Habits: He will glare or become really quiet when he is upset or irritated. He will light things on fire and make them explode if he has too much pent up anger.

Intelligence: He is extremely smart. Knowing many languages as far as Latin, all the way to the Celtic languages. His intelligence is matched only by a creature that can live as long as him, or one that is naturally inclined towards grand intelligence.

Profession: None. He has had many professions in his past lives.

Possessions: An enchanted ring that allows him to manipulate his fire to a VERY mild degree. A talisman that he can wield to defend against mythical or magical attacks, charms, or spells. It isn't a perfect defense, but it can buy him enough time to retreat or gain the upper hand in a situation. A regular long sword from English medieval times.

Wealth: Four pure gold wedding rings. The first has an Onyx, the second has an Emerald, the third has a Ruby, the fourth has a Diamond.

Family: None. All died

Friends: None. All died

Colleagues: None. All died

Hobbies: Sharpening his sword, Hunting, Eating berries for fun, Sparring, Training, Playing the guitar, Singing or Humming.

Lifestyle: Gypsy. His past life styles all involved warfare so he has a tendency towards such things at times.

Marital Status: Widower four times over. Single at the moment.

Wants: A wife, a child, a house, and simple peace with his family.

Hopes: To find some way to have his wife live as long as he does. To have a child.

Fears: Nothing

Dreams: Constantly of past wives and his past lives.

Eats: Has the diet of a human. When a phoenix, he will eat any source of meat or berry or spice. He also has a VERY big fondness of cinnamon, both as a human and a Phoenix.
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Asmod (Full Demon Name : Asmodeus






Demon (One of the Seven Deadly Sins)






Hostile, Aggressive, Careless, Emotionles




Smooth, French dominant accent


Running his fingers through his hair, scoffing, chuckling, mockery, tends to speak French language when he is angry. He also tends to seduce any girl he sees, referring to that being his sin, lust.


Extremely intelligent and cunnng. Knowledgable of many things regardless if he isn't told. Can speak in three languages.


Prince of Demons


None but the necklace he wears on his neck and the sword he holds within his body




The Underwolrd






Walking during the night by himself, reading a single book repetitively, and toying with his weapon.



Marital Status:



Nothing in particular. Deceit, List, and Revenge.


To return from being surrounded by mortals


Getting close to anyone at all




Just about anything
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Character Sheet



?kami no y?jin

Nickname: Okami


Gender: male





Flaws: Is shy as hell, depends on his wolves for everything, dosent care about life.

Gait: Walk and Carrige

Voice: timid,stutters,hardly audible

Habits:biting his nails,humming random tunes

Intelligence: high as hell

Profession: none

Possessions: his clothes, a necklace with a gang on it, a notebook, a stolen cell phone, a pair of earbuds, a stolen pistol. His wolves


Family:his wolves since his family died

Friends:none would like to make some though


Hobbies:pickpocketing, listening to music

Lifestyle:unsafe, on the run

Marital Status: Bi and single to young to date

Wants: To survive

Hopes: Kouya's goal will change

Fears: talking to most people, fire, getting eaten alive

Dreams: To bring his wolves back to life and his family as well

Eats: anything edible exept seafood

The wolves

Kouya and Madaro

Story between Okami Kouya and Madaro:

Kouya and Madaro lived on a mountian in Japan this is were they hunted without much problem due to the overflow of wild life and no outher predictors. Eventually one human family moved to the mountian one of the humans was Okami. Okami loved to explore the woods and one day found the wolf Madaro cought in a hunters trap he relised the wolf and bandaged his wounds and fed him. Ookami would return to the same spot each day to meet Madaro there and feed him. One day when he came there there was a second wolf Kouya who didn't trust the boy and attacked him. Ookami was cut in the chest before Madaro stopped Kouya and told him that the boy was kind. Kouya still didn't trust the boy but dragged him home anyway to get bandaged. Ookami still continued to returne to feed and play with the wolves for months to come.

But one day a couple years later humans began to move to the mountian and cut down the forests the wildlife fleas and the wolves were driven to starvation. For a while Ookami still continued to feed them until he was forced to move. That was when Kouya was driven to hate humans he protected Madaro and hunted what he could one day he was killed by a human and Madaro starved soon after. Neither spirit could pass on Kouya due to his goal to kill and devour all humans, and Madaro due to his want to find the boy who helped them again.

