Two Thousand Club
I don't know if I'm just being stupid, but this spell from Savant and Sorcerer seems to be full of missing elements and things that make me go 'Huh?'
First, what is it's duration? They give a duration for the poison, but is this the duration of the spell?
Second, the description in the spell says that the cobras attack on the sorcerer's initiative the turn after they're summoned. But they have a base initiative of 8. Is there a reason to give this base initiative?
Third, and in a similar vein, is there a reason they have a Dodge ability of 6 but yet can't dodge, as it says in the Dodge Pool in the creature write up?
Lastly, is the penalty from the poison applicable only for the duration? And what if the cobras dissipate before the poison wears off?
I've read the spell like 20 times, looking to see if I've missed anything, and I've looked in the rulebook to see if there was some generic ruling on duration, but couldn't find anything of the sort. Can someone help?
First, what is it's duration? They give a duration for the poison, but is this the duration of the spell?
Second, the description in the spell says that the cobras attack on the sorcerer's initiative the turn after they're summoned. But they have a base initiative of 8. Is there a reason to give this base initiative?
Third, and in a similar vein, is there a reason they have a Dodge ability of 6 but yet can't dodge, as it says in the Dodge Pool in the creature write up?
Lastly, is the penalty from the poison applicable only for the duration? And what if the cobras dissipate before the poison wears off?
I've read the spell like 20 times, looking to see if I've missed anything, and I've looked in the rulebook to see if there was some generic ruling on duration, but couldn't find anything of the sort. Can someone help?