• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom πƒπ€π–𝐍 β€” the cast


cherry lips

𝐟𝐚𝐒𝐫𝐲 π₯𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭𝐬
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • Welcome to 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍's applications! Please fill out the application below! If you do not see a role you would like to play, please DM me the role/idea you have and I'll see if I can make it work! DO NOT apply for a role you think of before contacting me! If you have any questions regarding the application, feel free to ask me about it! Those who have been selected to join 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍 will be privately notified! Best of luck!

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    Full Name:
    Nicknames: If applicable
    Age: 24-28

    Notable Features:
    Face Claim:



    (feel free to list these out or expand on them in paragraph form!)
    Vices: 3+
    Virtues: 3+

    History: (at least two paragraphs or it can be detailed bullet points!)
    Extra: any additional information you would like to provide

    What do they think happened up on the mountain?
    Do they believe in monsters?
    How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths?
    How do they feel about this ten-year reunion?
    Are they scared of the mountain?
    Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion?
    Are they excited to see everyone again?

    interest check βΈΊ open βΈΊ ooc βΈΊ open

    Hello and welcome to the roleplay! This is a retelling of Until Dawn and yes, this is a reboot! This roleplay will focus on a group of friends who are returning to the mountain ten years after their childhood friends died up there. They were all invited by the parents of their deceased friends as a way to get full closure, honor their friends, and bring peace to everyone involved. The friend group didn’t want to be rude so they all agreed, eager to finally put the past behind them once and for all. But life and that mountain seem to have some horrifying things in store for the group!

    There will be more lore and explanations in the Discord after characters have been accepted but if you have any questions in the meantime, please DM me!


    ✦ ✦ ✦

    ✦ All RPN rules apply to this roleplay
    ✦ Discord will be used for OOC as that's where the lore and plotting will take place!
    ✦ I would like only 18+ roleplayers to apply because I'm over 18 and don't feel comfortable roleplaying with minors
    ✦ You must fade to black when needed
    ✦ This is a horror roleplay but romance is welcomed and encouraged!
    ✦ This isn't first come first serve
    ✦ Roles will be available to look at once the character applications have opened!
    ✦ You must be able to write at least two paragraphs per in-character post
    ✦ Realistic face claims are REQUIRED
    ✦ This is going to take place in Canada
    ✦ There is a two-character limit per person!
    ✦ Any OOC drama/bullying is not allowed and after three offenses you will be removed from the roleplay

    The Leader (M) β€” TAKEN
    The most responsible member of the group, he was often teased for being uptight and a stick in the mud. He often would help arrange parties, was always the designated driver, and always watched out for everyone else. He was one of the original friends of the Winters, having grown up next to them and so he often spent time at their house and vice versa. He was part of the main conflict at the party, trying to keep it from escalating. He doesn't remember what happened that night as he 'slipped' and hit his head at some point, causing him to have a concussion. He does not like to talk about what happened that year.

    The Jock (M) β€” TAKEN
    Not quite the jock you would normally encounter, of course, he was the star of the team, won all the awards, and got a scholarship but he was far more down to Earth and understanding than you would expect. He wasn't the brightest so sometimes he would make a poorly timed joke or wouldn't really get the tense vibes, but overall he was a nice guy and stood up for those in the group who were picked on. Surprisingly, he was the one of people who got into a physical fight with Kirk. He never said the reason but it is implied Kirk said something out of pocket about someone in the group.

    The Follower (M) β€” OPEN
    Kirk's right-hand man, the Follower never went anywhere without approval from Kirk first. He was a devoted friend and would defend the guy no matter what he did. His constant alibi, Kirk always relied on the Follower to bail him out and vouch for him even if it meant lying to friends and family. They were almost the same person but he never had to desire to compete against Kirk and would always let him win, even if he was going to lose. So it's not surprising that the Follower was backing Kirk up during the whole fight. Some think he's actually the one who hit or pushed the Leader but it's all such a blur, nobody knows anymore...

    The Heartbreaker (M) β€” TAKEN
    A stereotype that's for sure, he dated around and had little interest in settling down. He had an on-and-off relationship with Lauren all throughout high school. Because of the constant breakups and drama, the Heartbreaker would drift from the group at times or would get into fights with Kirk. One would expect him to be one of the ones fighting with the twins, but surprisingly he was hanging back playing beer pong with the Weakling. But nobody really knows where he went after that...

    The Weakling (M) β€” TAKEN
    Always picked last for everything, he never ranked above last on the food chain. He was pretty regularly bullied throughout school but because of who his friends were, they would often stand up for him. He has always been referred to as the glue of the group, keeping them together no matter what. During that fateful night, he was playing a drinking game with the Heartbreaker before he tried to chase after Lauren, telling her that she needed to take a flashlight with her. Since then, he is the only one who has been in touch with every group member.

    The Realist (M) β€” TAKEN
    He's always been a bit of a downer, constantly pointing out flaws or bad ideas within the group. This usually would result in eye rolls and people laughing at his negativity. He was mostly friends with the quieter members of the group but was very close with Kirk. They rarely argued but he could not stand Lauren. Some say it's because they hooked up and she ghosted him, others say it's because she had some blackmail on him. All the group knows is that he disappeared right before Kirk and Lauren left and nobody found him until the morning.

    The Butterfly (M) β€” OPEN
    A social butterfly that lived for friendship and getting to know everyone in the school. He was known to bounce around between friend groups, always keeping it exciting and interesting. He got along fine with the twins but he didn't always secure an invite to their legendary parties. He was pretty surprised he got invited to their 18th, but part of him thinks it's because he said he had awesome gifts for them both. During the incident, he played the Devil's advocate and riled up both sides as if he couldn't decide who was in the right.

    The Lover Girl (F) β€” TAKEN
    Kirk's girlfriend since freshman year, she was almost always by his side, with a sweet smile on her face and friendly words not far behind. While everyone was friends with the twins, people in the group would question why someone as nice as her would date someone like Kirk. She never had a bad thing to say about Kirk until the birthday party where it was revealed that he had cheated on her with the Ugly Duckling. Some think this is what started the fight, but she will never tell.

