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Realistic or Modern Daring Adventures Against Darkness! (Characters)


Evelyn Bonnaire​



Standing at 5’8’’, Evelyn is a little bit tall for a woman of her time. With a very slim figure, Evelyn easily could of been a model. With tanned skin and dark hair, Evelyn can’t really hide her ethnicity, as much as she would like to. With piercing dark brown eyes, Evelyn easily stands out in a crowd. Most times she is out and about, Evelyn is wearing a fancy dress, one’s that may compliment her body a little too much for the views of the day.

While operating as Miss Midnight, Evelyn’s full athleticism is on display, the muscles hidden beneath her dresses on full display. Clad in black, Evelyn’s face is hidden behind a large hood and white domino mask. On her chest is a white crescent moon, while on one hip is a holster with a pistol in it, and a metal telescopic bo staff on the other hip.​

Evelyn has always wanted to be adored, always dreaming of her life being a big deal. Pretty much hating her ancestry, Evelyn has done her best to fit in among the majority in America, having changed her name and revoking much of her culture. Part of this portrayal she has of herself comes from her perfectionism. Even with her acting, Evelyn is very critical of herself, always thinking she gave a bad performance. It is only with the applause of others that she recovers from these disparaging thoughts.

When Evelyn is interacting with others she tends to come off as very cheerful, willing to try new things. Most people who come across her have a positive view of her, even though she can be something of a diva. Evelyn always attempts to maintain this air of gregariousness, never letting that facade drop.

However, the time where Evelyn is most herself is when operating as Miss Midnight. Having a role as a protector of the people gives Evelyn a lot of pride. She can also let out her frustrations by beating up criminals, which does help to balance her mood. She also operates as Miss Midnight in honor of her late husband, wanting something good to come out of the accident that would lead to his death.​

Upon absorbing a blast of energy from a malfunctioning teleportation machine, Evelyn gained the ability to become intangible. By focusing, or sometimes by sheer accident, Evelyn can turn a part, or her whole body, into a disassembled state, her atoms able to phase through solid objects. This could mean running through people, jumping through walls, or all manner of uses.

The downside to this power is that it tires Evelyn out every time she uses it. The more frequent it is used, the more taxing it is on her body. When Evelyn is tired she has less control over the phasing, and runs the risk of doing something like getting stuck in a wall.​

  • Acting: Evelyn is a professional actress, having been a part of many films. As such she can switch between different persona easily, able to change her voice or full on personality to suit the situation. She can improvise easily on the spot, which has allowed her to get out of some tough spots.
  • Martial Arts: Evelyn’s grandfather was a shaolin monk before coming to America, a master of martial arts. He would then pass down his skills to his son, who would then pass it down to Evelyn. While not a master like her grandfather, Evelyn is more than capable of defending herself. She is particularly skilled with a bo staff, using it frequently as Miss Midnight.
  • Firearms: When Evelyn first got together with Eric Bonnaire, he insisted she learned how to use a gun, just to defend herself. Many trips to the firing range would make Evelyn proficient with a pistol. While maybe not up to army standards, Evelyn is confident enough with guns that she uses one as Miss Midnight.

Born Lin Hua, the girl who would become known as Evelyn was a second generation Chinese-American. Her grandfather was a shaolin monk who would leave his monastery under mysterious circumstances. Eventually ending up on the American west coast, Evelyn’s grandfather would find employment building railroad tracks to connect all of America. Somehow he would luck out more than most of the Chinese workers, as he would survive many years of building the track.

Wanting a better life for his newborn son, Evelyn’s grandfather would move to San Fransisco where there was a large Chinese population. Evelyn’s father would spend decades working in factories before Evelyn would be born, a surprise at a few months shy of her parents’ wedding. Originally named Lin Hua, Evelyn would be pampered by her parents.

From a young age Evelyn would try to Americanize herself, rarely speaking Mandarin and surrounding herself with white friends. Not wanting to end up working in the factory for all her life like her parents, Evelyn would have dreams of leaving town and making a name for herself. These dreams would become more clear when she saw her first movie in the cinema. Becoming enamored with these acting stars, Evelyn would decide that she too wanted to be an actor.

