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Fandom [Dawn of Justice] Midnight Exchange



Princess of the Stars
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Keiyō Industrial Zone
10:00 P.M.

Slim, Newt, and Bricks stood in the darkened warehouse. The place was a wreck, abandoned ages ago by the corporation that owned it, deemed to be a profit loss. Moonlight streamed in from the shattered windows and empty doorways, illuminating all the street art that had been posted by gang members and youngsters trying to make a name for themselves. Broken glass lined the floor, some from the busted out windows, some from disposed bottles. Finally, one of the men, Slim, broke the silence.

"Why the hell do we always show up so early? No ones ever here. We're the only ones cheap enough to to use such a shit hole meeting place. Next time we show up on the dot. None of this hour before hand nonsense."


The woman called Newt spoke next, smacking slim in the back of the head.​

"We show up when I decide we show up. If he get's even the faintest whiff that there is someone else nearby, he'll ditch. We scope the place out, and clear out any riff raff. The first time we get here on the dot, and there's some stupid pop up rave or some shit going on, I'm pushing you in front of a train."
Finally the one called Bricks chimed in.


"Jesus, you two always fighting. Just fuck and get it over with already. I'm gonna go check on the merchandise so I don't have to listen to you two any longer."

He stands up and puts out his cigarette on a no smoking sign and heads out of the building and into the maze of shipping containers, keys jingling in his had as he whistles.The night air is chilly and moon is bright. In the distance a factory whistle blows. The air smells of oil and gasoline as Bricks makes his way to a stack of containers near an old railway. He approaches one of the containers on the bottom of the stack and bangs on it three times, before he unlocks the chain sealing it shut.

"Get back. I won't hesitate to kill anyone who tries to run."

After his announcement he opens the door and looks inside. In the back of the container, ten people huddle away from the opening.

"Just a few hours left and you'll be on your way to your new home. Sit tight and don't do anything stupid."

He grins at the group and closes the door.

Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid Silent Angel Silent Angel
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The Appraiser

9:00 P.M.

Valentine stood in the gallery, wine glass in his hand watching the patrons as they viewed the photos displayed on the walls. He hated these events, in a way. It was always difficult to put ones work out there for others to see. Criticize. We wanted to show the world what he was capable of, but doing so required him to make himself vulnerable. And that was something he had little interest in. He wanted to just activate his camouflage and vanish. But his therapist had advised against behaving that way, suggesting that putting himself out there in safe environments might benefit him. He took another sip of wine and glanced around. Almost everyone was huddled around his shots of the fight at the airport Four days ago, when he left the states. Everyone loved the fight stills, they had always been his most popular work. The problem was, now that his work was used in legal proceedings he couldn't just display any image he captured. Luckily the airport fight hadn't been a job, he was just there by chance. As he turned his attention to his other, less crowded works, he locked eyes with a well dressed man looking at one of the recent photos from the bank heist. Valentine downed his wine and walked over.

"I see you've noticed my favorite photo in my collection. Lucius Valentine, the photographer." He stood next to the man and looked at the photo. It was a woman in an American World War I soldiers uniform and gas mask freeing hostages. The faces of the hostages were all out of focus, but the gas mask covering the woman's face was not. The man smiled and looked at Valentine. "Yes, I know who you are. I'm quite familiar with your work. I follow the court cases you're involved in, that's where your best work is displayed." Valentine frowned, thinking this man would be different than the others. "Oh, well, if it's scenes of action and glory you prefer, I recommend you check out the wall at the back." The man laughs seeing Valentines obvious disappointment. "No. I'm quite happy here, thank you. It's not he action scenes that I enjoy. It's the way you capture the victims. you have such a talent for showing their plight and struggle and then their elation when they are saved. It's beautiful. And the fact that you donate all sales of your art to victims and their families. Quite a wonderful thing. I was just curious why this image was here. Usually images from cases can't be sold, do to the rights of the heroes images. Did this woman give her permission for you to publish this?" Valentine smiles and grabs another glass of wine from a passing waiter. "Well that's the thing. She's unlicensed. I can't show the faces of the victims for legal reasons, of course, but she is acting outside the law. If she were to dispute the use of her image, she would have to admit to illegal activity." The man stares at the picture for a moment. "What a bizarre situation to find one self in. The moral and legal connotations of your work are far more interesting than the simple battles that take place within them. How much?" Valentine chokes on his wine. "I'm sorry?" The man smiles. "How much? I want all of it. The rights to it, the original image, everything. What do you want for it?" Valentine stammers to pull out a business card. "You'll have to speak to my agent, he handles all of that for me." The man smile and takes Valentines business card before reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out one of his own. "This is one of my personal cards. That number goes right to me. I should like you to call the next time you find yourself entranced by a piece of your work. Also, I should like to invite you to have dinner with me sometime soon, though I'm afraid I can't tonight." Valentine takes the card and smiles back at the man. "That would be lovely, thank you. I shall you a call if I think I have something interesting to offer you." The man nods and smiles begins to walk out. "Have yourself a pleasant night, Lucious."