    The Ugly Duckling (F) β€” TAKEN
    Not ugly in the slightest, she just had to grow into herself a bit, but this fact was never forgotten by the twins. They were the ones who often referred to her by this name and would occasionally bring up childhood photos if they felt she was stepping out of line at all. She often felt trapped or bullied into the group but she never said anything due to the hold the twins had on her. That's why it was shocking to find out she had been regularly hooking up with Kirk. She ran away crying during the argument so most people assume she knows nothing about what happened.

    The Baddie (F) β€” OPEN
    Always the life of the party, she was known throughout the school for her access to alcohol and weed. Her connections and parties were always the best and that's probably why she became friends with the twins. Maybe she was their supplier, or maybe they were friends, nobody knows anymore. She was known for her attitude and she had little interest in playing nice. She usually would fight anyone in the group and would storm off so it wasn't surprising that she inserted herself into the fight at the party. Apparently, she threw a punch at Lauren but she will deny it.

    The Rat (F) β€” OPEN
    She could never keep her lips closed and was constantly spilling secrets within the group. She found it entertaining and would play dumb if someone called her out. She liked being able to gather information and share it once or twice so it could spread like wildfire. Shockingly enough, she was the best friend of Lauren and was always by her side, whispering things to her whenever she had the chance to. That's why nobody expected her to get in Lauren's face and go after Kirk during the fight. She also was the only person who refused to say anything, which was written off as shock and they never questioned her again. She seems to have clammed up a lot since that night but once a rat, always a rat.

    The Dreamer (F) β€” OPEN
    A girl with pink-colored journals and a bright yellow pen, she was constantly seen scribbling away, planning the futures of herself and her friends. She was always positive, making plans to hang out and see each other after graduation when they would have yearly reunions at school, where her closest friends would go to college, it was all written down in glittery words. But the infamous birthday party shattered all her dreams. She was one of the few that first found the bodies of the twins and the pure horror on her face said it all. Ever since then, she's stopped writing in those journals, and she's lost that spark she once had.

    The Fraud (F) β€” TAKEN
    For someone so smart, she really didn't know anything! She was known for her book smarts, always getting amazing grades and awards, but when she tried to apply her smarts outside of school, she would fall flat. Most of the time people would catch her in a lie, which was weird because why would she lie? There were small rumors that she wasn't actually smart at all and cheated off of Lauren's work all the time, took her notes, and well, managed to surpass her. Nobody could confirm this though, even after graduation. During the fight, she was crying and went back inside before things escalated.

    The New Blood (F) β€” TAKEN
    Relatively new to the group, she only started hanging out with them after the 17th birthday of the twins. She was always trying hard to impress everyone in the group and seemed to have a finger in every pie. Nobody knows why she was trying so hard but it probably had to do with the wealth and influence of the twins. Still, she managed to befriend enough people in the group for it to be worth it. She did her best to be a neutral party during the argument and ran after Lauren when she ran off on a trail.
    coded by cherry !! πŸ’

    Welcome to 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍's applications! Please fill out the application below! If you do not see a role you would like to play, please DM me the role/idea you have and I'll see if I can make it work! DO NOT apply for a role you think of before contacting me! If you have any questions regarding the application, feel free to ask me about it! Those who have been selected to join 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍 will be privately notified! Best of luck!

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    Full Name:
    Nicknames: If applicable
    Age: 24-28

    Notable Features:
    Face Claim:



    (feel free to list these out or expand on them in paragraph form!)
    Vices: 3+
    Virtues: 3+

    History: (at least two paragraphs or it can be detailed bullet points!)
    Extra: any additional information you would like to provide

    What do they think happened up on the mountain?
    Do they believe in monsters?
    How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths?
    How do they feel about this ten-year reunion?
    Are they scared of the mountain?
    Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion?
    Are they excited to see everyone again?


    The Leader (M) β€” TAKEN
    The most responsible member of the group, he was often teased for being uptight and a stick in the mud. He often would help arrange parties, was always the designated driver, and always watched out for everyone else. He was one of the original friends of the Winters, having grown up next to them and so he often spent time at their house and vice versa. He was part of the main conflict at the party, trying to keep it from escalating. He doesn't remember what happened that night as he 'slipped' and hit his head at some point, causing him to have a concussion. He does not like to talk about what happened that year.

    The Jock (M) β€” TAKEN
    Not quite the jock you would normally encounter, of course, he was the star of the team, won all the awards, and got a scholarship but he was far more down to Earth and understanding than you would expect. He wasn't the brightest so sometimes he would make a poorly timed joke or wouldn't really get the tense vibes, but overall he was a nice guy and stood up for those in the group who were picked on. Surprisingly, he was the one of people who got into a physical fight with Kirk. He never said the reason but it is implied Kirk said something out of pocket about someone in the group.

    The Follower (M) β€” OPEN
    Kirk's right-hand man, the Follower never went anywhere without approval from Kirk first. He was a devoted friend and would defend the guy no matter what he did. His constant alibi, Kirk always relied on the Follower to bail him out and vouch for him even if it meant lying to friends and family. They were almost the same person but he never had to desire to compete against Kirk and would always let him win, even if he was going to lose. So it's not surprising that the Follower was backing Kirk up during the whole fight. Some think he's actually the one who hit or pushed the Leader but it's all such a blur, nobody knows anymore...

    The Heartbreaker (M) β€” TAKEN
    A stereotype that's for sure, he dated around and had little interest in settling down. He had an on-and-off relationship with Lauren all throughout high school. Because of the constant breakups and drama, the Heartbreaker would drift from the group at times or would get into fights with Kirk. One would expect him to be one of the ones fighting with the twins, but surprisingly he was hanging back playing beer pong with the Weakling. But nobody really knows where he went after that...

    The Weakling (M) β€” TAKEN
    Always picked last for everything, he never ranked above last on the food chain. He was pretty regularly bullied throughout school but because of who his friends were, they would often stand up for him. He has always been referred to as the glue of the group, keeping them together no matter what. During that fateful night, he was playing a drinking game with the Heartbreaker before he tried to chase after Lauren, telling her that she needed to take a flashlight with her. Since then, he is the only one who has been in touch with every group member.

