Dailyfine High School {SU/OOC}


One Thousand Club
[MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION], here ya go. xD

The cliche highschool thing..







Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:

Name: Emerald Marina

Age: 16

Gender: Femal

Personality: bubbly and sporty, tomboyish

Likes&Dislikes: likes animals and SOCCER(her passion), despite her tomboyish nature she is afraid of the dark

Sexuality: straight

Crush: (Optional):

Best friend:

Other: surprisingly good cook.

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Name- Ashton

Age- 17

Gender- Female

Personality- She is bubbly when you get to know her. She's too innocent for her own good, but she's seen things that you'd think would define her as "stony". She is very quiet and keeps to herself mostly. She isn't used to be approached.

Likesanddislikes- She likes art, reading, writing, and music. She doesn't like loud or obnoxious people

Sexuality- Bi (but no one knows)

Crush- none

Best Friend- none so far

Other- Her dad had molested her once but she doesn't "seem" affected by it

[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION], declined, please put in some likes and dislikes and some more into the personality if you want to be accepted at some point.

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION], accepted, welcome to Dailyfine highschool.
Name: Analaiyna

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: Happy, sarcastic, smart, cool about everything, wears a smirk all the time

Likes:Cookies, cooking and spanish

Dislikes: Spinish

Sexuality: Bi

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:


Name: Nathan

Age: 17


Personality: Is really shy, around anyone, but in front of girls he is twice as bad, he stutters and hides behind his hair.

Likes: Books the library and quiet

Dislikes: Sport

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Best friend: undecided

Name: Kael Evans

Age: 18


Personality:upbeat, gentlemanly and a music enthusiast. he is popular with the ladies but doesnt really notice and he is a friend to everyone.

Likes&Dislikes:viola, music, dislikes sexism and bullying. heights make him uncomfortable.


Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:

Other:has a pet dwarf hamster named Eddy

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[MENTION=4011]MaggieEdwards[/MENTION], Accepted

[MENTION=2482]BloodRedRoses[/MENTION], Accepted

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION], accepted again

[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION], sorry, she's too Mary-Sue, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I like to have off centre personalities in my roleplays.
Name: Micah

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: a little bit dreamy, tends to zone a lot, is kind of depressed, but is kind and wants to be happy

Likes&Dislikes: Chocolate, caramel lattes, anything sweet, dislikes b*tches that act like something they're not

Sexuality: bisexual

Crush: Nathan, eventually

Best friend:

Other: Just moved into the area

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Name: Reina

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Intelligent, bubbly, social but only with her select few friends, nerdy but in a good way.

Likes&Dislikes: Maths problems, soduko, painting by numbers and caramel slice. dislikes sport, idiots, people who try to act hardcore

Sexuality: Straight


Best friend:


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Name: Zak

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Brash, temper, loyal and friendly. he doesnt like people not being loyal

Likes&Dislikes: fighting, the rush he gets from it, cherries, dislikes jerks, jocks, and peanut butter

Sexuality: straight

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:


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Name: Megan

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality: Shy, nervous, has an acute fear of crickets, quiet, only opens up to certain people. Is smart but not overly, flunking in science and maths

Likes&Dislikes: christmas, candy canes and inuyasha, dislikes, potato, broccoli, crickets and bikes

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:


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Accepted [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION],

Name: Natalya D'argenzio

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Computer whiz (can hack all the things), has things... bottled up that she takes out on her keyboard.

Likes&Dislikes: She loves Red Pandas, they're her favourite animals, but hates sheep in general but mostly because she was the black sheep of their family

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend: Micah


Name: Steven Dyre

Age: 18

Gender: male

Personality: A typical bod boy with a mysterious aura around him.

Likes&Dislikes: likes animals dislikes noise

Sexuality: bi

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:

Other: don't have a picture but here

Looks: He is 6'5 and wears an all-black t-shirts and black skinny jeans. He has jet black long strate hair that covers the entire right side of his face. He has a large scar that is under the hair and he keeps special care to make sure it stays covered. He has many scars on his arms but only a few bad ones. He has snake bites peircing and a lot of ear piercings. Has a nice face but you usually can’t see it because of his hood. His neck has a scar around all but the back of it from when he had his vocal cords removed.

Name: Isabella Ghost

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality: she is really shy and soft spoken but really kind.