Valentine pulls out his phone to enter the mans info into, when he sees he has a recent message from an old friend in New York. He flips it open and reads it.
[Hey, Lux. You're in Japan now, right? About an hour ago we got a signal from one of our tracking tags on an unlicensed out near Tokyo, in a train yard. Guys been missing for several months, so to just turn up suddenly in Japan warrants checking on, but we don't want to go through all the paperwork if it's nothing. It's probably nothing, guy was harmless. Think you could check it out for old times sake and let us know what's up? ]
Attached is a satellite image of an industrial park not to far from Tokyo, with a tracker on top of it.
[Yeah, Nick, I'll check it out and let you know. Pretty sure the boss is off tonight.]
Changing over to a contact labeled [BOSS?] he begins to type.
[Hey boss, just got a tip on an unlicensed that might be in the area. Shouldn't be dangerous. I'll send you the location and meet you there in an hour twenty.]
Mentions: Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid Silent Angel Silent Angel
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Jezebel peered through her personal pair of binoculars, her attention fixed on the warehouse. While the rest of her seemed to be mainly based around WW1, her binoculars were not. They were a nice pair and had served her well up to this point. And if she had her way, they would continue to do so, as she didn't want to deal with the cost again, nor having to find a pair that would work just as well for her purposes.

Her eyes caught on some of the people inside through the windows, making sure to fix their positions in her mind. It would be good to know where they were, and where she would either need to avoid or strike. As she continued to examine, she thought over how she got here. Hours, hell, even days of having to scrounge up information about this. Normally the police would handle this, but it annoyed her that she was able to finally get a time and a place before they even did. And heroes tended to work during the day and in places that people could see them if they weren't given instructions by the police, so if the police didn't know, then the heroes wouldn't know.

The thoughts brought a grimace to her face, one that didn't show through the mask she wore. She knew she was being too harsh, but the last few excursions she had been on had done nothing but continue to solidify her opinion of how heroes acted. Hell, most vigilantes weren't any better. Once the grimace subsided, a small, annoyed sigh escaped her lips. Sometimes she wished she were a hero. It would make her job easier. However, that was a pipe dream and she knew it, so she would do her best in her current position, and hopefully through her actual job be able to make some sort of change for the better.

She slowly got into a crouch from the prone position she had been in, her dark colored clothing blending in with the night, with her gas mask keeping the main problem for stealth, her face, from giving her away. But even without it the people across the way most likely wouldn't have caught site of her. She continued to move with caution, getting to the edge of the building where a ladder had been built in to give rooftop access if need be. The very ladder she herself had used to get to her vantage point in the first place.

She climbed down, continuing her methodical movements until she got to the bottom, while up to that point speed had been an enemy, now it was an ally. She didn't want to get caught moving between the two buildings, so she would have to time it. She brought her binoculars up once more, peering through them at the people in the windows once more, trying to make sure that they were preoccupied, and when they were she made a break for it, sprinting as fast as she could across before pressing her body against the warehouse wall, waiting for five breaths to make sure she hadn't been spotted, her body tense and ready for action, her hand trailing down to where her trusty mace was.​
Sasha laid in her bed and looked up at the ceiling, her speakers downstairs blasting music throughout the modest home she had made for herself. Music had been a luxury she was never afforded, and was something she often listened to in the few hours of free time she had in any given week. Her simple lupine brain didn't harp on the stress of hero work and relished moments as they happened, finding only bitterness in looking back, and preferred to live in the moment. She yawned and stretched her limbs as she sidled out of bed, the exaggerated height of her renovated living space being just enough to keep her from hitting her head on the ceiling. She was glad her place was in her agency. Some called it escaping into work, but she just loved what she did so she wanted to be 'on call' at all times.