    The Realist (M) β€” TAKEN
    He's always been a bit of a downer, constantly pointing out flaws or bad ideas within the group. This usually would result in eye rolls and people laughing at his negativity. He was mostly friends with the quieter members of the group but was very close with Kirk. They rarely argued but he could not stand Lauren. Some say it's because they hooked up and she ghosted him, others say it's because she had some blackmail on him. All the group knows is that he disappeared right before Kirk and Lauren left and nobody found him until the morning.

    The Butterfly (M) β€” OPEN
    A social butterfly that lived for friendship and getting to know everyone in the school. He was known to bounce around between friend groups, always keeping it exciting and interesting. He got along fine with the twins but he didn't always secure an invite to their legendary parties. He was pretty surprised he got invited to their 18th, but part of him thinks it's because he said he had awesome gifts for them both. During the incident, he played the Devil's advocate and riled up both sides as if he couldn't decide who was in the right.

    The Lover Girl (F) β€” TAKEN
    Kirk's girlfriend since freshman year, she was almost always by his side, with a sweet smile on her face and friendly words not far behind. While everyone was friends with the twins, people in the group would question why someone as nice as her would date someone like Kirk. She never had a bad thing to say about Kirk until the birthday party where it was revealed that he had cheated on her with the Ugly Duckling. Some think this is what started the fight, but she will never tell.

    The Ugly Duckling (F) β€” TAKEN
    Not ugly in the slightest, she just had to grow into herself a bit, but this fact was never forgotten by the twins. They were the ones who often referred to her by this name and would occasionally bring up childhood photos if they felt she was stepping out of line at all. She often felt trapped or bullied into the group but she never said anything due to the hold the twins had on her. That's why it was shocking to find out she had been regularly hooking up with Kirk. She ran away crying during the argument so most people assume she knows nothing about what happened.

    The Baddie (F) β€” OPEN
    Always the life of the party, she was known throughout the school for her access to alcohol and weed. Her connections and parties were always the best and that's probably why she became friends with the twins. Maybe she was their supplier, or maybe they were friends, nobody knows anymore. She was known for her attitude and she had little interest in playing nice. She usually would fight anyone in the group and would storm off so it wasn't surprising that she inserted herself into the fight at the party. Apparently, she threw a punch at Lauren but she will deny it.

    The Rat (F) β€” OPEN
    She could never keep her lips closed and was constantly spilling secrets within the group. She found it entertaining and would play dumb if someone called her out. She liked being able to gather information and share it once or twice so it could spread like wildfire. Shockingly enough, she was the best friend of Lauren and was always by her side, whispering things to her whenever she had the chance to. That's why nobody expected her to get in Lauren's face and go after Kirk during the fight. She also was the only person who refused to say anything, which was written off as shock and they never questioned her again. She seems to have clammed up a lot since that night but once a rat, always a rat.

    The Dreamer (F) β€” OPEN
    A girl with pink-colored journals and a bright yellow pen, she was constantly seen scribbling away, planning the futures of herself and her friends. She was always positive, making plans to hang out and see each other after graduation when they would have yearly reunions at school, where her closest friends would go to college, it was all written down in glittery words. But the infamous birthday party shattered all her dreams. She was one of the few that first found the bodies of the twins and the pure horror on her face said it all. Ever since then, she's stopped writing in those journals, and she's lost that spark she once had.

    The Fraud (F) β€” TAKEN
    For someone so smart, she really didn't know anything! She was known for her book smarts, always getting amazing grades and awards, but when she tried to apply her smarts outside of school, she would fall flat. Most of the time people would catch her in a lie, which was weird because why would she lie? There were small rumors that she wasn't actually smart at all and cheated off of Lauren's work all the time, took her notes, and well, managed to surpass her. Nobody could confirm this though, even after graduation. During the fight, she was crying and went back inside before things escalated.

    The New Blood (F) β€” TAKEN
    Relatively new to the group, she only started hanging out with them after the 17th birthday of the twins. She was always trying hard to impress everyone in the group and seemed to have a finger in every pie. Nobody knows why she was trying so hard but it probably had to do with the wealth and influence of the twins. Still, she managed to befriend enough people in the group for it to be worth it. She did her best to be a neutral party during the argument and ran after Lauren when she ran off on a trail.
Last edited:
  • The Leader
    Full Name: Nolan James Parker
    Nicknames: Mom/Dad, Noel, the babysitter
    Age: 28 years old
    Birthday: Jan. 28th
    Gender: Cis. Male
    Pronouns: He/him
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Occupation: Private chef
    Role: The Leader

    Height: 6'4"
    Hair: Dirty blonde
    Eyes: Bright blue
    Modifications: Piercings, tattoos
    Scars: Hands, temple, arms
    Notable Features: Eyebrows, eyes, freckles
    Face Claim: Will Poulter
    01/28/96 β€” 28 β€” aquarius
    β€” heterosexual β€” he/him
    Likes: Cooking, organizing, soft things, quiet mornings, reading, studying, learning new things, collecting things, comedy, classical music, long baths, waking up early, walks, hiking, mysteries, horror movies, sports

    Dislikes: Drama, fighting, cheaters, liars, waking up late, sleeping in, hangovers, injuries, broken things, arguing, messes, not being able to move, crying, boredom, overtime, babysitting adults, irresponsible people

    Hobbies: Cooking, collecting vintage books, hiking

    Fears: Losing people, dying, not seeing his family

    Strengths: Athletics, fighting, teamwork, leadership, composed

    Weaknesses: Doesn't like confrontation, no self-preservation, trusts people too much, doesn't know when to quit,

    β€’ Perfectionist
    β€’ Stubborn
    β€’ Anxious
    β€’ Closed-off
    β€’ Possessive
    β€’ Competitive

    β€’ Protective
    β€’ Supportive
    β€’ Outgoing
    β€’ Loving
    β€’ Brave
    β€’ Charismatic