At age sixteen Evelyn would leave home, on shaky grounds with her parents. Moving over to Los Angeles where the film industry was booming, she would drop the Lin Hua name, instead going by Evelyn Rose. Initially having trouble finding work, Evelyn would soon find herself typecast as the background girl in any film set in Asia.

While these roles were paying the bills, Evelyn would dream of becoming a huge star. She would think that she finally was going to do that when she was cast in a mad scientist movie as a supporting female lead. It would be on the set of this movie that Evelyn would meet Professor Eric Bonnaire. He would be assisting with setting up some scientific equipment for the mad scientist’s lab, Evelyn and him instantly hitting it off.

Even after filming finished, the two would remain in contact, eventually dating. After about six months of courting, Eric would propose. A modest wedding would then happen, Evelyn seeing her family for the first time in years as they attended. It would be a happy high point in Evelyn’s life.

Evelyn’s acting career would then remain active, while Eric was working on a special project at the University of California. It would be in-between filming movies that Evelyn would visit her husband at the lab. Wanting to show off his new device to her, a prototype teleportation machine, Eric would attempt to transport a book across the room.

However something would go wrong. As soon as the machine turned on, an explosion of energy came out, knocking the Bonnaire’s to the ground. Then three beings emerged from the machine, odd looking things that definitely were not of Earth. Eric would get up and try to interact with them, only to be killed by some kind of laser blast.

Evelyn would survive by playing dead, the creatures leaving the lab. This whole incident would then be covered up by the government, the explanation that a malfunctioning machine had killed Professor Bonnaire. Following the death of her husband, Evelyn would sink into a deep depression.

Not ready to get back into acting, Evelyn would mostly mope around home. That is until she accidentally phased through her floor, ending up in the basement. Apparently the blast of energy from her husband’s machine had altered her, allowing her to become intangible.

Inspired by the action movie serials that played before a motion picture, Evelyn would adopt the identity of Miss Midnight, wanting to use her newfound powers for good. Armed with a gun and a knowledge of martial arts passed down from her grandfather, Evelyn would begin patrolling the streets of Los Angeles.

She would only be active a few months as Miss Midnight before she caught the attention of Avery Steele. Wishing to assist with her mission, Avery would offer her a spot within the Steele Foundation. He would also promise to help her find the creatures that had killed her husband.​

Evelyn speaks perfect English, but is very rusty with her Mandarin. Since becoming Miss Midnight she has taken a break from acting, but she would like to return to the screen at some point. While in her Miss Midnight costume, Evelyn is armed with a pistol and a metal telescopic bo staff. Evelyn’s face claim is Choi Sora.​
  • Basic Info
    Yuki Sato
    Country of Origin
    Minor Stealth
    spacerA 'modern' Mulan, Yuki has a lot to hide. Having to climb up from the bottom of the 'Oni,' she's learned that strength lies in the unknown. The less who know her true gender, the better. So she ties her dark hair to a wolf cut, binds her chest with gauze, and wears the mask of the [Oni]. Typically, pairing with her mask, her normal garb for missions would be like [image]. spacerShe stands at a height of 5'4" with a lithe and agile build. Her body is lean and toned with a mass of scars on her back. Piercing eyes, often behind her mask, are discolored a deep crimson.
    spacerDistrust: This primarily stems from her temporary stay at her home in Korea. Fellow neighbors or friends wouldn't hesitate to betray anyone at the hint of money. Even among the elite ranks of the 'Oni,' she had to stay on guard for fear of her identity being discovered. This, she now sees her new comrades as 'means to an end' and is often cautious around them. After all, it may be a new 'side,' but the same rules apply. To those who do earn her trust, however, she'll support and follow them. She is fiercely loyal to the ones who earn/deserve it. spacerResponse to authority: Yuki will accept the commands of those in higher chain of command, almost unconditionally. Grateful for the authority that granted her a new life, she is quite compliant to authority. However, she may take her own perspective on certain commands... spacerInteractions: Yuki will speak her opinion rarely and only when she sees fit. Half because she is not one to be loud and boisterous. Half because her english isn't the best. Though this trait may come off as cold or uninterested, she is surprisingly very curious. Though she hides it under a layer of indifference and often suppresses it, things that pique her interest beckon her to investigate them. Anything machinery related especially piques her interest...
Code by Nano
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Name: Sean "Shook" O' Conner

