Damien Grey


Meme Machine
NAME: Damien Grey


RACE: Human


AGE: 23



PLACE OF BIRTH: Oswynn, Northern Kingdom of Ieswyl, Faurae Region


HEIGHT: 5'11"

WEIGHT: 165lbs

APPEARANCE: Damien has a slender body tone with light skin, but he is well toned after traveling a lot. His hair is light brown neck length with clear green eyes and a sharp jawline.

IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: He has the Alchemist's logo tattooed on top of his left hand.

CLASS: Alchemist


WEAPON/S: Damien carries a longsword for close fights as well as his alchemical creations. He also keeps a dagger for harvesting herbs.

ARMOR: No real armor to speak of other than his leather gloves and boots.

KNOWN SPELLS: Arcane Enchant and Detect Magic are the only two spells he's been capable of learning thus far.

SKILLS: Alchemy

GOALS: To find out what happened to his former comrades as well as become a successful alchemist.

LIKES: Alchemy, nature, and other races.

DISLIKES: Blandness, idiocy, and his heritage.

STRENGTHS: Damien is a quick-thinker being able to adapt to his surroundings remarkably fast. He's also not terrible at fighting.

WEAKNESSES: Damien is like a threat magnet, for he constantly gets himself in dangerous situations looking for materials. Also, his magic is weak and unreliable.

FEARS: Not being accepted.

PERSONALITY: Damien is best explained as an extrovert, always trying to be everyone's friend. He is very easy to talk to and is very loyal to those close to him. In contrast, when he works on brewing new concoctions, he goes quiet and is often lost in thought. He loves to talk about the fundamentals of alchemy and is always willing to teach those who are willing to learn. He is very sensitive when it comes to talking about family and will often try to avoid the topic altogether.

BACKGROUND: Damien grew up an only child and since a young age has had a lot of responsibility put on him. His father, Allen Grey, was an extraordinary mage with a lot of magical prowess. However, even though Damien was born magically gifted, the gift was very small, D-Class at best. After being disowned by his father for his inability to handle magic, he fled his hometown of Oswynn and went south to find his calling at the age of 14. He met an old nomadic alchemist that offered the young man an apprenticeship aboard his caravan. Damien graciously accepted the man's offer and began to learn the ways of alchemy. He found that he had great intuition when it came to creating concoctions and grew to love the alchemical way. He spent years traveling all over the Faurae region collecting various ingredients and experimenting with his teacher.

Years pass and on the group's first expedition to the Forgotten Lands to collect rare ingredients they were caught in the middle of a coordinated bandit attack. The group fought hard, but were heavily outnumbered. He was ordered to flee with what he could carry by his master with a promise that they would meet again. Obeying, Damien fled north to the Thalassa region barely making it out with a few potions and his life. He was forced to sell most of the potions he had gotten to so he could feed himself, but his funds quickly ran dry. By complete chance he met Xarles and after a short conversation, he joined the Death Dealers Guild with promises of adventure, riches, and a place to stay.

OTHER: Travelling all over Faurae has given Damien a lot of experience with the local races, and he has grown to adore other races for their exotic nature. His fighting style mostly resembles a support style swordsman helping out his allies whenever they are in need with buffs and protection.


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