    History: Bullet points
    - Born as the oldest child
    - Has four younger siblings
    - Always took care of his siblings because his parents were busy with work
    - He lived next door to the Winters and quickly befriended the twins at age 9
    - He always would keep the twins out of trouble and made sure to keep them in one piece
    - when the friend group started to expand in middle school, he assumed the role of the parent friend
    - In high school he was busy with a part-time job and various clubs
    - He started to butt heads with Kirk as the boy got a bit more aggressive as they got older
    - He still stayed friends with them and was determined to help keep the group together
    - The infamous 18th birthday party everything was cool until it wasn't
    - He got in the middle of the fight to break it up but once it moved outside, things escalated way too much
    - It was hard to tell what happened but somehow Nolan was pushed to the ground and hit his head pretty hard on the rock patio
    - Despite his injury, he did his best to help everyone out
    - He went into the storm to collect some of the weaker members of the friend group, scared that they would get lost in the storm
    - He ended up going to the ER after authorities got onto the property
    - After the incident, his parents limited his contact with a lot of people in the friend group and soon enough he went to uni
    - He went to a culinary school and scored a job as a private chef after working in restaurants for a couple of years

    β€’ Allergic to bees
    β€’ Has 20+ tattoos
    β€’ Rarely dates
    β€’ Likes to collect things
    β€’ Snowboarder
    β€’ Snacks 24/7
    β€’ Picked up smoking after working in a few restaurants, now smoke socially or due to stress
    β€’ The scar on his temple is from the birthday party. It is quite sensitive and hurts a lot if he hits that spot on something
    β€’ He has blocked out a lot of that night and tries not to think about it.
    β€’ He has PTSD from that night but due to repressing his memories and oversaturating himself with horror/violent movies afterwards, he likes to pretend it doesn't bother him or even enter his mind

    What do they think happened up on the mountain?
    β€” "I don't really remember that well. I remember going outside because people started to physically fight and I was in the middle, breaking everyone up because I didn't want anyone getting hurt. But then I slipped? Or I was pushed? I don't know but I hit my head really hard and it was all a blur. I heard crazy shit and I just- I have no idea. There were so many places you could fall and get hurt if you went off trail and barely anybody had flashlights. I don't know, maybe they got chased by something and fell over the cliff... I really don't know because I can't remember what I even saw back then..."

    Do they believe in monsters?
    β€” "Monsters? I mean, come on, like scary story types? No, not really. I believe in like scary ass people and animals but I don't think monsters are real or there would be like proof you know. I say that but I am a pretty superstitious person so maybe I do believe in them, just a little."

    How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths?
    β€” "Fuck, I mean I feel really sad about it. They literally died on their birthday and it was all over some stupid argument. I grew up with them, I used to spend my summers at their house and now I don't even see their parents. It's just so depressing and I don't like to think about it."

    How do they feel about this ten-year reunion?
    β€” "Uncomfortable? I didn't expect to get a phone call from their mom and be invited to this so it's all a lot to take in. I think if the circumstances were different then maybe I would feel more ready for it but right now I just... it feels like it is too soon or just not right. I dunno."

    Are they scared of the mountain?
    β€” "I would be lying if I said it didn't make me uncomfortable. I mean my friends died up there, of course, I don't really want to go back. It's freaky to look at the places we spent so much time at and remember that our friends might've been attacked there ya know."

    Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion?
    β€” "I sincerely hope not. I know there's a lot of bad blood between some of the people but I'm hoping that ten years healed at least some of their wounds."

    Are they excited to see everyone again?
    β€” "Yes and no. I haven't really kept in touch with anyone, maybe a few people, so it's going to be really weird to see them all again."
    coded by cherry !! πŸ’
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Name: Iris Caitlyn Holland-Pump (nee Holt)
Nicknames: Iris, Cait
Age: 25
Gender: Cis. Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Model
D.O.B: August 5th
Role: The New Blood

Height: 5'9"
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Mods: Piercings
Scars: Shoulder and right forearm
Notable: Round face
Face Claim: Olivia Holt
All of my heroes die all alone

Vices: List Form
β€’ Arrogant
β€’ Secretive
β€’ Distrusting
β€’ Proud
β€’ Stubborn
β€’ Impulsive
Virtues: List Form
β€’ Smart
β€’ Brave
β€’ Active
β€’ Versatile
β€’ Diplomatic
β€’ Calm


Likes: Kites, cleaning, pyrotechnics, competitions, apocalypse shows, blanket forts, woodworks, lightning, sand castles, bartending, vinyl records, collecting things, new things, incense, blogs, comics, and martial arts

Dislikes: Astrology, volunteering, clouds, treasure hunts, snakes, sunsets, makeovers (especially in movies), dollhouses, fossils, puzzles, people watching, insects, fungi, smithing, clowns, drama, and pranks

Hobbies: collecting antiques, journaling, drawing

Fears: Clowns, snakes, the dark

Strengths: versatile, brave, determined

Weaknesses: impulsive, ambitious, stubborn

What do they think happened up on the mountain?
β€” "I don't... I don't fucking know, one minute I was running after Lauren, the next I just... tripped. And she was gone. I don't... I don't know how it happened, but she was gone. And then I went back and Kirk was gone, and everything- everyone- was a fucking mess. Shit, after that I just wanted to go the fuck home."

Do they believe in monsters?
β€” "Mm, monsters are everywhere, if you know where to look for them. The shadows, the trees... the politics... if you're talking about people, yeah. Real monsters? Eh, maybe the ridealongs, but... nothing much else."

How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths?
β€” "Fucking awful, but... how am I supposed to feel when I didn't really seem to know them as well as the others did? Do I even have the right to feel sad about it?"

How do they feel about this ten-year reunion?
β€” "It's something that's happening. As far as I am concerned, I just want to get in, get out, and hopefully get back home."

Are they scared of the mountain?
β€” "It's a mountain. What can a mountain do, make spooky wind noises? I am not scared of a giant, snow covered rock."

Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion?
β€” "I don't know. Maybe. Hopefully there isn't a repeat of the birthday disaster. That is my only concern."

