Darkon's Dueling Academy


Aspiring Author
Staff members:

Uta Tsukino, PhD- Creative Writing/Legends Professor

Played by Saphire Tsuki.

Leilani "LaLa" Palakiko, PhD-

Played by Aku


Appearance: (picture, text, or both)


(If Teacher) Class:

(If student):


Rank(tier 1-3)-

Deck Theme (if applicable):


Personality: (at least the basics)
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Name: Carina Rossi


To the modest height of 167.65, or roughly 5'6". Her body is slender at her top, below average bust size, small arms and a flat stomach. Her lower body -that is- her hips, and posterior give way to a curvy figure almost making her appear to disproportionate to some. Her eyes, a deep violet, and hair reaching below her shoulders in a glory of coffee brown, as if it was distorted at the ends with just a hint of creamer. She often wears a simple top, with a hoodie over it, with her hood up often.


Age: 21

Year: Third Year (Junior)

Rank(tier 1-3)-: 1

Schedule: Fall Semester-Dueling Psychology II - 1400-1615 tuesday/thursday

Calculus III- MWF 1000-1050

Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms w/ Lab - MWF 1100-1150 Lab- 1700-1800 Monday

Software Engineering- MWF 1700-1750

Intro to Creative Writing- T/W 1200-1345

Deck Theme: Dark World


Carina grew up with a reputation that followed her from daycare into High School. She was always cold, blunt, manipulative and deceitful. Even as a four year old, she would peruse the playgrounds and would use any means to get her way, whether it be with force, or tactical manipulation. Once she found herself with three bags of other kid's candy when she trick treated.

She grew up in Italy, but moved to America during her teenage years. Always excelling in Academics, she had always garnered attention from her peers and even her teachers, but never paid anyone any mind. She had no filter, which almost teetered on disrespectful when she talked. She didn't keep much friends, and in fact she walked to and from school each day, no one ever getting to meet her parents or family. Some even wonder if Carina Rossi is her real name.

Her way into dueling monsters came when upon leaving school one day, she noticed a group gathering in a club room. Normally, she wouldn't have taken interest, but this day it was a Blizzard and she had no interest in walking in the cold just yet. So she took a look....What she saw was a mixture of everything that ever interested her. It was like Chess, but at the same time Poker...and even a bit like checkers or Go. It was fascinating to her....and as she watched she manipulated her way to getting the guy to let her use his "Dark World" deck.

"Carina, he's the best duelist in school, know way you'll win."

No Response, she just looked over all of the cards in the deck quickly before shuffling again.

"You're using this wrong..." she finally responded,"If I beat you, you give him your deck..and I keep this one.."

The man, arrogant, smug, bright blue eyes gazing back at the young woman chuckled,"Fine, but if I win, you'll be my girlfriend."

Everyone laughed....Carina didn't even know the rules...how could she ever play?

Yet, she nodded,"From what I watched, six cards at max at the end of a turn, there are certain phases to respond...one normal summon.." she continued on and on spouting everything she had gathered from watching that one duel. With a nod, she came to a conclusion,"I know enough to win, I won't need to run across the more complicated rules."

Though, it wasn't as smooth as she hoped..she did in fact run into the more complicated rules....and they had to explain it to her...After a couple hours, she won 2-1, and had a new deck...Then on, she would sharpen her skills on line, and in local tournaments, learning the rules adding on to her deck, until it was more close to what she liked. She never was social though, continuing to avoid people, even at tournaments she didn't socialize.

She matriculated to College...and had finished two years until she got a scholarship offer and invitation to Darkon's.

"Carina Rossi,

We would like to offer you a Full Scholarship to Darkon's Dueling Academy.

You would enter as a Third Year, Tier 1 Duelist.

If you accept, travel expenses will be covered."

She accepted...and this was the start of a new journey.


She's almost...cliche. Carina is the classic high school Loner. She rather have her head deep into her laptop, with her headphones on than socializing. She is blunt, that is, she lacks a filter on her mouth which can often come off as disrespectful. She is also deceitful, and kuniving, often manipulating her way to her end goal at the cost of others. Though she carries herself as tough on the outside, once you break her down she is unimaginably sensitive. Spending a lot of the nights in her room sobbing unknown to others. She is slow to trust, and rarely if ever has anyone she considers friends. Sometimes, she comes as overconfident, arrogant, possibly because of the chip she wears on her shoulder. There's a lot to young Perdere Rossi.​



Leilani "LaLa" Palakiko, PhD


Dark blue hair that reaches to her lower back seems to match her sapphire eyes, as she stands to the height of about 5'7", when she doesn't opt to wear heels as she usually does. Build curvy, bust a bit on the large size, waist small hips wider, though there is a bit of extra fat around her abdomen from late nights in the lab eating pizza. This bit isn't noticed usually, and it isn't nothing more than an average woman have. Opting for a pretty look, dressed up, dolled up if you will, she embodies her seductress role.