Kouya travled the world as a spirit wolf (Akashi) killing and devouring any human in his path until one day he killed Okamis family without knowing when he saw Ookami walk into the house he had realized what he has done. He took on his smaller wolf form and lied to Okami saying a murderer killed his family and that he would protect him know he also explained how he was a spirit dog. Okami went with Kouya, he didn't stop Kouya from slaughter humans even though he found it wrong, but Kouya also took care of Okami like he was his own. One day they found Madaro wondering the world and the boy and his wolves were reunited.

Ookami slowly grew the power to control spirits from being around them so often. He stopped Kouya from killing humans and that was about all. Kouya still hated humans exept Okami, but he and Madaro stayed with Okami anyway to protect him and be his family.

Spirit form:

Madaro is white

Kouya is black


Wolf form: in this form they can change there size and appearance slightly but usually look like this.



Kouya is an Akashi with a firm hate for humans. He likes Okami and Madaro and would give anything to protect them. His main goals are to kill all humans but Okami and take back his mountian. His weapon is his tail which can split into multiple tails that are shaper then spears. He also has fangs and claws. He takes the role as Okamis father/guardian despite him being a spirit wolf and Ookami being human.


Madaro is the white wolf and is Kouyas brother. He was always the weaker one, he grew a strong bond with the human boy Okami and would do anything to keep him safe. He is Okamis best friend and protector. Madaro is also much more lighthearted then Kouya he forgave humans and finds most of them nice. His weapon is his tail which can extend long distances and carries a deadly poison it is also as sharp as a spear. And like Kouya he has fangs and claws.​
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Name:Çete lideri or known in common tongue as Victor, and his native name mean leader of the horde. He is seventh to his lineage.

Age: 311, his race do not act older and look no older than seventeen.

Gender: Male

Race: Anubian/Pharaoh's Species. Instead of the average Anubian he is taller and faster, not sacrificing his strength but his tail makes him less balanced for it is longer than most tails.

Nationality: Egypt

Appearance: 7'9" average Anubian is 7'2"


Flaws: He is easily seduced, will not hesitate to conquer and kill.

Gait: Back hunched at an angle, clunking talons etc. He does have a large ride able lizard.

Voice: Hoarse, dry.

Habits: Nawing on bones. Drinking wine. Thinking over past events with sorrow.

Intelligence: Very wise but immature.

Profession: Leader of an army. I:

Possessions: Books, Egyptian toys (which he hides), a kitten named Fluffy, and his ancient swords.

Wealth: Wealth does not matter to him, though somewhat rich. He takes what he wants but will offer something in return.

Family: None, to become Leader of the Horde you must kill your brothers after your father dies.

Friends: Soldiers in his horde.

Colleagues: Generals of the horde.

Hobbies: Fighting, reading, playing with his kitten. Most of all, he loves to eat exotic and rare fruits.

Lifestyle: Conqueror, though he conquers he does not abuse those he has conquered. He takes them over and kills other hostile creatures.

Marital Status: His leadership is a life of solitude, to mate he picks a woman and impregnates her. Well that's the tradition since almost all Anubians are male.

Wants: Protect the world from those worse than him.

Hopes: Exterminate the Horusites , blood enemy of Anubians.

Fears: Losing against the Horusites, being beaten in a fight. Losing his kitten Fluffy.

Dreams: Having someone to love him.

Eats: Fruits, never meat.
Character Sheet


Layla Cross


Appears 18, real age unknown




Demonic Angel





Sometimes clumsy

Makes rash decisions




Walk, Stroll


Barely audible Spanish accent


Teasing the opposite sex

Running her fingers through her hair


Very smart, speaks 3 languages




A katana

A book

A watch

(To be edited)


Middle Class








Enjoying nature, reading literature



Marital Status:



Nothing in particular.


To be rid of irrelevance






Blood and Emotions
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Name: Sierra

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Nationality: Korean


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/542446.jpg.a4263611220966b0203ac20cb1b9317e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38549" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/542446.jpg.a4263611220966b0203ac20cb1b9317e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Flaws: None

Gait: She floats

Voice: Soft, and quiet.

Habits: When she is scared, she'll either hand her feathered wings cover her face, or fly shakily.

Intelligence: She is very smart, but she doesn't understand darkness.

Profession: Protector.

Possessions: She has a crown that she wears, it was given to her in her past life.

Wealth: None

Family: None

Friends: A few but most of them are angels, and they aren't guardians.

Colleagues: None

Hobbies: She loves to sing and dance.

Lifestyle: She has a very pure lifestyle.

Marital Status: Single

Wants: Peace on earth

Hopes: She hopes to find another guardian angel like her.

Fears: That darkness with engulf the world.

Dreams: She loves to dream about sheep.

Eats: Nothing really.



