Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advance. [Lost in the Wyldlands]


New Member
How each of you heard of the small town of Puppenspielplatz varies from person to person. Perhaps the gossip vine, perhaps a personal invitation from a member of the community, perhaps even a simple flyer that was once flying freely in the breeze and got caught by foot or leg.

But what truly matters, is that the town is in danger and sent out a call for adventurers from any walk or form in life to aid them in this darkening hour.

Some of you might have arrived early to this town and meet with the mayor's sectary, a stern woman with steel in her eyes, ice in her heart, and a tongue made of sweet, poisonous berries, to get told that there will soon be an open meeting for adventurers to learn the troubles of the town shortly besides doing a tavern crawl. Some of you have gotten to the town in just the right moment to attend the meeting. And there's also the chance that some of you may just be completely late and miss out, which is just life happening.

Ah, the town itself... if it weren't for the call for help, you would be surprised that anything threatens the area. The streets are semi-clean and free of beggars and the poor, the buildings on the main roads are nicely maintained and well painted, with summer flowers growing in window beds, and the people seem quite friendly. But taking a second look around and truly looking at the people, you begin to notice the streets aren't free of garbage and that the beggars and the poor are between and behind buildings. That the people's eyes dart this way and that, worry and fear fill their voices as they ask themselves and their neighbors about any new deaths or morbid gossip.

Regardless of everything else though, at the appointed time in the town hall, the town's mayor greets those adventurers that have come to aide the town once more with a small, tired smile on his aged and weathered face. He greets each of you while standing, the proud adventurers that have come to aid for one reason or another in his personal office.

“Welcome, travelers and adventurers, to my fair town of Puppenspielplatz. We are in desperate need of answers or just salvation.†The mayor waves at the office's free chairs and couches as he sits down on his own chair, his face weary from everything. “Nearly two years ago, this town had a peaceful agreement with the kobolds in the hills. That we each tend to ourselves and trade, that both sides won't attack the other. That broke down when a large tribe of what we can only describe as Half-Orcs appeared and drove the kobolds away. To this day, we still have no idea what happens to any person caught by the Half-Orcs.†His face tired smile turns into a frown, but he continues on with his tale.

“Nearly a month after the Half-Orcs appeared, the forest just started... changing. Fey that we've never seen before attacked our hidden manors within, captured our playing children. We don't even know what happened to the dryad and fairies we once knew to inhabit the forest.â€

The man, aged by both time and trying times looks at you all, eyes pleading and begging for help. “And recently, our farms have started to be attacked... raided... by both sources of worry. Our stocks of supplies won't last us beyond a few more years should we lose all our farms.â€

This is it, the man has laid out the problems that plague his once fair home. Now would be the time to decide your course and steer your fate.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Almaz listened to the brieffing, taking note of the respective threats and their nature. This sure seems like a busy job. But of course the mayor hadn't answered the question on many people's lips... or at least his:

"And what about compensation ?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The mayor pauses a few times, as if looking for the right words. "Compensation will depend. Finding out what's truly happening in the forest, I've had my treasury set aside ten thousand gold... along with a few items from... fallen... adventurers we've managed to... find. The Half-Orcs, I imagine you can and will fill your cup several times off of their stores. Five thousand gold from us."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


A wiry gnome woman stands with a hand on the back of a chair. She sizes up the room with shrewd gaze and before fixing it on the mayor. "That is a serious amount of money for a town this size, Mayor, is it not? Maybe you should tell us more about what you do know, and what avenues you have already tried."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


A catlike woman clad in green studded leather armor lounges on a couch, booted feet propped up on one of the arms with blithe disregard for the upholstery. Her darkwood spear, carved and painted with odd runes, leans against a nearby wall. The feline ears that stick out of her golden brown hair twitch with impatience.

"This is an imbalance of nature; of course I will go. I am a druid, in case you have not heard. The spirits have told me of this problem." Intense yellow eyes focus on the mayor. "Is there anyone who knows the forest well whom I can talk to? A hunter, a forester?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The aged man frowns at Miasathra's behavior, while answering her question first. "The only druid that I know survived the orginial appearance of the fey is currently a few weeks journey away, under the care of her family." The man does note the druid's eyes and race, otherwise managing to not react to her eyes and her... fire?

"What avenues have been tried? We've sent adventurer parties in the past, bearing messages of peace. My grandson, running away from his lessons found one such group's remains just inside of the forest. We've sent adventurer parties on missions of arson against the forest, torch and magical fire would not burn the tree line at all." The mayor says this all as his voice turns cold and bitter. An old flame lit within him.

"As for what survivors came from adventurer parties that went into the forest and beyond the sight of the town, their stories are filled with tales of trickery against their minds, of allies turning on allies, of children rushing up to them with their arms held wide and death of an adventurer soon after. The tales get better with the Half-Orcs, those that just barely made it back told us of battles where even the earth and sky turned against those that fought the Half-Orcs. Not to mention the Half-Orc's own strength."

The old man digs in his drawer for a moment and takes out a pipe and readies it. "Half of the treasury funds that will be your rewards are from those that came before you. And before you ask, we haven't found the bodies of all the adventurers lost over the years, particularly those lost in the forest."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

"Diplomacy didn't work, then? That's a shame."

These are the first words Elian speaks, but it's unlikely that you didn't notice him before- quite apart from his unusual appearance (golden hair, broad shoulders, silver eyes, and a beautiful midnight-blue cloak), he has... presence.