Advanced Mid-Game Strategy Adjustments STR 360, Pre-Game Strategy STR 101, Pre-Game Strategy II STR 102, Intro to Psychology PSY 101, Dueling Psychology II PSY 360

Deck Theme:

Gishki Hieratics

Geargiano Karakuri (Gave away)


Leilani was born in Maui, Hawaii to a Japanese father, and a Native Hawaiian mother. Their family were moderately wealthy, the mother being the owner of a Hawaiian Vacation resort, and her Father a Former Japanese Fighter Pilot. She spent most of her childhood bouncing around between Japan, and Hawaii, taking an interest in psychology since she noted how the military was effecting her family. She spent days reading books on psychology, writing papers for fun, sneaking to lectures whenever she was at the University of Hawaii.

Her fondness in the discipline became a passion when her younger siblings were born when she was a teenager. One of the biggest things that caught her interest was duelist, and how their minds responded or coped with different activities. She had enjoyed it so much, she had done her experiment on herself, where she would attempt to become a top duelist exploring the effects it had on her mind, and how top duelist's brains worked.

This interest, turned into a handy skill as she rose to power as one of the top duelists in the world, winning regional and national tournaments as a senior in high school. Her grades and exploits in the school's psychology club are what got her on a full ride scholarship to the University of Hawaii, where she majored in Psychology. She continued to rise a world top ranking duelist, before she entered Graduate School at the same university. She got her Masters in psychology, before getting into her PhD program where she started to dive into research on duelist psychology. Known as Siren to her opponents, she became a major subject in her own experiments, though it broke typical research protocol.

She published several research papers on her way to obtaining her PhD, and even more post. She even wrote one of the best selling books,"Psyche: I'm Not That Good", which detailed how strategy is more than just the cards, but the psychology behind it. Soon, she was hired to join on Darkon's research team on the development of the holographic dueling machines, before getting offered an Associate Professor Position at the new Darkon's Dueling Academy.


Deceitfully bubbly, Leilani can be seemed smiling almost all of the time, but it isn't as genuine as it comes across. Because she's so deep into her work, and the results it has produced, she is bubbly as away to soften people up about her. At least that's how she was most of the time. She is a temptress, seductress, using her appeal to gain advantages, and using her apparent airheadness to deceive women. When things get tense, her true nature comes out. She's extremely serious, snappy, and often difficult to work with. She rather spend time in the lab, or analyzing people around her than making conversation with anyone. She is, very kind on the general basis, looking to help students and those around her, even if it isn't anything to do with psychology. The pride of her life may be her work...but her heart is her little siblings...

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Name: Duncan G. Thomas


Blonde, Blue Eyes, 5 Feet tall, 132 lbs. School: Basic uniform with headphones, a cross, & protective necklaces around his neck. Casual: Refer too picture for top half, wears jeans & Timberland boots.


Year- 2

Rank:2 Red

Deck Theme: GhostTrick & Artifacts w. Traptrix


A Blonde Teen, exactly 5 Feet tall, grew up on the short side of the fence, always being bullied for it. Though because of it, he focused on Two things. Academics & Duel monsters. He acquired a fascination with ghost type monsters, & more for the dead & more necromancy type arts at home. Obviously either only working in his head or in some other weird failure, he'd play in small online tournaments with free time. His parents though, never really bothered him for it, as long as his grades kept up, which they did. So much infact he tended to skip grades, leaving him 13 in high school.

During his last year of high school however, he did find a one true love, Her name was Juliet. She was by no means an average girl, infact, she'd been asked out many times before, yet she found Duncan interesting. More so they spent their time together most of the time until their last school days. A truly wonderful relationship, & ended quite smoothly, with little drama despite the shock of the school finding out they had been dating the whole year.

After graduation, he'd spent his time going into more tournaments, making a living off of them & providing his parents an excuse too keep him living there with the money he'd win. Never winning first place though, always either 2nd or 4th, he never developed a string rivalry against anyone.

Juliet, That girl let him out of his shell just enough too accept a scholarship for a Pre-Pharmacy & Biochemical Major in the Darkon's Dueling Academy, something Juliet also pushed him to do with full force while having a conversation with her during break hours, she working as a waitress too hep with college debt & going too school still as well. He'd always sneak her a large tip as well as too help her out with college, she would not be far away. They went separate ways, not wishing to do long distance, but still be friends in the future.

Wishing to go into Pharmaceuticals, & have a better life so when he would re-meet Juliet he could provide for her his hobby for dueling & passion fuels his want too finish school & push through to the end. Even with their three year age gap with each other.

