Dangerous Habits [Inactive]


Elder Member
((hmm, there's not a character sign up tab so we can just put the skeletons here))






History(doesn't have to be long):

Looks(real pics please):

Other(opt. but includes tattoos, hobbies,etc):

Name: Aiden Robinson

Nickname: None, unless you can come up with one

Age: 17

Personality: Aiden is hopelessly reckless, never backing down from a dare. He's stubborn and will fight her way to the top. He's composed, and usually knows what he's doing, but when he doesn't, he won't let anyone know. He cares way too much about what others think, so he'll easily change his personality in order to still fit in. He's funny and charming, and secretly a hopeless romantic.

History: Ever since he was little, Aiden was an outsider. He didn't have any friends, and most kids just made fun of him. When he moved to a new town when he was 14, he decided that everything would change. And it did. He became the popular guy, and he didn't plan on becoming the loser any time soon. His parents don't seem to mind his change in attitude.

Looks(real pics please):


Plays acoustic guitar
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Name: Kane Mitsuji

Nickname(opt): Buck

Age(16-19): 19

Personality: Demanding, complex, extroverted, Kane is a jokester and often finds himself getting into some sort of trouble. However there is more than meets the eye with Kane, he is usually the popular guy of the crowd. Like a magnet people are drawn to him, maybe it's because of his charming charisma or people want to find out more about him. No one knows about the real Kane, he's got a wall up and no one can quite figure him out.

History(doesn't have to be long): Kane had a pretty unstable home life, his father was always abusive to his Japanese mother. She was very soft spoken and let Kanes father get away with many things including beating her, until one day. Kane was 14 when she finally had enough and hung herself in the basement. Kanes father turned to drinking and drugs, pushing Kane away. Thus, Kane began to get into drugs and alcohol himself.

Looks(real pics please):


Other(opt. but includes tattoos, hobbies,etc): Tattoo on his neck "Leap," ears pierced.

((Ok sweet, I love it))

The music pulsed underneath Aiden's feet as he walked out the house's back door and onto the patio. There were just as many people out here as there were inside, but the fresh air made it a lot more enjoyable. He had a red plastic cup in his hand, filled with some odd mixture of orange juice and some type of alcohol.

Aiden moved through the crowd until he found the stairs that led down into the yard. He stumbled down them, nearly spilling his drink all over his black shirt, but quickly composed himself by pulling out his phone and pretending like nothing had happened. It was nearly 2 AM, which made a frustrated look appear on his face.

"How on earth am I getting home?" he wondered out loud, looking around for someone sober, and trying to remember who owned the house. Maybe he could just crash here.
It was at least fifty five degrees outside. Earlier the sun had been out and it was warm it almost got into the eighties, such a drastic drop with-in about five hours seemed odd. Even though it was chilly outside a couple of daring teens still had swim suits, and tank-tops on. Among them was Kane who stood by the pool laughing and joking with a few friends and surrounded by popular and gorgeous teenagers. He was one of the oldest at the party. Nineteen and still in high school. Kane wasn't even a senior yet, he'd failed as a freshman twice. School never interested Kane, but the night scene did. Often the life of the party tonight was no exception.

Kane met Aiden's sparkling eyes from across the yard, he smiled a bit and took a hit of his cigarette. He said something to a girl standing next to him and then she looked over at Aiden as well. Aiden couldn't hear what they were saying as they were too far away, and the thumping of the speakers made it impossible. The pretty blonde haired, green eyed girl sprinted over to Aiden and spoke. "Come over here with us, we wont bite." She smiled and grabbed the boys wrist pulling him over with-out waiting for an answer.
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Everything he had been thinking about was gone in a second as Aiden went with the girl and a smirk creeped on the edge of his lips. "What if I like to be bitten," he said smoothly, then drank the rest of the orange juice concoction and set the cup down on the ground near his feet.