"Except de full moon..."

She good eye crinkling with frustration. She wasn't good with dates, and managed to only remember a few: America's Got Talent, and when the next full moon would arrive. The former was thanks to the 'smart tv' Valentine helped install while the latter was instinctual and engrained into the beast she wielded. A week, that was when the next would arrive. It always left a pit in her stomach.

A message ping alerting her, snapping her from her momentary loss of focus. Her eyes leering over the words with growing curiosity. She had seen at least three unlicensed today, and wondered if it was one of them. The chances weren't all that high...or were they? There were millions of unlicensed right? Howl was restless so the chance for some action was great timing. She wasted no time in gearing up and diving out the window into the cold night air. The Huntress had new prey.

The HUD in her wolven mask led her to the coordinates Valentine had sent her, and with a final heave, she leapt over a fence and faced a warehouse. Their destination. She hadn't yet transformed, but still crept low; hands to the floor as she sniffed the air. A reply being sent to Valentine.

[Im here]


Newt steps out in front of the warehouse and looks around. She lights a cigarette and stand there's smoking. No body had been spotted yet. That was a good thing. Sometimes, vagrants and kids would come by, looking for a place to stay or bust up. She pulls out a can of spray paint and starts to touch up the mural she's been working on for several months on the front of the building. As the can starts to run low she tosses it out into the train yard. She takes another drag on her cigarette and walks out near one of the old train cars resting on the track. she glances inside making sure no one is there. She was paranoid tonight. This was a big sale, and if the buyer thought they were compromised, they'd ditch. No way was she letting that happen.


Slim sat inside the warehouse, shaking his dice in his hands and tossing them on the ground. He liked to guess to the result before he rolled and tally in his head the results. He had been correct just over six hundred times this year alone, one of his best so far. However he was certain the odds of tonight going smoothly were low. When he told Newt as much, it seemed to piss her off more than deter the plan. It was a lot of money though. More than they' made all year.

Brick continued his rounds around the industrial park, walking in between freight containers, checking out other abandoned buildings. But all of it turned up nothing, it was quiet as the night went on. He liked making rounds left him with a feeling of calm. Soon he'd made his way back around to the warehouse. He waved to Newt, signalling that everything was clear, and then started his round all over again.

The Appraiser


Valentine pulled up to the chain link fence. Checking his phone, he sees the message from the boss. "She's already here. Hopefully she hasn't started yet." He stared at it through his windshield for a moment before pulling up alongside it and grabbing his Quamera, slinging it around his neck. He got out of his car and popped the trunk. Removing a carpet square and closing the trunk, he climbed on top of his car and threw the carpet square over the barbed wire, giving himself a safe place to cross. "Maybe the boss can help me get back out." He checks his phone to see how far away he is from the spot in the file. Less than a mile. He looks around, but doesn't see or here anything. "Alright, let's get this over with."

The landscape quickly changes to a maze of freight containers, with warehouses dotted in between. As he prepares to turn a corner, he suddenly hears whistling ahead of him. Leaning against a container he activates his camouflage and waits. A large man with several tattoos and smoking a cigarette walks past him. Valentine waits until he's a short distance away before snapping a photo of him. *Click, Whrrrr* He quietly begins to follow the man. Soon he is led to a Warehouse where another woman is standing out front smoking. The man waves to her and continues walking. Valentine raises his Quamera. *Click Whrrrr* He's about to move to a nearby spot to get another picture from a different angle, when his phone suddenly goes off, blaring Slow Jazz into the silent night. "Oh, Fuck me."

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The vigilante slowly and carefully moved her body lower and lower to the ground, her eyes glancing at the windows, watching them for any more movement. Now that she was here, lying down and moving along prone would be best. Most people stared at eye level and didn't automatically look at things on the ground when scanning, and even more importantly, it would keep her out of any light that streamed through the windows as she moved towards the entrance.

