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Realistic or Modern DaVinci Academy


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Welcome to DaVinci Academy, an elite boarding school run on a 4 year program. This academy is privately endowed and has a very limited attendance. The cost of tuition is high, but the facilities are well worth it. (There are a handful of individuals accepted on a scholarship basis every year, but their qualification - and the Student App - must be exceptional.) The most recent class size is only 300. Classroom populations typically run at 5-10 students per teacher.

The Academy is built on an island based largely on the one in Jurassic World - which was based on two major locations - Isla Nublar (off the coast of Costa Rica) and the Na Pali Coast of Kauai, Hawaii. (I wanted the Academy to be remote, but have plenty of space and an absolutely beautiful climate.) However, rather than dinosaurs, we’ll have equestrian activities. Of course, the teachers will hint at feeding their students to dinosaurs from time to time. The facilities took 6 years to construct, beginning in 2018 and reaching completion in 2024. It is now Fall of 2026 (start date Saturday Aug 22, 2026) and the Academy has been open for 2 years. This means NO seniors. This Fall the first Juniors, the Class of 2028 will begin.

All students will be assigned a guidance counsellor (by me). These will be NPC’s provided by me and MUST be same sex. These counsellors also double as teachers. However, they are younger than many of the traditional instructors and considered better able to relate to teen issues. Many, though not all, come from money themselves. The Staff has permanent residences on the island, all state of the art 4D printed homes. They are the only ones with cars (with a very few exceptions). There are very few roads anyways. There ARE approved ATV and biking trails.

Boarding is NOT coed. Sorry guys. The instructors are armed and ready with the cold water. This isn’t to say that there aren’t ample opportunities for hanky panky. They know it is impossible to fight hundreds of hormone ridden teenagers. But they aren’t building hotels for them. (2000-0600 are the Off Limits hours. That 8 PM to 6 AM.) Rooms are private. That is, you won’t have to share.


This was a schematic for a ski lodge. But is converts very nicely. The Lobby becomes a Common area with a theater type entertainment center (soundproofing added). Private king size rooms - all with biometric security. The image shows 10 suites, but is easily quadrupled with the Lobby area and Entertainment area becoming two floors high. No the bar does NOT serve alcohol. (See below.) The lower level becomes kitchen and game rooms. The Upper level becomes another common area. The Lower level has the kitchen and exercise rooms. Those two Retail areas become game rooms, with all those cubby holes serving as VR rooms. State of the Art - spared no expense.
Every student is required to have a laptop, with specification provided. If they have none, one can be provided. They will all be state of the art for the current year. Backup of data is required.

All students are CHIPPED. These provide medical data and gps location. They are for your safety. Really. Of course, they have the added advantage of telling the Staff when you are in the wrong dorm area at the wrong times. Or … when you are drunk.

Course loads are highly individualized, but tailored to parent specifications. If your parents don’t care it defaults to provide competitive education. You must pass all courses to graduate. The Staff grades tough. That’s what your parents pay for.

Parents may be flown to and from the island as part of a complimentary service on weekends. There are temporary quarters for them, and a helipad and dock.

You won’t find alcohol on the island unless you steal it from a teacher, the Vault, or make it yourself (for which you can get your hands spanked hard). Some WILL be provided at certain functions using alcoholic beverages that would cost a month or two of salary for an average person per bottle. That’s right, they teach proper dining etiquette here.

Pets are not allowed in the dorms. There is, however, a zoological habitat. Talk about spoiled brats?

NO STALLIONS!!! (Those who know anything about horses will understand why.)

Getting around on the island is an experience unto itself. Sure you can walk. But for longer distances, there are other modes of transport. Among these are:

Horses - not allowed in the general academic area.

Monorail - runs only for classes on weekdays. But serves as a shuttle to visit various parts of the island on the weekend or after classes.

Sailboats - some restrictions apply. (There is a paramilitary force guarding the island, though you will rarely ever see them.)

ATV’s restricted travel - beaches are pretty open though. The restrictions are all about the environment.

ULEV Hybrids - These are fully automated with pre programmed destinations. They only run on specific pathways, but they have a surprisingly long range and are always self recharging or can be plugged in at high speed recharging stations.


The Students

ALL Students in this RP will be NEW to the school. The RP starts Saturday, Aug 22, 2026. School starts Monday. This is to allow a day or two to acclimate from jet lag. You may have arrived up to two weeks early if your parents want to pay the extra fees.

Most students are the offspring of millionaires & billionaires. Many have disciplinary issues to the point that no other schools would take them. The Academy will reject any application for a student with history of initiating cruel violence or any highly negative activities that other parents would fear exposing their own children to. But problems like cheating, scandals, and the like can be dealt with.

Some of the students are prodigies. At least, their parents like to think so.

Others are just spoiled rotten brats whose parents have no time for them.

Course Listing (Partial)

This course listing just gives an idea of what is available. Feel free to add languages and new courses. Courses that require a large class - like band, or symphony can be handled using animatronics to play components for which there are no students. Registration is done in advance. Last minute changes are available in the event of injuries in the case of courses like phys ed. (Books and study materials will be in your rooms prior to arrival.)

Each of you will be required to create your course schedule. We will assume 6 courses.


Period 1 08:00 - 09:00

Period 2 09:10 - 10:10

Period 3 10:20 - 11:20

Lunch 11:20 - 12:40

Period 4 12:40 - 1:40

Period 5 1:50 - 2:50

Period 6 3:00 - 4:00

Tests are generally scheduled on Mondays. Quizzes can be anytime.


I am looking for characters to interact. There is nothing more boring than writing a story about your character all alone. Ugh. Have relationships. Worry about grades - or don’t. Have parties. Meet your guidance counselors / teachers. Go camping. Try to drag your friends into events. Get yourselves in trouble. Try to be popular. Pick on the new kid or social reject (at your peril).

Suspension and Expulsion

Suspension doesn’t really apply. Detention, perhaps, but not suspension.

Expulsion is another matter. There are really four ways to get expelled:

  1. Commit a serious crime (rape, etc)
  2. Falsely accuse another student or Staff of a serious crime. This also applies to attempts to frame another student.
  3. Failure to fulfill detention time.
  4. Failure to maintain passing grades. (If this is an AP course, they may downgrade to a non AP course rather than fail you. Tutors are available.)

Once a student is Expelled, the player must create a new character and get it approved if they wish to rejoin the RP. The teachers have pretty thick skins - especially the counselors.
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