Renn Skye
Two Thousand Club
Darien Ellyas
Name: Darien Ellyas
Age: 18
Race: Homosuperior - Mutated Human/Fire Elemental
Gender: Cisgendered Male
Sexual Orientation: Asexual (closeted) Homoromantic
Occupation: Beggar
Name: Darien Ellyas
Age: 18
Race: Homosuperior - Mutated Human/Fire Elemental
Gender: Cisgendered Male
Sexual Orientation: Asexual (closeted) Homoromantic
Occupation: Beggar
- Appearance
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 129 (severely underweight)
Hair: Deep brown and wildly curly
Eyes: Hazel
Body: Underfed, tall and lanky - mostly angles and bones
Attire: He tries to look generally clean, but never really had someone to tell him to wash behind his ears, and as a result can often appear a bit grungy, usually sporting a significant amount of pet hair on all available surfaces of his clothes. Darien can dress rather like a ragamuffin, largely because all the clothes he does own are scrambled together from donation bins and pulled out of the trash, and he refuses to throw out clothes unless they become utterly unpatchable. His shoes are affectionately named "duct tape sneakers" by Darien and are so called because they're about eighty percent tape, fifteen percent staples and glue, and five percent shoe. He maintains that they're still usable, so why would he throw them out? It's hardly like he could afford a new pair. In terms of clothes, he generally wears shorts and t-shirts, simple and easy, and all bought from good will (when he can scrounge up enough cash to get some), or picked up out of the trash if he sees it and thinks it's still usable. They tend to be riddled with holes and scorch marks.
Because of his infatuation with sports, Darien has always been somewhat muscular - in so far as a kid who was underfed for most of his childhood and has the metabolism of a forest fire can be. It takes a lot for him to bulk up, and he doesn't exactly have access to regular food, so he's pretty scrawny and has next to no excess body fat. Given that (when in school, as he couldn't get away with hiding outside of it until about fifteen and they at least provided one free meal for him a day) he almost exclusively played football (soccer) his upper body isn't all that put together. While there's not much extra fat there (or any, these days), most all the muscle on his form has taken up permanent residence on his calves and thighs. Because Darien is a pyrokenetic kid he needs to eat semi-constantly, as his body burns through calories at an alarming rate. This kid could probably eat an actual horse and still have room for desert.
He takes after his mother in terms of skin tone, though his father's side of the family has lightened out the tone slightly he very clearly falls into the darker colours of the human spectrum. His brown hair (which tends to live in a constant state of slightly frizzing curls) is often scruffy and uneven, given that he cuts it himself, and it defiantly doesn't help his over all appearance, since most of his clothes are full of holes and poorly patched up. His face, much like the rest of him, has little fat to it, and while he's only just at the end of his teens none of that softness of childhood still sits in his features - he spent most of his early years with less than an adequate amount of food (between the ages of six, at which point he was put into foster care, and fourteen (at which he ran away) Darien was fed what was available, and most foster homes take care of the children they've taken in last, and from the age of fourteen up until now he's been living on the streets with what scraps he could pull together), and as a result his jawline and cheekbones are rather prominent. His eyes are the soft colour between green and brown that most term hazel, and still carry in them the curves and softness of childhood, even though his body does not. He has a high forehead often concealed by his messy curls, and a narrower jawline, with a flatted out bottom rather than a point. His nose is straight and of middling length, broad in shape but not overly so, and his lips are fuller than the Caucasian norm but lack the full plumpness of his mother's people, tempered out from his father's half of his genes. As for notable features, he has a particularly nasty scar on his left arm just above the elbow that wraps nearly clear around his arm and details out some seriously deep gouges that look disturbingly like they were made from teeth.
- Personality
Darien is the sort of person who would find happiness in a house made of dung. He's almost constantly content where he is, if only because where he came from was always worse. Living on the streets he's learned to be thankful for every little bit of cover and scrap of food, so the offer of a couch now and again is like a goose-down mattress with silk sheets to him. He can make himself happy in just about any situation he's put in, and because of this he often never tries to better himself. He'll be utterly content in slum-like living conditions, and never think to want something better, because it's already a lot better then what he was in before. Because he's happy where he is, he doesn't think that he can be happier anywhere else, and so he doesn't try to be. As such, he doesn't usually realise he wants something until after he has it. Likewise, he rarely realises that he likes someone or wants to be in a relationship until he already is, and can rarely think to make the first move. He doesn't understand the consumerist need to want more more more, and likely never will.
That being said, there are some things he will never stop striving for, the foremost of which is normalcy. Darien hates his abilities with fire, and has tried to suppress or get rid of it from a very young age. He's only recently started trying to control it, and it's still the part of him that he can stand the least. He strives to be normal in every way - it's his dearest wish, the thing he wants most to fix about himself. He blames his abnormality for the fact that he was disowned (which is entirely true), and assumes that until he finds a way to make himself 'normal' his family will never want him back (which is entirely not). This is also why he isn't very open about his orientation - while he's not ashamed of who he is and who he likes, he knows that it's cause for being ostracised, and as such doesn't like to talk about another 'abnormal' part of him, as he sees it. He also grew up primarily in the bible belt (Oklahoma to be specific, and so I suppose it's important to note that he does have a bit of a southern twang, especially when worked up) and so he's been taught from a young age that it's not a very acceptable way to be which only furthers his need to hide himself orientation wise. While he's moved further away now through the shipping from foster home to foster home and later on his own two legs when he ran, and has settled himself on the streets of New York, he still has a bit of that conservative Southern mindset.