She watched the woman start to touch up some sort of graffiti painting, noting her glance into the train car. She was on guard. Her eyes moved to the man who was coming back to the warehouse after his rounds. He gave a small wave to the woman, and considering neither of them seemed to react in a negative way, that meant that he must not have found any issues. Good.

Suddenly, the silence of the night was broken by something she was almost certain was a ringtone. It wasn't hers. She used burner phones so nobody should be calling her, and she would never use such a ringtone. Plus, to her ears, it was coming from behind where the man just came from, some crates angled to her left. That most likely kept her safe, then, but whoever was the owner of that ringtone would not be in a good position. Just like how the small light from a cigarette could shine across over a mile at sea, in an almost silent night, something like music could easily be heard through the monotony.

She fought the urge to turn her head to check for the source, knowing that even if they weren't staring at her, the traffickers could notice any movement from her in their peripheral vision, so turning her head now would be disastrous. Instead, she would wait. They would most likely either both go towards the noise or have one go back in the building while the other went to check it out, and she could make her move then when they were reacting instead of when they were searching. However, either way, her job just became quite a bit more difficult.​
The Huntress Hero, Howl

The cold night air flowed through the leather and metal that made up her hero outfit, feeling good as she crouched low, sleuthing behind industrial equipment and long abandoned scaffolding. Her nose and ears already picking up the faint sounds of movement and chatter within the walls of the warehouse. The bombast just as capable of being stealthy when she needed to be. The lupine warrior-ess pressed against the inside of a train car. A sharp noise breaking the silence momentarily as it sounded like...jazz?

The moment it went off; someone peeked their head in to the train she she was hiding in. Newt seeing a large figure ducking in the shadow of the cart, before it lurched toward her, kicking into a slide without hesitation. She didn't need smarts to know anyone that wasn't valentine was likely the 'unlicensed' and she wasn't taking any chances.

"Wrong stop"

She boomed with a snarl; aiming to trip her with a slide before attempting a combo of fists into her chest. If she transformed in here, she'd never be able to get out of the damn thing. Tight spaces were hell for her since her quirk wouldn't activate if she didn't have enough room, though that didn't make her any less of threat if you didn't cater to close quarters.

"De moon never sleeps, and neither do I!"

"FUCK! IT'S THE WEREBITCH-AAAAaaa" Newt falls to the ground as howl slides into her. Her arms go up to block

howls punches, but she still cries out in pain at the force of them. She kicks toward Howls chest and tries to scramble backwards and upright. A bluish green oily looking slime begins to ooze from her skin coating her exposed flesh.
"Neuro toxin, bitch. Try fighting me with your hands now." She flicks her arm sending a spray of it in Howls direction before she turns and attempts to run out of the train car.

Slim hears Newts yell and smiles. He was right yet again. He tallies it mentally and draws his gun. But suddenly at about the same time, he hears... jazz? It stops suddenly and sounds like it moved location quickly. He smiles and steps out the back of the warehouse, turning and pointing his gun at the back of a tall man with cat ears, who seems to be fiddling with his phone. "Want to turn around their slowly pal and put your hands up?" Slim knows to aim and fire his gun before the cat man even starts to move, putting a bullet in the mans leg. The man falls to the ground. "Fuck... How did you do that?" Slim chuckles and walks over to him. "Let's just say I took a chance, and the odds favored me. Stand up. You're my ticket out of here."



Bricks walks the freight maze whistling. Suddenly a gunshot rings out from the direction of the warehouse. "Ah, shit. What the fuck is happening now?" He turns around and begins to move in that direction, skin taking on the pattern of a brick wall as he walks.
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The Appraiser

Valentine sped behind the building as he declined the call. Once in a new location he silenced his phone. As he was putting it away a voice spoke up behind him. "Want to turn around there slowly pal and put your hands up?" Valentine activated his quirk and began to run, much faster than this this man could think let alone shoot. Or so he thought. Pain travelled up his leg as he instantly fell to the ground, a bullet hole in his thigh. "Fuck... How did you do that?" He turned to look at the man, now approaching with his gun still on Valentine. "Let's just say I took a chance and the odds favored me. Stand up. You're my ticket out of here." Valentine stood up his hands raised at his chest. "Listen, guy, you're lucky I have good insurance, but you don't want to do anything stupid now. I'd don't think my boss would be too happy with you if you shot me again." The man frowned. "Believe me, I don't want to have to shoot you again, so be good and lead me out of here. Then you get to go home tonight. This way." The man gestured with the gun toward the side of the building, back in the direction Valentine had come to get here. Valentine nodded and slowly began to make his way back towards his car, gun pointed at his back.