Age: Appears 21 is actually in his 70's

Gender: Male

Appearance: Young looking gentleman with long slick backed brown hair. Eyes as emerald as the island he came from. Stands 5' 11" lean muscular build. He prefers to wear button ups and overalls. His hair can sometimes be hidden by a golf cap and his lower face often obscured by a long knit scarf draped over the shoulders of a fine leather jacket. His footwear of choice are a pair of worn workers boots that have seen him through hell and high water.


In a alternate state. He takes upon a bipedal wolf form that stands 8 foot tall. His once boyish muscular tone becomes more prominent. His brown hair over takes his body and green eyes become more beast like. His teeth and finger nails become lengthy and increase in tensile strength. What ever pants he wears remain in tact but barely becoming tattered form fitting shorts at best.

Personality: His personality is akin to a golden retriever. Excitable and easy going. A person who loves life despite it's hardships. Yet when ticked he can have a very violent temper much worse than any other Irishman. Whether this has to do with the curse of Lycanthropy or not is debatable.

Powers: (Optional)

Limited Shapeshifting: During the height of a full moon can take on the form of a large bipedal wolf.

Heightened Senses: Even in his base form he can smell and hear things far beyond the scale of a usual human. Most of it gets drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the area involved. When focusing on a target he could probably hunt them to the ends of the earth.

Night Vision: He can see clearly in the pitch black dead of night. This is one of the only times people will be able to tell he is a werewolf as his eyes have a feint glow about them in the dark.

Super Strength: Easily capable of lifting things like cars and bikes over his head and using them as rather large projectiles to be thrown at his leisure.

Increased Agility and Reflexes: He is quick to react to things around him. Not really capable of dodging an incoming bullet per say yet capable of catching something less fast like a baseball outside of his peripheral vision or a human taking a dive off a building's roof top.

Longevity: A false sense of immortality. He ages very slowly and can still be killed by the typical dose of silver.


Mechanical Proficiency: His day job involves him working as a mechanic and fixing machinery. He has intricate knowledge of cars less so about other types of vehicles but could probably still help in that regard.

Boxing: While not quite as proficient in fighting. He has a raw talent for it and that led to an interest in Boxing. His most reliable weapon are his own two fists and bare knuckles.

Limited Occult Knowledge: He's no wizard or witch by any means but he's done research enough to know when a person is being hexed or cursed. He knows that dark spirits smell like sulfur and that good spirits smell like fresh cut flowers. If asked that's what he would compare them to. Most of what he knows stems from his own background of Lycanthropy and trying to dodge a similar fate for those he cares for.


A gentleman who prefers to stick to the dark corners of the world. A nice small mechanics shop, a local pub, or be it something similar. He would prefer a area with little noise and less conflict.

There is always a whisper of how young the man looks. "A baby faced young lad", if only they knew how many times he's had to acquire a fake I.D. In truth, this gentleman had to escape the banshees of his homeland. More specifically one in particular, a witch who cursed him to walk for eternity as the beasts do.

He made his way to New York in the Migration during the 1880's and in fifty years he's stayed noticeably the same in appearance. Sure, no one really believes myths such as old monster stories in the industrial period. That still doesn't stop a hunter looking to stake their claim to fame by knocking on the door of the local "Wolf Man" only to be smacked in the face by a clawed hand. Forever silenced and having to be dragged out into a forest and buried.

He doesn't want to be a killer. He doesn't even want to fight most of the time. Just to be a loner who occasionally does a favor for people that can be paid back in the form of some alcohol and a good meal if they don't have cash on hand. A pack of cigarettes is fine too.