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Hello there I am ........ Well I'm quite a few people really let me try to explain. I'm 7 in 1. I have a unique curse in were I switch bodies emotions memories and pretty much everything every so often. How this works is when one of me becomes tired or weak or close to death or I just overuse him or her he must sleep in the coffin I carry around.


When this happens I become one of my other seven beings randomly. My body usually tires out every 12-24 hours depending on who I am and what I do. Without further ado here are my 7 forms.



Nickname: Purity

Hello there Purity nice to meet you the day is lovely isn't it. I am the kindest form of well me there is. I can hold no hatred or fear and I am not allowed to fight but I do have strong healing magic. I have no interest in love or a relation ship it would make me umpure if I did. When it's my turn to take the playing field I stick around the least sadly. I tend to walk wherever I go but sometimes I hover over the ground using magic. My only real skill is that my aura keeps anyone from hating or disliking me and we'll im in a room all bad thoughts go away and are replaced with kind ones. It's rumored that I've stopped wars in a single word, well that's wrong because I used no words at all. I have no weapons I only use healing magic and my power to get rid of unpure thoughts. I have no possessions but my clothes and me. Once again nice to meet you.



Nickname: Good (but prefers Yoi)

Hello there im Yoi pleasure to meet you I'm the good version of me, good is step down from pure. I do my best to be as perfect as possible but that dosent always work out. I only fight when absolutely neccesary and I don't like to join in arguments. My skill is my music it is fabled to have put gods and dragons to sleep and it works just as well when it comes to calming down creatures. My goal in life is to one day achieve perfection, I dream of only a happy warless world. I walk most places but I do like horse riding. My only belongings are my violin and clothes, and Im straight by the way in case you nedded to know. I don't know what else to say about myself so have a good day.



Hi there im Hai nice to meet yah, I'm like most obedient boys and girls I do what I'm told but im nowere near perfect I try to do my best, and sometimes that works sometimes not. Plus I like boys a lot. I usually skip or run around I don't like to waste my time. I do my best to make the right decision, I don't fight im to weak to but at least I get along with most people I hate blood I like the color red but I hate blood. I don't belive I have any cool skills mabey my looks no wait I can sing. My goal/dream is to sing for the world. My only personal belonging is my clothes and hair pin waits hair pin is special its a flower with 8 petals each petal summons a fairy that ether has fighting or healing magic. I'm afraid of big animals by the way and yes I'm straight. Good day to you ttyl.


???/Ts?j? no


Hey there what's up, I guess I'm the most normall version of myself im you're typical everyday human dodging trouble lying a bit mabey helping somebody. Thinking about sex or music mabey the latest video game. I jog most everywhere, I like looking nice my goal/dream is to get a job designing video games for a big company and get paid lots. I'm bi-sexual and looking for anyone I like looking good and I hate deep water plus I'm afraid of drowning and heights and spiders. I'm not much of a public speaker but I can do it. My personal belongings are my pap earbuds flip phone and I pad I also carry a throwing knife around as my weapon I hae a deadly aim. My skills are coding,hacking and Art. My flaw is my say and do without much thinking mind. Nice to meet you.



Nickname: KiKi or Ki

Let's play a game. Hi there im KiKi the tainted one perhaps it's because of my vanity,greed or slutyness but whatever. I'm straight by the way. I'm the kinda girl that gets what she wants when she wants I like pretty clothes kittens gambling and sex. Some cultures call me the goddes of luck and that I can give luck to people witch is completely true but it's not always good luck. My skills are luck gambling looking great and convicting people of stuff/lying I'm not bad at anything. My dream is the world an my only fear is getting dirty I tend to get pulled by a Carrige or ride on horses I hate walking when I don't have to. My powers are I can lie threw anything and I can grant people luck my weapons are words. And I have razor sharp playing cards I can throw. I can't wait to meet you.



Title: God of war

Did I say you could speak to me guards kill him. Oh you're dying wish is to no mean fine I shall deliver.

I'm Warui the bad side of the coin most people consider me a God due to my power to spark bloody wars with a single word I have more powers then that though like pyromancy a perfect aim and I can controol crows. My wepon is my pistol ebony if you're killed with it you're spirit is bound to hell. No I am not the devil but he gave me the gun as a gift I have no dreams fears goals or passions I just exist as te God of wars that is my calling and my duty. Hopefully we will never meet if you want to keep you're life.

Hey it's me Tj getting Chaous to talk to you would be inposible last time I woke up as Chaous I coused the continents to split and almost brought upon the apocalypse. So yeah luckily he shouldn't ever wake up again until the end of the world. I can't really tell you much about him couse really who can predict what pure Chaous is in the slightest. I do have a picture though.