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She heard "The Werebitch" comment and knew that at least two heroes where most likely here, then. Sadly that meant that both of them did not understand the value of stealth. She bemoaned the fact that she wouldn't be able to find out who the buyer was as she slowly stood, planning to jump through the window, when she felt pain come from the direction of where the Jazz had been heard. This time, she was fine with moving her head, knowing that at this point, all eyes were focused on the heroes, and she saw one of the two fall to the ground.

She glanced into the warehouse once more, thinking about the people there who needed saving. However, she could only hope that they would be fine until she finished with her job here. She wasn't happy with the moron, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't save him. A hero had to know who to prioritize, and that was the person in the most danger at the moment. And who that person in this situation is was crystal clear.

Her power flowed through her, the pain of those inside and the powerful pain of the one outside flowing in, and when the man was forced to walk with that hurt leg, each step gave her a new burst of power. She rushed forward, trench club in hand, her eyes fixed on the man. As she hadn't brought any attention to herself, she knew that, at the moment, the man hopefully thought he had the upper hand. One attack was the best she could do without truly putting the Jazz Man in danger, and so with that in mind she swung her trench club, putting enough power into it to make sure the villain was knocked out, but not enough to outright kill him, not making any grunts or yells in the process. Those would only give him time to react.​
ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ ʜᴇʀᴏ, ʜᴏᴡʟ
(Sasha Svetmolot)

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Silent Angel Silent Angel
She felt the rush her wolven form gave her electrify her muscles into peak condition, and was something she constantly struggled with balancing. Her painstaking training a form of meditation that kept her bestial instincts reigned in. This opponent a wily one who managed to squirrel her way out of the train and revealed her quirk. A viscous substance she called a neuro-toxin. Howl wasn't a master thinker, but figured that must mean it had something to do with...neurons. Villains through the years of her career often abusing the growing knowledge of her lack of 'research' on the foes she fights, but tactics and strategy never withstood the weight of her brute force claws.

Her body stepping through the threshold of the train door, but it's skin being left behind as she tore from her fleshy cocoon into her truest self. A massive 'werebitch' standing before Newt as she took a Sambo stance and cracked her knuckles into forward facing fists, lurching forward at the same time Newt flung her toxin. Howl wincing as it scalded against her fur, but let loose a battle cry as she fought through the pain and discomfort.

"Pyatka Plameni! Flame Heel"

She fainted a telegraphed backfist before using that centrifugal motion and spun her heel into Newt's ribs with heat and ferocity, but It wasn't nearly as powerful as the neuro-toxin made her limbs feel like stone. It wouldn't stop her since she always fought with her life on the line. She couldn't be afraid of a quirk might do and could only count on the miserable lessons her body had been taught to see her through any wild discomfort and pain.

Newt reels and stumbles from the impact into her ribs. Realizing she was in a fight whether she wanted to be or not, she drew two long knives from her waist, wiping them across her midriff as she did so, coating them in the neuro toxin. She lunged at Howl, swinging with one and thrusting with the other. "Should've let me run, bitch."

With Newt distracting the wolf, Slim figured he'd be safe making a get away. He thought that right up until the trench club came around the side of the building and cracked him in the face. As he fell backward, he squeezed the trigger sending another shot into the air, as the gun flew from his hand. He laid there on the ground dazed. He began to activate his quirk to see a way out of this, but all he saw was darkness. Then a foot came down on his face, knocking him out.