That was when Avery Steele came his way. Needing a vehicle fixed while traveling in New York City. He came to Sean's shop in particular. Initially he thought nothing of a fancy gentleman asking for his car to be fixed. But he didn't realize the length of time it would take or what phase of the moon they would be in. Still to this very day. He has no idea what happened that night. Only that the kindly gentleman realized he didn't want to be a monster and some how survived a run in with his beast. So he gave him a home and allowed him to fix his car and various machinery that passed through the Steele Foundation to maintain his rent.

He made the move to a large mansion with a back yard that led into a forested area. So when the night comes he can just duck into the trees and cliff sides to howl at the moon in peace. A large area to run around fixing all the pent up rage he had against humanity and the monsters that cursed him.

Other: (Optional)

Sean speaks in a Irish not Scottish accent. It's more subtle. (I'm not just young Sean Connery.)

Sean has a lesser known less lethal weakness. He has an allergy to various things that can make him revert from his werewolf form on command mostly for comedic value. Most notably Pollen and Sage. Chamomile makes him real sleepy although he doesn't know it. (Maybe this is what Mr. Steele used to avoid a altercation with a buff furry?)

Sean's Face Claim is Tanner Buchanan notably from Grey's Anatomy and Cobra Kai fame​
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    Art by Unknown

    Name: Aston Blight;

    Age: 29;

    Alias: Ser Muninn;

    Gender: Male;

    Date of Birth: 26th of November;

    Nationality: British;

    Occupation: (Former) Medical Student, (Currently) Leathersmith;

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Name: Richard Fourier
Age: 34
Gender: M
Nationality: French


Appearance: Richard has tidy brown hair and a handsome face. He is six feet tall and impressively fit, with broad shoulders and strong muscles. He usually wears a suit and tie, but prefers a flight jacket when he expects action. (Faceclaim: Patrick McGoohan)

Personality: Richard is even-tempered and suave. He is highly disciplined and has a strong sense of personal integrity, though he is not above lying or cheating in the fight against evil. He sometimes finds dealing with weird science and supernatural forces for the Steele Foundation unnerving, but regardless he respects his allies who demonstrate skill and courage.

Skills: Richard is a highly-capable athlete and trained combatant, extremely dangerous with firearms, knives, bayonets, or when boxing or wrestling. He is charming and diplomatic, and speaks English, French, Latin, and German fluently. At university, he was educated in history, literature, psychology, and geography. Finally, he is a good pianist.

History: Raised in a stable middle-class family, the oldest of three children, Richard was only 10 when the Great War erupted that would ravage France. His father was crippled in the defense of the nation, while Richard and his siblings and mother became refugees. After four years passed, and they finally returned to their hometown, they found it was a bombed-out wreck surrounded by miles and miles of abandoned trenches and barbed wire. Shocked and disturbed, the teenage Richard swore to do everything in his power to prevent such devastation from happening again.

Through relentless hard work, he earned admission to the esteemed Sorbonne University, hoping to become a diplomat. However, at the same time he began a regime of physical training and marksmanship, preparing in case war returned to Europe. Though he worked in an unimpressive post in the civil service for three years, he began to investigate crimes off the record and dabbled in vigilantism. This culminated when Richard averted a bombing by a group of political radicals, shooting two of them, which led to his arrest by the police.

However, his boss saw Richard's talent and drive and used his connections to quietly close the case and see Richard transferred to the counterintelligence service rather than sent to prison. It was in this line of work that he became aware of the Steele Foundation as their paths crossed fighting the rise of fascism. After rescuing one of their field agents from being murdered by a mad Nazi scientist, he asked to join the Steele Foundation and was accepted.

William (Vilhelm) Bernhard. Goes by Will for short. Codenamed "Kaiser" during missions.

29 (Aging has considerably slowed down, to a near halt. Physical age stopped around 25 and has continued to service this peak physical form.)