Yes Chaous loves this form he actually liked a man once but in the end that same man gave his life to stop the apocalypse and it became the Pangea instead.

Hey guys it's me Hai again. I'm here to clear up any last questions. How old are we well we've been alive since the beginning of the earth so we're pretty old but we all kinda act the age we look so you can go of that. And Btw normal has a female form funny story if you splash Normal male with cold water he turns into Normal female and if you splash Normal Female with hot water well you get the jist, and also normal male and female are exactly the same exept for looks and gender. Here is a pick of normal female.


So yeah that's all I guess we will see you later peace :-)
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Name: Aracarn Malevelan

Age: 123 (Looks 19 at most)

Those are only the years he remembers. He bears amnesia of any time before that when he awoke in a pool of his own blood one night with severe wounds and no recollection as to how he received them. The only thing he has from that night is a strange Celtic Cross that had been painted entirely red, and a revolver that never needed to be reloaded as it fired a strange purple energy rather than real bullets.

Gender: Male

Race: Black Dog

(A pitch black wolf-like dog said to bring about death to any who saw it's face for a 3rd time in one lifetime. Though the first two sightings brought extremely good luck that could last an entire lifetime as long as you never saw the Black Dog a 3rd time. Considered a kind guardian to any and all children but a vicious hell-hound towards any and all adults in Ancient Celtic folklore, yet earlier Colonial American period settlers considered it a guardian who watched over the newly deceased or helped guide and soothe tortured souls to the afterlife if they had died of violent and horrific causes)

Nationality: Scottish


Black Dog form:


Human form:


Flaws: Easily fooled by children and instantly distrustful of adults, though his trust can be gained albeit slowly

Gait: Slow and unsure

Voice: Silent, meaning it is rarely raised even in anger

Habits: Has a habit of gripping the red celtic cross from his first memory after amnesia when in doubt or otherwise worried.

Intelligence: Strangely brilliant when it comes to anything involving battle or espionage yet has no idea why, or any memory of ever fighting in a war

Profession: None, he more or less drifts for the time being, searching for what he can no longer remember

Possessions: Red Celtic Cross


Strange Revolver


Wealth: More or less poor considering he drifts and has no actual home

Family: Unsure, he doesn't remember

Friends: None he can remember

Colleagues: None he can remember


Lifestyle: Drifter and occasional bodyguard for he is gifted in Boxing and a near dead-eye with his revolver though he prefers as little violence as possible and so rarely takes upon such work. Once worked as a bouncer in a nightclub many years ago.

Marital Status: Single though unsure to be truthful

Wants: To remember

Hopes: To remember

Fears: The strange voices he hears occasionally from time to time though he is unsure if he truly hears them or if they are bits and pieces of memory trying to resurface.

Dreams: Sleeps as little as possible, "Sleep is the cousin of Death" being his philosophy

Eats: Any wildlife he happens to catch in his Black Dog form.

Have one or two more characters coming. just thought I'd have one posted real quick.
Name: Mordecai Yalewood

Age: 455 (Though looks early 20's)

Gender: Male

Race: Phantom Cat (Once a Japanese Mythic Monster who was said to control the darkness in even a human beings shadow in the daylight, whose bloodthirsty carnage was only appeased with the sacrifice of a young virgin maiden. However when the "First" Phantom Cat was slain by a lone Samurai and his loyal dog, his body split into multiple beings of himself, each different then the other for each possessed one of his emotions as a personality. Mordecai was born in the capitol of Wales instead of Japan for reasons unknown, in the sprawling Welsh city of Cardiff and he represents the personality trait of Rage though over the years has discovered that controlling his violent mood swings results in a lot less bodily damage to himself for he has put himself in many chaotic situations where he has had to leave bodies in his wake just to stay alive. Thought to be the last surviving Personality Trait of the "First" Phantom Cat)

Nationality: Welsh


Phantom Cat Form:


Human form:


Flaws: While having a calm and gentle looking face, his violent temper is triggered at even the slightest offense and with his samurai katana sword wielding skills, can and will assault his potential opponent with little more than a bloodthirsty grin upon his face. Barbaric in manners. Aggressive to unfamiliar faces.

Gait: Slow and Confident

Voice: Deep, and can be heard clearly across a room even when he isn't speaking above normal level.

Habits: Has a habit of drawing blood from his thumb with the edge of his blade merely to just check the sharpness of the blade and when relaxing, will spend a good portion of his alone time oiling his sword scabbard and polishing the steel of his blade.