Bricks turned the final corner and ended up back at the ware house. Standing out front were Howl and Newt going at it. He considers his options for a moment. On the one hand, he could escape now and probably make a clean getaway. Unless anyone managed to find the cargo, he could come back later and move them then. On the other hand, It looked like it was only one hero, and he actually kind of enjoyed having Newt around. He scratched his head and let out a sigh. "Fuck it." He rushes at Howl attempting to hit her with a shoulder charge.
The Appraiser

Valentine walked slowly on his injured leg. The pain wasn't the worst he'd ever felt, but it was definitely up there. He was so focused on his leg, he didn't see the woman rapidly approaching from his side. A loud thud and cry of pain caused him to turn around just as the gun went off again and the man who had been holding it landed on his back. Valentine took a second to understand what was happening. As soon as he realized the man was still moving, he activated his quirk and slammed his boot into the mans face at super speed. The man went down but pain shot through Valentines leg. "Fuuuuccckkk!!" He spun in a short circle. He turned and looked at the woman. "Thanks." He then realized who it was. "You're that unlicensed from the bank." He thinks for a second. "Look, I gotta call the cops down here. You should probably take off before they get here." He picks up the gun, pulls his phone out, and starts to hobble toward the front of the building where Howl is fighting.

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Recompense watched him finish off Slim, noting that his pain shot up when he did so. A kick might not have been the best option for him with that wounded leg, but still. However, when he started moving towards the fight, she reached out and stopped him. "Call the cops and stay put. With a wounded leg you might cause issues in the fight over there. Especially if a kick is enough to cause you that much pain. Using it will just make it worse." She paused before continuing, "Your friend's hurting. I'll go help. And heads up." She took a few paces forward, turning to glance back at him, the gas mask not showing the smile she had underneath, but her eyes crinkled on the edges to show it all the same. "I won't leave if there are people in pain. After all, making sure people are looking out for others instead of themselves is the reason I got into this... mess."

She turned and started to sprint. With the pain around her from both the Appraiser, Howl, and Newt she was easily able to brake out into an Olympic level sprint, rushing towards where she felt the fight was going on. As she ran up behind them, she took the situation in at a glance. Big dude seemed to just be joining the fight, while the lady and howl both seemed to be injured in someway. Though with Howl, she couldn't exactly tell what that way was. Physically, she seemed fine, but the pain was there all the same.

She quickly decided that taking out one of the two so they could both focus on one of them would be better. Her club once again swung around, this time with more speed and power from her quirk behind them as she did her best to slam it into the lady's right shoulder, planning on taking her out of the fight with one good hit.​
ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ ʜᴇʀᴏ, ʜᴏᴡʟ
(Sasha Svetmolot)

Newt's ferocity and willpower was something she recognized, tactics and five-d chess plays were beyond her scope, but she understood that look. It was similar to her father's. He always spoke of his swedish lineage, spanning back to generations. The swedish vikings that invaded Russia did so with coin and wit, rather than barbarism. That was her ilk. The Bersikr.

The bloodline is wasted on you, what use do I have for a savage pup who walks the path of The Bersikr? You couldn't be a hero if you tried.

She sucked in a deep breath and caused thick shards of fur to grow around her body as [Bristle Hide] toughened, like a cuirass. The pain giving her focus rather than rage, after all this time, she defied him with every villain she brought to justice. Howl snapping her leg into an overhead cross the moment the blades made contact. A reckless move as she winced, and it caused her kick to again slacken in it's speed.

Her senses were dulled from the sudden pulse of toxin that now coursed into her bloodstream, missing a beat behind a sudden club that clocked against Newt's shoulder. Her head swaying for a moment before she strained her muscles, flexing her muscles to the point that it slowed the travel of the toxin. A man coming from the warehouse entered into the fray, intent on fighting her.

She made a choice, and sucked in another breath. her arms going slack as it seemed like the neuro toxin consumed her upper half. The shoulder charge hitting it's mark as her body swung to the ground, before swerving right and bringing down a heavy kick. Howl maintaining her lower half, free of the toxin while sacrificing her upper half in the process. Her shoulder had definitely been dislocated from that hit. Quirks produced new pain all the time, but in the end that's all it was, pain. Howl using it like a tool as she firmly planted one foot into the ground, and sent the other into the air as an axe kick sailing into her his head.