William is an incredibly daunting size of 6'4''. His blonde wavy locks brought out the renaissance handsomeness in him. His blue eyes often pierce the soul. The sharp, tight, facial features he has rarely give way to any sort of emotional foreground. Upon entering the Steele Foundation, and being inducted into the organization-William has since begun to dye his hair, eyebrows, and facial hair (when he's not kept up with it) black. To hide his German ancestry from daily life.

Either way, William is often seen wearing two distinct outfits: Inside- he'll wear a tanktop, black slacks, coupled with a belt, sometimes a variation of this outfit includes a short sleeve button up. Outside- he'll wear a long sleeve button up, an overcoat, and a scarf for good measure. During combat and other such missions provided by the Steele Foundation, William wears a military-inspired uniform provided by the Steele Foundation equipped with tactial field gear. Don't be surprised if you see William customizing it as he sees fit. (Bulkier uniform= cold, lighter uniform= hot)

William is rather solitary. Often keeping to himself or at best sticking to a corner of the room with his own thoughts, William tries to forego confrontation with the members of the Steele Foundation. For a man having been born, raised, and fueled by his pride as a German soldier--William feels quite out of place in this foreign land. Despite having been drilled into his very being since he registered into the German Military to hate the foreign enemies, William upholds a strong sense of manners towards Avery Steele and the members of his foundation. William is observant of those around him. While he may not be willing to speak up during conversations or meetings, you can guarantee that William has heard every word and filed it away in his brain to use when necessary. Often of very few words, though strong words at that--William speaks only when he needs to, or when a situation calls for his final say. It is not that he doesn't like to talk, it is simply because he seems to overanalyze and inwardly question why anyone speaks to him. He can hold a conversation quite well when pestered enough.
Needless to say, the etiquette is there but the trust is still building for William towards the Steele Foundation.

Powers: (Optional)
  • Super Strength/Stamina/Durability - William is a Super Soldier, and as such has undergone incredible physical changes that affect his entire body. His strength is abnormal, his speed and flexibility are inhuman at that, and the durability that bolsters William and keeps him in the fight even as the odds are stacked against him. He is the perfect frontline defense and attacker. Keeping all attention on him as he slowly, but surely mows down the opposition.
  • Regenerative Cells - William has the ability due to his Super Soldier status to slowly heal certain flesh wounds. Regenerative Cells also halts William's aging process to a significant degree. His regenerative cells do not work if a limb is torn/blown off/his head is blown off/any body part is destroyed. He can heal from cuts, bullet wounds, internal damage, or bruising. That is the extent to his healing, and it is slow at that. (Faster than a normal human, though)
  • Expert Marksman - Having been trained by the German Military for some time, and multiplying those skills in marksmanship with his Super Soldier abilities, William is a formidable shot. He likes to use his modified Browning Hi-Power as his main choice of a gun but is capable with any sort of firearm be it big, or small.
  • Hand-To-Hand Combatant - William is a devil on the field with close quarters combat. His ferocity and ruthless rushdown of attacks intend to quickly and efficiently kill enemies that stand in his way. For William, there is no hesitation. He will kill you if he has even the slightest opening.
  • Knife Combat - William uses a combat knife as his bread and butter for merciless takedowns of his opponents.
  • Slight Mechanical Knowledge - William is capable of understanding the innerworkings of his mechanical arm. Right down to its most basic frame, although he is only capable of understanding the intricaces of this particular piece of engineering and craft. Don't ask him to work on vehicle, he's quite out of his element there. Perhaps if you teach him he'll begin to understand. So far, only his mechanical arm is a proficiency.
WW1 is finally ending, but we start our story in the medical bay of the German Military. William has recently lost his right arm, and his purpose in life. The 16 year old soldier was bred for war, made a steadfast and loyal warrior for the German Military. All of his hopes of victory or death--were washed away that very night of surrender. Now he had nothing, no reason to live on and certainly not any ability to continue his path as a soldier. William quickly found himself battling the newest form of oppression: Homelessness. Due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was facing an uphill battle with more than just economic fallout--The entire country itself seemed about to crash and fall.

