That Damned Cowboy
Hello all! Soon I'm going to be creating a dark fantasy RP. The main story is going to be that of a quest to defend the mortal realm from the demonic forces of hell. There will be an underlying horror theme because of this. I want to make this to be a very morally grey style of story, as such this will not be as light hearted as other RPs out there. To emphasize this point Im debating asking those participating to create more than one character so there will be some to kill off. With that said all will get at least one immortal (won't die during the course of the RP) character and it will be up to the person playing the character when their character meets his/her untimely end. With any hope it should have a similar feel to Game of Thrones. There will be varying degrees of magic in the RP as well as different races to choose from. There will also be some generic character classes to choose from depending on your background and fighting style. Each character's history would have to match his/her class. To start with all of the character will be either good or neutral. After the story progresses a bit some character can turn evil and new demonic classes will be introduced for the creation of new characters. I know this might be a little different than most other RP's (at least from what I have seen) but I would like to give it a try. I hope you guys are interested in joining me in this endeavor. Ill have more information posted soon and hopefully have the main portion and character sheets of the RP up later tonight.