Are they excited to see everyone again?
β€” "Not really. Never really connected with many of the group... except maybe the guy that collected all those books. He was cool. Maybe I can show him my collection of weird antiques."

TW: Infidelity and Divorce

Iris Caitlyn Holland-Pump (nee Holt) was born the eldest daughter of Malta Holt and Dora Pump (nee Holt). The golden girl of her family, she was adored by her father, even after her mother had two more daughters and a son. Her father was, at the time, a powerful politician and centerpiece to the coast. The family was the golden family, everyone wanted to either be near them or be them.

Unfortunately, things started to come to light about the Holt family, primarily their deceased grandfather and eventually, her own father. Her father started to distance himself from the family and, as the scandals came out, he went sort of cold. Her mother was devastated, having to care for her children full time, with the youngest of them being only five years old at the time, while going forward with a divorce. Caitlyn, however, took the brunt of the damage, being absolutely devastated by her father leaving the family basically forever. At twelve years old, it felt like her world was falling apart. She had aspired to be like her father for years, so this scandal killed her. Her family moved to Canada, with the help of both sets of grandparents (as her father's mother was furious about his betrayal). For the next few years, she immersed herself in dance or school, trying to hide her shame. It was here that she met Lauren Winters starting high school, and became fast friends with her and her brother. The two of them encouraged her to come out of her shell, at least a little, and start to piece herself back together. Eventually, she managed to recover thanks to her new sort of friend group, and bonded with a couple of them as she entered her junior year.

During the twins' 18th birthday, however, things changed. Iris doesn't remember exactly what happened, but she does remember the horror she felt when she found out the twins were dead. But she didn't feel like she had the right to be upset. She hadn't known them long enough. Why should she grieve? Eventually, her family left town, her mother remarried, and she changed her name. Fresh out of design school, she got a nepotism job being a model for her aunt's design company. It was when she was twenty five that she got an invite to the lodge for the winter.
Help me hold on to you
Miscellaneous Information
β€’ Eldest of four on her mother's side, eldest of six on her (now disowned) father's
β€’ Took her stepfather's name as well as her mother's at nineteen, with the full support of most of her family (sans her father)
β€’ Info
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coded by cherry !! πŸ’



Name: Owen Miles Riley
Nicknames: If applicable
Age: 28
Gender: M
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Mechanic
Role: The Weakling

Height: 5' 7.5"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Modifications: None
Scars: None
Notable Features: Strong nose, dimples
Face Claim: Mike Faist

Likes: pineapple on pizza, coffee black, long summers, working on cars, cooking.
Dislikes: people being jerks for no good reason, the strong picking on the weak, alcohol (he seldom drinks), staying out late.
Hobbies: brazillian jiu jitsu (he's gotten quite good over the years, too, though luckily he's never really needed to use this skill before), weight lifting, trail running, video games on occasion, gardening, riding his motorcycle.
Fears: being alone.

Strengths: attention. to. detail. anything math or science related, fairly handy and good at fixing shit.
Weaknesses: small talk. flirting. awkward af. low-self esteem (he's working on it.)

Vices: shy, reclusive, homebody, sensitive, kinda clingy, people-pleaser, suffers from social anxiety.
Virtues: thoughtful, sweet, sentimental, caring, quiet, loyal, observant, intelligent, kind, friendly.

  • back then, he was the kid that always ate his lunch in bathroom stalls. not because he was embarrassed to sit and eat alone. but because he didn't want the other guys to beat him up and steal his food.
  • he had one older brother. dad's favorite. he died in a car crash when owen was thirteen. that's why he figures dad started drinking all those years ago.
  • dad was a fucking asshole. always yelled at him, hated the fact he didn't play sports, constantly ridiculed him for being a sissy every time he got his ass beat at school. if he ever came home crying? hah. "be a man. wipe those fucking tears off your face."
  • joined the wrestling team in high school to follow in his brother's footsteps. a venture that lasted no more than a month. his brother was a fucking menace during matches. team captain. helped his school win three state championship titles in a row. owen? well. at one hundred and fifteen pounds, owen was a weak bitch. he got utterly destroyed on the mats, and ended up being a major disappointment to both his coach and his teammates β€” a fact they all reminded him of on a constant basis.
  • he got bullied out of quit the wrestling team. got involved in activities that better suited his interests β€” like the math and science club. made a small group of nerdy friends that always got picked on everywhere they went. owen tried standing up for one of his friends one time, who was getting robbed by one of the football players. it was kind of impressive. he punched the guy in the face and told him to fuck off, but in return, he completely got his ass kicked. returned to school two weeks later after being expelled, his face still healing from a broken nose and black eye.
  • he befriended the twins somewhere along the way. he and kirk met in detention. made an exchange β€” owen would help kirk with his algebra classes, and kirk would protect him and his friends from the bullies. through kirk owen met his sister, lauren, as well as all the others. for the first time in his life, he made real friends (in his mind, at least) that slowly helped him come out of his shell. for the rest of high school, none of the bullies messed with him. there was one time that one of them did try, but kirk and his buddies put a stop to that shit very quickly.
  • then there was the party. owen doesn't remember much, just being too busy drinking and having fun to realize anything serious was going on. he vaguely remembers lauren going outside and chasing after her, but that's about it. he didn't get the full details of what really happened until the following day.
  • the rest of the school year passed with the surviving members of the group in a state of shock. owen was hit pretty hard. he considered kirk one of his good friends, and wasn't expecting to lose him like this.
  • afterwards, everyone went their separate ways. owen attended university and studied mechanical engineering, but never graduated. his father ended up passing away from cancer during his senior year, which caused him to drop out. he spent a few years road tripping, crossing the Canada and US on his motorcycle, as well as exploring a number of other hobbies rather than pursuing a real career path. he's still unclear with what he wants to do with his life, and has been working odd jobs here and there to skate by. he says he's going to go back to school one day, but hasn't done anything about it yet.
  • as for the others, he's kept in touch with them here and there over the years. occasionally he'll meet up with them, but has yet to get together with all of them in one setting. that's why, when he received the invitation for the anniversary party, he decided to go. besides, it's not like he had much else going on.