He glanced at Kane out of the corner of his eye, but kept most of his attention on the girl. "What do you guys think of the party?" he asked, shifting even closer to the girl. Someone walked by with about five drinks, piled in between their arms and Aiden reached out to take one. He took a step back so he could lean against the side of the pool and stumbled slightly like he had going down the stairs. "I'll let you guys into a secret," he said with a small chuckle. "I can't remember how many drinks I've had and I can't feel my feet."
Kane smirked as he watched the boy stumble around a bit. He had sent the girl over to retrieve the boy for himself, but he could already see this would be more work than he had anticipated. Aiden was only keeping his eyes on the stunning blonde, but every so often he would catch the boy sneaking glances. Kane reached out taking the red plastic cup from Aidens grasp. "Alright then, since you've got enough liquid courage in your system let's play a game." Some of the surrounding teens chanted and cheered with encouragement. "Truth or dare" Kane exclaimed "go ahead kid, pick"

Kane spoke softly considering all the noise and chaos going on around him, but his words were quite clear. He spoke well, he had so much presence that people would put in the extra effort to hear what he was saying no matter how soft he spoke. His tone was always assertive, he had a very take charge attitude and was extremely persuasive.
He barely even noticed the cup being taken from his hands and Aiden's deep blue eyes lit with excitement at the mention of Truth or Dare. He quickly uttered, "Dare." This was one of his favourite games, it always got so interesting if you were playing with the right people. Right now he wished Kane was good at coming up with dares. "And please come up with something good," he said, just in case Kane was one of those lame players.
"Don't worry about me, it's you who needs to be worrying right now" he muttered. Kane glanced around thinking of a good idea for the game. "I dare you to jump into the pool." He pointed to the pool which was filled with bright red cups and debris from the party. Not to mention it was still relatively cold out, but jumping into the pool just wasn't enough there had to be a bit more. Any idiot filled with enough booze could jump into the pool and not think twice about it. Having so much alcohol in your system would keep you warm even after you got out soaking wet.

Kane reached up toward his own ear and pulled off his small sterling silver stud. "Don't come up for air until you find this. "He held the small stud in his fingers, it was nearly impossible to see especially under water. Kane tossed the earring into the pool and looked at Aiden furrowing his eyebrows.
Aiden pumped his fist in the air while saying, "Yes, a challenge!" He looked over the edge of the pool, and even if his vision wasn't hazed with alcohol, he doubted he'd be able to see the earring.

With a laugh, he took his black shirt off and tossed it to Kane. "It looked expensive. It's a good thing I'm gonne find it," he said confidently, climbing up the rickety later. Aiden balanced on top, sucked in a deep breath, and jumped in. It was freezing cold, but he pushed that to the back of his mind and swam to the bottom, running his hands over the floor. He starting around the edge and worked his way out, starting where he thought the earring had been tossed. He was already starting to get light headed, but he stayed under the water, both hands skimming the floor. His fingers brushed something, and he grabbed it, looked at it. It was only a rock. He tossed it aside, then thought again. It wasn't a rock, he realized.

For a second, the thought of losing this dare crossed his mind, but he shoot his head and swam as fast as he could, once again trying to find it. By now he desperately needed a breath, he could feel his heart pounding in his ears.

To Aiden's delight, he managed to find the earring again, and he started to push to the surface, but his vision got spotted with black. After nearly two minutes under water, Aiden passed out, slowly floating to the top with the earring still gripped in his stiff, cold hand.
Kane caught the t-shirt and looked at it feeling the material. He could smell a light hint of cologne. The scent had probably been stronger earlier but faded throughout the corse of the day. Regardless the boy had a pleasing aroma, how he hadn't managed to spill a hint of alcohol on it as much as he was stumbling around surprised Kane.

He watched as the boy felt around the bottom of the pool. He could only make out his long thin legs waving around near the top. He was under a long time and everyone seemed to be holding their breaths as well wondering how Aiden would complete this task. Kane began to bite his lower lip around the one and a half minute mark. "Come up kid" he mumbled. Some girls began to panic. "He passed out!" one shouted, "is he dead!!?" another exclaimed franticly. "Come on" Kane said one more time before deciding Aiden wasn't playing a joke on everyone. Kane gripped the bottom of his shirt and flung it off and then dived in. The ice cold water hit him all at once and took his breath, he went under and grabbed the boy and with a few kicks of his feet he reached the top of the water. A few other guys helped pull Aiden out. Kane jumped out as well and knelt over Aiden. "Hey kid, wake up!" He slapped his cheeks a few times.
The sound of Kane's voice floated into Aiden's mind, and his eyes fluttered open. Spitting water out of the side of his mouth, he smiled, looking straight into Kane's eyes. "I got it," he said, lifting his hand to examine the shiny earring, pinched in between his fingers.

