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Multiple Settings Darker Themes (also star wars)


New Member
HELLO good people!

I don’t know how to do any of that fancy coding stuff for these posts so....yeah that sucks I guess :’/

But hi hello, my name is Sarah or you can call me Spotty or whatever. Truthfully it does not matter.

I’ve only been a member of RPNation for about a year but I’ve been roleplaying for about 5 years. I’ve roleplayed my fair amount of dynamics, settings, plot ideas, etc.

I’m noticing more and more that I’m into darker themes when it comes to roleplay. I ADORE angst and to me, a roleplay is better with the constant drama, action, and darkness ya know?

I’m down for a lot of different things, but I don’t really have boundaries as far as dark themes go.

Here are just some of my requirements!

  • No one-liners, I feel like that should be a given on a site like this but...who knows? The more you give me to work with the longer my response will be.
  • 18+ please. I don’t bend on this a lot but don’t be afraid to approach me!
  • If you can’t handle gore, drugs, violence, sexual violence, torture, manipulation, etc. This may not be for you, I can roll with a lot of dark stuff.
  • I tend to only play females, I’m sorry it’s just how I am :’/ I suck at playing males as mains
  • I’m looking for good literacy PLEASE.
It’s funny I find that I can never just write out SIMPLE SENTENCE requirements, I always have to explain it. oops

Also, you’ll find that when I get into an rp, I REALLY get into it. Like you better expect pinterest mood boards, spotify playlists, and fan-art for this stuff if we really get into it.

Anyways, if you got through that and are still interested then don’t hesitate to contact me! I can roleplay through DMs on here or through email.

ALSO if you got down to here, I am also a Star Wars fanatic. I wouldn’t MIND taking on another SW roleplay especially if it’s angst-centered so if you’re interested in that then let’s talk about it! I’m down for a lot.

Thanks so much if you read through this boring mess!

I've been looking for some dark RPs! Do you have any plots or pairings in mind? I have some ideas.
If you want a dark Star Wars RP xD, making a new story apart from the movies maybe, or just borrowing some stuff. Anyway am down for it
If you're still looking, dark stories are my favorite. Supernatural elements, magic, shifters, power-plays...all of it. I also love Star Wars, and I have a few ideas that I'd love to find a partner for. If you're still looking drop me a pm?

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