[Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread


It is the Year of Our Lord 1340.

Norman-British rule of Ireland was at its highest point 40 years ago but by now direct rule from England is slowly but surely receding back toward lands around Dublin, a state of affairs that will persist until the time of the Tudors. The Earls of Ormond and Desmond have become largely autonomous, and large swathes of the west and north of the country remain under native Irish rule and the Norman lords who settled the areas have gone native themselves. Much of the midlands remain covered by dense, dark forests of oak and ash and travel is mostly around the coast by ship between the major ports of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway. A delicate political balance is coalescing between the native inhabitants and the Norman invaders, by day.

By night a bloody war of conquest has come to an uneasy truce. The vampiric kingdom of the British Isles, the Courts of Avalon, came overseas with the Normans but other vampires were waiting. The domain of Dublin and its environs is known colloquially by vampires as The Pale (a name its mortal inhabitants will come to adopt), referring to the entrenching of the borders against incursions by the blood-soaked Lhiannan: a pagan bloodline dwindling in Europe but maintaining control of much of the heart of the island by night though the mortal populations have long since turned to Christ. A large domain, it is the province of Drest: a Pictish Brujah who rules in the name of Mithras and the Courts of Avalon. Other 'civilised' domains (known collectively as the Freeholds) exist in the major ports of Cork, Galway and Limerick, but these domains are fiercely independent and wary of the Courts. However, at least they won't waylay an unwary Cainite, torture them to the point of torpor and then diablerise them in honour of their blood-soaked goddess, so that's something.

For reasons known only to himself and his closest advisors, Drest has withdrawn his advance into the Lhiannan territory and sits in the Pale, watching the borders uneasily. There are whispers of power struggles in the Courts in Britain, certain Ventrue factions wishing to gain control of this traditionally Brujah stronghold as the War of Princes truly gets in to full swing across Europe. A tumultuous time in Cainite society, Drest's court is ringed by enemies from without and a nest of whispers within, but for its newest fledgelings it offers many possibilities for power and glory...


That's the plan, anyway. Dark Ages Vampire, set on the oul' sod. I'm thinking a fairly sandboxy game within the setting, though there'll be a few different things on the boil in the background. In terms of clan availability, most of the High and Low clans are acceptable. Drest has many old friends and allies from his early days in Rome and is always willing to foster their fledgelings in his court, so you can be pretty much anyone from anywhere. Assamite, Tzimisce and Follower of Set are a little hard to justify purely due to georaphy, but I'll accept any justifiable and solid concept. Natively speaking, besides the Lhiannan (who I won't be accepting PC characters of, by the way :P ) the island has played host primarily to Gangrel, Brujah and Nosferatu, though the monastic tradition meant there are also populations of native Malkavians and Cappadocians, and in former times a number of Salubri. Tremere have been appearing in the port towns and cities on the strength of the scholarly tradition, but in small numbers. Other clans are less likely to occur natively, but most of the western European clans have at least some small presence in the population.

I've already had a couple of people interested, but I wanted to open recruitment generally. So. Come at me, bros.
Don't worry about stats yet or anything. I have a couple of houserules for character creation. Clan and concept are really all you need for now.
Some of the mechanics and Disciplines work differently. Clan Giovanni don't exist yet, though Augustus has been Embraced; Clan Cappadocian are still going strong. It'll be centuries before the foundation of the Camarilla and the Sabbat; instead Europe is divided up into huge monarchial domains subdivided into smaller domains on a feudal system, much like the mortal world. They're often divided up along clan lines - The Tzmisce Voivodate speaks for itself, and the Lasombra's Sea of Shadows and the Toreador Courts of Love cover much of the Iberian peninsula and France, respectively.