Likes&Dislikes: likes pretty much everything dislikes bugs and crowds

Sexuality: straight

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:

Other: same as before

Looks: She has blood red hair that goes down to her shoulders and ice-blue eyes. She often wears her hair up in a ponytail, and her long bangs hanging over her left eye. She does this more when she meets new people; she says it makes her more comfortable. Her favorite outfit is her dark blue shirt with her black cargo pants and converse.
Name: Gaz



Personality: Fun, mean, loves to jam with her brother, She only talks to her brother and those she's warmed up to,She has a bad temper and quick to go off.

Likes&Dislikes:she like her bass guitar, food, games, anything athletic.cooking, games; she dislikes disgusitng fod, immature people, judgmental people, spiders, country music


Crush: (Optional)none

Best friend:none


Appearence:View attachment 10081




Personality:Fun, can be very mean, protective of his sister, loves to jam out,only talks to his sister rarley talks to anyone else

Likes&Dislikes:he like his electric guitar, food, games, anything athletic. bass,acoustic drums , games; he dislikes disgusitng fod, immature people, judgmental people, snakes, country music


Crush: (Optional)none

Best friend:none


Appearence:View attachment 10082
((First time posting a character in a thread like this. Hope she's alright ^^;; ;) )

Name: Justina Morgans

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: She's seems to be jittery, but she's actually friendly. She enjoys having small conversations with people, usually trying to improve her own self-insecurities and timidity. Justina tends to not speak her mind, especially if she dislikes something greatly. Since her temper is not as high, she tends to just avoid or stray something she dislikes. She may not be too popular, but she's actually alright just being alone.

Likes&Dislikes: Justina is a huge fan of Greek mythology, music, art and the supernatural. She even loves her big pyrenee pup she keeps at home. She enjoys learning new things such as cooking and baking, yet she's scared of what she has to go through. She dislikes perfume, make-up, fires, and being bullied or looked down upon.

Sexuality: Straight.

Crush: She has a few, but never chased after them.

Best friend: She has a couple friends, yet she has never found her true/best friend.

Other: She's in a complete debate of being either a nurse or an artist. Because of her first relationship, her parents have lost some trust in her, making her under strict rules.

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Name: Flower full Moon

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Flower doesn't talk much and she certainly has a few rumors about her. She does have a short fuse about her so her anger is much to be feared. Although some boys have tried to go out with her but her question of why surprises them if they get it wrong she turns them down and so far no one has gotten it right, the right answer? I shall not tell! hahahha! Anyone tries to mess with her and she may slam you into the lockers. Her sudden burst of fighting skill tends to get her in trouble with the teachers but for the most part Flower is a focused, smart girl.

Likes&Dislikes: She loves Roses and Flowers and also loves to sing. She likes animals. She dislikes rude or perverted boys. (Even though she friends with one.) She also dislikes show offs. She seriously has a fear of rejection.

Sexuality: Straight


Best friend: Alicia

Other: She has a white German shepherd

Name: Alicia

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: Alicia is bright and full of energy. She doesn’t show it much but she is very kind hearted although super protective. She will stand up for her friends but really her bark is worse than her bite. She also is a bit of a perv but doesn’t show it much and likes to play matchmaker.

Likes&Dislikes: Alicia loves the colors black and hot pink, she also likes birds and bow hunting. She dislikes people who refuse to see the conservation side of hunting, she also hates veggies and large barking dogs.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend: Flower


Name: Nick wish and .Eyphah (Meaning darkness)

Age: 18/ 18

Gender: Male/ Male

Personality: Nick is hyper and super fun. He also is a real pervert and flirt. He also is the known cheat. He switches from girlfriend to girlfriend but why do you ask they keep coming? Nick can be really sweet and kind and tends to act…princely if you will. He says he will never stop loving the ladies but really he is looking for just the right girl to stick with. Nick doesn’t take much seriously including school. He only shows his real genius during tests but flunks on purpose because he’s lazy. Eyphah may be the twin brother of Nick but he is completely different. He is quiet and serious, passes everything but one little thing he has against him is that everyone is afraid of him. When his brother gets into trouble; most likely because of a girl; he comes in a beats the crap out of the guy. Only Nick really gets his brother, Eyphah is lonely really and he may act and look like he has no emotions but really he is more emotional than most people.

Likes&Dislikes: Nick likes pretty girls and having fun. He dislikes getting slapped and pushed around but that’s why he keeps Eyphah around. Eyphah likes reading books and quiet places and he dislikes animals and noisy people.

