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Fandom Danganronpa

Character Sign-Up Sheet


(can be a picture or a description)


Super High School Level:






Extra Information:
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"Quotes are used by people who have nothing better to do with their life"



Yoshida Nakamura


Yoshida is a selfish but nice guy,well that is if you try your best to stay on his good side.Yoshida is selfish because he doesn't actually care about dead people,unless that person who's dead is really close to him,He only cares about how they died or who killed them.To put in a much simpler way he only wants to solve the mystery.Yoshida is nice because he wants to save the others and get out from this school.

Super High School Level

Super High School Level Detective


Only remembers getting an invitation and arriving at this school...


Get everyone out of this school


Reading Documents about People

Writing in his notebook


Human Behaviour





Greasy Food

Annoying People

Dumb People




Name: Cass Parov

Talent: Super High School Level Chess Player

Personality: He is very confident in himself, so he dislikes when people tell him what to do. He likes to grumble and hates doing unnecessary things. His sense of humor may be a little too dark for an average student and because of that he can be seen as heartless or even crazy. He hates losing.

Backstory: He's a foreigner. He earned the tiltle of wolds best chess player when he was 13 and, unofficially, won with the world chess champion. Later, he demanded a real game, but the champion declined. He was eager to prove himself so he challenged a supercomputer named Deep Green to a chess game. He lost the match. After 2 long years of training, he managed to tie with the machine. He was the first human player to ever do that. That's the main reason Hope's Peak scouted him.

Goal: Defeat the supercomputer.

Hobbies: Playing chess, Playing checkers, walking aimlessly around stores.

Likes: Dark humor, Rooks(as in chess figure), big stores, prettly places.

Dislikes: Noisy people, working out, computers, timers, losing.

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Name: Yua Ouchi


Yua is kind if spoken to, but is also possessive of those she cares about or loves. She has a bit of a dependency disorder, and usually needs someone to look to for guidance. If she finds someone who she truly loves, she'll never let them out of her sight out of fear that they might abandon her. If she ever feels she's failed the one she loved, she'd think herself better off dead—gardening being her only solace. If she's ever intensely angered, she can get uncontrollably violent and harsh—but prefers not to get that way, as it scares people off.

Super High School Level: SHSL Gardener

Backstory: Losing her father at a young age, Yua's mother began to abuse her for her resemblance to him. She sought release in her plants, gardening every time she was punished. Eventually, she got really good at it—people came to see her work from miles around. She made the most beautiful flowers and flower hybrids I'd ever seen, said one critique. Her mother even helped her with this, liking the plebiscite it gave her. Yua was elated at this, thinking she had bettered herself to her mother's liking. To make her mother even more proud, she accepted Hope's Peak's offer to attend. During this process this, however, her mother got in a car accident and died at the scene. Yua became traumatized at this, blindly seeking someone to lend on—someone to depend on, her plants weren't enough.

Goal: To find a person to love and depend on, preferably one who likes her gardens.

Hobbies: Gardening, bouquet making, nature walks.

Likes: +Nature, +Gardening, +Being cared for by another, +Being with a person she loves, +Fresh food

Dislikes: -Being rejected, -Being a failure, -Being abandoned ,-Animals(mainly large ones), -Fast food.

Extra Information: She also has a pink bow in her hair, and wears knee-high wool black socks.
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Name: Harika Tasimiki


Ultimate Highschool Mafia

Personality: Harika would call herself a fairly normal person for being in the mafia. She on the outside seems pretty mean and rude because thats what you would see from the mafia but once you get to her she seems like a nice person. She is very tough and strong and will never back down from a fight.

Backstory: Harika was born into the mafia. Her father was the leader and her mother was a forgien woman that her father fell in love with. Then one day Harika was born. Her mother died when she was three because of a grude from a fathers 'friend'. So after that her father was away from her. She was trained to fight, kill, and rob. One day when she was 14 a raid from her father 'friend' and they helled her down and killed her father. She was next but luckly triped one of the guys and got free. She Killed 5/6 of the men. she killed the leaders men and severly ingured the leader and left her for dead. Then she was forced to lead the group and then one day got a invation to hopes peak acadmey.

Goal: To stay alive

Hobbies: Sleeping, Reading, Working out

Likes: W.I.P

Dislikes: W.I.P

Extra information:W.I.P
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Name: Bureako Hari

Hari Bureako

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/0b8afecb-440e-4992-9b32-73dccb298a16.png.476c264105476ca1159243b6edd21fd2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/0b8afecb-440e-4992-9b32-73dccb298a16.png.476c264105476ca1159243b6edd21fd2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hari is a rather curvy girl, and wears a white tanktop underneath her sleeveless hoodie.