He likes animals more than people for a number of reasons, one being that he was just never a very social creature. He gets dogs and cats and birds, etc., more than he does humans, if only because they share his essentially simplistic view on life and ability to accept and often even be happy in whatever situation they're dropped into. He also adores them, at least on a subconscious level, because of how loyal some animals can be. Animals don't care that he's at a higher then normal temperature at all times, and they certainly wouldn't disown him for it. In fact, cats tend to like how warm he is. He often gets to play radiator for them, which makes him quite happy. The simple acceptance that he finds in animals is more then he's ever expected from a person, and as such he loves them all dearly. He cannot understand why any human would willingly leave behind or hurt an animal, and can at times be scarily protective of them, even ones he's never met before.
- History
Darien lived a fairly happy, normal life in his earliest years. He had a mother and a father (as most do), and he had a baby sister to throw into the mix, two years younger than himself. Had he not developed his powers he would likely have grown up a happy child, unhindered by many of the worlds worries.
As it was, at the age of six Darien developed a terrible fever. His temperature skyrocketed, to the point where a normal human should have died or had their brain fried by the heat - he was so high in temperature that his parents were unable to take him to a hospital for medical treatment and had to find a doctor who still paid house visits to come see to their son... he never had the chance. As Darien's fever peaked at a little over 200* Fahrenheit the boy burst into flames. Since the inferno started in his room his parents were unable to evacuate him, and barely had time to get his sister and themselves out of the house before it succumbed to the flames - there was little hope of getting Darien out of the fire and they were forced to give up their son for lost before the fire department even had time to arrive and put out the raging inferno that their home had become.
Much to everyone's surprise, however, six year old Darien was found in the cinders after the fire was out, skin at a higher than normal temperature but significantly lower than before, and utterly unscathed.
While his mother wanted to keep their son and find him a suitable teacher to help him control his powers Darien's father was completely against it - declaring that Darien was too dangerous, and going so far to say that no mutant freak would ever be born from him and that Darien was no longer his son in nature or in name. Darien was disowned and dropped off at an orphanage and would soon be sent into foster care, as no one wanted the responsibility of taking care of a kid who lit the bed on fire every time he sneezed.
Darien was bounced around from home to home until about the age of fourteen, at which point he took off on his own and started living on the streets. Because of the general malnutrition that many homeless children suffer Darien isn't at 100% mental capacity and is considered more than just a slow learner. He has little to no proper education and can read at about a fourth grade level and no higher. Had it not been for his mutation keeping him warm and burning off illnesses before he could catch them Darien likely would not be alive today.
- Magic/Spells
Darien is Pyrokenetic, which means that he possesses the ability to create and control fire. Darien's powers allow him to create bursts of flame and high heat at will, and when it's a self-created flame he has the ability (though it causes him some mental duress) to control what that fire does. Once his fire spreads, however, he cannot normally control it in any fashion and it is free to devour and destroy whatever the flames alight on. Basically... once it's lit he can't put it out. He's a walking forest fire waiting to happen.
His mutation causes him to remain at a fairly high temperature except when sick (when he has a cold and the like he drops to a normal human temperature. When he has a fever he tends to burn off his own clothes and smoke, rather than sweat, it out). He has trouble controlling his temperature in all areas but his hands, which he has fairly good heat-control in. Darien's powers are emotionally linked and extreme emotions can cause dramatic fluctuations - he heats up to exceptionally high temperatures when angry, excited, or embarrassed and will often ignite his hair, and when he's sad or in a depressive state he cools down to an almost-human temperature, which is pretty dangerous for him (he also has a bad habit of smoking/his hair lighting on fire when he gets at all aroused or frightened).
When his internal temperature drops suddenly it usually implies that he is sick or deeply hurt, and so when he drops from negative emotions he runs the risk of getting sick very easily. He's never been immunised so his high heat is to thank for him not having been sick often in childhood - he often hits fever temperatures just by existing and kills off any viruses that enter his system before they can take hold.
Darien's flames do not effect him physically - which is to say he cannot be burned. The flames that shoot up in his hair tend to sit atop his head with little to no effect or growth, as they have nothing to feed off of, and will only grow when his emotions drive them up higher and hotter. He cannot be burned by fire other than his own, either - that being said, his clothes are certainly not immune to his powers and if he's not careful he can accidentally light up his outfit if he's not wearing something fire-proof.
When he produces fire it does not normally form on himself (outside of his hair) and rather tends to latch onto anything around him that can sustain it, be that grass or wood or human flesh.
He has next to no control over his ability whatsoever - any abrupt change in mood can cause a sudden wildfire without his actively trying to trigger it (so he can often light up when frightened, angry, or excited). As such he is highly unstable when his mood fluctuates. He also has little to no training with his power and at some point in the future he'll need some help learning to control it. Both of these measures are in place in part to dampen the level of power so that he's less OPd.
Also let it be noted that Darien blames his powers for most of the misfortune in his life and has a tendency to squash them down and not to use them whenever possible. He considers them a blight and tends to try and shut them away and play himself off as human. Were he to use them more regularly it's possible that his temperature wouldn't run so high (a large part of the reason it does is because he has a wildfire in his core and refuses to let it out), it's also highly possible that regular use of his powers would result in less explosive backlash when he looses his control over it. As it is, he has the potential to have some quite explosive reactions if he's not careful.
- Skills
Darien adores sports and usually picks up team activities fairly quickly, but due to malnutrition often tires out very quickly.
He's also good with his fingers and enjoys heating and bending wires and glass into jewelry with his hands and is a decently proficient self-taught jeweler , making intricate designs out of scraps of wire and metal found on the street.