Clans are not divided up along sect lines but rather socially, between the so-called High and Low clans. High clans are generally more respectable and noble, and have an easier time getting in to positions of power (though individual bloodlines and person merit will always win through if you try hard enough), while the Low Clans are the lower orders. The High Clans are: Brujah, Cappadocian, Lasombra, Toreador, Tzimisce and Ventrue. (Clan Salubri were also a high clan, and there are a lot more fugitive Salubri around in these nights than the seven that survive to the modern day.) The Low clans are Assamite (in Europe at least), Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Followers of Set and Tremere (who are still the new kids on the block, fighting to establish a place for themselves in the night and to survive the genocidal hatred of the Tzimisce.) At the present time, tensions between the vampiric states and individual domains are starting to erupt, and a shadow conflict known as the War of Princes is underway, though the conflict's sides are shifting and less clear-cut than the Sabbat/Camarilla war.
I'm working on a concept now. Additionally, my proto-concept would probably work really well with Aurethius's idea above of being an adviser to another PC. I'll post more... gah, I have stuff to do Thursday and Saturday and I'm actually hoping to have something to do Friday.... well, Friday and Saturday if I'm not home I'll have access to the DA:V book anyway, so I'll still be able to work on it. Hopefully I'll manage to post anyway, I should be home for long enough at a time. I just need to learn more about Dark Ages as quick as I can.

As I'm intending to pick up the Dark Secret flaw, I'll PM you my concept, but I'm posting here to let everyone know I'm interested as well.

EDIT: I talked to Aurethius and we seem to be of like mind. Here's a quick concept sketch, in spite of what I said above

A Toreador (or maybe a Ventrue, but I'm leaning towards Toreador) obsessed with beauty (or whose weakness is he only feeds from beautiful people, if Ventrue) accidentally drains a 10-13 year boy known for his angelic beauty while feeding on him, and Embraces him rather than letting him die. As it turns out, he was living at the church anyway, not with parents, so his new sire has no trouble making him vanish. But they don't really have a use for him... until the political climate in Ireland starts changing oddly. The sire isn't willing to risk travel personally but wants to have a hand over there (if Toreador, they just want to keep an eye on things; a Ventrue probably wants some sway there), and so sends their newly-Embraced childe in their place. But he's new to the Blood, and not very likely to survive physical confrontation, and while he's very good at manipulating situations to his advantage, he also doesn't know anything about Kindred politics yet - and while it works a lot the same, the little differences might be enough to get him killed. So they seek out someone who can both help him get all the names and things right as well as protecting him from other Kindred likely to simply drain him dry in the streets, and they happen to find someone who meets that description...
Also note that the default setting for Dark Ages is 1230, but I'm moving everything forward for the sake of the plot. Metaplot event dates that you may know can therefore largely be ignored - I'll be ignoring the future metaplot anyway. :P

A final caveat: My area of history is about a thousand years before this time period. My knowledge is basic enough. Any historical inaccuracies can be put down to the alternate history of the World of Darkness and promptly ignored.
After some thought and discussion with the ST, I'd like to put in my pitch for concept and clan:

Clan: Lasombra

Concept: Still fleshing out the best way to work this, but I want him to be a Northern Spanish (think Navarre) merchant with a look to increase ties to local politics and the Church (funding, donations, etc.). He's being sent by his clain to Ireland in an effort to both buffer Spain against the Ventrue further East (re: Britain) and to establish a secure midway point in the sea-trade between Spain and the Netherlands that doesn't involve going through Toreador-controlled France. Road of Kings: Merchant all the way in the early Renaissance.

In terms of actual meaty playing concept, high social and mental capabilities. Smuggling, deal-brokering and trade blitzes are definitely going to be up this guy's alley. In good Lasombra fashion, he's the type of mover-and-shaker who isn't afraid to inspect incoming ferries of goods and mercenaries personally and then retreat to his modest lair to read a good book, go over some paperwork and perhaps enjoy a game of chess with a friend.

Edit: reading that again, I think I may have come across as uber boring. I'm shooting for the Black Bishop type subtle controller who'd eventually own half the docks, run several organised gangs of mortals and would have enough cash to fund a private army (or, say, a military campaign). Think Ben Kingsley or Morgan Freeman in Lucky Number Slevin for that mix of 'down and dirty' and sophistication.
Amusingly enough, there's a Lasombra ambassador from the Sea of Shadows in court at the moment, Angelica. You could easily have travelled as part of her retinue, either under her command or as part of a fosterage arrangement between your sire (or his lord) and Drest.
I will keep that in mind when writing up a background story. Is there any possible chance that a brief synopsis on her could be sent over?
Hmmm... thinking Gangrel, keeper of the Old Ways and the Tuatha De Denaan. This guy has a problem with the new conversion. And about 100 years ago would be considered a Druid and worth respecting. Now he might be some quaint connection to the past, while still secretly respected and dealt with concerning medical treatments, wisdom of nature, and more. He was embraced given the Gangrel's strong love of oral tradition, and as a way to preserve the past this his Sire respects and enjoys.
Ok, I've got a lot of interest, both from people in the thread and people who've spoken to me other ways. Post your concepts if you've got 'em, but be aware that it's gotten to the point where I'm gonna have to pick people.
Alexander the Cappadocian, professional bodyguard and adviser.