What do they think happened up on the mountain?
"The police say one thing. Everyone else says another. Who truly knows, honestly."

Do they believe in monsters? "What, you mean like, actual monsters? You're kidding me, right?"

How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths? "It's tragic when something like that happens, but you gotta learn to let things go sometimes. Like, okay, yeah, sometimes I wish I could've done more β€” I'm sure a lot of people still think that, really β€” and sometimes I think 'maybe if I did do something' the outcome would have been different, but we were just a bunch of dumb kids. There wasn't anything any of us could do. It's a terrible feeling. And they had their entire future ahead of them. It's really sad, you know? I just...yeah. That's my answer, I guess."

How do they feel about this ten-year reunion? "Eh...I dunno. I don't even know why I'm going, to be honest."

Are they scared of the mountain? "I wouldn't say I'm scared but...I dunno. I have a weird feeling about that place ever since what happened back then."

Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion? "I hope not. What makes you say that?"

Are they excited to see everyone again? "Yeah, I think so. It'll be nice to see how everyone's doing."
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  • Maeve Diana Brooks

    #fc: ella purnell

    # the ugly duckling

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


    Full Name: Maeve Diana Brooks
    Nicknames: M-M-Maeve, Ugly Duckling, and Duckling (all courtesy of the twins)
    Age: 27
    Birthday: July 19th
    Gender: Cis Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Occupation: Runs an Antique Store
    Role: The Ugly Duckling


    Height: 5’5
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Hazel
    Modifications: Handful of tattoos, ear piercings
    Scars: One on her left wrist from an accident with a box cutter
    Notable Features: Large eyes, small nose, defined jaw
    Face Claim: Ella Purnell


    Likes: History, antiques and vintage items, tea, stories, makeup, sunlight, autumn, old movies, baked goods, dried flowers
    Dislikes: Silence, being laughed at, spiders, coffee, guilt, lying, mushrooms, competition, being drunk, rude customers
    Hobbies: Collects old postcards, yoga, drawing/painting
    Fears: Losing loved ones, being abandoned, dying, claustrophobic

    Strengths: Resourceful, strategy, cooperation, and reliable
    Weaknesses: Non-Confrontational, easily upset, quick decision making, and fighting

    ✿ Sensitive
    ✿ Insecure
    ✿ Anxious
    ✿ Timid
    ✿ Impatient
    ✿ Empathetic
    ✿ Creative
    ✿ Independent
    ✿ Perceptive
    ✿ Sentimental


    ✿ Second of two children, though her older brother is 6 years older, so they were never very close.
    ✿ Family was relatively average. Her mom is a nurse and her dad is a contractor.
    ✿ Always a bit of a shy kid and has always had a stutter, so she was on the quieter side.
    ✿ Speech therapy helped some, but she still regularly stuttered.
    ✿ Met the twins freshman year. She had a few classes with them and ended up absorbed into the friend group.
    ✿ Their comments hurt, but she was assured that they were always just joking.
    ✿ She started working very hard to get rid of her stutter to save herself from teasing. By sophomore year, she was able to control it for the most part, though it never fully went away. It always reappeared when she was under pressure or flustered.
    ✿ Never really standing up for herself, she was an easy target in the group.
    ✿ Any time they felt she stepped out of line they’d pull her back in. Their influence scared her, so she never went against them.
    ✿ Her parents were concerned with how she was treated, but she convinced them (and herself) that everything was fine.
    ✿ Kirk started being very kind to her in private and it cemented the hold he had over her. Despite how cruel he could be, she really did feel that he liked her based on how he treated her in those moments.
    ✿ She started hooking up with him about a month before the party.
    ✿ Maeve did feel guilty about going behind Gwen’s back, but Kirk would always brush her concerns off.
    ✿ The night of the party, Gwen confronted the pair of them and it was the most humiliating moment of her life. She ran off crying.
    ✿ Nothing could have prepared her for what was found the next morning.
    ✿ Embarrassed, devastated, and confused, she pulled back from the rest of the group and kept her head down for the rest of the year.
    ✿ She went off to college, studying art history.
    ✿ There she started making new friends, who actually treated her nicely.
    ✿ Realizing just how awful she was treated and how low her self-esteem was, she started therapy.
    ✿ After graduation, she started working at her grandparents' antique store as her grandfather was having a hard time running it after her grandmother died.
    ✿ Now, she’s fully taken over the shop now that her grandfather is too ill to run things.
    ✿ Maeve doesn’t necessarily want to revisit that chapter of her life but feels it might be best to get some closure.


    ✿ Had two pet rats in high school named Pippa and Polly, who she adored. The twins teased her relentlessly about them.
    ✿ Has always loved history and old things
    ✿ Speaks in a low, steady voice. She speaks on the slower side and often pauses to prevent stuttering.
    ✿ Struggles to trust new people.
    ✿ Has come a long way with her shyness and self-esteem since high school.
    ✿ Has difficulty opening herself to romantic relationships, though she had a couple in college.
    ✿ Spends free time drawing and painting. Starting to dabble in digital art as well.
    ✿ Has not been snowboarding since the infamous party.
    ✿ Cannot sit in silence, always has some sort of background noise playing
    ✿ Has pretty awful vision, usually only wears contacts.


    What do they think happened up on the mountain?

    β€œI have no idea. I ran off after Gwen confronted us, right before it all blew up. They said it was an accident and I believe it had to be some sort of animal attack. I’m not sure I could picture the others doing such an awful thing to both of them and I'm not sure a human could even cause the damage that was done.”

    Do they believe in monsters?

    β€œSometimes I think there’s more to our world than what we can see, but I’m not sure I believe in what’s traditionally thought of as a monster.”

    How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths?

    β€œGod, I was devastated. I didn’t realize then just how terribly they treated me, so it really hurt losing two of my friends. It still does now, just in a different way.”

    How do they feel about this ten-year reunion?

    β€œI don’t particularly want to go, but it would be good to close this chapter of my life.”