"Crescent Moon: Collapse!"
Newt & Brick
Newt reeled back after being hit with the club. She could tell something wasn't right with her arm by the way it was moving. Probably a broken clavicle, she surmised. As she righted herself and went in for a stab at the new girl who just showed up with both knives, Bricks slammed into the wolf. Newt was about to let out a cheer, but it was cut short as the wolf axe kicked Brick to the ground. As the dust settled, Brick stood in a crater, Howl's leg caught between his hands, right at his head. Large chunks of brick pattern now missing from him, exposing the man underneath. He swung Howls leg, attempting to hurl her back toward the train car.
"Alright, dog, let's dance." Newt smiled and spun her knives in her hand, looking at Recompense. "Alright freak. You and me now."
The Appraiser

Even if he wanted to stop her, he couldn't in his current state. He watches as Recompense heads to the front of the warehouse, where Howl is fighting. The feeling of uselessness stings, but not as much as the bullet wound. He slumps against the warehouse and calls the rest of the Pack. "Hey, it's Valentine. We got an incident with several hostiles. I don't know the bosses current state, but I get the feeling we'll need medical on scene. We're in the industrial zone outside the city, head to the bosses coordinates. Get the local police out here, too. Thanks." He hangs up and takes a deep breath. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a package of nicotine gum and punches out a couple of tablets. "Hang in there, boss. Help is on the way."

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Recompense dodged out of the way of the knives, quickly moving back as she watched every movement of her opponent. She could feel the pain from the wolf gal, so she could guess guess that a fight between her and the brick house of a man might not go well for the hero. Thus, she kept her focus on her own opponent, knowing that she needed to deal with her while keeping her conscious in order to keep her power up to help against someone who could take that type of hit and keep going.

With each strike from her opponent, she easily dodged and counter struck, being rather in her element. The major to extreme pain from three different people around her, one with a bullet hole in their leg, one with what was most likely a neurotoxin wracking her body, and one who most likely had a broken bone or two just filled her with power. Her body moved around each and every strike, before she dashed forward, weaving past the knife threatening to slash at her as she moved past the girl, spinning around with a backswing straight into the side of the girl's leg in order to end her movement facing her enemy, ready to defend against more attacks, hoping that would be enough to send the girl to the ground with a broken leg.​
ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ ʜᴇʀᴏ, ʜᴏᴡʟ
(Sasha Svetmolot)

A great deal of her built up strength had been put into that kick, and she was not expecting a prepared toss. Her large wolven frame crashing into the side of the train and slumping to the ground. A dull pulse racking her body; she had held it back as long as she could. Newt's wounds were shallow, but their damage had been done and she could feel her muscles struggling to follow her commands.

She could never escape memories of her homeland when she was fighting for her life; feeling as though it was one in the same. When she felt this miserable, it had always been because of him. The scent of fear plucking at her nose, causing one of her ears to twitch. A struggling groan rumbling from her chest as she forced herself up against stiff muscles that started to pop and tear. Her eyes losing their civility and focus

"Those hostages...are...afraid of you" Howl struggled, blood pooling from her maw as she struggled to stand her full height.

"It's the other way around, I hunt those who cannot hunt for themselves! If I can't use my legs, then I will use my arms. If I can't use my arms, then I will use my head-"

At that mention, she sunk her fangs into her shoulder and muffled a scream as a surge of pain rocked through her, holding back nothing. Her body lacking in it's stiffness for a moment as she used pain to take control of her system again. She lurched forward and came at Brick; her lethargic movements belying desperate cunning.

She never backed down if lives were on the line.
Newt and Bricks


Newt feels a crack as the club connects with her leg. Pain courses through it, causing her to drop to the ground. "God damnit, would you cut that out! Piss!" She tries to stand, but stumbles and crashes to the ground. "Fuck..." She rolls over onto her back and drops her knives. "I give. I give. Fuck you both for trying to break every bone in my body..." She turns and looks at her partner. "Bricks, it's on you big guy. Kill these two and get me out of here."