His backstory is included at the bottom of his sheet.

The very end of it will include some heavy editing as I continue to work with other players, linking our stories into one.
Clan: Toreador

Gaetan Sulloise was a handsome man, and as a young nobleman, even though his family wasn't a high nobility, he made friends in high places, being a socialite, and wanna-be artiste. Enamoured with the code of Chivalry, he fell madly in love with a woman who was beyond his social status, so he resigned himself to love her from afar.

He was in turn watched by Fleur D'Asta, a vampire temptress, who thought to make him her childe, and hopefully lure him to her bed as well.

The plan failed, and he remained enamoured with the mortal, causing Fleur to fly into a rage, which nearly caused her to kill the mortal. Only with great luck, and the ferocity brought about by his desire for the mortal, did he manage to stave off the vampire, and vowed to become the mortal's guardian. Fleur denounced him as her childe, and he would have been in deep trouble, except that the mortal was being sent away to Ireland, and he decided to follow her there, leaving France behind.
PM'ed you a huge chunk of loosely related info that sorta coaleses into a bit more backstory for my character. More motivation and plans than backstory, but still, hopefully enough to make him interesting.

Leaning toward the older end of the age range I specified before (probably early teens), with a bit more experience as a Kindred than I'd originally thought. Childe of a Toreador that needs to keep an eye on what's happening between the Druids and the forces of Avalon, but isn't willing to travel himself. Blood-bound to that sire and very vocal about it - his main motivation is to break that bond somehow. But he doesn't know much about that property of the Blood yet, so he needs help. And in the meantime, the bond forces him to get involved in the political situation in Ireland. Not ready to elaborate much more besides what I said above...

Oh, and I think I finally named him. Michael. Still working on that - I've spent so much time working on who his sire was and why he's in Ireland and what his current motives and goals are that I haven't really defined the character himself yet. Who he was pre-Embrace, etc. Will work on that next :D

EDIT: Just a note - the quick avatar generator makes him look a bit younger than he is. He's 14, frozen right in the transition from childhood to adulthood. He dresses like a noble, and comes from a powerful but shallow Toreador who likes to have fingers in every pie without gaining too much power in any one area. (still working on sire with Chaka, as he's probably pretty big in England, although I can't draw on him in the chronicle, it still might be important)

http://sheetgen.dalines.net/sheet/12076<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_07/Micheal.png.f99a5a95bf2b9ce067d1d80ba2c71960.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_07/Micheal.png.f99a5a95bf2b9ce067d1d80ba2c71960.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_07/57a8bfb76eadf_Michealbackground.png.15370f7681cf7069966c3fc44c3874b2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_07/57a8bfb76eadf_Michealbackground.png.15370f7681cf7069966c3fc44c3874b2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Finally got everything together. Presenting Francesca of Aquitaine, ambitious Ventrue seeking to establish herself in the protean realm of Ireland. A walker on the Road of Kings no longer interested in recognition among the Kine.

She clearly has a social focus, but backed up with intelligence. Her backstory is at the bottom of the sheet, and she is also connected with the Cappadocian known as Alexander; he is currently tasked with the role of her bodyguard. Sheet may be host to slight editing, but I think most of the details are in order.

A visual aid: Francesca.
Right folks. Thanks to everyone who applied, but the choices are in.


Aurethius (SEE! SEE! :P )

Effing Skrakes



Keep an eye out, Once I have a decent title I'll be requesting a forum.
Hoorah! I was a bit worried my concept was going to be too much work for you, plus the fact that I had more motivation and stuff and very little real backstory, for you to bother with :P thanks.
I'm eager for this, too, and very glad to be accepted.

By the way, is everyone but Aurethius a primarily Social character?
Oh, hey Scrakes. Good to see you got in, too. What clan are you going with, if you don't mind? It looks like everyone might be from different clans.
Thank you, SRC. As far as going Social or Physical, I am bringing a few ghouls that are as tough as I'm allowed to make them through the "above-average" Retainer background, so I won't be totally useless in combat.

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