    Are they scared of the mountain?

    β€œI’m not sure scared is the word I would use. That party was probably one of the lowest moments of my life and then what happened to the twinsβ€” I’m dreading going back. I would say I'm scared of being outside the lodge on my own, though.”

    Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion?

    β€œI hope not. I mean, I don’t think it’ll be a good time, considering the circumstances, but I can’t imagine anything other than personal relationships going wrong.”

    Are they excited to see everyone again?

    β€œNot really. I pushed away most of them after everything happened. I’ve kept up with a couple of them, but aside from those few, I really don’t want to see them.”
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fontcall fontcall fontcall
daniel lyrico
  • daniel lyrico
    28 YR/O
    JULY 2ND

fontcall fontcall fontcall

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the lakes

taylor swift

the fraud




astrid cho






december 9th






criminal lawyer


the fraud



hair c.


eye c.

dark brown


ears pierced

notable F.

her cheekbones


adeline rudolph




dark chocolate, baking, stargazing, record stores, podcasts, dogs, romance novels, scented candles, lavender


mint flavor stuff, traffic, insects, messes, rainy days, black licorice


archery, journaling, going to museums, collecting vinyls, going to rage rooms


not being enough, losing herself


athletic, rational, analytical


dislikes being told what to do, avoids vulnerability, teamwork


judgemental, inflexible, stubborn, impatient


determined, loyal, charismatic, confident



* Born as an only child
* Her father is a cardiologist and her mother is a corporate lawyer.
* Her parents always prioritize her education.
* Practice archery since she was a child.
* Was always at the top of her class.
* Met the twins during middle school and befriended them.
* Had a crush on TBA but never acted on it
* Her mother used to work for the winters to keep the ski lodge on legal terms, there were some shady businesses she was involved and the twins found out about this so Lauren started blackmailing Astrid main reason she started lying was to protect her family's reputation.
* On the day of the birthday Lauren said to her she was attending Astrid's dream university and because there weren't a lot of openings she got kicked out and left before things escalated but it had been the angriest she had been her entire life.
* Went to study at her second option for university, still holds a grudge about her dreams being taken away by a whim. She is pretty sure everyone believes she got kicked out of her first option because, of course, she would copy her application from Lauren.
* Moved away after university in hopes of having a new start.

What do they think happened up on the mountain? Just exactly what the authorities said, it was an accident caused by idiot teenagers who were drinking without any supervision and they were too hot-headed by all the screaming and fighting, it was just a recipe for disaster if you add the place and time we were. If you ask me what I was doing during that time I can tell you exactly what I was doing I'll never forget it I was crying my heart out because Lauren told me she was going to my dream school after I got my early admission acceptance letter, and our high school wasn't exactly the basket of golden eggs for them to choose more students so she got it and I got kicked out, I worked my ass off for that spot but who would believe the liar Astrid, right?

Do they believe in monsters? Do you think I am six years old? The closest thing you can find as a monster would be the people, they might show you a persona but their scary stuff might be hidden so you should be scared of them, not of magical creatures.

How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths? Listen I might sound like I have way too much rage against the twins, but that doesn't mean I am happy they are gone they were just teenagers who had their entire lives ahead of them and one moment they were there and in a blink of an eye they were gone, it's just so messed up to even think about it.

How do they feel about this ten-year reunion? I'd rather be somewhere else than here, it's been so long and everyone has made their own lives with or without the rest in it why it's necessary to relieve all of that? I'm sure some people might be thrilled about it but I can say for myself that I am not I am a believer that some things should remain in the past and this is one of them.

Are they scared of the mountain? Well two people died there obviously it makes you wary of what could happen and honestly I am not looking forward to being there.

Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion? I am sure there will be arguments, and a lot of unresolved conflicts from 10 years ago I want to believe all of them have matured to move past that in their adulthood but you can never know what's going to happen.

Are they excited to see everyone again? Not really, everyone drifted apart after the accident so it's meeting with strangers in an isolated place where two people died, It's not my idea of a good time, but maybe things work out at the end I hope.



β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Full Name: Jacqueline Levesque
Nicknames: Jackie
Age: 27
Birthday: October 11th
Gender: F (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Retail Assistant Manager & National Park Guide
Role: The Bystander


Jackie's got dark black hair, brown skin, and a smattering freckles across a nose that's always been just ever-so-slightly offset. Curled hair is often tied back and under a baseball cap. She's got bright, albeit dark eyes, and her natural expression seems to be a light smile with a smidgen of a tooth gap on her left. She's got thick, dark brows, and a face sitting on a fine line between soft and rugged.

She's just a little taller than the average woman her age, athletically built from years of runnin' around in the woods. She seems built for stamina more than anything else, and is usually practically dressed. Generally, she seems to carry the vibes of your classic camp counselor wherever she goes.

Height: 5'9
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Modifications: A small tattoo near her ankle of a moth.
Scars: A couple of nicks near the legs after trudging through branches and thorns and all kinds of other things.
Notable Features: A slight tooth gap, a perpetual smile, and a slightly offset nose.


Jackie’s a nature nut with a running streak as somebody who never quite wins- but equally importantly, never quite loses either. She never really does bad, but neither does she ever truly do good- just fine. Jackie seems to be middlingly average in just about every sense of the word- rarely does she ever outwardly disagree with somebody, and under no circumstances does she ever "rock the boat" unless she absolutely has to. She keeps to herself, and is strikingly good at never sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

It's unclear whether she's truly loyal to anything or more just complacent with where she is. She's a drifter that floats between ideas but never truly dedicates to any but a select few. There's a definite sense of simply going where the wind takes her- Jackie's fine to go along with where she's led, so long as it isn't into anything too clearly terrible. Some might call it complacency- some might call her willingness to try just about anything that presents itself to her adventurous.