Aiden was so proud, and even though he probably looked terrible at the moment, he didn't care. He had managed to do something that Kane didn't think he'd be able to do.

Sitting up, Aiden took Kane's hand and placed the small object in the middle of his palm. He let go, then brought his hands up to his head, giving his hair a ruffle. "Can someone get me a towel?" he asked, ending the phrase with a suppressed cough.
Kane grinned and pressed his tongue to the side of his cheek looking off in disbelief. "This kid" he mumbled and shook his head. A grin remaining plastered to his face. Kane placed the earring back in his ear and stood up grabbing a towel from a cute, short, curly headed Hispanic girl who held it out after Aiden had asked. He tossed it into Aidens chest raising his right brow. "Are you always like this?" he questioned. Kane would never admit it, but Aiden had given him quite a scare.

Aiden nodded, wiping water off his chest and back, then used the towel to soak up some water from his hair. He left the towel on his head, making it look almost like a veil.

"You'll need to be more specific as to what 'this' is, but for now, I'll say yes, I'm always like this." He grinned, shaking out his numb legs. The swim had taken a lot out of him, even sobered him up a little bit. Now he had a headache, but wasn't as cold as he thought he would be. He was definitely tired though, and forced himself not to yawn, clenching his jaw as much as he could.

He still wasn't sure how he was getting home, but (and it surprised him that he was thinking this), he hoped it would be with Kane.

((I've gotta go to bed, sorry.))
Some girls where chuckling at the sight of the cute boy soaking wet from head to toe. "I think you've got some admirers" Kane chimed with a smirk. Then he reached down and held his hand out to help the boy up. Then Kane bent over grabbing Aiden's shirt he had dropped earlier along with his own. Kane slipped his own coral and white bold stripped, v-neck shirt back on then handed Aiden his. Kane reached for his cell phone in the back of his khaki pant pocket only realizing just then he had jumped into the pool earlier. Kane sighed and took the phone from his pocket he looked at the screen and tried to turn it on. Sure enough the quick dip in the brisk pool was enough to shut it off for now. "Oh well, nothing that can't be fixed" He said with a bit of irritation then looked at the boy. "At least I've got my earring" he grinned. "I'm out" he mentioned to a couple of his friends before glancing back at Aiden.
Aiden groaned, remembering his own phone in his back pocket. He reached for it, only to find that the pocket was empty, and of course, there his phone was, at the bottom of the pool. He fished it out with the cleaning net, swearing under his breath. Aiden didn't bother to check if it worked, instead he just angrily shoved it in his pocket, then put his shirt on and tossed the towel over a lawn chair.

"Do you mind if I leave with you?" he asked, hoping with all his heart that Kane would say yes. Otherwise he'd need to find another way home... and he'd also miss out on a chance to be alone with someone he was really starting to like.

No one knew. How could he have told everyone that he liked guys. He would lose his guy friends, and everyone would know that he had been faking it. Aiden was still confused, since he had been hiding his sexuality for so long, but now Kane had grabbed his attention and Aiden really didn't want to act anymore.
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"Whatever it's fine with me" Kane said in a nonchalant way, but truthfully he had hoped the boy would find a way to tag along. He was still a bit worried about him since it was his idea to have Aiden jump into the pool. He felt responsible for Aiden passing out, so at least this way he could make sure the boy got home alright. The two made their way out of the yard and to Kanes hunter green 92 Honda accord. Kane pulled the keys out of his pocket, they were soaked as well. He opened the door and got in, but the passengers side didn't unlock automatically on the old beat-up car so Kane reached over and unlocked it manually for Aiden to get in. He started the car and turned the heater on in order to try and dry up their clothing a bit. "Which way?" he asked looking over at him. He couldn't stop his eyes from tracing the entire shape of Aidens face, studying his bright eyes and perfect complexion.
Aiden grinned, tilting his head slightly. He couldn't help notice how Kane's eyes shifting, examining his face. It made him grip the seat with excitement, but he quickly loosened his hold on the old cushion in case Kane would notice how white his knuckles had gotten.