William's time roughing it out alone would come to an end when a Jewish Family came to pick the young, downtrodden ex-soldier out of the mud. His solitary personality seemed to go hand in hand with the farm work that was provided by the patriarch of the family. William ate with them, learned with them, and even grew to highly respect each member of the family. In time the family grew to treat William like a son, and appreciated his kindness and work ethic. For William though, the gnawing sense of wanting to return to his former life still ate him deep down inside, and his self worth was quickly deteriorating as he came to work for the family for the next 9 years.

Darkness seems to lurk around every corner of the world though, and Germany was beginning to rise up from the ashes of its former defeat. William, now 25 years of age and having worked for the family long enough to make his daily routines baked into his lifestyle was approached by a shady individual. Upon the doorstep of the Jewish Family, William was given a choice.
Return to service? To work on a secret project and be used as a special operative.
Or continue to live his days tending to the land as a farmer.

It was an obvious choice for William, who had been conflicted for the past 9 years... He returned to service. What it would entail though, would be William's personal greatest sin and burden. William was quickly deployed to a top secret base working under the guise of a special research facility. It was an easy job for William, allow himself to be experimented on by the scientists and he'll get to continue his service for when Germany makes its great revival. The numerous amounts of tests and experiments proved to be successful- William became the first Super Soldier of the then Proto-Nazi regime. To return William back to fighting fit shape, the scientists constructed a state of the art mechanical arm as a gift to their new creation. This was not the end though, as William's progress as a Super Soldier was undetermined- his abilities untested and inconclusive just how powerful they have made their newest creation. William was seen as a liability being awake for too long without the proper testing to ensure he was brainwashed into never defying the regime that would slowly begin to take hold.

William was put into a deep sleep and imprisoned inside of a pod for safekeeping. While in his slumber, the Nazi regime began to dig its roots deep into the very heart of Germany. The prosecution of the Jewish community slowly began to take hold and without William's notice, the very family that had brought some life back into those eyes of his were also swept into the chaos.

A year ago, William was being transported in his pod to Hitler as a means of finally going on the offensive, no longer needing to build up his repertoire with such a powerful weapon at his side. On the train ride towards his destination, a spy intercepted William's cargo and quickly realized the horror of what he was observing. A Super Soldier in the flesh, and one that could turn the entire world upside down. Quickly taking matters into their own hands, the spy succeeded in smuggling our sleeping soldier out of the German country. With money on the mind, the spy intended to sell William off to the highest bidder. Our sleeping soldier had no idea, and during his slumber Avery Steele was one of the first to observe the sleeping beauty. There was no question, Avery Steele had to have him. Whether for his organization, or to ensure that William didn't fall into the wrong hands--William was purchased by the Steele Foundation and quickly delivered to his new home.

Upon his awakening, William at first did not trust the foreign invaders. How did he get here? How did they successfully take him from his home? What became of the jewish family that took him in? William had been asleep for longer than he first thought, a couple of minutes to him was actually about a decade or so in real time. In this new world, William wanted answers. Avery Steele took the time to address the concerns and questions William had. Up until divulging about the current situation of Nazi Germany.

William didn't believe it, there was no possible way that Germany could do such a terrible thing, he was a proud soldier of Germany: but even he had his morals. But the evidence was right there; black and white. Grippling with the fact that William has potentially sacrificed the family that showed him respect and generosity, only to return to service brought William to a new low. His disgust with his country quickly turned to revenge for the family that saved him in his darkest time..

William Bernhard would take up the mantle of a soldier once more, a soldier for the Steele Foundation. In order to redeem himself of his past, and to right the wrongs Germany has committed during his slumber.