Personality: Hari doesn't want to deal with any of your sh*t, and is the "Togami" of the game. She jokes about all of the serious moments she sees. Hari will snap in your face at the drop of a hat, and will make you realize the harsh reality off the situation the others are put in. She enjoys making the others remember that some of their friends are dead. Her douchey personality is actually all a front, and she's scared of almost everything around her. She doesn't let the others see that.

Super High School Level: Glass Blower

Backstory: Hari grew up in a family of seven children, all who were older than her. Her family seemed to be cursed with illnesses, so her siblings and parents were on and off sick, like the family members were taking shifts. So, most of the poor family's earnings went to buying medicine. They frequently were in and out of hospitals, especially after Hari was I'll with a certain disease with the lungs. She was nearing her deathbed, and the family begged for the hospital to revive her daughter. To calm down the distressed family, the staff gave Hari an experimental drug, that strengthen her immune system to finish the virus, and helpo her lungs. The family was relieved, but the doctors said she could die at a random time, and its a 50/50 chance to actually happen. Still bring horrified by the news, Hari tried to live her life to give her family profits, by using her newly strengthened lungs to glass blow. She sold her creations, and worked and worked most of the time to provide for her family. They were able to get back on their feet when Hari was accepted into Hope's Peak Academy.

Goal: To stay calm, and never show weakness or care to the others around her.

Hobbies: Video gaming, glass blowing, writing fanfictions.

Likes: Fanfictions, creating art, family, wealth.

Dislikes: Fear, paranoia, people who automatically hate her.

Extra Information:

Family Members

Mother - Saki Hari

Father - Osamu Hari

Brothers and Sisters - Chi, Choduko, Hotaru, Rin, Yuri, Yami, Taro



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Name: Markus Kohlier


He has black trousers, Red and black trainers and is tall by being 6''0

Markus is usually quiet, and reserved, so he tends to sit back and watch people. This is usually done naturally and drives people away because he looks agry when he really isn't. He can see the smallest detail (fault or other) in someone, and may speak his mind not caring who its infront of. However because of this, he can sometimes get really embarrased. He gets easily distracted and needs to be in a quiet place to think. He is intellegent and smart and becomes sarcastic is someone is acting stupid. He doesn't do it out of spite though He is also the 'As Blunt As a Baseball Bat' type but this is because he hates lying, or sugar-coating the truth.

Super High School Level: Observer

Backstory: When he was young, he was a happy and gullible child and therefore betrayed a lot. When growing up, he observed people to see if they were approachable. Because of this, he became very good with observation. He was also quick to understand the situations. Being sarcastic came from hanging out with a lot of older kids and adults. Most kids his age thought he was ''too bland'' and boring, and therefore he didn't make many friends other than the people older than him. He has always wanted to act like a kid, however he was forced to grow up quickly to help out his family and therefore he loves/adores child-like stuff.

To be someone who understands people and the world

Hobbies: He lieks to read, write and draw, because it relaxes him. He also likes to Go off into his own world when listening to music.

Likes: Sugar/Sweet things, Kids stuff, music, fantasy, observing others.

Dislikes: Bitter things, not having a grapsp of the situation, being off-guard.

Extra Information: Even though he Looks weak, he really isn't. He could probably defend himself with ease. Although he can also be a bit of a goofball.
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Name: Hatsuharu Akimoto (prefers to be called Hatsu)

Appearance: http://images1.fanpop.com/images/polls/91306_1214317372955_full.jpg

Personality: Hatsuhari is a very kind man. He cared about a lot of things and will do anything to protect the things he cares about. If he finds out that he's been manipulated/used, he completely snaps and gets very angry. He also tends to flirt with pretty women and he wants a girl to be with for the rest of his life. He hates arrogant people and will snap at them when they anger him. Overall, he's a generous and caring man who would do anything to protect the people he cares about.

Super High School Level: Motorcyclist

Backstory: He lost his parents at a very young age. Throughout his whole life, he was alone, having no one to talk to or hang out with. That is, until he found out his skill at motorcycling. Ever since then, he was famous. In fact, he was known as "The Greatest Motorcyclist in the World." However, during a motorcycle trick, he fell down and injured himself. He had a concussion and his head was injured. It's why he always had a bandage wrapped around his head. When he got accepted into Hope's Peak Academy, he was proud of himself. However, he was unaware of the events that were about to transpire...