Personality: Some what of an Awkward, Intelligent, Sarcastic teen, his voice is low from keeping to himself for an extended period of time, yet his tongue is fast and sharp when around anything. Usually he wishes to keep it too himself, though it slips out easily. He believes in the occult, wishing too unveil it mysteries, even if it does make him seem a bit weird. Still, he is friendly too all who don't bully him on his height, even small remarks get too him. Over all, in one word, Articulate. In two words, Sarcastically Articulate.

Name: Maria P. Lancaster

Appearance: (picture, text, or both)


(If student):


Rank(tier 1-3)-

Deck Theme: Gimmick Puppet


Personality: (at least the basics)​
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Accepted, but you might want to proofread a bit, as should I. Kind short if he's 5 inches tall mate. :3
Name: Aouli (left) #0777 and Tsukiko(right) #0778 Palakiko


Short black hair and electric blue eyes are Aouli's identifying characteristics, the eyes seem to penetrate whatever acts one might be putting on, and to cut through deceit. In reality he's just very used to hearing outlandish things, and isn't bothered by them. he stands at Five Foot Seven, so quite a bit taller than his sister. FOr causal attire he prefers sweaters and jeans. He is skinny for his age.

Tsukiko has blue-black hair that falls to her waist, and blue orbs that match, as well as pale skin. she takes more after the Japanese side of the family. She looks innocent, and for the most part is, and when dressing casual she tends to wear long-sleeved shirts and ankle-length skirts, or a t-shirt, capris, and arm and leg warmers. When exercising her hair is in a ponytail, and she enjoys traditional kimono or cosplay when told to dress up. Her weight is only slightly above average.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Twins.png.8b1411a8142e7af07511d9e9ce55cf9a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Twins.png.8b1411a8142e7af07511d9e9ce55cf9a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 19

Year- 2

Rank- Tier 3

Deck Theme:

Geargiano Karakuri for Aouli

Madolche for Tsukiko


Twin siblings to Leilani and younger to boot they were always overshadowed by their sister. Her achievements in everything from Duel monsters to Academics sparked opposing desires in the two of them... Aouli spent much of his time taking apart and putting together whatever machines he got his hands on, and Tsukiko just escaped into the world of fantasy. They loved their sister, but honestly... it was getting hard for them to be seen as anything other than the younger siblings of a rising star.

They didn't have a rebellious stage that is identifiable to anyone outside the family, mainly because their love of the sister was enough to place her under 'hero worship'. Their closeness made the two of them consider going into tag-dueling, but opposing tastes in cards once they learned of the game and it's wonders ended that. Now they are college students, and though accepted into Darkon's Dueling Academy they are known as the younger siblings of the Top Duelist, neither of them is particularly good. As a result a lot of pressure has begun to build, and they attempt to balance school and Dueling, their struggle doubled by an attempt at not bothering their sister with problems that shouldn't affect her.


Aouli is calm, and methodical. He spends much of his time reading engineering manuals or studying machines, taking some apart and looking up how to code them. Always going at his own pace he never rushes, and attempts at making him rush are almost always met with calm slowing down of his actions and thoughts. His one-track mind means that as he stidies engineering sometimes he'd forget to eat or sleep, and each choice of action makes him less likely to react immediately. Loving of his two sisters he is often considered deep, but in reality he just regurgitates stuff that he's learnt over his past. If asked if he were sensitive he'd just shake his head no and point to his sister. Once he's understood a mechanic for something he'll try to make something, resulting in lots of odd, and sometimes not-working, inventions. His deck is a gift from Leilani

Tsukiko is excitable. Normally she's aloof but welcoming, anyone can come up and she'll enter into a conversation, and nearly anything can result in an emotional response. Though most people think that Aouli is the older sibling it's actually Tsukiko, and this manifests as a massive protective streak. If someone tries to disrupt her brother they will face the anger and wrath of a truly frightening woman, one whom seems to at first be merely a friend of others. Her interests, people and fantasy, make her popular if eccentric. Randomly she'll start talking aloud, narrating a scene of a book, and often she daydreams. Her deck was chosen for two reasons: It was cute and it was something that couldn't happen in a normal world.

Name: Uta Tsukino


Her extremely long silver hair and blue eyes make her look similar to an angel, and her penchant for long, flowing and billowing dresses encourages this image. And thus, she is known as the "Angelic Mother Hen". Standing sightly short at 4 foot 8 inches she often has to shout to be heard, but that's not all that hard for her anyway, despite her quiet voice. Her weight is a mystery... though she's heavier than she looks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Teacher.jpg.8b8535974973be7954000d1d45110135.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30605" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Teacher.jpg.8b8535974973be7954000d1d45110135.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 35

Class: Creative Writing and Legends of Duel Monsters

Deck Theme: N/A

Background: A rich daughter of the LunaTech CEO she grew up surrounded by Duel Monsters. Though the game itself wasn't interesting to her, the potential for building a world of the data did... and so she began to research the possible origins of each card, looking into how they might fit together as a whole... and then she began to write. Endlessly, each card getting a story, running on the premise that it was all made by a single being, or a single clan... and thus the lore of Duel Monsters was born. Her book, Legends of Duel Monsters, was accepted as cannon by the creator, despite practically flopping. Now she uses it as a textbook, though she had to copy it herself in her class, as she writes more and more, fleshing out mere sentences of flavor-text into an entire paragraph or more of information, her life's work now a class at this college.