Bricks looks at his partner, then to the wolf woman who still hasn't dropped, and the woman in army get up now without an opponent. More of his brick layer crumbles from the earlier impact. Finally with a sigh, he sheds the brick layer all together and holds his hands up. "I give up." Newt immediately begins to protest. "You fucking asshole! What do you think you're doing?!" Bricks responds calmly. "They caught us trespassing, and resisting arrest. I don't know what slim did, but five years ain't worth getting my ass kicked." Newt grins. "You hear that? You two win. Now get me in cuffs and get me to a fucking hospital already."
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The Appraiser

Valentine watches on his phone as the Pack gets ever closer to their location. They would arrive before the cops, but it would still be a few minutes. It sounded like the fighting had stopped, or at least slowed down. He stood up and crept to the side of the warehouse to peer around and see what was happening. The Boss was pretty beat up, but she was still standing. The military doll seemed to be fine from where he was standing, but he couldn't see her front. One of the criminals was on the ground, seemed like she was down. The other one appeared to be giving up. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but things seemed to be in their favor. He held his Quamera out and snapped a photo. *Click Whrrr* If it turned out good, maybe he'd frame it and give it to the Boss as a gift to commemorate another victory.
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Recompense glanced over to the werewolf, a frown on her face. She was pretty messed up and needed to stand down, but she was sure the wolf gal wasn't the type to show just how fucked she truly was. She lightly clicked her tongue as she turned back to Newt, listening to the two criminals talk, and when she saw the lady on the ground grin when she told Jezebel to handcuff her, the vigilante felt... tired.

She walked over to Newt, saying, "Heads up, next time don't grin when you're plotting something." With a quick kick, she put Newt down for the count, deciding that it was safer for her to just not fall into whatever stupid trap the villain was planning and instead just act like an asshole and knock out the person she had just broken multiple bones of. After she was sure that Newt was out like a light, she turned and swiped a pair of handcuffs from Howl, quickly hand cuffing Brick to a light post. When that was done, she turned to Howl, reaching out and placing a hand on her shoulder. As she did so, she let her quirk slowly numb the pain, her power working as the worlds best anesthetic, getting rid of the pain without messing with how Howl moved. The issue was if Howl could actually stay standing with what had happened to her, "Do you think you can get back to your friend over there," She tilted her head towards the building where Valentine was, "or should I carry you? And don't lie to me. I know how much pain you were in, and I can tell you're plenty fucked up. Be honest, alright?" She didn't tend to reveal certain aspects of her power, but those two shouldn't be too much, especially for someone as simple as Howl.​
ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ ʜᴇʀᴏ, ʜᴏᴡʟ
(Sasha Svetmolot)

There was almost a euphoria that swept over her body when, through the little toxic gnat's sputtering, her strong counterpart conceded. It was a mixture of relief and satisfaction. Howl had brandished every trait her father scorned her for, and felt only bitterness as it always felt done out of ire. Her eyes still fogged from ferocity and survival instincts.

Brick's resignation in words and movement snapped her out of her trance; eyes regaining their pupils as they looked from Brick to Newt. A well of steam firing from her nostrils as the muscles in her face finally gave stiffened; she could no longer hold back the toxin. Her eyes barely twitching and noticing Recompense snatch a pair of cuffs from her belt; silently praising her for dealing with the most obnoxious quirk she's dealt with this week.

Howl was doing all she could just to stay standing, the woman adorned in a gas mask and fatigues offered assistance in the form of stern confirmation. She grunted, barely able to form words with her throat so constrained.

"Help vould be...good" was all she could croak.

The Pack arriving in their iconic graffiti style cars, and starting to surround the warehouse; a dozen in total. One of them being one of the oldest that worked under Howl for nearly six years; Faustus.
The blue skinned showboat surprised to see Howl being pushed so far. It must have been a nasty quirk she couldn't just brute force...or maybe she did? A sly whistle ringing from his lips as he moved up to the scene. His eyes flicking over to Recompense with a curious quirk of his brow

"Looks like we showed up just in time, too bad we missed the action though, let's clean 'em up!"

The Appraiser

Valentine let out a sigh of relief as the cars of the pack pulled in around the warehouse. As he saw Faustus step out, he hobbled over to him. "Got some intel on an unlicensed in the area. Boss and I came to check it out, but no one here matches the description I was sent. He still might be here somewhere, so keep an eye out." One of the medical team members tries to look at Valentines leg, but he shrugs her off. "The boss first, I'm fine." He walks over and sits on the porch of the warehouse next to an unconscious Newt. He looks up at Recompense. "Thanks for the assist. Still time to get out of here before the cops show up. I got some sway with this group, but I can't do anything about the local authorities."

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