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Fantasy Dark Continent|Culture and Lore


The mind is a fearsome thing, don't tread on it.
Below is all the Lore, Culture and Landscape you need to know for each side.

The lands main geographical features include low central plains surrounded by coastal mountains. The highest peak is Thumasa, which is 1,041 meters (3,415 ft) above sea level. The western coastline is rugged, with many islands, peninsulas, headlands and bays. Much of the land between the costal mountains is flat or low-lying especially in southern half of the land. Mountains are found in the north. The Vertia Hills are a range of low mountains forming a border between the lowlands and highlands. They extend 35 miles ( 56 km) in a north-eastern to south-western direction. The land is dotted with lakes and forrests and boasts a rather low temperature and rainy or snowy weather year round.

The culture of this country is rather complex. As there are many different types of people oh, there are many different types of culture. The overall culture is worship of the Church of the Three Gods. The church response to three different deities. Each described as humanoid figures made of shining color. Goddess Blue made of shining blue light and responsible for the Arts, blacksmithing and everyday artisans. God Green bathed in a green light responsible for nature, fertility, intelligence and life. Finally, Head Goddess. A goddess bathed in Golden Light and is responsible for Law and Order, devotion, Romance and creation.

They bury their dead and believe that advancement is the purest essence of what humans are. Humans were given greater intelligence for a reason. The fact that these Savages around the world are not advancing is borderline blasphemy.

Magic is accepted in the church as most practitioners of magic are seen as Apostles of the Golden Goddess. Magic here deals with the Law of Equivalent Exchange. you must give something of equal value in order to get what you want. This can be a good or bad thing, depending on exactly what you, depending on exactly what you were trying to do.

It is a Constitutional Monarchy. There is a royal family, but they are mostly figureheads and can't do anything without referring to the Constitution. Militaries and warriors are trained in standard close-range combat with swords and shields. They call this practice 'Art of Engagement' and practitioners will train for 5 years before they are let in the army.

Artisans are held in the highest regard for honing a craft that most other people could not do. Steelworkers, house builders, weapons makers and Scholars are among the most widely praised Artisans around. Some people do not consider Scholars artisans, but the royal family disagrees.

Biology of the People
The people of this country usually have light or oddly colored hair. Anything from blond, black and even red hair. The men usually top out at about 5 foot 10 inches and the women at about 5 foot 5 inches. They are slender and have many different colored eyes.

The Dark Continent
The Dark Continent is made up of plateaus, mountains, ridges and basins with great rivers and depressions in-between. Coastal areas are narrow lowlands. The lands between mountains and ridges is dominated by rainforests and highlands, river basins and coastal plains that lead to the great northern deserts also sit here. The rainforests dominate the landscape. Even in the lowlands the rainforests thin into a normal forest then at the coasts fade into perfectly white beaches. While it rains a lot in the rainforests, the thickness on the canopy combined with the height of the trees and the biology of the plants that grow on the trees, rain mainly slides down the trees, so little water actually makes it to the ground.

The Arganon people are unified in belief. They believe that all life is sacred. Life is on loan from the Earth. They know they have to hunt and kill to eat, but like the animals they watch they never take more then what they need to eat. They use everything the animal or tree has to offer in order to show respect. They will openly weep when they have to kill something. Life is sacred and theyhate taking it. After killing something they will pray to them and thank them for giving their life and tell them they can return to the earth again.

Like the people from Areanbelle, they bury their dead. The dead are buried beneath a tree. This is considered the highest form of respect. Allowing the life they borrowed from the Earth to feed one of the Earth's children.

The Arganon people believe in a tribal system of leadership. However, there is no such thing as a heretical leader. leadership is not brought down through the family. Rather, each leader is chosen based off of who would be best to lead. This ensures that one selfish child will not be the end of the tribe. It is always the person most fit to lead who will lead.

The people have a very interesting system of subservience. The Arganon people have a few pacts. These ceremonies will ritualistically bind people as family. Either as parent and child or siblings. The difference being that being ones ritual child is more subservient than being a ritual little sibling. Who is the eldest and the younger in The Sibling relationship is completely up for discussion, but the Arganon people take this very seriously. You cannot choose your real family, but the family you can choose is sacred. Once you take the vow and become family, that bond is not broken, even as your life returns to the land.

The Arganon have their own martial are called 'Kunic', which mean 'Art'. This martial art has two subcategories. The first is Bruta Kunic, meaning 'Body Art'. This subcategory focuses on what the body can do. The other is Cutlla Kunic, meaning 'Weapon Art'.

Biology of the People
The people from the Dark Continent are rather large. Their muscles are much more defined then others and their legs are particularly strong. They are physically superior and the physical things they can do are legend in Areanbelle. The men usually top out at about 6 foot 5 inches tall and the women are usually about 6 foot. There is another part to their biology. The Arganon eyes are usually Brown to Hazel in color, but there are a rare few. About one in 1 million who have Diamond like eyes. These people are more like the Alphas of the Arganon people. They stronger, faster and most of the tribes automatically make them the leaders. They even seem to have some sort of strange connection with the animals. The scholars who studied them said 'Even the beasts of the land recognize an Alpha when they see one'.

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