Goal: To leave the school with everyone else and find a girl who loves him romantically

Hobbies: Flirting with girls, napping

Likes: Pretty women, everyone being safe

Dislikes: Everyone arguing and getting hurt, people getting killed, arrogant people, being rejected

Extra Information: He plays the guitar.

Asuka Saruwatari

Appearance: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717154250/bleach-rp/images/3/39/Anime-girl-with-black-hair-tumblr-3.jpg

Personality: Asuka is a very friendly girl. She likes to help people and cheer them up. She's a very clever comedian and has very good jokes that can make even the most tight-lipped people chuckle. She's very trustworthy and won't betray anyone, no matter how rude they are. She doesn't have a temper, and is very patient with people. She also has a thing for cute guys.

Super High School Level: Comedian

Backstory: Asuka had a very happy life. Her parents took care of her, her sister loved her deeply, Asuka had an amazing life. When she was younger, she would makes jokes with her family and make them laugh. When she was old enough, she took the job of a comedian. She did her first stand-up comedy act and, soon enough, she was a hit. When she got accepted into Hope's Peak Academy, her family felt very proud of her. Asuka was ready to start a new life at Hope's Peak Academy...

Goal: To be the most well-known comedian in the world

Hobbies: Singing (usually in private though)

Rehearsing her jokes in private

Likes: Cute guys, jokes and puns, making people smile

Dislikes: Failure, grouchy people

Extra Information: She is a very good singer, though she usually sings in private.

Senji Ryto

Personality: Seiji is a actor, which means he has a creative personality. He never discloses an opinion, suggestion, or option. He takes every possibility as an option and thinks them through carefully, figuring out which ones would be useful and which one's won't.

Seiji is generally kind, but often kept to himself. He is calm and collected, but that doesn't mean he doesn't loose his temper. When he does get pissed off, he uses more physical attacks rather than verbal. It's not because he wants to see others in pain, but because of the way he was raised. After all your life getting beat for doing or saying something wrong, you wouldn't perfect either.

He is a gentleman, always trying to please or do something for others. But he's not a flirt and probably won't be seen flirting either. It's just not is area. However, he doesn't have a preference when it comes to dating gender wise. He believes a person is attracted to by soul and not body, in other words, he doesn't give a damn if you're a guy or girl, as long as you're nice on the inside, it doesn't matter about the outside.

Super High School Level: Actor

Backstory: Seiji grew up in a broken home. His mom divorced his dad almost immediately after he had been born leaving him in the care of his abusive father. Yes, his father abused him many times(verbally, physically, and mentally) and sometimes it was over the dumbest of things. But he kept fighting and struggling to survive.

For years he suffered through that, until it was time for highschool, yes, that would be the perfect time to leave and get away from his wretched dad. Hope's Peak Academy had invited him to join their elite school, which he gladly accepted.

Goal: To be Famous

Hobbies: Acting, Designing, Having Fun

Likes: acting, silver, anything that's beautiful, anything expensive

Dislikes: rude people(even though he can be rude himself), people who boast about their status

Extra Information:
Name:Micah Waterlow

Personality: Sweet and energetic. Micah loves to play and make friends more than anything else. Since she's small for her age, most people underestimate her so she's always trying to defend herself so no one makes fun of her. She's very open-minded and never feels shy so she can basically say anything- even if it isn't nice.

Super High School Level:Hacker

Backstory: Micah's family owns a very big computer software company that is well known for their work in almost all systems- Waterlow Inc. This causes Micah's parents to never be around too often when she wants or needs them there so she spends most of her time indoors or playing by herself in the garden. One day, Micah was bored and thought that, as a joke, she would try to hack into her parents' "unhackable" services and she was surprised to find they weren't as secure as they said it was. So, she continued hacking until she nearly destroyed the whole system. This caused the company to decline until she agreed to continue hacking to make the security of the system better by finding all the kinks in the system.

Goal:To make new friends and help others as much as she can

Hobbies:Hacking, Playing Pretend, Online chatting with "Friends"

Likes: Meeting and Befriending New People, Playing on the computer, Having Fun

Dislikes: Mean people, People who underestimate her for her size, Being Bored

Extra Information:

Micah is actually 12 years old but is very smart for her age so she was able to get into the most elite high schools.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Profile_Pic.jpg.7d0649a2388fdd453ac5597aa386f24e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Profile_Pic.jpg.7d0649a2388fdd453ac5597aa386f24e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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So I woke up...somewhere and this weird white and black stuffed...tanooki,I think,is making me fill this form.Paperwork,great.Love it here already

Character Sign-Up Sheet

Name: Keiji Sore (Hopefully wherever I am,no one calls me Keijisaurus)

Appearance: Cleanly-combed dark brown hair.Red-and-Black chequered shirt with a dark blue undershirt.Black rectangular-rimmed glasses.Fairly plain face(I have to be honest about myself).Blue jeans.Black and white sneakers(not-Nike if you're wondering).I have a pocket book in my left shirt pocket for writing down calculations(Though I hate doing so). Pens in my left jean pocket for convenience.(I'm writing with one right now) I would like to say I'm buff but no such luck.I have some muscle,I guess?