Intelligence: His first impulse is to attack head on which means he does little much in the way of thinking and relies upon his keen instincts and his lightning fast reflexes to think for him. Simply put, he's of average or below average intelligence, depending upon the situation itself. Don't expect him to help you with your math homework. He's liable to shred the book flip the work table and hack away at the chairs and other nearby furniture in rage just because he felt he was being made a fool of. Yet like was said, he does try and maintain control of his temper. Just don't expect it to always work.

Profession: Ex-Assassin, Currently unemployed after his previous employer was killed by Mordecai himself by accident in the midst of a bloody brawl when assassins attacked them in the city streets. More or less looking for work at the moment.

Possessions: Nothing more than his white katana sword that he's had as long as he can remember.


Wealth: Living off of saved up funds but they will eventually run out

Family: Nome, any siblings he would have had are thought to be dead leaving him the last of his kind.

Friends: Has a hard time keeping a companion for long.

Colleagues: Whoever he happens to work alongside at the time. Otherwise no one.

Hobbies: Drinking in the slummiest taverns he can find considering there's plenty of booze and gambling with dice and cards. What else to do for cash when you're unemployed?

Lifestyle: Reckless you could say.

Marital Status: Single though he had been in love with a British human girl named Bridgette long ago. She's long dead however due to some sickness that had no cure at that period in time. She's the one who convinced him to try and control his rage though he isn't as good at it as he was when she still lived.

Wants: Either the perfect fight to the death or the perfect amount of cash to live like a king.

Hopes: Subconsciously he wants to be saved from his own self-destructive behavior, yet even he himself doesn't realize he feels this way just yet.

Fears: Dying broke or dying at the hands of someone he deems unworthy of killing him.

Dreams: Of his long dead love Bridgette, other times he dreams of endless cash and gold coins stacked as high as a mountain that he can swim in. Other times, he dreams of a moment in time where his guilt threatens to consume him. The day he killed the closest friend he ever had due to a misunderstanding that could have been fixed right if only he hadn't let his anger get the better of him. This close friend had been Bridgette's older brother Richard though she had never known this for Mordecai had never had the courage to tell her even on her deathbed.

Eats: Whatever looks edible and good. Then if it doesn't look edible and good, as long as it doesn't smell too bad, he claims it as his own.

I'mma just stick with these 2 characters. Let me know the location we are at in the story and timeline and I'll work on a post.
Currently everyone is bumping into one another.

Layla, Malevolence, a girl whose name I've forgotten,and Keki are together in the center of the road.

Asmod, Okami, and another girl are on the porch of an abandoned house
Character Sheet

Name: Owen, Blaine, and Diana, collectively called Three Heads by their peers

Age: 97

Gender: Owen and Blaine are male, Diana is female

Race: Hydra

Nationality: Not quite sure, they were abandoned by their parents

Appearance: A turquoise-scaled Hydra with three heads instead of nine, due to premature hatching. Owen's eyes are blue, Blaine's are yellow, and Bianca's are green. Very small for a Hydra, but still bigger than a human.

Flaws: Owen is an idiot. (Think Wheatley from Portal 2.) Unfortunately, he's the main head and usually has control of their shared body. Blaine almost never wakes up, and when he does, he's not a very nice guy. Diana is intelligent, but not very likeable. All three of them are socially awkward and much weaker than their peers. (Except Blaine, but I'll get to that later.)

Gait: When Owen is in charge, awkward and clumsy, almost like a drunk's. Otherwise, fine except for a slight limp.

Voice: Owen's is a high male voice that cracks often, Blaine's is deep and angry, and Diana's is a relatively normal female voice.

Habits: Getting lost (Owen), blowing bubbles and then freezing them solid (Diana), dozing off (Owen and Blaine), chasing their tail (Owen)

Intelligence: See the Flaws section.

Profession: None.

Possessions: None.

Wealth: None.

Family: None.

Friends: Had one once, but none now.

Colleagues: None. Nobody likes them.

Hobbies: Fishing, cave drawing, and rock collecting.

Lifestyle: They try to stay out of trouble and eat however they can. They sleep in a cave next to a stream, and usually nobody comes to bother them.

Marital Status: Single, and everyone but Owen wants to keep it that way.

Wants: To survive. Being rich and famous would be nice, too, but they have more realistic goals.

Hopes: That one day they'll be able to live normally.

Fears: Death and well-meaning adventurers who mistake them for an evil Hydra.

Dreams: Of becoming extremely powerful.

Eats: Fish, berries, leaves, and the occasional rabbit.

Other: Owen's powers are fire-based, Diana's are ice-based, and Blaine can manipulate the weather. Very, very well.

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