Sexuality: Straight/ Straight

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend: Each other and Flower

Other: Eyphah is often called Deathwish taking his first name which means Dark and his last name giving him an odd nickname of Deathwish. He also was most voted to be a mass murder (Lol!) Nick and Deathwish (Really Eyphah) are twins
Name: Helena Gemini

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Rebel, has a soft side sure but she’s also easy and quick to anger and tends to get violent when she does. Due to this she’s usually misunderstood

Likes: Art, playing music, speaking out and sharing her thoughts on things, pranks

Dislikes: posers, liars, snobs, People trying to tell her what to do.

Sexuality: Straight? (never was good at labeling them since I tend to let this play out)

Crush: (Optional)

Best friend:

Other: Helena is labeled as a trouble maker and due to this is used to being avoided. Has been suspended from school a few times for graffiti or getting into fights with others.

Name: Jonathon Smith (Jona for short)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Organized, studies hard, good guy, strict, thinks rules should be followed

Likes: Neatness, organization, to study, making a place in this world

Dislikes: Lazy people, rule breakers, rudeness

Sexuality: ???

Crush: Too busy working to get ahead on life to really look

Best friend:


Name: Kyrin

Age: 17

Gender: male

Personality:he is quite nice but shy around emerald as he has been crushing in her for a while. He is a mamas boy and has a strong dislike for his father

Likes&Dislikes: he likes his job, soccer, fooling around. He hates the sound of paper on paper and metal on metal.


Crush: (Optional) Emerald

Best friend: none

Other: he works at a spa and gives massages. He is really good

appearance: (Will put up later)
Name: Cal

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Cal is very sarcastic and tends to be a smart aleck, and her crude humor usually leads to people disliking her. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and is usually bullied, but has learned to shrug it off.

Likes: people who can take a joke, books, writing, sarcasm, bacon

Dislikes: jerks, people who screw with her friends, bullies, people who take life too seriously

Sexuality: Lesbian

Crush: none at the moment

Best Friend:

Other: I'll post a pic of appearance when I get the chance, doing this from my phone.
Name: Alaska Smith


Gender: Female

Personality: She can be quite at times, but other than that shes usally pretty happy. She gets very protective of her freinds, and usually spends alot of her time writing and drawing. She hates anything math related though. She has a form of dyslexia called Dyscalculia, and it makes it hard for her to work with any form of numbers at all. So she usually spends all of that class sketching or writing. If shes having a bad day, she will be quick to go off if she sees someone bullying another.

Likes&Dislikes: She loves it when someone has the same music taste, doesnt mind her art&writings, and she also really likes tea and rain. She's absolutely petrified of the dark and clowns though.

Sexuality: Lesbian

Crush: not quite sure yet

Best friend:

Other: She's really weary of meeting new people, and has a tendency to recoil when anyone touches her. From past experiences on people making pysichal contact with her, she doesnt quite like it.

Looks: Alaska has dark, choppy brown hair that comes past her shoulders. Her bangs are cut to swoop over to the side, and she pulls it up into a loose bun when ever shes not feeling well. Shes about 5"3 and usually wears her anchor gauges(12gg), along with a crystal pedulum thats always hanging around her neck. For clothes she almost always wears a pair of converses with writing all over them, a pair of either blue, black, or gray rippedskinny jeans, and a band tank top or t-shirt. When walking around outside she usually has a bright blue sweatshirt no matter the season.

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Name: Juno Winner

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: His mouth never stops. He lacks what people call a conscience he believes its called a censor. He finds himself sticking his foot in his mouth over and over again... Usually never learning from it. He is irritating and intolerable times... but you just cant help but love his humor and what some people call his good side. He is an incompetent fool that shines from time to time, unless he is either not being lazy or getting into trouble. He is overly sensitive when it comes to women so he usually handles them in mean ways... saying things or doing things that get him into trouble.

Likes: He loves movies, cartoons and comic books. anything a 10 year old boy would love he loves. He has never grown up from that phase.

Dislikes: Although he likes cartoons and comic books do not take that as him liking manga and anime. Shy people he thinks they just need to stop hiding. people that find themselves superior

Sexuality:he is straight.

Crush: except for one man crush that he has on Jona that he openly hits on. He believes Jona and Juno are like salt and pepper made to compliment each other.

Best friend: He treats everyone like a best friend which is a good and bad thing about him.

Other: He has a very, very interesting history.



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