"Do you know anything about the fates of the adventurers who didn't return? Clues from divination, anything like that?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"I think I have a few afe theories about what happened to them. Either dead or prisonners. Pretty standard. Of course, what is more important I guess is how it happened. If others have been out before and failed, we need to make sure we're prepared for what's waiting."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Atrius Night, blending with the all consuming shadows... or trying to in the well lit office....

Standing in a corner, his dark brown, almost black robes pulled around him with his hood up... Atrius looked over those gathered... The ones that fate had chosen to place him with... Mercenaries and 'heroes'... he shook his head and chimed in....

"What sort of adventurer's preceded us...? Were they likewise summoned from afar? Professionals? or simply what could be...scraped together... by the locals...?" Looking under his hood would reveal little, his white teeth visible on a field of black on top of more black, The lights reflected off round black glass lenses in a blackened metal frame. One oddity with his otherwise simple garb are solid projections shaping his hood as though the figure beneath were wearing a spiked helmet beneath the hood... or... something "I'm just curious whether we are simply trusting to happenstance that we are the betters of those that went before us.... Luck is a powerful ally, but rarely to be trusted....." The shadowy fellow pauses then adds... "Still, it sounds interesting enough to give a go..."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


The druid turns her head to face the newest speaker. Hmm, this is an interesting fellow. Dark glasses indoors? And what's under the hood? Probably not a helmet, given the rest of his garb, so the man must be from a nonhuman race. Just as she is.

Miasathra's gaze turns toward the man in the blue cloak. Another interesting man. She has seen golden hair before, albeit not quite so bright, but his silver eyes shine with the gleam of freshly minted coin. That isn't a human trait either. Hopefully both men will agree to join the hunt. How better to learn about someone than to hunt with them?

The dark man's words draw Miasathra's attention back to the matter at hand. "I would be most grateful if you do." Her voice is somber. "The spirits' gifts to their chosen ones are many, but they come with a price. I cannot refuse this summons. Come what may, I must enter the forest and find out what ails it, or die in the attempt."

All catfolk knew what the bargain between druid and spirits entailed. The spirits did not call upon that bargain often, but when they did they expected to be obeyed. Miasathra had chosen her fate with eyes open. And even if the spirits let her back down, she would not. That would constitute the breaking of an oath, and only the most vile, honorless people knowingly violated their oaths.

She turns back to the mayor. "So, you have at least one for your mission."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


Tai spends a moment as people talk to consider the implications of the mayor's words. A forest filled with tricks of the mind, quite an interesting new challenge. But of course she had not come all this way to not help. "I will join your expedition, mayor. It seems like having a scout along may be of use."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The mayor shakes his head to the blond man, "Just as fire doesn't catch, divination doesn't work as well." He then looks at the man that tries to mix Dark, Mysterious, and Loner in an open and extremely well lit office by sunlight and fire and candle. "All that came before have had a reputation of some kind. Each one confident, curious, driven, and stupid. Charging off into either the hills or the forest itself."

the mayor then nods his head at both Miasathra and Tai.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"Can we speak to the survivors then ? If we're going to be doing this, then we need all the intel we can. As you pointed out, charging in there without preparation would be suicidal."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Elian looks round as people pledge themselves to the cause. "Well, it sounds like you need us. I'm in."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The mayor speaks up again, having calmed himself. "The only survivor that I know where the location of, is the mentioned druid from earlier. The others have all either died or disappeared after leaving the protection of the town's temple to Ehlonna."

The man lets out a sigh. "Try not to spread that last bit around, the townsfolk all believe that the adventurers that disappeared tried one last time for either the forest of the hills."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Brow creasing with compassion, Elian says, "Trying to avoid causing a panic? I can see why. But the temple seemed to keep them safe?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


The catfolk woman frowns, chewing at a dark, thick-looking nail. "Well, that is something, at least. Now we know that holy ground protects people from whatever is taking over the forest." She has no problem with human gods and goddesses; quite the opposite. As far as Miasathra is concerned, deities are simply enormously powerful spirits.

"Have no fear, mayor. The townsfolk will not find out about this from me." She looks around at her new comrades. "I would like to talk to this druid before venturing into the forest."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The mayor gives a helpless shrug, unable to answer if it was the temple and holy ground that kept the fey and half-orcs away or if they were just biding their time.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Atrius Night

Atrius glances to the others... each affirming in their own way....After a moment he nods first to himself, and then standing a little straighter to the mayor before speaking up... "It seems we're all in....So unless you have more to add, I guess we'd best be about it....."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


Tai nodded in agreement then added, "Name's Tai, nice to meet you all."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


With a grin, he replies, "No time like the present, eh? I'm Elian."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


Stretching, the catfolk gets up off the mayor's couch and takes her runed spear in one hand. "Miasathra Screaming Eagle, good to meet you."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Almaz raised the hand and gave a wave with a small smile:

"Almaz Rallen, a pleasure."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

"Miss... Screaming Eagle... The druid, as mentioned early, is a few weeks away and under her family's care." The Mayor politely reminds her.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"Looks like we'll have to do our own investigating. Besides, there's no guarantee that druid would be helpful. They seem to get priorities a bit mixed up sometimes. Especially when all you want is simple information."

"I haven't acquired a room for the night so I think I'll go see to that. Maybe we can pick up some rumors on the way. Once we have our bearings we can start out fresh in the morning."

Tai shifts and makes to head for the door if no one objects.

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