Other: (Optional)
  • William is primarily left-handed. He will hold his gun in his left, as well as his knife. Although when shifting to hand-to-hand combat, William lets his right side do the talking.
  • William is fluent in both German and English.
  • William has three specific hobbies he likes to indulge when in down time. Fishing, Chess, and Wood Carving.
  • William Mechanical Arm is made up of numerous parts. Built with a combination of Tungsten/Titanium. Breaking down the prosthetic it has 3 complex frames dedicated to a particular set of needs. The first frame is a skeletal base - Required to connect the cords and wires built into William's remaining bone and shoulder blade that connect to his nervous system. The electrical feedback of the nervous sytem in turn powers the skeletal base and improves movement and mobility. The second frame is a steam powered generator system - Located in three different areas of the arm, one generator found at the elbow, one in the hand, and one at the shoulder plate. The numerous amounts of moving parts, connector pieces, cords, and wires making up the second frame is to help empower and enhance the arm. The third frame is the armor - Acting like the skin, or sheath of the mechanical anomaly, this interlocking armor is tasked with protecting both the first and second frames from harm. The tungsten/titanium combination acts as the perfect barrier. When the steam generators are activated, the interlocking parts slightly unhinge, allowing steam to release and propel William into a powerful attack. (Due to the complex nature of the Mechanical Arm, over-use can be met with the mechanics of the prosthesis breaking down. William needs constant repairs and maintenance considering his line of work.)
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Click Fingerprint to Access File: The Tinker

Name: Klaus Schwertfeger
Age: 49
Gender: M

Personality: Schwertfeger operates with precision, rarely making decisions based on impulse. He can come off as cold and aloof. He rarely opens up about his emotions, having learned to suppress fear and doubt in confined, high-stress environment.

- Waterbreathing: Can breath underwater like normal.
- Immune to water pressure: Practically down to around 200 meters. Beyond that its pitch darkness as sunlight cannot reach that deep down in water.

- Is trained with small arms during his naval infantry course.
- Knowledge of weather patterns to predict to some degree sudden changes in meteorological conditions
- Has an understanding of submarine mechanics, electrical and diesel engine operation, ballast tank trim, compress air system etc.
- Fluent in German, English, and French.


Klaus Schwertfeger was born on 6 June 1889 in Bremen. His early years unfolded within the comforting embrace of a middle-class family loyal to the Kaiser and the Hohenzollern monarchy. His father, Wilhelm Schwertfeger, was a disciplined civil servant and staunch monarchist who had served in the Kaiserliche Marine (Kaiser's Navy) on board SMS Eber as gunnery officer and saw action during the Nauruan Civil War intervention. Wilhelm believed in the virtues of duty, order, and loyalty—values he would impress upon his children through word and deed.

Klaus joined the Kaiserliche Marine as a Seekadett in 1907. His training at sea began with the SMS Moltke, a Bismarck-class screw corvette, the fleet training exercises and overseas training cruises brought him to the West Indies and Mediterranean Sea. Between 1910 and 1911 he attended several specialized courses in the newly established Naval Academy Mürwik, including those of artillery, torpedoes, and naval infantry. In 1912 Klaus was promoted to Leutnant zur See and given command of the torpedo boat S 141 in the 2nd Torpedo-Boat Flotilla.

At the beginning of hostilities of WW1 in 1914, he was assigned to SM U-17 as First Watch Officer. During the patrol in August 1915, U-17 intercepted a Swedish steamer freighter, Schwertfeger personally led the boarding inspection. Amid crates of cargoes, he found something unusual—an ancient, corroded amulet, resembling a small idol carved from deep green stone, with the texture of seaweed and the smell of brine, neither he nor his crew could identify. Schwertfeger felt a strange compulsion as he touched it. When questioned, the merchant captain claimed the artefact was a shipping order from a trader in Narvik according to the manifest, but the details were vague. The Swedish ship was eventually found to be shipping war contraband, and as such the crew were ordered to evacuate and the freighter was sunk without casualty. Schwertfeger kept the amulet he found.

In 1916, he was promoted to Kapitänleutnant and given command of SM U-127, seeing limited success before unrestricted submarine warfare reinstated in 1917, by 1918 U-127 had sunk some 40 ships, totalling around 100,000 tons of allied shippings under his command. In his meritorious service, he was awarded Order of the Crown 4th class, Iron Cross both classes, Royal House Order of Hohenzollern, as well as the Bremen Hanseatic Cross from his hometown of Bremen.

