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Fantasy Dark Lords and Gay Panic [MxM]

Skylord Nexus

Dabbler in the Dark Arts
Hi, Howdy, hello!

I am here today to look for someone interested in writing a comedic, fluff RP of some kind set in a fantasy setting between a dark lord (my character) and another guy, don't really have anything planned on that front so it's open for plotting lol. Basically the idea came to be earlier about doing a fun little story with a big evil dark lord getting into a fluffy, cute relationship with both characters deal with their increasingly bad gay panic around the other. It's basically been bouncing around my head all day, so i figured i regurgitate it here and see if anyone would be interested.

Now for some boring stuff about me:

-I'm a 23-year-old male
-I like to think I'm funny which naturally means I'm not.
-I have no issues using RPN or Discord for the RP and OOC.
-I generally write between 2-4 paragraphs (but that can fluctuate depending on what's happening at the time), though I do value quality over quantity.
-In this case i of course want an MxM for the main pairing, but asside from that i'm happy to play any other pairing you might want for side characters.
-Ghost friendly. Though I'd prefer it if you gave me a warning in advance before disappearing back into the digital aether.
-I have a bit of a fluctuating schedule on account of work and the many joys of multiple mental illnesses, nothing serious but it can effect my motivation at times so there are periods where replies might be sparse. I’ll always try to let you know ahead of time if I’m gonna disappear for long periods though.
-I enjoy long walks on the beach. :3
-That was a lie, I'm basically a vampire so hate being outside xD

As for what I want from you:

-You MUST be 18+ (This is non-negotiable).
-Be willing to work with me on playing whatever addition characters we need (If any).
-Adhere to the RPN rules (though that's obvious).
-Occasional OOC discussions would be nice because friendship is magic (or so I hear) but it’s by no means compulsory.
-General communication if you’re gonna be a long time replying, I promise I’m very patient and will always understand!
-And perhaps most importantly, don't be an ass, because I won't put up with it. I know you probably aren't but it never hurts to specify :3

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you're interested please feel free to DM me!

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