Personality: I remember that I was accepted in Hope's Peak.Just,wow.It's wonderful.Sadly,I'm here because of my talent.Mathematics.I'm a generic nerd...I hate it but that's the only thing that I'm good at.I'm straight but I haven't found the "One" yet so I have zero interest in love. Heck,I don't think I will find the "One". Oh well. Also,I hate being told what to do unless that person is respectful and his orders make sense. I don't have many friends(I'm socially awkward) but I'm very loyal to the ones I do have. I'm fairly conservative and LGBTQs don't make me feel comfortable,I admit.However,I'm aware that my views are restricting(and also modern society won't tolerate my views) so I can look the other way.For some reason,I thought about death.I don't want to see another corpse.Just thinking about one makes me want to..

There's a weird green stain on the paper

Super High School Level:Mathematician(Ugh,don't remind me)

Backstory: When I was in elementary,I was practically useless in every subject. My Japanese was abysmal(Why am I writing in English?I don't know),PE was torture...except I was a prodigy in Mathematics.100 marks every time.The teachers noticed this so they thought me more advance topics.When the class were counting numbers,I was learning multiplication and division.When multiplication and division were the topics today,I was exploring the realm of quadratic equations.As the class learned quadratic equations,I was seeing from my vantage point with several,previously "Impossible" theorems.

Really,it was not much of a surprise because my dad's a Pure Mathematics professor and my mom was a Theoretical Physicist And I hated it.Mathematics,I know is important(It can explain everything in life) but its boring and later on in life,I hate it.My true passion was something related to numbers but only in binary....game design.My cousin....damn,I can't remember her name(she died young,sadly.She got crushed I heard),brought along her game console when her family stayed for a while.I simply loved it.The music,the graphics,the controls and mechanics. My dad needs good computers to crunch numbers so we always have the best at home. I downloaded a programmer on the computer and I started to create games.Huh,I remembered the trouble that got me.But after several attempts and canings,Dad let me program once in a while.I experimented in game design.Tried new mechanics.Gave some demos to my friends to their delight.I really wanted to be a game designer.(Though,I'm still improving)

And then,
THAT happened.I don't want to remember that.It makes me want to....

Another green stain

Ugh,I should stop thinking about death.Good thing dying is rare.Then dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps become a Mathematician,nothing else,only the best.My teachers followed suit.Everyone wanted me to become a Mathematician.I was to abandon my dream.Not to worry,I said.I could follow it later,I said.Then I received a letter from Hope's Peak.I felt a mixture of happiness and horror.I entered because of Mathematics.Now I have to live up to it.I'm destined.Or should I say doomed

Goal: Existing is a goal,I guess?I've actually never thought about that since I entered Hope's Peak

Hobbies: Game Designing


  • Spicy food
  • Scratching of pens on paper(The only thing I like about Mathematics)
  • Games


  • Being ordered
  • Small mistakes that will inevitably snowball to become larger problems
  • My talent

Extra Information:I could calculate everything that is needed pretty fast,if I know the parameters.
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Character Sign-Up Sheet

Name: Moneluke Somerte

Tall with a long length of hair down to his feet that covers an eye. Lightning blue contacts and dyed purple hair. Wears a trench coat over some jeans and a tee-shirt. Wears vans for quiet movement

Personality: Quiet but will open up after talking for a bit. Very smart. haas lots of answers to most evrything

Super High School Level: Tactician

Backstory: Father left at a young age. Sister taught me how to control my emotions beacuse I became very unstable after Father left and still can be at times. I became the money-producer of the house at about 12 by selling newspapers, walking dogs, and mowing lawns. This is how I got my talent. I used tactics to sell the most newspapers in the least amount of time and where to start and where to end.

Goal: Survive. Get back and help my family

Hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Writing, and Learning.

Likes: sushi, books.

Dislikes: arrogance and idiocy

Extra Information:
carries swords always for pretection as well as a legal pad and a pen for tactics

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