That's not to say that Jackie doesn't have strong opinions on anything- it's more just that she keeps them to herself. She isn't naturally neutral in the way she usually is; for the most part, it's all just disguise to avoid conflict, even if she's internally fuming. Jackie has a strong sense of right and wrong, but rarely does it ever override her tendency to people-please. Otherwise, she's typically outgoing, friendly, understanding, and willing to help- on paper, one of the nicest people you could meet. To most, at least- she readily masks her flaws out of an inefficient desire to be liked or tolerated by everyone she meets.

Likes: Insects, climbing, dogs
Dislikes: Swimming, coffee black, rockin' the boat
Hobbies: Hiking, camping, herping
Fears: Losing friends, causing conflict
Strengths: Athleticism, cooperation, wilderness knowledge
Weaknesses: Choice paralysis, confrontation, manipulating anybody
Vices: Indecisive, permissible, complacent
Virtues: Friendly, level-headed, adaptable


  • Jackie came from average people; her father a welder, her mother a kindergarten teacher, and several older siblings. She had no grand, defining tragedy- things were normal most of her life, and they stayed that way. The disappearance is the weirdest shit she's ever been a part of, and she's taken considerable steps to distance herself from it.
  • It was clear that most things she found fun lay outdoors- especially the little things, creepy-crawlies and other little bugs of the like became her main interest.
  • Throughout childhood and even now, Jackie was a people-pleaser- she wanted the attention of her older siblings, and got anxious when they disagreed, so she tried to become a mediator to save herself stress. This trait has remained ever since.
  • Jackie stayed the same up until the beginning of high school, where an excitable child began to mellow out. She was easy to make friends with, adapting to what other people wanted of her.
  • It was just around the end of high school that she became "friends" with the twins- more like talking to Lauren by chance, then ending up being dragged along for a few outings since Jackie never seemed to disagree.
  • She got a look at the lifestyle beyond hers, bewildered at Lauren, Kirk, and many of their friends who would just throw their money around. It was almost insane- throwing down the same amount of cash on one thing that cost more than her dad would make in a week, and barely batting an eye. She became keenly aware of this difference, coming to dislike the devil-may-care and almost arrogance of Kirk and Laura. Still, she remained, more motivated to keep friends than to say anything about it.
  • Still. Even if they seemed intent on constantly reminding her of the distinct contrast, entirely on accident- fine, she could bear it. Jackie wanted friends, no matter how up-and-coming they were.
  • She ended up getting invited to the Lodge party- she didn't know anyone else that was going, but accepted the invitation nonetheless.
  • Jackie had been told a lot of things, both before the party and during it by the people she'd just met- the rumor mill, beef with other people, the shit they'd been up to- her personable demeanor seemed to make it so people would just spill whatever they wanted to her. Jackie had to please everybody- and that meant keeping her nose out of things it didn’t belong in, listening when people would talk, and more importantly… not being a damn snitch. She just went along for the ride. Much as she hates to think about it, Jackie was complicit in what followed- but through inaction rather than causing anything herself.
  • The information she learned concerned her, but she kept it to herself. It eventually boiled over- Jackie wasn't present at the time, but she headed over once she heard the commotion come to a head.
  • She thought she'd be best equipped to handle the woods, but- she knew better than most of them that a mountain freeze is not to be messed with, and they wouldn't be finding anything if the people chasing after caught something.
  • When they weren't found- Jackie's main connection to everyone else went with them. Wanting to distance herself from the only real tragedy that she'd ever been near (and quite yet having the money for university), Jackie went north. Not the bonafide remote Yukon, just a bit further up from home- became a guide up at Wood Buffalo. Needed a second job, but it worked out. For now. Everyone's got their fancy post-uni jobs, and Jackie has… her stupid retail. The guide job is fun, though.
  • The most standout thing she's done since is get herself a girlfriend and not lose her house. Truly a win for any adult of the modern era. Otherwise, she's kept shit simple.
  • She's been astoundingly hesitant to return, given her scarce knowledge of everybody attending- that, and she'd known what was going on and hadn't said anything. Still- who's going to refuse the parents? She knows she'd feel like shit if she did, so she went.
What do they think happened up on the mountain?
"Shit. I couldn't tell. I've never liked drama. Even when I was learning about Lauren's friends- I kept my hands out of it. I knew everything- I didn't really want to, but I did. I could've said something about it, and I didn't. I don't think dwelling on it any more than I already have is going to help anybody.

My only real thought is that it was stupid. It was something that only idiot teenagers would do or give a shit about. Wasn't not worth it in the slightest. I think I know the reasons, but I don't know how or why it went down the way it did."

Do they believe in monsters?
"You know, I don't really know. I don't think I believe in werewolves, or vampires, or anything like that. But I've spent a lot of time out in the woods by myself- a lot of it past dark. There's a lot of freaky noises and shadows that are animals- but there are some I've never heard or seen before in my life, and never heard or seen again, and nobody's ever known what they were when I asked.

I just like to be sensible. If I don't touch any of that stuff, it's not gonna touch me. You're not gonna catch me with an Ouija board."

How did they feel about Lauren and Kirk's deaths?
"Shit. I feel terrible, I really do. It was bad at the time, and thinking back on it- it's even worse knowing how young we were. I've done so much in a decade- can't imagine only getting eighteen years, now. I light a candle every year, if I do nothing else. They were mean as fuck a lot of the time, but hell- there's not a person on this earth who wasn't a shithead teenager."

How do they feel about this ten-year reunion?
"Bad omen, bad feeling, bad idea, but who's going to deny the family right now? We're the shitheads who argued enough for people to run off into the cold alone."

Are they scared of the mountain?
"Anyone with a healthy brain should be. The cold can be a bigger killer than everyone thinks. I don't think the place is cursed or anything, it's just… the whole environment up there, you know? Mountains are dangerous any time of year, but especially winter."

Do they think something bad will happen at the reunion?
"I hope not. I hope that a decade has given everyone enough time to calm down and not be so hot-headed. Still. I get the feeling that something might come up, now that we're all back together."

Are they excited to see everyone again?
"I'm not sure. I think I'd be happy to see everybody, but that feeling is getting colored by just how much of a bad idea I think this is. Any other place, any other time, any other reason? Yeah, I think it'd be alright. But here? Now? Can't help but think about it."


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