U-127 was lost when she struck a naval mine off Flanders in November 1918. The explosion was catastrophic, tearing through the hull and flooding compartments in seconds. Schwertfeger barely had time to react before the world turned into chaos—screams, rushing water, and the groaning of metal filled his ears as the submarine sank rapidly into the depths. The last thing he remembered was the freezing water enveloping him and the sensation of drowning.

But death never came.

Schwertfeger awoke in eerie silence, the shattered wreck of the U-127 resting on the ocean floor around him. The bodies of his crew floated lifelessly in the murky water, their faces pale and contorted in frozen terror. Strangely, Schwertfeger was not dead. His lungs, instead of burning for air, felt perfectly normal, as if he were breathing air instead of water. He looked down at his hands and saw the bronze artifact glowing faintly against his chest, the strange carvings pulsating like a heartbeat.

At first, he thought it was some form of hallucination brought on by near-death shock. But as he drifted through the wreckage, he realized the truth—the artifact had granted him the ability to breathe underwater. He swam effortlessly through the wreckage, feeling more alive and attuned to the water than he ever had on the surface. The sea welcomed him like a mother embracing her child.

After being rescued by a German torpedo boat, he would learn the news of the Kiel mutiny and the following armistice. And just like that, the Great War ended just as abruptly as how it started, without resolving any of the causes that had caused it in the first place. The veterans demobilised into a society of confusion. Home that was subverted by communists, left-wing militias and protestors. The government, fatherland, and ideals they once served are gone along with their pensions and welfare. Savings earned through hard work vanished overnight, bank deposits all became worthless.

Like many fellow veterans, he turned to the Freikorps to fight against the communists and other revolutionaries attempting to overthrow the Deutsches Reich. He was one of the original member of the Marine Brigade Ehrhardt in Janurary 1919 to oppose the communists proclaimed Wilhelmshaven Soviet Republic, Schwertfeger was among one of the 300 men gathered by Hermann Ehrhardt to storm the 1,000-man barracks where the communist revolutionaries had entrenched themselves. The resistance quickly collapsed, and as a result of the success the formation of the Second Marine Brigade Ehrhardt was officialised. With the brigade, Schwertfeger participated in the suppression of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and the First Silesian Uprising, both in the first half of 1919. In March 1920, faced with its imminent disbanding by orders of the government in Berlin, the Marine Brigade was one of the main supporters of the Kapp Putsch that tried to overthrow the Weimar Republic. The Putsch failed and the brigade was disbanded, a large part of the brigade was absorb into the Reichsmarine as reliable cadres, Schwertfeger was assigned to the North Sea Fleet flagship SMS Schleswig-Holstein, as the ship communications officer. During his time on board the Schleswig-Holstein one of the young ensign under his command was Reinhard Heydrich, he noted him for excellence in performance and cleared him for promotion.

Although Schwertfeger grew weary of politics and sought to be away from it, many of his comrades from the Marine Brigade Ehrhardt saw opportunity in the era. Many of the members of Brigade Ehrhardt would become prominent members of the rising NSDAP, as functionaries, military commanders, governor, ambassadors, SS, and SA. One of his dearest friend by the name of Max Scheffel, who saved his life during the bitter fighting between the Freikorps and the Red Guards at Bavaria in 1919, ended up joining the SA. When Max was killed during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, Schwertfeger was extremely distraughted by the extra judicial killing committed by the new regime, and resigned from the military with the rank of Fregattenkapitän.

He was contacted by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who knew Schwertfeger about his Freikorps time. From there Schwertfeger came in contact to members of the German military resistance such as Hans Oster, Franz Maria Liedig, and Hans von Dohnanyi. Around 1938, plans were being made by the resistance about forming an assault group to arrest or assassinate Adolf Hitler. Schwertfeger was being send off to the USA as liasons with the Steele Organisation to see if some cooperation can be arranged between the German military resistance with the Americans. The plans would be abolished after the Munich Conference.

Other: Schwertfeger's face claim is Thomas Kretschmann.
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