After all, the one copy that was sold was Darkon's, and he decided that her love would be a gift to those who wanted to expand on her work. Writers of fiction based around Duel Monsters, those wishing to turn it into an Anime, and so on... she had to give them a basis to work off of, or every iteration would be completely separate from the last. And thus the Legends class was born.

Personality: She is neither calm nor excitable, but passionate. About the lore. Her word is law, if she doesn't like an idea then it's out the window for DN, but in her creative writing class she's relatively relaxed. Her PhD in English allows her to spend a long time working on her writing, AKA making new lore, and her first lecture in both classes reflects her true passion: Worldbuilding. If you can make a whole world, you can do anything. Loyal and kind to a fault she'll spend hours at a time talking about how someone needs to do something or other to fix their work, often being seen as a motherly-but-nosy older-sister type figure. If she knows something is wrong, she won't leave it alone. Until asked.



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AkuNoOkami said:
Accepted, but you might want to proofread a bit, as should I. Kind short if he's 5 inches tall mate. :3
It twas the point, but i guess 5 inches a bit too short even if he was being bullied for it, 5'6 then, meet you in the middle. Also i have a bit more to add, just i wanted to get it done a bit quick i guess. .n... 

Neshimo said:
It twas the point, but i guess 5 inches a bit too short even if he was being bullied for it, 5'6 then, meet you in the middle. Also i have a bit more to add, just i wanted to get it done a bit quick i guess. .n...
I just now realized the inches part...Thank you so much
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/unnamed.jpg.ea1df09818a78501530befe10fab6f1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/unnamed.jpg.ea1df09818a78501530befe10fab6f1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Agnes Mariski

Age: 17

Year: 1

Rank: Tier 3

Deck Theme (if applicable): Chaos Dragons

Background: An orphan, Agnes grew up unaware of the fact that she had a fortune waiting for her at the age of 18. All the paperwork was handle by her late parents' lawyer, a greedy man who planned to keep the money for himself. He even hid her father's will from the young lady, so that she would also be unaware of the fact that her father had wanted her sent to Darkon, her uncle. However he did not prepare for Agnes' curiosity. She had found the will one day when she was exploring the lawyer's house, and of course she read it. This revealed the lawyer's treachery and she was sent to Darkon immediately, with the promise of her fortune at 18.

Personality: Agnes no longer trusts anyone. She is quiet and keeps to herself, preferring to immerse herself into her music rather then social interaction. She doesn't like to duel much and is much more interested in the creative side of things. However she always does her work, and pays attention in class. If asked, she'll even do other's work for them. She is caring and nice, but doesn't think herself worthy of the same consideration.



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Name: Akio Soma

Appearance: http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608032404360397643&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0

Stands at about 5'10 and his cloths and manner usually give off a ruffled lazy appearance

Age: 18

Year- 1

Rank(tier 1-3)- 1

Deck Theme (if applicable): NA

Background: Akio has always been exceptional in his small town, exceptional at school, exceptional at sports, and exceptional with people. Growing up in a small town with less then 1000 people didnt leave much room for maneuvering and only one thing classified this time in his life to him, boredom. Akio had ADD and could rarely pay attention to one thing for any amount of time so the school that didnt have the man power to run all but the simplest classes bored him. Her was desperate to get out of his town and away from his small town life even as his father wanted him to run the small family hardware store. However one day a new student, a small glasses wearing kid named Ulrick joined the class. He was small and average in every way except for one thing, he had a few decks of cards akio had never seen before. One day while Ulrick was looking over the cards himself Akio found him and asked him to teach him the game. Ulrick was a accomplished duelist in his own right and dreamed of going to darkon. While other tended to ignore the small boy the two became close friend and dueling partners, akio finally relieving his boredom in a game that not only where he finally had a match to him. Akio never beat Ulrick once until right before they graduated. 3 days later Ulrick died in a car crash. Akio took his decks and at his funeral promised to get himself to the top of darkon and accomplish his dream, abandoning his father and the small town to accomplish his friends dream.

Personality: While he has some talent in dueling akio see's it more of a relieve of boredom then his own dream, entering the school for Ulricks sake rather then his own. As such he approaches dueling in such a light and carefree lazy fashion that many would see it as disrespect towards the game itself. However Akio is a brilliant strategist but never appears arrogant. A bit lazy, goofy but usually well meaning attitude that got him so popular in high school is still with him causing him to make friends easily.

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