"Which ever way you're going is fine with me," he said carefully, trying to sound as normal as possible. He licked his lips ever so slightly and then bite the tip of his tongue to keep his grin from getting any bigger.

He was practically vibrating with anticipation, or maybe that was just the cold wearing off.
"You've got it" the corners of his lips slightly upturned before he shook his head to face the road. "Oh hey" he looked over again. "Hand me that pack of smokes from the dash will you. You've got to wiggle the handle a bit." he explained while pointing to the handle. "This car is probably older that you are." he mentioned, but as more of a question in hopes of getting the answer out of Aiden.
Aiden nodded, jiggling the dash handle a few times before it fell open. He grabbed the pack and tossed it to Kane, then leaned back in his seat, turned slightly so he could face his new friend.

"You say that like you're so much older than I am, how old are you? And how old is this car, driving a car that's older than 17 years and looks this rickety is probably dangerous," he answered, he had to speak louder than normal to be heard over the rumble of the old engine.

He taped his fingers on his knees, only then realizing that his pants were nearly skin tight due to them still being wet. He chuckled under his breath, then looked back up at Kane.
Kane laughed in appreciation of the witty remark. "Alright smart ass you're pretty quick." he glanced over then offered Aiden a cigarette after pulling one out of the pack for himself using his lips. He had one hand on the wheel as he pulled out of a parked position and started down the road. "I'm 19 the car is a 92 model so that makes it 21 but don't hate I've made lots of memories in this car I'll have you know." He squinted one eye as he exhaled smoke from his pursed lips then cracking the window a bit he looked at the boy. "You cold?" Kane actually had a very caring attitude its just it is rarely seen due to the people he hangs around with.
"I'm fine," he answered, then grinned and asked teasingly, "What kind of memories?" Wriggling his eyebrows playfully, he took a cigarette without hesitation. He lit it and exhaled a shaky smoke ring, frowning. He took another drag and tried again, this one only slightly smoother.
He smirked "I'll keep that information to myself." Kane watched him attempt the smoke ring trick, raising a brow. "You aren't too bad at that, who taught you how to do that? Where is your girlfriend now by the way. Wont she be mad that your out this late at a party?"

Aiden made a face at the mention of a girlfriend, and shook his head. "Don't have one. I'm painfully single," he said, soon adding, "Which I hope changes soon."

The boy blew another smoke ring. "I can't remember who taught me. It was a crazy night. But what about you? Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Painfully?" he imitated with a smirk. "Being single is a good thing in my opinion. Heh" he chuckled at the thought. "No I don't" he looked over and sighed then sharply pulled over on the side of the road with no warning. The sudden jolt was enough to shock Aiden. Now they were on the side of a dark road, a few dimly lit light posts lined the streets of the small subdivision. Kane flicked his cigarette butt out of the small crack in the window before rolling it up and looking over at Aiden. He paused for a moment looking at the other, then leaned in his seat toward Aiden. His right shoulder made contact with Aiden's as he leaned in and grabbed the seatbelt on the opposite side. Pulling the seatbelt over Aiden and clicking the buckle. "Are you trying to get me a ticket?" he asked.
Aiden had tensed up from the sudden turn, but started to relax, the process being sped up when Kane's shoulder brushed against Aiden's. His breathing was slightly rugged and a small smile creeped up his lips.

"Not at all," replied the boy, his hand slowly reaching for the seatbelt buckle. He undid it, leaned forward, pushing Kane further into his seat, making sure to have as much contact as he could get between them, opened the window again and flicked his own cigarette butt out the window. When he slowly returned to his seat, he made sure to leave his seatbelt as is- unbuckled.

It was fairly dark in the car, only dimly lit by the lamp post across the street. Aiden could barely see Kane, dark face contrasted by the light, but he was sure Kane could at least see his eyes which were glittering with amusement.
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