New Member
1: Be civil to everyone, participating or not.
2: Absolutely NO godmodding.
3: Don't carry grudges from this RP out into the rest of the forum.
4: Don't get all grumpy if someone attacks you. Just attack them back.
5: I have the final say in all matters.
6: If you are going to join this, please do so confident you will not disappear for weeks on end with no notice. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL
7: Only one post per turn as it represents your nation’s actions. The only exception is diplomatic action as otherwise the alliance system is redundant.
8: One post per update is compulsory or else your nation does nothing and is easy prey.
9: I will aim for updates weekly/every two weeks as I’m sure everyone will by dying for the chance to hammer their RP rivals to oblivion and take over the world!
1: Be civil to everyone, participating or not.
2: Absolutely NO godmodding.
3: Don't carry grudges from this RP out into the rest of the forum.
4: Don't get all grumpy if someone attacks you. Just attack them back.
5: I have the final say in all matters.
6: If you are going to join this, please do so confident you will not disappear for weeks on end with no notice. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL
7: Only one post per turn as it represents your nation’s actions. The only exception is diplomatic action as otherwise the alliance system is redundant.
8: One post per update is compulsory or else your nation does nothing and is easy prey.
9: I will aim for updates weekly/every two weeks as I’m sure everyone will by dying for the chance to hammer their RP rivals to oblivion and take over the world!