Falling In The Black

Sensei Fox

Eater of Goldfish Crackers
Here's your format for a character. If you want to add a specific type of planet or species to list that isn't already there, send me a message and we'll work it out.




Appearance: (This doesn't matter as much for non-humanoid species. You can just describe this and enter your species below.)


Home Planet:

Current Residence:


Personal Items:




My Character:

Adahi Freeman

Age: 26

Gender: Male




Species: Human

Home Planet: Sliator

Current Residence: Drifting Mercenary

Profession/Skills: Mercenary, proficient as a self sufficient force multiplier. Jack of all combat trades, master of none, but still damn good at them. Veth forging. Knowledge of the galaxy through experience.

Personal Items: Personally crafted Vith armor, Foot long composite blades extending from the wrists of his suit, Small energy pistol, Propellant driven long rifle.

Personality: Born and raised through Sliator, he lives and breaths the warrior spirit and injects the tennants of honor into all he does. He's easy-going and will get along with most people provided they don't cross any moral lines.

Bio: A born and raised Sliatan. He grew up on the homeworld to a family that produced items made from Vith. He trained in combat and learned the family trade as was expected. He fought many battles against rival clans and on mercenary jobs with friends and family. Finally, he decided it was time for him to make his own way in the galaxy and set off to beat his own path. He spends most of his time onboard his ship, an old cargo freighter, and call it home. He accepts jobs through digital interface mainly and only goes planet side to complete those jobs or gather supplies. He left his home world just months before The Black were first sighted.


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Home Planet


Current Residence

Currently a member of the Watchers - was a former member of the Sliatan.


A lethal assassin and a skilled bounty hunter, Zadra has been with the Watchers for many years now. Her combat skills are completely stealth oriented, along with a mix of martial arts she learned from a young age. Over the course of her life, Zadra has trained herself to become a stronger person. Because of this, her senses and speed are intensified more than any other normal being or thing.


Personal Items

When Zadra first left the Sliatan faction, she took her armor along with her. It is equipped with yellow energy swords on both ends of her arms, which becomes available to her with just a simple downward flick of her wrists. Her armor is made purely for stealth, and comes with sensor pads on her feet to detect movement or quiet her footsteps when necessary.


Serious, stoic, and mysterious; Zadra is known to be the silent but deadly type. She rarely speaks, and never shows emotion whatsoever. However, she is a lethal killer, making her show no remorse or pity to anyone or anything. Zadra easily intimidates others with her cold eyes and a strong composure hardened over the years from training.

It is rare to see a Crold without a burning temper. Zadra is calm and collected compared to other members of her kind. She always thinks before she acts, making each action of hers well-thought out and strategic.


It has always been a mystery of how Zadra ended up on the treacherous planet Mimban, even to her. Since the day she was born and abandoned in a thick, humid jungle, Zadra has been living a life surrounded by death and danger around every corner. Survival was key on Mimban, and she adapted quickly to the harsh conditions as if it was her natural habitat.

When she had just barely reached her adolescent stage, a ship attempted to land on the planet she called home. Curiosity got the best of her, and young Zadra snuck onto the ship when the humans deserted it to go explore the vast jungles. A few hours had passed, and none of them returned; except for one. He seemed to be the pilot by the looks of his outfit. The man burst out of the forest, a beast Zadra called the 'Vurthak' barreling after him. He boarded the ship in seconds, and before Zadra could even attempt to leap back onto the ground of her home planet, the ship had already taken off.

It turned out that pilot was a member of a the Sliatan; a faction of warriors and strong soldiers. Upon finding her, he took her in, and Zadra soon became one of the most elite members in the faction.

After many years of service, Zadra mysteriously vanished from the faction. No one from the Sliatan saw her again, as if she had just disappeared into the shadows. She joined the Watchers for unknown reasons, and hunts politician leaders and important figures for deadly clients.


Since she is an assassin and a bounty hunter, Zadra never stays or returns to the same place. She is constantly on the move, and if anyone is following her, they will be unable to catch up. In order to get around quickly, Zadra owns a land speeder with built in speed boosters and a silencing system that quiets the engine.

Name: Ekkehart Nagel

Age: 21

Appearance: (This doesn't matter as much for non-humanoid species. You can just describe this and enter your species below.) Ekkehart is a man of average height (5'11", or 1.3m). Ekke has small brown eyes and long dark-blond hair. His jawline is angled. Sometimes, he attires sunglasses. His entire physique is not noteworthy, although he looks to be stronger in the arms. He also has a smaller torso. He wears a little worn armour, enough to cover his torso and forearms.

Species: Human

Home Planet: Karia

Current Residence: The Three Spaceships Bar

Profession/Skills: Musician for the bar, The Three Spaceships

Personal Items: Guitar, a small pistol

Personality: Ekkehart Nagel is quite a quiet man. Although he is known to be outgoing, he doesn't speak much. Sure, he looks jovial on the stage, always putting out a show, but when he's alone with someone else (or a few people), he speaks rarely. Usually they're just jokes, and some people forget that he's there. He likes to consider his words before speaking, might be why he's quiet. Ekke is a very kindhearted man, just very underrated in the social ladder. Because of his underratedness, he sort of... developed a charismatic side. People don't know when he's lying or when he's telling the truth. Sometimes he does both. He has gotten himself out of trouble before, why can't he do it again?

Bio: Ekkehart was born in a low-class apartment. His mother and father were often out making as much money as they could, so he was left with his grandmother. When he was fourteen, his grandmother died and his father took control of the work. In a desperate attempt to get Ekke out of their neighborhood, Ekke's father, Louis, made a shady deal and traveled to Pratis. There, he was killed in a stand-off. Ekke was not fazed by this. He just thought it was life carrying out life. Due to this, his mother hated him. She started to abuse Ekke, and soon he ran away. From then on he was a musician, always on the road. Eventually, he found a friend named Cooper who took him in and place him as the musician for The Three Spaceships Bar.

Other: Ekkehart cannot fight for shit.

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