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Fandom Danganronpa: Real Fiction Friction


New Member
You wake up in the dark.

Or, well, you start existing, anyway.

You remember everything that happened, and if you don't know what happened, that's fine.

Your friends, victim, or killer will fill you in.
Sup guys. Premise is simple. New school! New terrifying school that floats in the endless abyss and morphs on the whims of an entity that may or may not hate you all. Good times.

Anyway, the rules are simple, pick any character from any Danganronpa series you want. They wake up in this school with up to the last memories they had while alive in their story, and have no idea where they are or what they're doing. As for the school they're in, just go ahead and add anything you feel like exploring as you go; as the game master I'll do my best to keep track of what you guys add to the school until there's something somewhat stable to map out, and once that happens, I'll throw that map out the window for the sake of narrative joy.

Don't kill without permission. Don't force relationships if the other person isn't into it. Don't godmode. Don't be an asshole. Cool? Cool.

No need for permission to join, just write your posts and have fun.

Oh! And don't forget that this RP is based on a Horror Game. You can assume that if it happened in the games/show, then it's allowed and should be expected in the RP. Please protect yourself.

Character pick is first come first serve. Only canon characters please, though I don't care about doubles. It's just that kind of story.

Characters Already In Use:
The Entity by Lovova
Kokichi Oma by Lovova
Link to the actual post is below, but instead of deleting this thread (which I originally made in the wrong place) I'll leave it for anyone who wants to discuss joining outside of the main RP thread. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
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Hi yes, this is the right place if you're looking for players, but the wrong place if you're starting it off.
Alright, fuck it. I’ll leave this here for now and make a correct one after work. For now this is just a signal boost. Anyone who wants to reserve a character just let me know.
It wouldn’t matter if she was taken, but yeah dude, go for it. If your up to it just go ahead and make a post in the main thread. I’m still learning how to host one of these games so it’s all pretty chilled out while I find out what works and what doesn’t.

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